• SHELLY: LOL! I just like to create and fuss with food!

  • SUZY: Glad to hear you are feeling better and Shingles on it's way to being a 'thing of the past'....

    REEN: Good luck with 'upper GE"...I remember those and the flavors.....

  • REEN: Wonderful link. Just copied it to my email and I just wrote a longer post but GREMLIN GUS was at it again and I lost it..so I'll just say succinctly...lots of herbs I am interested in....very kind of you to go through the trouble of doing that.

    KATIE: You mentioned you made lasagna. Glad to see that you are now able to do that. Last week as I was telling SHELLY, I made lasagna roll ups...Same premise only you roll them up..I do them that way ..and only make them as I need them Usually when I make regular lasagna..I could call the ARMY! I make spinach, bacon, mozzarella, feta and parmesan cheese that way as well with the 'roll up' concept. Sometimes adding sautéed onions for that carmelized taste!

  • OH REEN - Yipppeee! Love this..thanks so much...I so dislike that my condo is facing North, but I do sit there sometimes when the sun comes out..for that short time.

  • GAIL: I had the same problem when I had my ’Heidi”….You take care of yourself ..ok?

    SUZY: Hope the pain from shingles is lessening.

  • GAIL: Hope the rash subsides quickly but glad the test is over with...

    Does anyone or has anyone ever tried to grow herbs in the shade. Silly question, I know. I am on North side..Get sun for an hour in the morn and afternoon...only Thanks !

  • REEN: Hope your throat difficulty is solved....wow..we have a 'song bird'..Just kidding..wish I could sing...I have won 'dance contests'..when younger, but singing...everyone leaves the room...Not laughing...

    GAIL: Sending you hugs and all the energy I can muster. You have such a strong spirit....So glad it is - like everyone said - 'fixable'!

  • IRENE: No, I wasn't but just googled it..as I am amazed I have an Internet 'hot spot' down here at the shore..and took a look at them. Very unusual to look at ...very unique (beautifully done) but a bit too fancy for my taste...Nice for a show case.... and collecting!

  • KATIE: Prayers to your son's friend's family. Just so sad. My question is always a big 'why'??? Be nice to just live so long...no pain...no sorrow and just go to sleep. Guess we wouldn't learn any lessons....Is that the reason? Waxing philosophical again....very sensitive and 'suffering' runs rampant lately, it seems...Forgive me!

    One very noticeable and 'thankful' blessing on this board is a group of folks that have hearts of gold....I have witnessed boards with unkind discussions....Very rare and so glad to know folks here...

  • GAIL: And , yes, with your attitude, you will be as good as new in no time...such a positive outlook! Tons of strength, lady!

    KATIE: I can imagine your 'silk - plum' blouse (sounds gorgeous) I love the color plum and just bought a leather plum bag which makes now (oodles and oodles of bags)....Have a pocketbook addiction....Love to match my clothing....Aside from my nonsence, I am glad you are feeling better....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANCY....(laughing at you saying 'it better not rain'.)...Lots of little ones in your house then!

    REEN: Happy 'belated' to you and many more... How was your throat test?

  • Thanks, SHELLY…. Glad that your cast came off..and the splint allows for more freedom….

    GAIL: Glad that your waiting is over …Let us know how things are , if you care to share… You have such a neat attitude about everything….

    JULIA: Nice to see you back….Bet you had a ton of fun… How’s Ms. P?

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY<SUZY…Glad you got away for day or two!

    REEN: Yes…I am starting watching you tube videos….I started crocheting years ago…but then lost interest…For some reason when I saw Gail's baby blanket with the tulips….I became interested… I'm pretty fussy about what I attempt to do…IF I don't love it I won't start, so making sure I learn enough stitches…so I can choose…. I had made quite a few silly things years back and have since thrown them out…Like a hat for my pup, hearts….snowflakes…..You know the drill…Thanks for your helpful interest and suggestions. You are indeed a very wise lady!!

    SHELLY: We won…CYE….

  • HELEN: That is so funny!


  • GAIL: I found your pattern but not at Walmart ...Gosh, it looks so much easier when you showed a picture...I am learning to do all kinds of stitches on the net (fun) and when I master that .."THEN"..I will proceed to make other things...Learning how to make 3D flowers which are easier than the ones you make , however, I like yours better...lol

    Good luck on your test..Thanks again for all your data...

  • HELEN: LOL! Your three year old grandson's comment was 'precious'.....Still laughing! Wonder where he picked that one up!....

  • GAIL: Thanks so much....Just typed a substantial post but it went to CYBER HEAVEN...Hate when that happens...so I'll just say I will call Kmart and go online...or have Fred pick me up such as legs bothering me..

    CARL: Thanks for sharing that...Yes, I knew I had purchased about ten years ago, more or less a jar of 'Maine' wild blueberry jam...YUM!

  • KATIE: What a blessing to hear that....and that the exercise, as a result, paid off.

    FAIL: May I ask you what the name of that pattern is with the tulips....Windows eight lost your data.....Thank you....I will just go and buy it...Would rather have the entire pattern in the physical for my 'lame' brain to figure out as I am a newbie crochet -er....Really green...So , again, all I need is the Pattern number and name of that gorgeous Tulip afghan so I have the entire instructions in my hand....That seems to work for me rather than read on the net or in this case Windows or Gremlins eating it...I would like to purchase the pattern , if still available....Need the data in my hand....lol Thanks again...

    CARL: I enjoy your homey adventures....YUM...you made me hungry. Are those wild Maine blueberries. Where did I see or hear those mentioned??

  • KATIE: YAY! The worst is behind you now...no? SO glad that you know what was wrong and that you got it taken care of....You are a strong gal...and bet you are glad you did all that exercising.. Made your body even stronger. You must be relieved and feel so much better...I know, I would....Makes me feel good hearing this..Hate it when nice folks get sick..and

    Speaking of nice folks who never say much about themselves... GAIL....How are you doing regarding your health, if you don't mind me asking. You are so quiet about it..and we care. But if you'd rather keep it to yourself, that's fine as well.. You are such a brave gal...as others here are as well..

    REEN: You are an interesting lady... Always doing neat things...I marveled at your hubby and his biking adventure and you as well...You must have strong hearts...Keep it up...I would collapse riding a bike in this weather...even in the morning, so good for you!

  • SUZY: Hope this post finds you improving and in less pain from shingles...I like your spunk ..!!

    GAIL: Did my heart good to hear about that neat gal that wanted to earn her keep or make some extra spending money instead of running to mom and dad all the time..Must have a good up bringing...Parents don't realize the harm they do by giving in all the time...

  • KATIE: Take it slow and easy...Fixable is good.....and glad you are on the mend.

    What are they giving you for the rapid heart beat....Just wondering...

  • GAIL: LOL re: Avon depression glass...

  • GAIL: Thinking about you and glad you are relaxing...Soon this will be all over.

    SHELLY: AWWWH.....gee..hate to hear that your young son had shingles....Terrible and , yes, they say severe stress brings it on, but what do I know....My email still broken....ghhhhr!

  • SUZY: OUCH! So sorry you are going through this....Fred had them as well as I see many on here did....Hope your meds help! They say that severe stress brings it on.....Not sure, but seems logical! I know he was under tons of stress many years ago...when it started...

    REEN: Good luck!

  • SHELLY...Got your email RE: Kimberley...and will email you later....Having trouble with my email system....ghhhhrrr! Sending..not receiving...Wonder what I did now..trying to fix something else....Calling AOL.....She loved the email...Thank you!

  • REEN: I just called Trader Joes for you here to ask if they had one with just magnesium....

    Usually, REEN, it's best to take a balanced combination of calcium and magnesium which is in most good bottles of natural vitamins.....Good to get them at Whole Foods or Trader Joes or a reputable Health Food Store, but they are reasonably priced at these two stores and I trust them... as most of the other places are loaded with sugar, fillers, synthetic junk.....and here is what he told me.

    He has one with Magnesium and Calcium balanced..and zinc ...and another with same and vit D...nothing else....I buy my vitamins there and at Whole Foods.....

    REEN: GOOGLE "What they don't tell you about synthetic vitamins.....These are natural...Hope it helps....

  • REEN Thanks a bunch…Yes…Feels good to be more mobile…

    Reen….Have you gone to a health food store or Trader Joes..or Whole Foods?? (If one in your area – inexpensive vitamins at Trader Joes and pure with no fillers, sugar or synthetic mix)….Let me see what I can find tomorrow when I get back/….Hang in there and hope the week goes very quickly for you!

    KATIE: Hang in there, girl..

  • REEN: Hope your week goes by quickly for you..and that your tests bring good results...HUGS for you! BTW...love your deck garden.....

    I am struggling with this leg as well, but day by day...inch by inch..so they say...it's a cinch...lol...getting stronger..Listening to my wholistic MD...for a change...lol I can now walk four feet without a cane..YAY!

  • GAIL: So glad that this will get you to SLOOOOOW DOWN and relax...ENJOY!

    GAIL: with your wonderful attitude, you will come through this with flying colors. Besides we need kind folks like you....You keep this board together...Prayers and hugs for you!

  • GAIL: Hope your testing is going well...

  • KATIE: Thinking about you and hope you are doing well....REEN's idea, as I mentioned was great...especially with poor digestion right now....and as I mentioned be sure your veggies and fruits are organic...Why put pesticides in your smoothie...defeats the purpose....I don't do all organic as I can't afford it , but it sure makes good sense to not eat too many artificial GMOs...foods laden with preservatives...(such that our government won't divulge)...You know the routine..You are a wise , smart aware gal...Lots of luck , Katie....Hate to see you going through this....

  • GAIL: But - like my mom used to say ..better the pieces than our bodies....trying to make you feel better here. Sorry...lol BTW...hope your testing is going well and you are on the mend..

    KATIE: So sorry you are going through this...darn ol' tic ....Did he put you on Inderal ....another beta blocker???...Sometimes I hear they can make you nauseaus....and good luck on your echo-cardiogram.....

    KATIE: REEN had a good idea....Make smoothies with tons of fresh, organic veggies and fruits with almond milk...dairy from all the research I am doing...Type in OSTER STUDY...is bad for us!! Fruits and veggies always help the body....I still drink milk in my coffee which I am going to try to lessen...Never knew that but of course the 'big wigs' will never tell us that..Too much money to lose....I found that I need to research everything.....and make sure the research is consistent and UNBIASED.....

  • Katie: Surely hope you are are on the mend soon...They say it comes in threes, so I think you are pretty safe...Not funny...Rest well....and get better..

    Hope the tests relative to your heart that you had mentioned in an earlier post about a week ago....come out favorably....


  • GAIL: Glad to hear meds are working....You continue to take good care..ok? Good luck with the tests...Another HUG for a special lady!

  • GAIL: BTW....Hope your Bp has gone down! HUG!

  • KATIE: so very sorry to hear that, but you’re strong and you’ll rally…yes? I think with all the exercise you did, that will help the healing process.

    gosh…SHELLY CYE. Was wondering about you, as you are Johnny on the Spot with emails….I’ll email you, Shelly…don’t bother to email back…Rest your wrist..ok? HUG!

    You folks in this chat room are the best..and breaks my heart when anyone has a misfortune or sick….Life is not always easy…(big understatement) Dance between life’s raindrops….We can cry as well….It’s a healing process…..

  • KATIE: Looks like you are on the mend..thankfully! Just wondering if you still plan to sell as you stated on Ebay? I am also considering it and waiting to see how you do! lol No pressure, Katie....(laughing) Just kidding!

  • Good morning glassies!

    Here's hoping that KATIE is feeling better and that GAIL is relaxing and taking care of herself..

    I am doing therapy for my knee...Pushing and tired....This too shall pass....

  • Happy belated birthday, Marty

  • KATIE AND JULIE: Typed a post to you gals yesterday and it went into cyber space.

    I don't want to be rude, so came here to answer quickly .....as I have company now...Sis visiting.......Yes, Katie , I don't think there are too many people who don't like deviled eggs...as you said your hubby does...BTW, glad you are on the mend.

    JULIE: Your receipe looks so yummy...Do they call that 'butterflying' the chicken? Hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly and had a ton of fun! Knowing you, you did ! lol I am going to try that...(butterflying technique)

    SUZY: OMG...now that's some wind, but glad you are ok.....Goodness, what is with all this crazy weather lately..??

  • Good luck, KATIE, on your return to Ebay...I might go the same route.....Been thinking about it lately...We'll see! Can get rid of an awful lot of things that I no longer need...and someone else can enjoy them....I'll watch you...lol

    Feel like eggs for lunch , so for a change , will make myself some deviled eggs with or done the usual way but I will put some Feta cheese and bits of ham in....as I need to clean my fridge.....I love deviled eggs .....This way , I won't eat bread..Anything else I can bore you with...??

  • GAIL: LOL! Yep...great minds do think alike...Not so sure about mine, however....yes...I never realized how many patterns there are on the net...I decided, GAIL, to start off easy..with a pot holder with a flower in the middle...Then I can tackle baby blankets....hopefully!
    KATIE: LOL on Dracula....Glad that you are feeling better.....Just wanted you to make sure, but I see they are on top of it....

  • KATIE: Glad you are feeling better. Did they check you for LYME....? Make sure they do..as a friend had same symptoms and four months later....had mobility problems...check yourself out, please...She's fine now...but did have a lyme test..

  • GAIL: http://www.anniescatalog.com/crochet/detail.html?prod_id=16194&cat_id=344

    Not glass, but this is an unusual 'picture afghan' and technique..and making sure that you relax...lol

  • GAIL: While you are relaxing (YES???)…I thought you might enjoy this….as well….Your fault that I am now wanting to learn to do afghans, but easy ones Yours is so beautiful and adoreable that it got my fancy….I don’t like busy things….but do like simple detail..as was your neat baby blanket..

    But you are probably too far advanced for this, but now I am all excited…Hope I do well...lol I like scarves and blankets and afghans..Don’t like making anything else…re: knitting and crocheting , that is! http://www.free-crochet.com/newsletters.html

  • JULIE: I really enjoyed you telling us about your decorating endeavors....Sounds yummy!!!...and your floating candles, etc....sound so inviting.....Love cupcakes and it's all the rage....I started making cupcakes that I fill inside now......and bought this book ..entitled..."500 cupcakes'.....Enjoy your party....I enjoyed listening to you...yep

    My next endeavor will be making cupcakes with different flowers atop them .....with frosting , of course...(Not royal frosting...don't like the texture or taste).....Made cupcakes last month that looked like spaghetti and meatballs atop a cupcake made with Cherry jam.....frosting with a tip that was used to create spaghetti for this Italian feast ..lol ...and meatballs were made out of teeney ...cake pops.....and textured to look like spaghetti and meatballs atop a cup cake....Filled with marshmallow..and mousse.....that's my new thing.....as well as knitting and crocheting.....ENJOY JULIE!

  • Gail: Yes, we hope you are being a good gal....

    REEN: I am not so afraid of thunderstorns, but tornados....terrified.....Always think of the Wizard of Oz.....Not laughing....

  • GAIL: Glad to hear that your heart is A-Okay....and I am sure they will get your Bp under control...Time to sit and smell the roses.....Time for more baby blankets.....lol HUG for you and for BP to go down....IT will!

  • GAIL: OH ! OKAY ..I understand now...

    HELEN: Thanks for your informative data....Helps a lot!

  • RE: DIANE: Are we talking about the gal who ’s husband was just diagnosed with cancer….All I can remember is her telling us about two months ago – more or less – that her hubby’s lungs filled up with water…..(Not good) I had asked her if they knew what it was…..(usually a heart thing…..) She said it wasn’t his lungs…….Then one month, thereabouts, she mentioned on the board that her DH’s lungs filled up again with water..and I believe that is the last we heard from her…if we are talking about the same Diane…so my guess is that her hubby took a bad turn…Hope I am totally wrong….TOTALLY!

    I am starting to consider selling on Ebay again…Shelly said that the PO picks up packages from our homes or condos…Anyone else do that…That would help me tons ..so as not to have to stand in long lines when my leg hurts..

    Wondering if Bonanza, Ebay or Etsy has the best following? Guess, it’s …..about even, no? Thank you!

  • KAITE: Cute kitties!

    SUZY: Sorry your friend , Sammy, disappeared. Hoping he comes back to you....I am sure he has a good home, however, but still hope he comes back to you...I'll say some prayers....

  • GAIL: Loved the video. Thanks for sharing it with us! Simple truths and the 'stillness of nature' always ground me.....

  • REEN: How nice. Thank you! Enjoying your books...SMILE

  • GAIL: After all that , I would say 'You deserve to relax' BTW..got your email and sent you one . Mentioned that as my computer is doing strange things....Need to run another scan Changed virus protectors. Never had luck with Norton ..Don't know why. My friend loves it...

  • KATIE: Thank you for your caring words.

    SHELLY: LOL..IT sounds good on paper..

  • Back from Funeral...doctor appt...and glad everyone survived the strange weather patterns lately.

    SUNWOMAN: Yes, I have heard about cells, microwaves (destroys nutrients in our food).....etc...etc...being bad for us...but if I listened to all of that (I listen to some).....I'd cause more stress...Everything in moderation has worked for a long time....Sometimes, however, I am not too moderate...lol

    JULIE: I cannot tell you how many , many, many times I have said....gheeze ..did I really want that and what for? Called impulse buying....but fun...

  • Hello nice folks...Can't sleep thinking of Lyndsey...young girl that passed at our camp ground....

    SUNWOMAN: Enjoy your Key Lime pie...Interesting post....I, too, feel the same way about Maple Syrup...and as we speak, I just had a tab. of black strap , organic - unsulfured molasses...good for iron, etc....Your post made me hungry and was very informative...

    BETTY: Yes..Shelly is totally like that but she said you are as well....Something about writing everything out for her,...Nice to know there are folks that still care and they are on this board..which reminds me to thank Gail again...I am excited about my new project.....Thanks again for caring...and going through all of that, GAIL ...SMILE

    SHELLY WRiting from Vermont on lap top and glad all is well....Think I can sleep now...

    SUNWOMAN: What are your views on natural Melatonin...??

  • Hi there , BETTY: So sorry about your fall....Gosh..what next! Glad you are AOK...and sticking my childish tongue out at your bump...I am mad at life tonight...Tomorrow is another day and I'll start to look for the good things....and one is this: SHELLY TOLD ME the nice things you had done for her in the past (wondeful) and how nice you are. I can totally see that...So glad you are here posting with us all...nice group of folks here for sure.....Will try to sleep now...Nite now....and thanks again, Betty!

  • SUNWOMAN What is your take on raw sugar verses pure organic maple syrup!! After all, they are both natural Steevia , I am allergic to.....I do the Xylitol once in a while but you are right about after taste....but it is also natural...Can't eat too much or get tummy cramps....But it is better than Maltitol, so I hear....I am swaying toward pure maple syrup in moderation .....except when I feel like splurging which I also do....

  • BETTY: Not a problem at all...In fact, I am glad you clarified about Verizon......Our campground owners sister passed away today and I was besides myself but was thrilled Shelly was ok Here's SHELLY's message to me!

    Here's her email to me....

    This is short, I am ok, Tornado hit down about 30/40 miles away we got high winds and knocked out part of my computer.. Spent all day with Verizon and HP yesterday and still not back on line.. I cannot even get AOL back in, since I cannot get on line..  At neighbor friends house now.. and must get.. SO I am fine,  Thank you.. No addresses for web sites here.. so pray i get back on line.. HUgs, back.. Me

    JULIE: Sure and glad you had fun with Miss P..

    SUZY..OUCHIE as well.....Yikes...so glad it wasn't the Curio cabinet.....Life is funny, isn't it.....Sometimes I call it 'Gremlin Infested' Hope that bump goes down quickly....

    SUNWOMAN: Enjoy the pie.....I believe in enjoying life and moderation is great and sometimes....even less moderation is better...lol .depends....LIfe would be boring if I was a purist and totally good with the pleasures of life....I am pretty good most of the time...but sometimes, I just enjoy...I think that the pleasure of looking forward to some yummies now and again and that 'joy' felt does our spirit and bodies good..I don't care what the folks who never indulge say....lol

    Everyone else....have a nice weekend..

    Leaving tomorrow for Vermont...Wake is at 1 tomorrow.....

  • HOWDY: Got your email.... Gail (enjoy!)

    Just heard from SHELLY...Tornado hit down about 30 to 40 miles from them and it knocked out most of her computer...She was at a neighbor's house when she just emailed me....So glad she is ok.....She doesn't know when this will be fixed as the electricians were there all day yesterday.....Bummer...

  • REEN< GAIL< MARTY...KATIE Thank you.....NO answer...again

  • JANICE: Hope this helps....There are tons more if you don't like this one...


  • HELLO! I think something is wrong….Yes, GAIL..SHELLY did post on the 28th but REEN, if I read it correctly stated the tornadoes occurred May 28th ..that evening after SHELLY posted. I checked again…I have not heard from her…Checked the dates this time?? …Maybe something wrong with my server again….Don’t think so..

  • GAIL......Oh good..thanks for telling me that...Just checked my email.. ...She answered me......Just have been off the computer longer than usual , so things get combobbled.

    GAIL: I will be writing you an email in two days asking you about choices....lol ....Going to rest for a bit....Knee is bothering me....Thanks so very much again.....

  • Hello everyone ....I am concerned about SHELLY..as I haven't heard from her for two days.....Hope it's just the electricity.....I say this because she always answers emails...She is a 'Johnny (Shelly) on the spot gal' so very concerned...I shall email her again.....

  • GAIL: You are a special lady and thank you for all your caring and the trouble you went through.....I shall return the favor somehow but you have to answer the question in the email and boom! lol.....IF you don't you might get something you don't want......SMILE Thanks so very much again...

    REEN: Thank you......You sleep well!! Got one of your books as I speak......;-)

  • JULIA: Thank you for your kind words.....and 'way to go on your bid'...Hope it goes sky high! ....You go girl..

  • Thank you REEN and SHELLY!

  • I came here in a ’yucko’ mood ..Don’t have a lot of them….but certainly had one today…lol …(just having a stupid moment) and you folks made me feel great…Thanks so much! I feel good again…..HUGS to you all….

    GAIL: Sent it to you and …..triple thanks for your kindness…..(((HUGS)))

  • THANK YOU GAIL< HELEN< SHELLY< KATIE for you kind thoughts......Yep, Katie, more than a full moon....lol
    Sorry, Katie, about your hubby's accident....KATIE...GREMLINS....lol! GHHHHRRR!
    GAIL: Thanks so very very much...You are always so helpful and Johnny (enter GAIL..on the spot).....My attempt at crocheting that gorgeous blanket will be so 'lacking' compared to yours...but , gosh, I loved it.....Absolutely unique and very simply elegant.....Hope I can do half the job you did...Love to see your new blanket when you are ready.....You inspire me, GAIL, and have tons of sitting time on my dupas now...lol HUGS for your kindness

    SHELLY....Thanks again sweet lady

    Helen...Glad to see you are doing better....

    REEN: I am enjoying the books you sent me...Thanks so much! Hope your fence mishap is 'healing' nicely...!!

  • GAIL: I loved your blanket that you crocheted a while back with the tulips .....Would you mind sharing the pattern number, as I will be needing something to keep me very busy....and loved not only your work, but the gorgeous pattern and colors. Thanks so much....

  • Hello…..Went to sleep too early and now can’t sleep…Been MIA…and in the hospital when what I thought behind one knee was a baker’s cyst turned out to be a tumor pressing on nerves, etc…..Had a biopsy taken and not cancerous but will have it removed in about a month depending on circumstances, etc….


    Hope everyone is doing well..

  • REEN: I'm posting from Madison , Conn...and haven't been home but will be Tomorrow or Friday, so will let you know about books. Just didn't want you to think I forgot your gracious offer.....Thanks so much again...

  • FENTON: I wouldn't answer that email either....Sounds very strange.

  • SHELLY: love the cranberry/dark cherry goblet.....Love those for the Holidays, etc..

  • ~~~~~~~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REEN....and tons more!! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • Happy Birthday to a knowledgeable and giving Android.

    LAINEY...I loved your site on Perfume collectibles. Leans to art glass for me , so I may pursue it even more. Thanks for posting it...

  • REEN…Yipppeee…Thanks so much….Will help with the diet and how nice of you! of you…..Okeedoke…will send the address re: Ebay addy… Was having one of those 'low' mornings and your kindness picked me up! Thanks so much!

    Someone told me ’The Stand’ by King was great but the first part was so gruesome! Anyone else find it to be one of his best works , so I hear? …. Don’t like really gory! Like subtle eerie but not gory! …Thanks so much!

    KATIE: I would 'check' her off my list! Yes, Katie.....it is long. I'll start it again as long as you liked it...One gal that recommended it was a gal that liked 'gory'! Ok...good to know! This Jane Austen is a synopsis of her " Pride and Prejudice" and so detail oriented.

  • KATIE: Sorry your C.W. Anderson book buyer stood you up...Hate when that happens. I just started the book "The Stand" by King.....Not in love with it yet...Also, a book by Jane Austen....Too many details. Batting zero here....But ordered the NOOK tablet , so hopefully I can find more good books/apps on it..

    Anyone recommend a book you can't put down? Thanks

    Need to take a picture of this large piece of glass I may sell to auction next week..

  • DIANE LOL! I forgot all about those mushrooms...BTW, love your glass, etc.....

    SHELLY: OH good, now I have that image! You grill them, SHELLY..and get those grill marks....lol

  • I'm in the mood for a large portabella sauteed mushroom instead of meat for a change..with cheese, onion, lettuce, and tomato and , maybe, a piece of bacon (which defeats the purpose) but well..live a little...Trust me, I do!

  • GAIL: Thank you! Had two pieces ...piggy! lol BTW....another lucky grandmommy! Beautiful grandchild! Hope her arm is healing nicely!

  • KATIE: Thanks for sharing that sweet story. I understand about things not being the same. But they all live on sweetly in spirit and in our hearts. I totally believe that.

  • KATIE: Thank you! I always get the biggest kick out of the way you just go and find things so easily and then ...in a flash sell them...Makes me want to exercise even more to get out there with this dumb knee...I shall..I shall...Six of us gals were the shopping bums and on Saturdays , boy did we come home with a haul....

    So sorry, KATIE, that your sibling died at age two months and a sweet thing for your Dad to do!

  • JULIE: Thanks for your caring words...Shelly, You too ! I am so glad that what you endured with TERRY is just about all over for you...Now awaiting their determination from the treatment in May.

    JULIE: I am sorry that you had also gone through that and lost your hubby...Such a nice lady...but now you have joy in your life once again...I know you will always miss him.....but glad there is lots of joy.

    DIANE: Sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis....Hang in there! Day by day!

    Was the water build up in his lungs due to the cancer? Was confused by that being a concerned sort of a person! Was confused as they said his lungs were ok!! Hope it's not from anything serious!

  • Good morning!

    Today would be my dear deceased daughter Melodie's twenty fifth birthday! Please don't think me crazy but I bake a cake in her memory every year....Thanks for letting me share!

  • Wondering if anyone care to comment on the pros and cons of ETSY! Like the layout and was thinking of selling, but you know how that goes..! I heard they don't pull in much traffic..Is that a rumor?

  • CARL - You are a talented man! Your work is amazing.

    REEN: You could have made a ton running a catering business….Such a neat flair you have! I believe I heard you state that you will be ’public’ speaking’… ! I could talk in front of friends like at (remember the old tupper ware parties) but in front of a large crowd…’shiver me’ timbers’…(where did I get that saying? is that a saying?

  • ~~Happy Twenty-seventh Anniversary, SHELLY and many, many more ~~

  • DON! WOW! Gorgeous and so neat!

  • JULIE: Thank you! Yes, I do love pictures of Australia. It is so enchantingly different !

    Wonderful cozy and unique spot....Love it! LOL..on not going there this weekend..

  • Hi ya Katie...Back attacha'...

  • correction: If it 'does'...

  • I never had much interest in Carnival glass before but with all the talk of it and the experts, etc...stating different things about it. I have developed an interest. Doesn't matter if it is, but wondering if it sells well. I still want to get a few pieces of the Amythest and red. Search for Irene perked my interest in the history and designs and color..And to think years back, I didn't like it. Wonders never cease nor does change...lol

    Wondering how long each of you ..BILL, GAIL....TOBY, CARMA , etc..have been at it to know so much I believe Toby explained...Just amazing how much you folks know....I wish I had room for it all, but have to choose my collections wisely....So will get a few pieces. It's all your fault...

  • Good morning everyone! Sad to say that Massachusetts (Watertown) is in 'complete lockdown'...Swat teams all around! The suspect is there they feel!

    On a happier note...I love this site for Fenton Carnival glass...IT shows a rare set of matching pieces....I think I have a new interest. To think that glass that sold for pennies at Carnivals or was almost given away - is so popular....I was looking for IRENE's ROSE BOWL...http://www.colleywoodcarnival.com/fabulous%20rare%20pieces_1.htm

  • IRENE: I did some research....Hope this helps a bit....I will see if I can find something else. Learning like we all are....http://www.colleywoodcarnival.com/Fenton1.htm I am sure Bill or one of the experts like him - will be of more help to you but I tried...lol

  • IRENE: I have to congratulate you! I can remember when you had first started creating your Etsy site..and asking questions. Wonderful job! I went to your Etsy site months ago...In fact, I will go there again....

  • YEs...always send an suspicious emails with full 'header' as well....My lawyer just told me today that 'crazy' folks ..use proxy servers...One used an email ( mine) and we found out it was a proxy server from the NETHERLANDS!...World is getting crazier and crazier but I refuse to let it get me down.....There are still tons of sane , wonderful folks..yep...Like folks on the Glass board! lol

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