• Howdy! Thanks for the birthday wishes...took me a bit to figure out how to check back in, thanks Julie for the help! Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Thank you for the birthday wishes and thinking of me! I spend too much time on Facebook and wasn't quite sure this group was still active, I'm glad to see it is, nice to see my fellow Glassies!

  • Thank you so much for the birthday cake and wishes Julie! We were out of town on a mini vacation for 4 days...was on FB a little while gone, but didn't check my emails, which is where I saw that you posted here....thanks for thinking about me! πŸ™‚

  • Hello fellow glassies! Thank you all so much for the wonderful birthday wishes! We went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, which is my favorite place to be! It's only a 3 hour drive from here, but it is our 2 day a year vacation....this is our 4th year going up for my birthday. Since we are online way too much when we are home, we "unplug" while on vacation, so had to catch up today! I saw a beautiful blue stretch glass tidbit tray at a thrift store we go to up there....was getting excited about it when I saw the $2. price tag, but as soon as I ran my finger around the edge, disappointment took over as I could first feel, and then see, a large chip on it....darn it! So there it stayed.

  • Yes Shelly, he is Siamese....we named him Skittles. His nickname is Whiner, because he definitely has the Siamese trait of meowing a lot, and for no good reasons...lol. The cat mom of these kittens, all 5 males, is a dilute (faded colors) calico...she sure had a variety of kittens! The vet said that there may have been up to 3 "dads" involved...interesting! And yes, it is certainly tempting to keep them all, especially as their personalities start forming. The little orange one we have, Samson, (his mom's name is Delilah) we are starting to get attached to him, so need to find him a great home soon! πŸ™‚

    Here is a current pic of Skittles....let me know if you want me to ship him to ya! πŸ˜‰


  • For the folks not on Facebook, here are some pics of my current foster kitties....the first 2 pics are from a few weeks ago, so they are a bit bigger now. The goofy looking one in the first back in the back left side....welllll I ended up having to keep him, because he is just TOO darn cute! His name is Smokey, and he is just so photogenic! Last pic is Smokey last night.


  • Lol Katie! Cat parade indeed!!

  • Hello all my fellow glassies! It's been quite awhile since I checked in on all of you here....I obviously spend WAY too much time on Facebook...those friends probably know wayyyy more about me and my animals than they'd like to!...lol.

    Gail: Those chemo caps are beautiful! I imagine all the ladies love them. Of course you would find a way to stay busy in your recliner! πŸ™‚

    Shelly: We are fine here as far as the flooding goes....Jim thinks our house sits up high enough most likely to not ever flood...hopefully! We have a little drainage ditch over the back of our fence and down a slight slope...it is usually just a trickle...unless it rains a lot in a short amount of time...which it sure did the other day, and then it turns into a small raging river! It came up about the highest we have seen it since I've lived here.

  • Alicia @4931nextdoor there is a Blenko group on Facebook that I belong to...I don't say or contribute much, but do love to look at all of the Blenko pieces some have collected. Here is the link for it..it is called Blenko Glass Collectorshttps://www.facebook.com/groups/BlenkoGlassCollectors/

  • Hello all! I just got caught up on about 2 weeks worth of chat. I just end up spending too much time on Facebook in the animal rescue groups I belong to.

    Gail: I am SO sorry to hear that diagnosis for you...but you are truly the MOST positive person I know, and I hope that awesome attitude of yours helps you through the whole thing. Please let me know if anything comes up that Jim and I can do for you. We both think you are an amazing human being! πŸ™‚

    Hi Kelli....nice to see you again! Your corgi babies are beautiful!

    Here is a pic of my current foster kitty, Chester. He was so sick when I first got him, but he is better now and just all over the place. He is a little fluffy furball!


  • Hi Shelly, and I'm so sorry I missed your birthday....so happy LATE birthday wishes to you! Ahhh yes, I have my little Christmas tree up high. Not worried about the "pups", who are both about 50 lbs. now! Was worried about my 5 cats...yep FIVE now....craziness! And one foster kitty, who is the sweetest, fluffiest little thing, but I HAVE to find a new home for him because I just cannot, I repeat, CANNOT have six cats! Right?!....lol

  • Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day with family and friends! πŸ™‚

  • Yayyyy Shelly, congrats on your sale! 50 cents to 50 dollars, shoot I'd be happy too! πŸ™‚

  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We did the cooking and hosted at our house for the first time. In the 8 years that I have been here in OK. we have always had it at my boyfriend's mom's house, with him doing most of the cooking there, and I getting an easy cranberry salad to make and bring, but since his mom passed away in April, we will be having it here. It wouldn't be so bad if we both weren't last minute procrastinators, but we are! Uggggghhhh! It was a lot of work just clearing out my "stuff" that has found it's way into being stored in the dining room, so that people could actually sit! And then all the cooking...we are both in our mid 50's but tonight, after all the work, we both feel like we are in our mid 80's instead.....everything aches!....lol And there were only 12 of us....we definitely need to plan better next year and start earlier! The good news was that everything was delicious, we have lots of leftovers and everyone left happy and full! Hope you all had a wonderful day! πŸ™‚

  • What a cool cake Julie!

    Happy Birthday to Marson, Fran, and an early Happy Birthday to Gail!! Hope it's a fun and happy one!

    Gail, your granddaughter is an absolutely gorgeous little girl!!

    Thanks Shelly and Gail for your thoughts on my glass piece. I think it might be small for an ice bucket, but maybe, back in the day, they were smaller.

  • Hello fellow glassies!
    I recently acquired this frosted glass biscuit jar...unfortunately minus the lid. Having a hard time finding a replacement lid on ebay, as when you put "biscuit jar lid", all biscuit jars WITH lids come up. Anyway, the red/cranberry color bamboo design is not painted on....I'm really not sure what process was used. Wondering if anyone might have an idea of maker on this? And, also, if anyone might have a replacement lid I could buy...the opening measures 4 1/16"....I saw on one ebay that would have been great, but it was 4 7/16"...just a tad too big. The biscuit jar measures 6 3/4" tall and 4 3/4" wide across the top.


  • Happy Birthday Bob in KY! Hope you have a fun filled and happy day! πŸ™‚

  • Thank you Shelly...you are sweet πŸ™‚ Always sad when they haven't lived their lives completely...Sean was 21 πŸ™

    Sure hope the shade you bought for the lamp is the right fit...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  • Oh Alicia...that is THE most awesome and meaningful tattoo EVER! It's absolutely perfect! My heart hurts for you every time I think of you and your daughter....I know the feeling of the "phone call", although ours was the police ringing the doorbell about my step-son 18 years ago. Something you never forget πŸ™

  • Alicia...oh my gosh, Riley is adorable! I love the name Bailey too...saving it for a future dog or cat...lol. But Riley is a very cute name too!

  • Gail: WOW, you have Coast to Coast beauties there! They are absolutely gorgeous!!

  • Shelly: I don't think they are handblown, but bf thinks they might be, due to the irregularity on the lip? Not sure.

    MM: SROS indeed! πŸ˜‰

    Gail: Here are the pics of the pitcher. Gail has ID'd this as CLEMATIS Aka Flower & Pleat by the Crystal Glass Co. with a possible Pomona treatment?


  • Shelly...that was Jesse/jrmrock's spooner/celery.

    I found these interesting juice? glasses the other day in Arkansas. The lady shop owner said she bought them from a friend of hers estate sale....the woman was a collector of many things...in her 80's, and the shop owner just had to get them, as they were so intriguing to her. So, of course, to me as well, so had to come home with them so I could share them here!...lol. I couldn't pass up all four for $6.00. We were both trying to figure out how to drink out of them with the oddly shaped mouth. They have an optic pattern to them. They measure 3 3/4" to the top of the back, and 3 1/2" to the top of the front, and an approx. 2 1/2" mouth opening. I was hoping that they may possibly glow due to the yellowish color, but they do not. Still, I think they are interesting. Anyone have a guess as to their maker?


  • Don...your green glowee pitcher is in my green Depression Glass curio....now we can't mix 'em up!...lol

  • Shelly I LOVE those lamps! Purple is my favorite color! What a shame that one shade broke πŸ™ It looks like some kind of optic glass. Also love that little birdie..is it purple also, or black? I can’t tell for sure.

  • Hello all! Thought I would share with you the green glowee piece that MM @maryr so generously sent me! I absolutely LOVE it, so had to squeeeeeze it into my curio. As you can see, it is stacking room only...lol. I remember you posting it for ID quite awhile back, but I had no idea it was so BIG! Thank you again MM for being so sweet to think of me to give this to...it will be here forever, or until I die, whichever comes first πŸ˜‰


  • Oh I promise Reen....as much as I love animals, I will NEVER be the "crazy cat lady"....24 is pretty excessive, and like Katie said, just could NOT be healthy!! If I heard that much meowin' at once, I'm quite sure I'd go bonkers!

    Nancy: LOL at the raccoon swear words πŸ™‚

  • Shelly: I'm so sorry you lost your post looking at my link...that has been happening to me all day! Yes, the black headed dog belongs to Butch, my foster failure, meaning he's mine now...lol. We got our foster dog Krisco back today, as he didn't get adopted while we were on vacation....so, crazily, I have 3 dogs and 4 cats now...YIKES!

  • Happy Birthday Nancy! Hope you have a happy and fun filled day!

    Alicia: That was the funniest birthday greeting I got...the Three Stooges STILL crack me up! Thank you!

    Gail: I just knew you were going to get blue ribbons for your beautiful items....congrats! Uhhh, you might not think Dazey was so great if you came to visit and she jumped all over you! She really needs some training....her manners are not quite up to par. She loves everyone, so she gets a bit excited when she gets visitors.

    Reen: Happy Anniversary! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    I can't even imagine 83 curio cabinets! I think I have 15? And that is too many for this house!

    Katie: Welllll...I am on all of these pet rescue pages now, and have made friends with other crazy pet people like myself, and one of the admins on the page also lives in Jenks and if you tell her what you are looking for, she will find it!....lol. A lady was trying to find a home for two kitties, this being one of them, and it sounded like someone else was interested in her, and I thought, ok, she's not meant to be my kitty, and then my friend called me in Eureka Springs on Wed. night and said the other lady changed her mind and if I wanted her, she was mine, and she would get her for me....and I said YES! So I guess she WAS meant to be mine!

    Here is a pic of her...thought I'd put the one of her with glass in it πŸ˜‰


  • Thank you ALL for my birthday wishes! We went out of town for a couple of days for my birthday to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, my most favorite place!! And we both decided we needed a break from being on the computer, so didn't bring one. Offline for 3 days....lots to catch up on! So will have to scroll tomorrow, as I am so tired can barely keep my eyes open. Came home, and within an hour after that had adopted a new baby kitty! I've always wanted a calico, and now I have one. Yes, I am becoming quite the crazy animal lady! πŸ™‚

  • Hello all! Hi Shelly & Gail! Oh yes Shelly, my Dazey (we call her Crazy Dazey) has gotten much larger than we thought she would...and she's not done growing yet! She is only 7 months old. When we got her at 8 weeks old, she weighed about 6 lbs. and now she is quite tall and weighs about 40 lbs! Vet says she will probably reach 60 lbs...yikes! And, the puppy we were fostering for the Tulsa shelter, Butch, wellll we are what is known as a "foster failure" with him, as we couldn't seem to get anyone to come out and see him, so we decided to just adopt him ourselves, as we fell in love with him. I hated that my very first foster was a failure, but I successfully fostered another dog for 4 days and found a great home for her, and have been fostering another dog for another rescue organization, and we have had him for a month. Hopefully he gets adopted this weekend, but if not, I will take him back and continue fostering him, although 3 dogs and 3 cats in this house is VERY interesting!...lol. Here is a photo of how big that cute little puppy Dazey has gotten....


  • Julie: So sorry to hear about your uncle πŸ™

    Alicia: It has been at least 13 years or so since I have been to Laughlin, so I'm sure it has changed and grown a lot!

  • Oh my gosh, so sorry to hear about Bill. I didn't know him well...I do believe I did purchase some glass from him from ebay a couple of times, and he always seemed so nice, knowledgeable about glass, and willing to share that knowledge, which I know we ALL appreciated! My sympathies to his family for such a loss.

    Gail: The sweater is just beautiful and unique....love it! And the jar toppers are adorable! Great job! The should most definitely be winners at the Fair!

    Alicia: Oh how I miss Laughlin! When I lived in So. Cal. my husband at the time and stepkids use to go there every year, about this same time. I have great memories of our summer vacations in Laughlin, Nevada and Lake Havasu, Arizona.

  • MM @maryr YES I would LOVE that piece!!! I will send you a message here, if I remember how...and thank you!

  • MM....Yes maam....I call it "the house of broken and damaged glass", but I like your description better, "a soft spot for damaged pieces that still have character"....sounds much classier!...lol. I haven't been buying/collecting much in quite awhile now as far as glass goes...I've moved to antique photo albums...and then, of course, overdid THAT collection, as I always seem to. But I never seem to be able to pass up any neat green (especially glowee green), blue/aqua/turquoise, or cranberry glass.

  • Hi MM! Good to see you! I don't show up much here either...used to at least try to check in once a day and read, but checked in and had to catch up on 6 days or so. I spend way too much time on Facebook. But I do, like you, always think of my glassie friends! Sorry about your sis...that is such a horrible disease...sure hope they find a cure for it one day.

  • Happy 4th of July to All!!

    Gail: I absolutely LOVE your cruet display...it is beautiful! Hope to see it in person one day! πŸ™‚

  • Happy Birthday Julie!!

    Glad to be able to help Don! πŸ˜‰

  • Oh my gosh Gail, how awful!!! I am so sorry for you to have to go through such a terrible thing! And extremely sorry for the loss of your friend!

  • Katie: Oh my gosh that bowl is STUNNING! I can't think of a better memorial keepsake of your beautiful tree!

  • http://i61.tinypic.com/vemzd2.jpg

    thought I would put it in my curio with the green fishie creamer I got from Gail:


    Thank you again Don....your generosity is very much appreciated! πŸ™‚

  • Hello all! I was lucky enough to get in on one of Don's glass giveaway's! Received a gorgeous emerald green beaded swirl creamer....LOVE it! Katie, he was doing it on Facebook, which he just recently joined. I "suggested" some glassie friends for his friends list, and accidentally forgot to add you, but I just did it now, so I'm sure when Don sees it, he will send you a friend request πŸ™‚ Photos of my creamer to follow πŸ™‚

  • @songbreeze Gail: We are fostering for the Tulsa Animal Welfare, AKA the Tulsa Animal Shelter. We did ask the adoption coordinator if there was a time limit on how long we can foster him, and she said, for him, nope, she is not giving a time limit. They do not actively work on adopting the dog out...that is my "job" to do, by networking with the various local rescue Facebook pages I belong to. She did say that they had a transport coming up to Minnesota, and if we wanted to, we could put Butch on it, but we said noooo....we will work on finding him the right home....BUT....to be honest with you, I believe we are going to end up being "foster failures"....yep, that's what they call it when you end up keeping the dog...and since no one seems to be breaking the door down to come and get him, as each day passes, we are getting more and more attached to the little guy, and think that no one will appreciate how far he has come from the saddest, most scared and pathetic looking creature, to the sweet little waggly tailed boy he is now! And our other dog Dazey and him just love each other! So, yep, we are heading in the direction of being labeled foster failures...oh well...if I have to "fail" at something, I can handle it that it is this πŸ˜‰

  • Thanks for the good ideas and tips Reen & Katie!

    Lol Don...it NEVER goes back in the "box" the same way, EVER! πŸ˜‰

  • I know Katie...you'd think they'd realize that what they are eating is upsetting their tummy....guess they just don't care?! And I really don't mind so much when it's outside....but he hit two rugs inside....I cannot tell you how gross THAT was! Yucko!! Ok, I will try not to bring this subject up again, as it is not a pleasant one....lol

  • Katie: All I can say is EWWWW on the skink situation!! Our foster dog, Butch, has been having terrible bouts of diarrhea, and we couldn't figure out why...and then we did. We have a large mulberry tree in the backyard and discovered him eating them. Googled it and yep, sounds like they are not toxic, thankfully, but will give the dog diarrhea. Haven't figured out how to keep him out of them yet. He seems perfectly fine in every other way...bless his little heart.

  • Yes George, when you are an animal lover, it is hard NOT to get attached. I have found out that yes, fosters are difficult to find. Guess that's why all the rescue folks really don't want me to keep him. I guess time will tell.

    Nancy: Yep, Butch is a nut...sometimes he just crawls up there by himself and goes to sleep...lol. He probably won't fit up there much longer....he now weighs 21 pounds and he's only about 3 mos. old...he's a chunky little guy!

  • @reen no I can't take credit for that poem...I'm guessing it came straight from the heart of a woman who has fostered before. We picked Butch up from his neutering and he was SO happy to be home and to see Dazey! They really do love each other. I sure wish they would come up with another term besides "foster failure" when you end up adopting your foster, as it is quite possible that could happen here, and I really don't like to be considered a failure! But hey, if that is the only term they use for it (so far), then if we end up keeping him, I will be proud to be a foster failure!....lol. I DO have him out there, networked on several FB pet sites, but no one is knocking the doors down to get him. I found out that black dogs are the last ones to get adopted...I have no idea why! And no one could possibly know what a sweet little dog he has turned out to be, without meeting him in person. Soooo....I will keep you updated on the continuing saga of Butch. P.S. Butch thinks he's a cat πŸ˜‰


  • Yayy, I'm happy to have Don as my "friend"! πŸ˜‰

    Shelley: Lol at puppy hoarder...I'm thinking my neighbors, neighborhood homeowners association, AND the city will NOT allow that to happen! It would be hard to hide, as I only have a 4 ft. tall back fence, and it backs up to the neighborhood walking/jogging path, and everyone can see my yard....lol

  • @wattleihavenext Julie: I know it will definitely be tough to give Butch up...so far, no one has been knocking doors down to come get him, so he will be with us until then. I read this poem recently, and, even though this is my first foster, it sure is how I will feel I'm pretty sure!

    BY Diane Morgan

    I am the bridge,
    Between what was and what can be.
    I am the pathway to a new life.

    I am made of mush,
    Because my heart melted when I saw you,
    Matted and sore, limping, depressed
    Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.

    For one little time you are mine.
    I will feed you with my own hand.
    I will love you with my whole heart.
    I will make you whole.

    I am made of steel.
    Because when the time comes,
    When you are well, and sleek,
    when your eyes shine,
    And your tail wags with joy
    Then comes the hard part.

    I will let you go-not without a tear,
    But without a regret.
    For you are safe forever--
    A new dog needs me now.

  • Hello all! Thank you Shelly for including me in your "hi's", I appreciate it, as I do occasionally lurk, if I remember to come read at all lately! I find myself stuck on Facebook for a good portion of the day, between the local buying/selling pages and the pet rescue pages. I am fostering a puppy right now for the Tulsa shelter...I may end up being what they call a "foster failure", which is what happens if you end up adopting the dog you are fostering. We are kind of getting attached to little Butch! I am sad to have missed out on some of your glass that you "gave away" Don @donscns on Facebook...waaaaaa! By the way, I sent you a friend request, in case you were wondering who the heck is Suzan Gonzalez πŸ˜‰

  • Yep that is what I also got Sue…but I went back to try ONE more time…and it signed me in with NO problem! NO changing password! At least I was able to pay for my purchase…although it took twice for the paypal payment to go through…just makes me shake my head at what a mess it is right now!

  • WOW, ebay is so messed up right now it's unbelievable!!!! I went to pay for a purchase, and it said I needed to change my password...fine, I heard about the whole breach thing. Then, it said my ebay name was not a registered user. So used my email address and it is just NOT working at all!! It's quite frustrating at the moment! Go try to sign in Don, and I think the same will happen to you. Makes me so mad because my password on ebay is one of the only places that my original password still is...and was easy to remember....oh well.

  • Gail: Love your organized office...looks fantastic! My office is a disaster area!

    Don: Happy Belated Birthday to you! Hope you had a good one!

    Hello to everyone else πŸ™‚

  • @carma Carl, thanks for the ID! I always just guessed it was a piece of Riverside, due to the green glass with gold decoration. Never needed to ask for ID help, as I knew I was going to keep it...fits in with my random green glass collection.

  • Happy Mothers Day All!

    Lol Bill...that's funny! I have that exact piece! Is it Riverside? Shoot, if I thought I could list it for that price and actually get it, it would SO be outta here!! πŸ˜‰ I do love it, but not that much....lol

  • By the way...that "little" puppy of mine in that photo? Wellll, she is NOT so little anymore....she grows every single day! This is her now, at 5 months...she is looking like a miniature horse, and still has time to grow more!


  • Happy Birthday Reen! Just had to catch up on 5 days of the glass chat, as I spend entirely TOO much time on Facebook now, and there is just only so many hours in a day! Hello to all!

  • Hello all! Long time no "see"! I "heard" Reen mention my name πŸ˜‰ Yes indeed, I DO love blue glass...my problem is I like TOO many colors of glass!..lol. I think the only two colors that I don't collect are yellow (unless, of course it is "Vaseline" glass) and orange. Today I am walking around here like a 95 year old woman...as they say in these parts, I'm "down in my back". I'm not happy about it, as there is NOTHING that I did for it to happen! I went to clean my glasses yesterday, standing totally upright, and just felt my lower back go out, and then get worse from there. At least before when it has happened, there was a reason, like I was straining doing something, but this time, NOTHING! Kind of scared me, as I tried to get off the couch last night, and I couldn't get up....so, of course, I started crying like a baby...lol. Good thing my boyfriend handles crying women well. So the heating pad was my friend last night, and will be later again. They say to put ice and then alternate heat, but I just HATE ice/cold on me, so just went for the heat. Oh well, I'm done with my griping now.
    Shelly: So glad to hear you are fine and home!
    Gail: Wow, so glad to hear your son escaped that incident no worse for the wear! Condolences to his car though πŸ™

  • Shelly: You know we will all be thinking about you....good luck and hugs to you....everything will be fine! Let us know as soon as you are feeling well enough...because you know we will be worried til we hear!

  • Happy Birthday Irene! Hope you have a happy day!

    Nice photo Reen...all you ladies looked so lovely in your green! πŸ™‚

  • @songbreeze oh Gail I'm so sorry to hear about Frannie!! So sad to lose a beloved pet...something all of us pet lovers have to eventually go through I guess, but still just so darn sad!

  • Oh Gail, I'm sorry Frannie is ill...always awful having a sick pet...makes one feel pretty helpless! I will keep good and happy thoughts for her recovery.

  • @songbreeze Gail, who is Twinkle? Did you bring a new kitty in? That would make us even at 3 cats and a dog now...lol. Aww, hope Frannie gets to feeling better.

  • Yikes on your pipes freezing Gail! Hope that situation resolves itself SOON! Did you get the thunder sleet/snow that we got yesterday? That sure was strange....one clap of thunder was so loud it shook my house!

    Hello all! Been busy with my puppy...she seems to like the snow....bounces around in it like a bunny! My other dog used to hate to have to go potty out in the snow...glad this one doesn't mind! It is 8 degrees here right now, but the sun is shining, so hopefully it will start melting the snow. Looks like we got a few inches overnight. Pretty to look at...not so fun to get out in, so I will be hibernating today.

  • Hello all! Just checking in. Just finally relisted some items on ebay, but not holding my breath on any sales. I have found a local Facebook buy, sell, trade page that I have been doing ok on, as far as selling....oh and buying...I'm good at that part!...lol. At least I am moving some stuff out of the house, mostly furniture, rugs, clocks, etc....not any glass or pottery. But it's better than nothing, and it's kind of fun. A step up from Craigslist, which I also occasionally sell on as well. I think Katie is doing both also. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to my glass peeps πŸ˜‰

  • Congrats Bob....great sale!!

    Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Julie....always so hard, especially when you've known them almost your whole life!

  • Thanks Shelly & Katie! She really is a cutie! Shelly they said her mom was German Shepherd mix. The story was the mom and 2 or 3 puppies were found in a field. They took them to the animal shelter and the mom stopped feeding the pups at about 4 weeks, so then the puppies were fostered. The mom was adopted out fairly quickly. The foster mom to my pup also had the brother...he was the runt and, alas, he didn't make it....passed away at about 7 weeks old πŸ™

  • Well darn it...the ones with grandson didn't post properly...lets try it again...


  • Well it took me a bit to catch up on the last three days worth of scroll, as I have been busy bringing a new fur baby into my house! I rescued a puppy, as it seemed to be the best choice to bring into the house with 3 cats and a 14 mo. old grandson. Today is just my second day with her and we are in love with each other....she is pure sweetness and fun! Here is a pic of her....I named her Dazey πŸ™‚


    And with our grandson Gibson:


  • Hello everyone! Well I got in from the alternate login page...glad that was there!

    Oh Gail....that gingerbread house is SO darn cute! I love it! Can't believe you find the time to do all that you do! P.S. Love the kitty in the coffee/tea cup too πŸ™‚

    Shelly: Wow what beautiful green glass you found! I'm green with envy πŸ˜‰

  • Ohhhhhh Lainey....that post made me miss California weather!!

  • Happy Birthday to you Kasi! Hope you are having a fun day! πŸ™‚

  • Hello all!
    Congrats on your sale Shelly! Lovely bowl! Always nice to get ONE more piece outta the house, isn't it? And congrats to you too Irene.

    Wendy: You always make me smile and laugh....I love your sense of humor! πŸ™‚

    Gail: Stay in and stay warm! I woke up to a snowy yard....guess it snowed while I was sleeping. It's just enough to be pretty and not hazardous....definitely enough to keep me IN!

  • That is so odd, as I was not able to sign in yesterday either! I could read the chat, but not sign in to comment. So Happy Belated Birthday Lainey...hope it was a good one! And I will say Happy New Year to all now, just in case I can't sign in again!

  • Merry Christmas to all! Hope everyone had a wonderful celebration!

  • So glad you got your power back Gail!

    Thank you so much Shelly for your caring thoughts. It's going to be tougher for her than most, as she is alone...Fawn was pretty much her constant companion. She has a 22 yr. old son, but he is in Kansas. She only has me out here.

  • Sue: All of your decorations are just beautiful! Wow, what a lot of work but will be so worth it when all of the family is there to enjoy it, including that little angel of yours...she is adorable!

    Well, I got the dreaded phone call at 2am from my friend....her dog Fawn passed away. She is inconsolable. I couldn't get to her until 9am, and just sat there with her, and her dog for 2 hours. We have a message into a company called Pets At Peace who cremated my pets, but it being Sunday and icy, they may not get out today. And so plan B is to take Fawn into the vets office in the morning. It's just an awful scenario! Jim and I had to go do some shopping for Christmas, since we are having it here this year, and I was walking through the store like a zombie...I have only known my friend and Fawn for 2 years, but I loved that dog too....we now have in common that we both lost 17 year old dogs in the same year. I'm so very sad. Thank you Reen for your prayers. It was best that she passed at home...just such bad timing with the weekend, the weather, and the holidays. πŸ™

  • Oh Sue, I LOVE the kitty pic under the tree! He/She looks so peaceful and cozy! Will have to look at the others tomorrow as I am on my way to bed. Was awakened at 7:30 am this morning (wayyy too early for me) by my dear friends frantic call about her 17 yr. old dog...she has been having small seizures, so she had a 10:30am appt. for the vet, but said she didn't know if her dog would make it, so I told her to call and see if she could get in...she did and my bf drove me there to meet her. Her sweet dog has an enlarged heart and possibly a brain tumor....she was given some heart meds that might help, but we all know, including her, that Fawn is not going to live forever, sadly. And I honestly don't know what my friend is going to do without her....so please, I know some folks here are good at praying so I am requesting prayers for my friend and her dog...thank you and goodnight.

  • Ok, to be fair to all my cats, they all ended up getting up there....I particularly like the one of Ash, our Blue Russian mix, dark gray cat...in the pic it makes him look black. And then little Leeloo...she wasn't lovin' it as much as the other two. And hey, there is glass in the pics too! πŸ˜‰ Actually, you would be hard pressed to get a pic without glass in it in this house!


    Thanks all for the compliments on the box...it was a fun project πŸ™‚ Shelly...it's not dovetailed...it's not really high quality wood, it's a box that airplane parts were shipped in to the company my bf welded at at the time years ago. He said the boxes the stuff came in were so neat that the management let people take them home...for awhile anyway. It has metal edging on it, and we were trying to tape it off so that it showed, but it was just too big of a job to do so we went with mostly black, and left the latch and sturdy handles metal.

  • Katie: No tree necessary to be able to enjoy your holidays with family....especially a hubby that is home and thank goodness NOT in the hospital. You will have a wonderful Christmas! πŸ™‚

  • Oh my gosh Wendy....I'm just shaking my head and marveling at the crocheting dynamo you are...amongst everything else! And all I can say is Lizzy is a lucky girl! πŸ˜‰

  • Hello all!

    This was one of my Christmas projects....not a present for anyone per se, as it will be staying here for our grandson's toys, but his mommy will love it! We re-purposed an old box that Jim had in one of his moms shed's....I painted it black (just like the Rolling Stones said to πŸ˜‰ ) and got this cool vinyl lettering, from ebay of course! And as soon as I put the blanket on it, of course Rocky has to jump up there and get cozy...well I knew they would be getting up there one way or the other, so might as well have them be comfortable, right?


  • Katie...I just figured that a burrita was a female burrito...lol. Glad all is well and he is home, and you can both rest now!

  • @songbreeze Gail...are you kidding me?! Every time I have been to your house, it looks GREAT! Shoot, I ignore my house a good part of the time and STILL don't get enough stuff done!

  • WOW Gail...you have been crazy busy! I love those candy sleighs and absolutely LOVE your crocheted nativity pieces...they are precious! I can't believe how much stuff you get done...you amaze me! You and Wendy are dynamo's! And Reen, etc....just about everyone BUT me!...lol

  • I know what you are going through Shelly, having had to do the same thing recently....it's a pain in the tush starting over again, but will be worth it when you get it to where you are happy with it.

    Hello to all! πŸ™‚

  • Julie....unfortunately, I'm guessing they contacted Sue through ebay, as ebay keeps making it exceedingly more difficult to contact buyer OR seller outside of ebay. They certainly do NOT own the world, but every day, they act more and more like Big Brother!!

  • Happy Birthday Shelly! I almost missed it! Got a new (to me) computer last night and trying to get used to it....new operating system and browser for me...and I hate changes, but my browser wasn't compatible with Yahoo anymore and was awful with Facebook, so had to give in! Trying to get all my stuff from my old computer onto this new one, with my desktop icons I'm used to for the shortcuts to my favorite sites....I knew I was missing one, and it was this one! So just caught up. Hope you had a great day Shelly!

  • Wow Katie...looks like I sent you ALL those goodies!...lol. I just sent the blue custard cups...they sure do look lovely amongst your beautiful teapots!

    Irene: Welllll I've only been in OK. for 7 1/2 years...originally from No. Calif. for the first 20 years of my life, then So. Calif. for the next 27 years...then here in OK. Not much of a world traveler am I...lol.

  • Oh and love your beautiful red/cranberry glass Irene....so pretty!

  • Thanks Nancy! Hope you get to feeling better soon...stay in and stay warm!

    Wendy...beautiful tree and wow that's alot of stockings! What fun!

    Hello to everyone else....and goodnight πŸ™‚

  • Wow Reen...love all of the decorations!! I don't know how you have all the energy to do ALL of that....I surely do NOT! Plus I'm pretty sure that my cats would just think I put new toys out for them all over...lol

  • Irene: I live in Oklahoma, near Tulsa....about an hour or so from Gail.

    Thanks Reen...it really is a pretty plate...got sent out today, hope the lady lets me know when she gets it and that it arrived safely. I'm glad it's only going to Texas. Look forward to seeing pics of your trees....wow you have more than one?? Must be pretty festive looking at your house!

    Gail: Love the coffee gif...cute!

    Happy Birthday to you Wendy! Hope you have a fun day!

  • Thank you Shelly, Julie, Gailmac and everyone that congratulated me! Believe it or not, it wasn't actually in a box lot, they had it displayed on a plate holder, on the counter with a few other items (don't remember what right now) and said it was Limoges, and still no one wanted to go higher than $27.50...I was shocked myself, but happy!

    Wow, nice sale Bob!!

  • Irene...I think the tree is pretty just like it is πŸ™‚

  • Thank you George & Irene! Irene, I can't find my Christmas cards either....searched last night to no avail πŸ™

  • Oh you glassies are awesome! LOVE my jitterbuggers....clapping audience....congrats and yayyy, the elephants too!!! Thank you all! Typing this with my 1 yr. grandson helping....lol

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