• *~*~*~*~*~* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BETTY! @sjell *~*~*~*~*~*

  • >

    Happy Birthday Betty @sjell

  • Good morning, glassies. Cold, cold, cold, wintry mix, snow, sleet, ice...so had to cancel my radiation today as no one will drive to Tulsa. Roads are full of accidents. They say radiation is easy to make up...they just tack another day at the end of your schedule.

    ~~~~~ BETTY @sjell ~~~~~

  • Good Morning everyone. I went away for 4 days. I headed south 400klms to a swapmeet. First time I have done this one. Everyone had been talking it up, saying how good it was. But it rained, the crowd count was down and everyone was saying how slow sales were. It was OK but nothing spectacular. I had a fantastic time though. Lots of fun.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELATED LEAH @goodwinantiques

  • Good morning (just) everyone It's going to be a hot one for us down here 🙁
    Carl @carma I think the vase is DDG!!
    Betty @sjell I hope you are feeling much better today (((((hugs)))
    JimD @newtonenterprises I have managed to survive 58 years without a roof rake. I'm sure I can go another 58 years 😆 😆 😆
    Wendy @wjweese I hope you too are feeling better today

  • Got the computer back on. The storm has past. Still a bit of rain and drizzle but no lightning or thunder.

    @sjell BETTY ... HI there, we must have posted at just about the same time before I logged off. So sorry you are having to deal with pain. I keep a little prayer memo pad and I just added your name to it.

    Think I'm going to work on filling up a box of stuff for each of my mall booths, so that the next time I get ready to go I'll have a nice assortment to take. Too often I wait til the last minute and then don't take near enough to restock.

    Later today, I hope I have the energy to go buy some allspice and make some delicious cookies. 🙂

  • Good Morning everyone. Must get my act together today and start preparing for my next ( and first for the year ) up and coming swapmeet. Seems like it has been forever since I hit the road.
    This next one is usually one of the hottest I do. It has reached 47°C while I have been there.
    Don @donscns Congrats to your DD BTW I can see your chest sticking out with pride from here LOL
    Betty @sjell could the red script you are seeing, links? Mine shows in blue but maybe yours shows in red????? BTW great to see you here on the board.
    Gail @songbreeze yeah but we have very few deaths from these creatures We stay way from their homes and they'll leave us well alone.
    OH my goodness Marson @panishklo please be very careful. But I must admit, with my wicked sense of humour, I did have a little giggle . A bit like in the comedy movies....sorry... I do hope you are OK

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Hope everyone is doing well and that some thawing has begun for your area.

    @donscns DON ... how excited for your daughter you must be. Congratulations!

    @sjell BETTY ... interesting as I have not seen any red text. I'm using Chrome. I see or experience different things a lot depending on if I'm using IE or Firefox or Chrome.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... LOL! you may not have have hurricanes or tornadoes but you have the most deadly sea life, snakes, and spiders in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @panishklo MARSON ... I'm surprised you aren't encased in a solid block of ice.


  • @sjell Betty I am proud of all three and the job they are doing/did with their children. On Grand is here http://daninesmith.wordpress.com/

    Fenton That was my thought but I do not spot it.


  • Betty @sjell I put on brave face. No one wants to be around sad sacks. I keep that for home when I am alone .
    Katy good buying for only $6

  • Good morning, glassies. Another stormy day. Thought I best post early before I have to shut the computer this afternoon.

    @fyrqueen KATIE ... hope weather isn't treating you too badly in your area, but I know you are getting some of this. As far as artificial sweeteners, I agree with you, the aftertaste is horrible.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... sure hope you are able to get your computer up and running. Was shocked to read you all had a tornado in your area. Never thought of your State having tornadoes!

    @sjell BETTY ... what a horrible fall! Glad you didn't have any worse complications.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE .... Good luck at your swap meet!

  • Thank you Julie, Gail, Amber and Betty for the sympathy/empathy....I appreciate it! 🙂

    Yikes Betty @sjell , what happened to you was way worse...that sounds awful! Sure glad it wasn't anything serious, but I imagine that really hurt! Sure hope you are feeling better by now.

  • Good afternoon all, Been busy getting all the last minute things done for the swap. Thought while I have a cuppa I'll have a scroll to see what's happening here
    Betty @sjell ((((hugs))))

  • Good Morning everyone. Last day of Autumn here and though it is chilly first thing, the sun is shining and we are in for yet another DDG day 🙂 I hope this continues through out the weekend because I am heading north up the coast to a Swapmeet tomorrow morning. Last year at this swap it didn't stop raining.
    Amber @amber1986 & Betty @sjell Thank you for letting us know Shelly is OK
    Janice @sunwoman3663 have you tried Natvia a natural sweetener http://www.natvia.com/ or Norbu http://www.weighitup.com.au/nutrition-and-health/1302/what-is-norbu
    Both these sweeteners have been recommended and used in some of the recipes I follow on my "Diet"
    Suzy @suzy ((((hugs)))

  • Good morning, glassies. Been busy as this week I have to make my round to the malls so I've been tagging stuff. I also need to get some things listed but I just haven't had enough time to do so. I'm working on a project to crochet blankets for my grandchildren. I'm VERY slow at crocheting. I've spent hours upon hours each day this week and still am only a third of the way through the first blanket. I do love to crochet though.

    @glassusa BOB ... how in the world do you get so lucky to come across a pair of everglades. I've never even seen them in person, only in books. They are gorgeous.

    @jmart8248 IRENE M ... How beautiful all the flowers must be and it really sounds grand that you have a porch where you can relax and enjoy them.

    @sjell BETTY ... always enjoy seeing you check into the Chat.

    @panishklo MARSON ... thanks for all the chocolate! I surely enjoy it! 🙂

    @mainewildrose SUE ... so glad you were able to ID the Heisey for Diane. I'm at a loss when it comes to what I call the Colonial patterns. I printed out what you posted. Thanks!

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... glad your weather is turning so nice and your swap meets will be starting up again. Always enjoy your adventures with traveling and your markets.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... It was my little East Coast Washington D.C. granddaughter who broke her arm. As you can tell in the picture, she was very proud of her new bright pink cast...the doctor let her pick the color. http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/4/4/3/3/6/9/webimg/665407292_o.jpg

    @dianes DIANE … that is a lovely Three Panel berry set…yes, by Richards & Hartley #25, ca. 1885...and it has NOT been reproduced. Haven’t had time to check your CHS.

    @fyrqueen KATIE … you just wear me out with all your yard work and work about the house. Picking up a rag to wipe dust off the piano is a big deal for me.

    @wellingtonct LAURIE ... would love to see pics of your green pitcher and your milk glass "thing". 🙂 Glad your snow is melting.

    @george GEORGE ... hope you and your DW are doing well.

    @donscns DON ... will you have a summer break before long? Or do you also have summer classes for your wee souls?

    More coffee needed. I will take a photo later and show you all the blanket that is taking up all my time...whether you want to see it or not. 😀

  • Good afternoon everyone. Yet another perfect warm sunny day for us down here. I do hope this continues on for the next weekend.This kind of weather puts everyone is a great spending mood at the swaps LOL
    I have spent the first part of the day with Miss P. We had a lovely morning shopping.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 Our rain is really unpredictable down here. Usually it is either flood or drought. We can have very wet winters and very dry summers. Or we can have very wet summer and very dry winter.Mother Nature likes to keep us on our toes LOL
    Bob @glassusa congratulations on a great buy
    Betty @sjell Nice to see you pop in for a visit.
    Marson @panishklo YUM thanks for the chocolates 😀 Of course they are calorie free , aren't they ? 😆

  • Good Morning everyone. We have been getting some glorious weather down here. Nice crisp mornings followed by warm sunny days. I love Autumn!!
    Betty @sjell I am glad you had a lovely day. You deserve it so much with all you have been through lately
    Leah @goodwinantiques Thank you for the added info on the drape pattern. Are you saying her pitcher is Kralik?
    BTW a word of warning . Be very careful going into the Pressglas-Korrespondenz site. It sucks you in and before you know it the whole day has gone 🙂 Also Glenn Thistlewood is such a lovely person, she shares her knowledge so freely. Her sites are a great reference and she is often answering questions on the GMB , along with many other knowledgeable ppl,which is another good site for any glass that is of European origin.


  • Good morning from sunny NJ -- it's supposed to be warm today.

    @ohliz Liz, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    @sjell Betty, as long as you keep waking up after going to sleep, there's no problem!

  • @sjell Betty -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a lovely day.

  • @sjell BETTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Shelly @shellyrae37 When I was in Bali last year I had planned to go parasailing but the weather didn't co-operate. First day we had booked, it turned out not windy enough, so we rebooked and that day turned out to be too windy. So it is still on my bucket list. I won't Bungee jump though
    Betty @sjell your mention of starting a bush fire triggered another memory. We used to go down over into the paddocks and hide in the drainpipes under the road and smoke. Once we accidently set the paddock on fire and had to run to the fire station which was just a minute away and report the fire. Of course we didn't know how it started, when asked LOL But I am sure we had guilt written all over our faces .
    raoflmaopmp , yes we were sweet little girls . Funny my DD was totally different to me, she was really truly a sweet little girl. Now this little Granddaughter I am afraid has too much of Grandma's mischiefness in her LOL She is going to keep everyone on their toes LOL
    Katie @fyrqueen don't you just shudder sometimes at the things we did and wonder how on earth we made it this far LOL
    Don @donscns Good hunting
    Lainey @favoritegram LOL we used to tow each other around on skate boards behind push bikes. Lived on a steep hill OH the thirll of hurtling down it and crashing into the paddock at the end LOL I am still amazed that I have never broken a bone
    Suzy @suzy Good luck with your sales
    Diane @dianes DDG pitcher. Is it Moser?

    Thanks everyone for the childhood memories. Weren't we an adventerous mob? LOL

  • Betty @sjell Definitely chuggalugging the Holy communion is a No No, especially at 6a.m Sunday Morning...well so our Minister told Ruth after the service LOL He was not impressed .Another NO No we discovered was smoking hollow twigs..well I discovered it anyway. The darn things are filled with ants 😆 😆 😆 Not nice getting a mouth full of ants. LOL Oh dear the silly things we used to do LOL
    George @george I am glad the bubble is getting smaller.

  • @sjell Hi Betty I agree with the vegimite(sorry Julie). I am now at 30 minutes down and 30 minutes up u7ntil next Wed. Unfortunately the head up hs the gas bubble edge right where it interferes with the vision but still a relief. The face down is not as stringent as it was a few years back and some Docs are not ordering it. Mine did because she gets better results with it.

  • Good Morning everyone, seems like forever since I have had a chance to visit 🙂 And to be honest I really do not have time to be sitting here now LOL So it is just a very quick scroll and I will miss a lot of posts . My Dining room is in a huge mess with me sorting for my next market this coming weekend. And to top that off on my way home this morning I called into an Op Shop and saw a lovely dining setting I just had to have. So I now need to get this dining room all sorted and the old dining setting moved out before they deliver my "new" one this arvo.
    So lovely to see Betty @sjell well enough to be able to post. And also Laurie @wellingtonct.
    George @george I hope you continue to heal after your eye surgery
    Julie..saying hooroo for now

  • @sjell Hi
    betty. mine was just the hole repair.
    the surgeon told me that some

    doc no longer want the face down but she did. I know one personwho did not do that and they needed a repeat.. My key board is not tethered to yhe computer but with it on my lap it is still hard mor me. My nose gets in the way LOL. george

  • Good afternoon everyone. It's Thursday here,my day with Miss P and our morning at Gymberoo. Miss P is sleeping atm so Grandma can have a catch up scroll here 🙂
    Re Mum Thank you all for the hugs and kind thoughts. It is hard for us all to see Mum deteriorate like she has. It is her decision, not ours, to go into a Nursing Home. Just last week we all spoke about trying to persuade her to coming down here to live with my sister.But yesterday Mum spoke to me about going into a home. I told her she had options and could move down here with us, but she knows that a Nursing home is the best for her where she will have 24 hr Nursing care, Which is very close now to what she requires. She is now having trouble walking,needs assistance with showering and dressing too. Her next door neighbour has been a blessing to us all, as she has been Mum's Carer, since Dad passed away. She has been going in each day to make sure she has taken her pills, staying there while Mum has her shower As some of you will know Mum is now 85 yrs old and has been living on her own since Dad passed away 5 yrs ago. She lives a 2 hour drive away from us all so it is very difficult for us to be there as often as we would like to be.
    She has all her faculties and knows what she is doing,its just the poor old body is wearing out and she knows each day she is becoming limited in what she can do. We have a very good system down here. Mum is covered by the Veterans Affairs, so gets top service and very good choices in the Nursing Homes of her choice.She will have her own living quarters but there will always be a nurse on hand. I doubt she will choose one with her own kitchen though. I think it best that all meals be prepared for her. She spoke to me of some of her choices. Some very good ones near where she lives. I personally would like to see her move to one down here.That way we could visit her every day But in the end it is her choice and of course where there are vacancies too. We also have the protocol to go through, medical team to assess her etc.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 sending ((((hugs)))) & positive thoughts
    Gail @songbreeze YIPEEEE when you win all that money you can come on down here for a visit 😀
    Betty @sjell Glad to see you "back in the saddle" and selling again on eBay. Good Luck with it all

  • Good Morning everyone. Another DDG Spring sunny morning 🙂 Suppose to reach 30°C
    Gail @songbreeze Glad you had a great time
    Betty @sjell It's so good to see you posting. I hope to see you more often 🙂 and you too Marson @panishklo
    Don @donscns Congrats!


  • Good Morning everyone. Very chilly here this morning 40F in my kitchen. brrrrrrrr
    Having a quick scroll while I have my cuppa and then I am heading off for 3 days to a swapmeet, where it is going to be even colder than here. Tomorrow morning & Sunday I will wake with the grounds and my stall tables , covered in an inch of frost .Its the same every year there. brrrrr very cold on the little fingers trying to work and also cold on my tootsies LOL.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 Yes Miss P was pleased to see me, but I bet not as much as I was to see her.
    Hi Betty @sjell I am glad you are hanging in there. Do take care
    Gail @songbreeze that is terrible news about your son & family.
    Nina @madferu LTNS glad you found time to visit. Sorry I can't help with your ID.
    Reen @reeen All the best for your procedure.Doesn't sound at all comfortable.
    Julie...saying hooroo

  • Good Morning to you all. Windy and cold here atm BUt the wind is welcomed for a change as it should dry out the back yard for me. Just so long as it doesn't stay around too long LOL
    Helen @10bbg10 I slept in my bed LOL I moved some of the tubs out into the loungeroom so I could get to my bed LOL. Hopefgully by the end of the day I will have finished with all this sorting and I'll have my home back again.
    Sorry I can not help you with your book. Only thing I can think of, is maybe that signature is of the person that once owned the book and seeings that the book is in USA maybe they were American, not an Aussie.
    Hi Betty @sjell Ditto what Gail said about your glass
    Don @donscns Sorry to hear about Radar/Velcro

  • @gailmacphee GAIL MAC ... It does have a name, EAGLE aka FEDERAL EAGLE. Can be seen in Tom Felt's L.E. Smith Glass Company: the First One Hundred Years on page 253

    @sjell BETTY ... always good to see you!. Sorry I can't help with your item...to me when I see one like that I simply think "Bohemian, ruby cut-to-clear." Rather generic thought, but that's the best I manage to come up with. They are so very pretty.

  • Betty @sjell - TYVM ! Greatly appreciated !

    Curse you Friday the 13th. I bought an Imperial Golden Shoji 9" vase on eBay earlier for a decent price. Piece was described as "Pristine". Arrived 30 minutes ago with a very nice, large crack running across the edge of the base. Seller does not accept returns. I sent him an email asking for instructions on what to do next.

    My question - do I file a Buyer Protection claim with eBay or file insurance claim with USPS or both or wait for Seller to respond ???

  • @mainewildrose SUE & @sjell BETTY .... oh, thanks so much for letting us know. Yes, Sue, it does still leave the milk glass tray a mystery, but glad the amberina tray and trinket box are cleared up! Must go on-line and look up that book. I've already just ordered two books this morning, don't know if I should try for a third...but will see the price and decide. 🙂

  • Good morning, glassies. Hi to SHELLY and GEORGE.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY .... sweet little set but I have no idea with the who or what.

    Kinda got to moving too fast yesterday and never got a chance to comment on posts....

    @kasi KASI ... I had a Walther Pelican frog and bowl and sold it last year to a woman in Australia.

    @fyrqueen KATIE ... your travel sounds like a horror story. What a mess! Sorry it turned out so rough and sure hope your trip home is uneventful. Such good news that your friend's DH is a bit better.

    @jpthings BEAR ... what a busy time for you! Hope all the birthday and holiday celebrations were fun!

    @sjell BETTY ... always good to see you popping in. Hope you make it here more often.

  • Good Morning everyone
    waving madly @ Betty @sjell Glad you had a lovely day.

    Gail @songbreeze I hope you stay safe & dry

    We are suppose to have perfect warm sunny Autumn days, which is good because I head off this arvo( 1 hour drive) to set up for the markets tomorrow. Last 2 markets at Wollombi have been totally wash outs so the community will be keen for this to be a big success as the markets are a big part of fund raising for different community groups there.These are only held on the Monday of a long weekend,which I think are just 4 per year, if I a counting correctly. I love these markets, they have a great feeling to them

  • Some quick birthday greetings (on time & late):
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Betty @sjell LEAH @goodwinantiques and Elaine!!

    Lainey @favoritegram Happy Pesach (Passover)!

    Second seder is at my house tonight (we were at my mom's last night), an ever-changing number of family members will be here; most of the food is cooked, we're cleaning now. We are dealing with on-going health issues for MIL which is why DH is only now getting to vacuuming living room & dining room. SIL from San Diego has been here since Tues. and isn't heading home until 4/17 (at least part of the trip was pre-planned), so at this point she's dealing with most of it.


  • Happy Birthday BETTY @sjell
    LEAH @goodwinantiques

  • Morning all!

    @sjell - hi Betty, so glad you joined!

    @wattleihavenext - Julie, so sorry about your dear friend. Cancer has robbed so many 🙁

  • Gail @songbreeze Congrats on the new grandbaby
    waving madly at BETTY @sjell It's so good to see you here

    Good night all

  • Good evening, glassies. Home from a looooong but enjoyable day in Joplin. Found a couple of treasures that I'm trying to ID.

    @sjell BETTY ... what a delight to see you join us! When you have time, check out the upper right-hand tab that’s labeled ”How To’’ Manual. Lots of great info there. Some things are just a little different than the eBay chat and that will help you see some of the new positive features. Also to the right of the screen is "How to Post a Picture Link." So glad you are here!