• Hello everyone! Wanted to thank Julie, Fran2, Shelly, George and reen for the nice birthday wishes. Very thoughtful of all.



  • Dropping by to say "thank you" for those who wished me a Happy Birthday today. Very kind of you...Gail, Sharon, Don and Marson...I've had a wonderful day even though a little under the weather. Speaking of weather, hope you all see spring a little early this year. It's been trying for many of you. Betty

  • Gail...That's sweet. I sure can use all the prayers you can send up. Thank you!

  • Oops! Happy Birthday, Janet

  • Good Morning All...my apologies for running off yesterday before I saw your comments. Actually was dealing with some type of arthritic pain and had to lie down. That's my excuse and I'm keeping it.

    George...Read the link and you must be very proud of your family members. Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

    Marson...I am happy you weren't knocked out from falling snow and ice. Be careful and stay inside until it's warmer. Glad to live where I see bare ground year 'round.

    Gail & Julie...You're correct. It is a link and brings up another ad. Just what isn't needed with me. Thanks for posting what happens with your monitor.

    Carl...Beautiful piece of Kralik. Who wouldn't want it? Looks like a very special piece and yes, it will be interesting if you offer it for bidding. Good luck!

    Shelly...and all the rest who know me...have a good day. I'm off to find a better way to deal with back pain. Betty

  • Can anyone enlighten me as to why some of the text appears in red? Noticed this a week ago.

  • Here's wishing all Glassies a Very Merry Christmas!

    Mary...Happy Birthday, Pretty lady!

  • Shelly...YOU'RE BACK! Wow, this hasn't been your best week and happy you are sorting out problems and will soon be up and running again. Hope your DS can find out the problem with your printer.

    Marson...Nice, always, to see you posting.

    Gail...I'm doing okay with bump in my head. Feeling back to normal, whatever that is!
    Thank you for your kind post. I am doing okay but don't want to do a repeat performance ever in my lifetime.

    Julie...I think we all have those moments when we feel sad and missing our lost one. Some weeks are more difficult than others, but I still admire your spunk to get out there and continue living your life as Gordon would want you to.

  • Good morning all...

    Amber...Oh my goodness, is that Shelly spreading rumors about me? LOL! She's going to give me an ego problem when I'm really not all the nice all of the time. Bet Shelly didn't tell you about offering to come to Florida and help me when my DH was so terribly ill. It just about floored me to know that others cared what was happening. Shelly is like that...totally helpful whenever or wherever she is.

    Julie...I read your posts on Facebook but it's also nice to say "hello" here to you. Glad you are enjoying life and doing swap meets, etc. A true survivor! Keep up the good work.

    Suzy...I think perhaps being hit on the head by a clock isn't much fun. My falling backwards just happened without warning. I think perhaps my knee or hip gave way as I stepped into the foyer. I've never hit the pavement so hard and gotten a huge lump on my head. It's slowly getting better but I felt like I had been struck by an 18-wheeler. Glad you have no swelling or problems after the clock struck you.

    Feeling lazy today. I need motivation and it just isn't with me today.


  • Amber...Thanks for posting Shelly's email to you. Sorry to read about the loss of your campground owner's sister passing. None of us like to get news like that and be alone with only sad thoughts. I don't see Shelly having posted anything, so I guess it will be tomorrow and hopefully she'll be able to be back and visiting here.

    Suzy...Sorry about the clock hitting your head. Believe me, I know the feeling after taking a bad fall two weeks ago. Went to step up into the foyer and suddenly I went straight backwards and hit my head on the walk. Thought perhaps I had a concussion... the ambulance came, took me to the ER where I had an MRI. No internal bleeding but I surely have a nice goose egg lump that is still on my head and hurting.

    Sue...Just saw your post and wonder if your peonies blossomed for you this year. Recall how gorgeous they were and that you had shared them with the boys when you moved from Maine.

    Hello and goodnight to all...it's time for bed as I can barely keep my eyes open.


  • Oh my...I should have checked prior to posting. Sorry Amber, I didn't see your post. Just grateful that Shelly didn't have damage to their home. It's bad enough to be without a working computer, especially with auctions running. Let's hope Shelly will soon be up and running.


    Good afternoon to everyone!

  • Just heard from Shelly and I'm certain she won't mind if I share her message with all of you.

    "HI BETTY, Shelly here.. Bad storm ripped through our Area tuesday Night, Tornado touched down a couple places, but all we got is bad wind, rain, and it sounded like hail stones.. WE don't get this often but it took out my Ethenet in the computer, i was on the phone most of yesterday with Verizon & Hewett Packard, and still not on line.. I don't have a disc to install AOL nor can I get on line.. so using friends computer right now to get business done, but a few might be wondering where I am,. i don't remember everyones email address, so here I am .. Hope your doing alright.. I will get this fixed today (I hope)... Talk soon..Shelly"

  • Marson...I see you're in your usual happy mood. Thankfully, gluten free foods aren't on my list of can't have. However, chocolates sound yummy! Always a pleasure to read your posts.

    Diane...Your two items look like lamp bases to me. Very small opening for flowers. Hope you share when you find out just what they were used for and age.

    Waving at Sue, who knows her glass. Nice you can help Diane.

    Off to find something for dinner. Son was going to get takeout but haven't heard from him, so I shall check out the fridge and see what's easy to fix.

  • Good Morning All...busy week but time to visit.

    george...Good news that your DW is healing and hopefully feeling better. I'm certain you've made your share of trips to bring her items and see that she's doing okay. Tough time for the both of you but hopefully with wonderful results.

    Shelly...Glad you had such a lovely anniversary. I can almost taste those chocolate covered strawberries.

    Bob...I am drooling at your blue Cambridge Everglade Candle Holders. I have just one in clear and it has the look of carved ice. Love it...belonged to my MIL and that would make it at least over 70 years old. Must admit you have a way of scoping out the really neat items.

    Carl...Wonderful layout you're making. My DH would have appreciated all the work you've put into your display. He had so many trains, even the old Lionel when he was a child with the wide track...still have them and hope one day to get them out and list. I can't help but wonder if all of your foliage is artifical...it's so realistic and appealing. Talented guy, you are!

    diane...We've never met but I am thinking of you and your DH. Seems he has a very positive attitude and that is sometimes much of the battle. Prayers are being said on your family's behalf.

    Please forgive my not mentioning everyone. I don't come here very often but thought I'd drop by with a "hello" for all.

  • Good Morning!
    See we have a birthday girl here today...
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIZ! Enjoy your special day!

    IreneM...Thank you for your birthday wishes.

    NancyP...Now, why didn't I think of that. Great advice. LOL!

    Shelly...I got a bid on the gallon jug of shells. I felt I would and now it's for real.

    Hope everyone has a really good week! Betty, off to the dentist.

  • Late in dropping in but wanted to say "thank you" for all of the most welcome Happy Birthday wishes. It was a terrific day! friends and family spoiled me beyond all description. As I Mentioned to a group of friends, I went to bed last night and was 84; woke up this morning and now 85. Guess I'll have to stop going to sleep if this happens again this year! LOL! My sincere thanks to Gail, Julie, Fran2, Shelly, george, Marson, and NancyP. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Betty

  • Shelly...Been off the computer since this morning. Finally had to shut down and reboot and now everything seems okay. To answer your question re what were we cooking...well, eggs from the hen house. It was a windy day and one of our other playmates arrived on the scene and picked up a branch,stuck it in our little fire and then tossed it into the air. It landed in a pine tree and then the fire took off. Actually, the firemen congratulated us for staying there and attempting to put out the fire. It burned about four acres before it was out. No way would we have gotten away with something of that nature in today's world.

    The drowning incident happened when a friend had just gotten a multi-color beach ball...the type one blows up. I asked to bounce it and my friend told me if it went into the water I would have to retrieve it. It went splash into the water just above an abandoned grist mill dam. I went down twice and that's all I recall...next thing I knew I was on the river bank and muttering, "Did you thank him?" Evidently there had been a young man sunning himself at the top of the dam's structure. He jumped in and pulled me to safety. I never did thank him as he was gone by the time I came to. Somewhere out there is a hero who never personally got a thank you...for that, I am so sorry. To this day, I wonder who the young man was. I had a terrible earache for weeks afterwards and mother didn't know it.

    Gail...The perpetual motion gal! How do you maintain such a hectic schedule?

    Great stories from years past...enjoyable reading.

    Amber...Re old Fenton versus the newer Fenton. I enjoy some of the older pieces, especially after going through their museum at the factory. However, I think the newer Fenton with so many flowers painted on clear colored glass doesn't add all that much to the item. Guess it's just a matter of what one prefers.

  • Good morning everyone...

    Julie...Trying to picture you with a mouthful of ants. Oh, the things we never told our parents! Thinking back to childhood years, I guess it was best not to mention our activities. I know my Mom would have battled my butt. Never told my Mom that I nearly drown; accidently started a fire in a wooded area...we were having a cookout that no one knew about...well, no one until the fire department arrived. Oh, the list goes on and on! Weren't we the sweetest little girls? LOL!

  • George...That's good news! Goodnight to you...sleeping face down.

    Julie...Vegemite is something I've never tried. Also jumping off a cliff is on that list also. I suppose if you're brought up with a certain type of mixture, it comes second nature. Not insulting you or your taste. I got a kick out of Lucy and her ability to act up a storm. Oh, tell your girlfriend that chuggalugging (sp) the communion wine is a no-no. Great story along with Katie's and the Smurf.

    Time for sleepy ones. Night All!

  • George...will the bubble settle down and not be bothersome? Must be extremely distracting for you. Thankfully, I didn't have anything like that but I did have a detached retina, so be very careful and follow doctor's orders. Wishing you a good recovery and better yet, great vision once this is over.

  • George...Not bad at all when you can look up every 30 minutes. At least it would give your poor neck a break. Bet next Wednesday can't come soon enough.

    Shelly...Great hubby's home and you can spend Easter together. Yes, the cookies will be eaten. Surely beats something new that I have to dust or put on a shelf. LOL!

    Marson...I don't know exactly what Lucy was selling but it was the funniest skit I have ever seen her do.

    NancyP...thanks for the episode link from the show. I'll have to look at it again and will enjoy. I think years ago most of the medicines sold by venders were pretty much alcohol. No wonder grandma was always going around with a crooked smile on her face.

  • @Shelly...Thanks for the kind post. Had to leave due to company arriving for morning coffee. My friend handed me a gift bag filled with beautifully decorated Easter eggs, bunnies, etc. There is a specialty shop here where they decorate all their cookies and they are expensive, but a treat to enjoy the workmanship and they taste yummy.

    Is your hubby on his way home today? Hope you don't have to drive in bad weather. Give him my best wishes that these trips will soon be over and he'll be back on the golf course.

  • Good Morning All...getting a kick out of Vegemite. I loved the show Lucy did; never laughed so hard. What a talented lady she was! From all I've heard, Vegemite is something I can live without.

    George...How are you doing? How many more days of face down? Hope you have a good supply of straws for drinking liquids, loads of patience and heal quickly. No one can relate to the misery you are going through UNLESS they have been through the same ordeal.

    Waving "goodbye" to all my friends and the friends I haven't met yet.

  • George...Hi back at ya! My goodness but you have my sympathy if you also had to spend a week or more with face down. I wanted to die I was in such pain with my neck and back. I tried viewing the TV with a mirror and it didn't work. Didn't own a laptop so I had nothing but the radio and household noises to past the time away. Having the detached retina was the pits. Felt I'd been through enough. I do have 40 vision in the bad eye and happily I can live with that. Can't help you with your nose, but I can wish you no more problems with your vision. Isn't it wonderful how easy they now make this surgery? I recall a neighbor of ours who had both eyes done and she couldn't comb her hair for weeks or open up a window. She slept with two sandbags to stay immobilized during the night. Ahhh, the miracles of modern day medicine and surgery.

    My best wishes to your dear wife.

  • Katie...You were very fortunate. I recall my vision with macular started with everything looking bent or sign posts came up from the ground and then nothing before it showed the post again. Strange things bad eyes can do to all of us. I also noticed screens looking as though someone had bent them. Strange! When my retina detached, I noticed everything looked a light lavender...didn't think it was anything until I called the doctor. He told me either the same day surgery or at the latest, the first surgery in the AM. I had it done in the morning. Thankful I have less vision but at least I am not blind in that eye.

  • Shelly...Sorry to learn your DDIL had surgery. Perhaps she underwent some other type of procedure. Good she had help from her sister. I was lucky in that all the problems were with the same eye. Not too long after the retina re-attachment, I had to have cataract surgery.

    Katie...Nice meeting you. I don't know what kind of surgery you had but I must say you got off easier than I did when it came to recuperation.

    Here's wishing your DH a safe trip home. This poor world is surely getting blasted by winter storms.

  • Good Morning All.

    George...Sorry to read you've been through surgery. I can relate to what you are going through. Did you have to lie face down for a week? I had a macular hole and the retina specialist used a bubble to take care of the problem. Lying face down, especially with a bad neck and back, was so painful. Just as I started to feel back to normal, I had a detached retina and it required surgery. I am marveling at the thought that you are able to type. I wasn't allowed to even sit up in bed and had to eat everything face down. No soup on the menu for certain. Heal and take care not to undo all you've been through.

    Hi to all of my glassie friends from the old chat room. Some of you in this chat room I have not met, but give me time. Greetings to all!

  • Good Evening Everyone! Dropped in to lurk and learn. Some nice items being shown. Speaking of listings, I just got a few listed and it was hard work after not being active on eBay for well over two years...so many changes. Started off with shells, of which I have too many cluttering up one room, and then eventually will list other items. I truly don't expect to sell shells this time of year but needed to acquaint myself with the new forms, etc.

    Shelly...I just read about your DH. Sorry the test results came back and there's more you must deal with. Wonderful news that C was discovered early and treatment will be easier and perhaps a shorter time in his doctor's office following whatever is expected of hubby. Hang in there...better times ahead.

    Julie...Not good news re your dear mother. Hope she's able to make a good adjustment when you find the home suited best for her needs. I recall the times I checked out homes for my DH, shorter stays, and never announced I was checking out the facility. Some were wonderful...others not. I am very thankful that I was able to care for him at home for over 12 years. Sharp as a tack right up until the end. Like your Gordon, I still miss him terribly. Life is forever changing.

    Gail...What an adorable GD and oh, that gorgeous smooth skin! Did we all have a complexion like that when we were young?


  • Good Morning... My best wishes to all for a Happy Thanksgiving. It's a beautiful day here in sunny Florida.

  • Hi Marson...Thank you...nice to see you posting. Hope all is well with you.

    Shelly...LOL! Are you telling me they have beepers for hearing aids? Have put off going to check them out as I haven't a clue which type to buy. Seems as though everyone I know complains about the brand, etc. Not looking forward to choosing something I know nothing about.

  • Good Morning all, see many of my old chums from the chatroom...Beautiful day in sunny Florida...crisp and air is so fresh.

    Note mention of Bob's Fenton Chip N Dip sale and Shelly's reference to my being interested in milk glass. I actually watched your auction, Bob, and was astounded at the bidding. Happy for you. In checking my resource I usually refer to, Shirley Griffith's Pictorial Review of Fenton Hobnail Milk Glass Revised Edition 1994, I noted that back in 1964 she placed a book value of $195. and it being very rare since it was only made in 1970. She described the Chip N Dip as being made both with a straight edge across the division of the bowl and also with the division having 1-1/2 scallops on each side with a straight edge in the middle as if the scallop had been cut off. Very few were produced due to breakage. This is the reason for the differences in the divisions. My vision wasn't good enough to tell from your photos which divider you were showing. Bet the bidding war felt like the earlier days on eBay! Congratulations!

    Shelly...Sorry to read about your hearing aid. Look in pockets...maybe during all the mayhem you tucked it in a pocket for safekeeping. Those things are so darned expensive but necessary and I'm making moves in that direction for better hearing.

    Spent yesterday framing my Abraham Lincoln Log Splitter Kemple MG Plaque. No pictures of it but it looks great to these weary eyes and hopefully I'll find some place to hang it. Trying to keep all of the milk glass in the dining room, a few chickens in the kitchen and lamps in bedrooms. Hope Early American furniture will come back and also the demand for milk glass 'cause that's what I already have.

    As to Fenton Bowl #3623, Griffith rated that as Very Rare and gave it a value of $72.00. Since it was made from Jan. 1961 - 1964, perhaps more of them made regardless of rarity and people may have thought more were available. I have Walk's books here somewhere but can't locate them at the moment.

  • Lurking and learning this morning. Hello everyone...hoping you all have great plans for a good weekend.

    I usually lurk and not post but reading Shelly's post re Lipitor, I must add what happened when I took the medication. I started aching with every bone in my body making life miserable. At about the same time, my sister had also been taking the same medication. She ached so much that she stopped taking it. I changed over to Tricor and could tolerate it without any pain or discomfort. Have been on it for several years and it seems to be doing the job. Would highly recomnmend anyone needing such a medication discuss it thoroughly with your doctor.

  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Shelly...Doubtful that my two Chafing Dishes will end up being sold. The copper and brass one fell off the counter and has a dent in the cover and the one that belonged to DH's parents will be given to one of his nieces, keeping it in the family.

    I hope you're right in thinking milk glass will gain favor with more people. Leave it to me to collect the wrong item at the wrong time. Oh well, I'll just enjoy the pieces I have and pack the rest away in case people have a change in taste.

    Julie...Nice to see you back from your holiday. Glad you enjoyed yourself and almost envy your getting away. Had hoped to go to Maine this summer but with my breathing, decided better to stay at home where it's cool and comfortable. As it's said, "Life is great if one doesn't weaken." I'm hanging in there!

  • Katie...That's exactly what my Swedish MIL used her chafing dish for...Swedish Meatballs. They were always wonderful. Thinking about chafing dishes, I just recalled I also have one in copper and brass, given to us back in the 1960s. It's packed away somewhere in the garage.

  • Good Morning Glassies!

    Helen...I believe one would call your two items, CHAFING DISHES. I have not seen smaller ones, but do own one in a family size much like the two you posted. Mine has the alcohol burner, insert for food that fits into the bottom, which is filled with hot water. Naturally, the food dish is covered to retain the heat.

  • Carma...That's one heck of a great deal on lobsters and steamers. I had lobster rolls tonight and have enough for more lobster rolls or salad after I start yearning for lobster again. I had to smile at the prices of lobster these days. When DH and I were first married in the late 1940s, we used to stop just outside of Mt. Desert Island for lobsters at Lunts, 69 cents a pound. I recall making the statement to hubby that we'd never get ahead by paying THAT price for lobster. Little did either one of us know what the price would be, which is much higher, in the later years. Enjoy your feast...wouldn't mind having a nice plate of steamers about now. Miss Maine seafood but lucky we have several places in our city that now stocks northern seafood.

    Marson...Always nice to greet you. Hope all is going well and you're enjoying warm weather, but not too hot. It's been a long time since I've had any Pickerel. My Mom used to prepare it and it was always so delicious!

  • Hi Everyone! Carma48...Been lurking lately but your post made me want to share with you lobsters in Florida. We have a wholesaler, Bar Harbor Lobster Company, located in Orlando, FL and they sell Maine lobsters, both wholesale and retail. However, they also sell cooked Maine lobsters for just $4.99 each, regardless of whether they are l lb. or l-1/2 lbs. Niece picked up three lobsters for me yesterday and I shelled them out for lobster rolls tonight. They are soft shell and semi-hard shell as of this last purchase...they've been mostly hard shell but we both know the season for soft shell is upon the industry. Since these lobsters are sold on a daily basis, they are not ones that have been in a tank for weeks on end.

    Shame you had such a miserable meal. Used to go to the Landings in Rockland and always found their food to be very good. Used to enjoy the lobster stew with sherry and lots of butter at another restaurant on the main street in Rockland. Last visit there was a terrible disappointment. Evidently new cook or ownership, but it was the last time we would ever eat there. Perhaps this is what has happened to your friend Earl's suggestion...change of ownership or new cook. The manner in which you described the other entrees, it seems that perhaps they are shortcutting the cooking and using frozen fish or crab cakes. Sounds as if none of your delightful group would ever go back. How's that for ruining a business! Terrible! Hope you all made your dissatisfaction known to the manager or owner.

    Hi to everyone, especially my old friends.

  • Fran2...To clear up any confusion...the link you posted http://garden.ebay.com/ is the one where you can click and another page comes up for remarks. The one you posted this morning doesn't work that way, at least not for me.

  • Good Morning Everyone!

    carma...Sounds like quite a day you have planned. Hope the buyers are out there in droves. Good luck!

    Fran2...I read your earlier post re eBay and checked out your links. If everyone went to the second link you posted, they will see each person can give their opinion by clicking onto "Tell us what you think." It will take you to another page with room to really let them know your feelings. I did in no uncertain terms. It's a stupid idea of sending a buyer items before payment is made. Probably won't change much but it's great to let eBay know how we really do feel about their so-called suggestions or changes.

  • George...thank you for your input on the ruby glass. I will write niece and let her know what she has but with no age information. Hope all is well with you and your dear wife.

  • Shelly...Re the ruby glass or vase, whatever it is. I'd gladly send it to you but it's not mine. I promised my niece I would find out who made it and hopefully how old the piece is. Gail and Julie both said Bohemian, and you too. I've had the photos ever since I went to Maine last summer and promised her I would attempt to find out who made it and when. Just found out how to add a link here and that's how come I asked for help yesterday. No red, white and blue in my decor...well, our beautiful flag but that's the limit.


  • Marson...waving back at ya! Also Julie. Guess I have the answer to my glass question and I thank all of you.

  • Gail...thanks for your input. I wish I had more than just the one.

    I need to read up on posting here. Never seem to find the time and that's just one excuse. Not a very good one I'm afraid.

  • Oops! Here is another photo showing bottom.
    Thanks for any help you might be able to give me. Betty

  • Hello Folks...been a long time but I'm here asking for an ID. Does anyone know who made this item. Betty

  • Bill...Glad George helped and strangely enough, I was admiring the glass in that particular book just this past week. Some really gorgeous pieces to drool over. Looks like a great find for you...congratulations!

    Marson...Hello, dear lady. Think of you often and send my best to you. Hope springtime arrives soon for you and anticipated planting is a reality.


  • Bill-itsagas...I have a copy. How can I help you?

    Wishing all the Moms a Happy Mother's Day.

    Shelly...If you're around. Hope you're on the mend and PT going well.


  • Sue/mainewildrose...No genius, but thanks for the compliment. Was determined to find that tray if it took me all night. As a last resort, I decided to check the only resource I had left and brought out the ruby books. Couldn't believe my eyes when the ruby tray and little covered box was shown in the book. Even a squirrel gets lucky and finds a nut once in a while. LOL!

    Gail...I knew you were checking and let's hope the tray Sue has is from a better source. It appears to have quality.

    Marty...I saw the two piece blue container you showed this morning in one of my books yesterday. However, I went through so many books that I can't for the life of me recall which book. Will try to find your item and post here if I have any luck.

  • Hello to everyone! Wanted to mention to the gentlemen that I thoroughly enjoyed the posts from earlier today on the reason glass manufacturing is failing in the US. It all made such good sense, but shamefully the companies evidently didn't see into their own bleak future.

  • Thanks to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes. It has been a terrific day and one spent with appreciation and happiness. I'm so fortunate to have so many friends. Bless each and everyone of you. Betty

  • Happy Birthday to the twins...GEORGE & SUE!

  • George...I don't recall why I got so ill. I blamed it on food poisoning, but evidently it wasn't that. Know they say not to eat raw veggies or drink the water in Mexico and other countries, but that never happened in my case. My episode happened about 7 years ago and sure as the dickens hope it never, never comes back.

  • George...Don't believe it was the Mexican water with Fran. I had 3 Dif once and thought I was going to die. Spent a week in the hospital and came home totally wrung out. Flagyl 500 MG was the only thing that finally helped me after 3 different antibiotics.

  • Finally, my password worked for me. Shelly, hope the info I sent you was helpful. Overcast and cooler in sunless Florida today...not my kind of day.

  • Dropping in to say thank you for all the members who posted welcome to my being a new member. Hi there! Gail, George, Shelly, Kelli and anyone I may have missed. I've a lot to learn and hope I can start doing things correctly. Rather hot in Florida today...into the 90s and tomorrow, 64. Go figure!

  • @Marson and @fran2...thanks for the welcome.

  • Have made several attempts to join chatroom. Finally, here and see old friends and new ones I hope to make in the future. Have been away from selling for over a year and a half. Hope to catch up on eBay changes and may ask for your help over the next few months. Betty