• Good Mornin’ Everyone – Nancy thank you for your kind note of concern. To everyone else that has expressed concern - I Thank you also. Seems this year life has snatched us up by the tail and gave us a good spinnin.
    We started with finishing up the holidays – did birthdays – Hubby got appendicitis – I got pneumonia – Grandson got in accident and had to recover which meant I played nurse while mom and dad went to work. Then the car shows started up (they can eat up Friday, Saturday and Sunday really fast) – When nothing else to do there are the HOURS and HOURS spent on the phone trying to get his Medicare and Social Security straightened out. All this leaves only small gaps in which I have spent packed in ice to keep the swelling in my spine down to a dull roar.
    To Sum it all up in a nut shell – life just ate up my time up and before I knew it – ITS JUNE ALREADY! Now between the car shows, doctors and ice packs – I have another birthday and retirement party to get ready for.
    I am trying to find some time to relax at the computer but for now I really must run. I am running late AGAIN or is that STILL. I think I need to send him back to work so I can get some rest.
    Waving a Big Howdy to everyone – I hope all are doing well. Have a delightful Sunshiny day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Hubby is off getting a clean bill of health from his surgeon today. I got my clean bill of health from the doc yesterday. Now we are preparing for a swap meet at a local car show. Now that hubby is retired I finally talked him into selling a bunch of vintage car parts that he does not need. That will make space in the garage to give him space to work on his cars in bad weather and keep him busy. With tax season on us I have all the stuff to prep for the accountant so I do not need him under foot.
    Gail – Love the little car garage your making. I am glad to see your doing well and staying busy.
    Oh my – all that snow. I sure hope everyone is staying warm, dry and healthy during this winter blast. Our area is dealing with flooding in many places. We are fortunate enough to live on a hill so we miss most of that although there is so much rain that the ground cannot absorb it all so we end up with a small pond in the back that the ducks like to swim in.
    Well, since it is quiet here - I best get some of the medical stuff done for the accountant.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone and praying all are healthy, happy and full of adventure.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone
    Wow how time flies when we’re having fun. I have gone nonstop mostly since Thanksgiving. We followed Thanksgiving with 8 birthday dinners here at the house. The big Christmas Eve dinner for 30 here at the house and then a second one for the one family that was in England over Christmas. That was followed by two more birthday dinners here. Then just when my fanny finally hit the chair my Hubby scared the tar out of me with a case of appendicitis. Who does that at 65 years old? So off to the hospital and 2 hours in the waiting room. I finally asked for a diabetic blood test on him as he had not had his med, food or any water for over 12 hours. They rushed him in and that is when we realized they had not taken him seriously because that usually happens to younger folks. So at 2 AM they finally operate on him and get it out just before it ruptured. Doctor said it ruptured when they put it in the catch basin. A few hours for him to sleep off the drugs and they sent him home for me to nurse. I went to the drug store for pain pills, made him a bowl of chicken broth and put him in his recliner for a nap. I was now running on 38 hours without sleep so the last thing I remember was sitting down in my recliner and I woke up 6 hours later still sitting (I had not even bothered to recline before I fell asleep). He is now back on his feet and doing great but I caught a really bad cold that turned into bronchitis. I have been nursing that for the last week but I am finally feeling like I am almost normal again. I am in hopes of getting life settled back into a semi-routine rhythm.
    I have some catching up to do with all of you but I sure hope everyone had a great holiday season and started the new year in good health.
    My prayers for those that are hit by the blizzard type weather. Stay strong and be safe.
    Waving a Big Howdy to Everyone!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We are finally out of the freezing weather and back down to temps a human has a chance of surviving in. Hubby is finally getting in the swing of being retired. He has focused his energy on the restorations of his two 1956 Chevy's. I have gotten a few last minute gift requests so I have been working on those. A couple of hat sets, a funny bow tie and wrist cuffs to match my daughters goofy hat I made for her birthday and a stuffed bus for my brother-n-law. Twin grandsons will be here on Sunday to help get the decoration finished by putting up the tree and all the lights. They are young, tall and skinny (needed to get lights around the pond completed).

    DH and I went to the yarn store, Tuesday Mornings and Target yesterday. We left for home in total amazement! All the stores were so full of Brown boxes (product for the shelves), ¾ empty shelves, trash on the floor, shopping carts full of stuff (being moved from one place to another I presume) in the middle of all the isles and not a single store employee to ask where to find something. Mercy – I have never seen such a mess. This is one reason I do all my shopping during the year. Also nobody has any reason to break into my car for packages or follow UPS to steel them off the porch. Mine are all gotten by Thanksgiving. I was looking for a specific notebook for my crochet diary and a rug for my bathroom as well as some yarn to finish up my projects.

    Hopefully everyone is busy with their shopping, decorations and preparations for the loved ones.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone, sending all of you prayers for health, happiness and adventures.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Well, company has finally left. They started arriving on Wednesday from out of town. Then the whole clan was here for Turkey day (27 total) and they have slowly departed over the weekend. We spent yesterday getting the house back into some kind of order. Today we will start putting my glass away to make room for the Christmas decorations that I will start unpacking. The twin grandsons will be here on Sunday to assist with the tree and lights.

    We finally had a chance to get the blankets, hats, scarves and gloves over to the homeless shelter yesterday. Since we have been in freezing temps, they will go to good use quickly. It will be our last load for this year.

    Julie – your new picture looks great. You do us spring chickens proud. Still beautiful after all these years!

    Well, I am off to hunt down more coffee. Waving a big howdy to everyone. May your days be full of blessings, adventure, health and happiness!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We are still colder than … I would like it to be.The little snow that has fallen has been during the day and nothing sticks. Still it chills the ol’ bones down to the marrow!

    Shelly – Now that the stuff for 2015 Christmas is finished, wrapped and tagged I will start organizing my stuff for next year while filling up my charity box with hats, scarfs and gloves. Then there is cleaning, decorating and prepping for dinner. There is only 19 expected for Thanksgiving but the Christmas dinner is still set at 25 guests. This remains flexible as everyone knows that if they know a lone soul to snatch them up and bring them along. Our door is always open. I did give up the baking the day my daughter started in culinary school. It was never my favorite thing to do and is best left up to my sister and daughter.
    2016 will start with two projects for me (first time in 10 years that I have made something for me). One is a winter cape as I really do hate coats and I fell in love with the pattern. The other is a shower curtain that will go with my newly painted bathroom.

    Went junk shopping the other day – not much in the way of special glass out there! I did find a Vaseline serving platter I was giving serious consideration to until the clerk got it off the shelf and dropped it into a bazillion pieces. I almost lost my lunch. That was enough for me. I went home! It would have been a beautiful addition to my family dinner serving dishes.

    Well, loads to do before tomorrow. So I am off to find More Coffee!
    Waving a big howdy to everyone. We hope all of you have a happy, healthy and bountiful holiday with all your family and friends. Collect loads of hugs and kisses.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – we are still in the deep freeze here. Settling in for the winter since I don’t think it is going to warm up any time soon. I am hopeful that I will finish my last blanket gift for the holidays. I still have a couple of small items to make but they should only take me a day to do each.

    George – I am glad to see that Penny is feeling better. You will have to find a special treat that is soft for Penny to enjoy.

    Julie – that is truly a WOW auction. Thank you! I can only assume that the buyer got better photos and description before committing to that kind of a price.

    Well, it is due to be a quiet day so I am off to get more coffee and my chores done.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone. Praying for your health, happiness and loads of adventures (even little one count). Have a delightful day.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – at last a day without rain – won’t last long so I am enjoying that! Sure wish it would warm up though.
    Alicia – What a beautiful basket and trinket box – The basket will bring you a pretty penny. Nice eye and thank you for sharing the sweet eye candy.
    Julie – would you bottle up some of that heat and send it this way? I am freezing my tootsies off and we have barely started the cold season!!
    I am running a bit behind in my chore today so I am off to working again. Waving a big howdy to everyone and hope all are having a happy, healthy day.

  • Good Mornin' Everyone - It is 4AM and I am wide awake - go figure. I will have to snatch a nap later in the day. We finally got power back late in the afternoon. Our back pond looks more like a local swimming hole. The ducks are having a blast while the rest of us are just trying to keep our head above water. We are in hopes that today will be an easier day at least where the rain and wind are concern.
    The cable folks were out yesterday to upgrade our equipment and the tech had to sit tight in her truck for 20 minutes for the wind to die down before it was safe to open her car door. She got everything installed without any difficulty. One hour after she left the cable box went black. Called in for tech support and after about 30 minutes of them resetting the box - they sent her back out to change it out as defective. I sure felt bad for her being out in that weather.

    Janice - I like your style - Sounds like my house for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve and I get total pleasure out of being the Queen of the Clan. We average 20-25 people for each of those festivities and we have a blast.

    Well it is too early to start my chores as Hubby is sleeping so I will go work on the last blanket so that it is finished by Thanksgiving.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by and wishing you a happy, healthy and adventurous day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Drowned us in rain all night but sun is shining now – although it is still cold out there.

    Nancy P – You might enjoy your visit a little more in the spring unless you truly do enjoy the rain. We have been in a weather front they are calling a River of Rain for the last week or so.
    Carl – It doesn’t sound like you’re having any fun at all. I am sending prayers for a quick recovery your way. Hang in there Big Fella!

    Gail – that is crochet as I am truly dangerous with two pointy things in my hands. I tried to carry the yarn but the color doesn’t repeat for 8 rows which made for a really bulky edge so I did take the time to tie off and tuck the ends. It is a fun (but time intensive) pattern. I am working another variation of that pattern in 6 shades of blue.
    Working with animals (hugging, cuddling and brushing) is so very good for your wellbeing as well as the animals. I am so glad to see you’re feeling well enough to spend time at the shelter again.
    Alicia – Wishing you a Happy Birthday – I hope your day is busy collecting baskets full of {{{Hugs}}} and buckets full of Kisses!

    Katie – I am so glad to hear that your family is safe in light of all the Paris devastation. I am sure you needed some relaxation after that.

    Well, time for drag races so I am off to get coffee and settle in for the day. Waving a big howdy to everyone passing by with prayers great health, happiness and adventure for all.

  • This is a photo of a blanket done in the "Apache Tears" pattern for a family member whose favorite color is purple. Purple does not talk to me like it does him so I can only hope that I did it justice.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Wow – what an ordeal – I have spent the last month trying to get this computer to function without dumping us every time we opened a website. After a two weeks spent with technicians from HP, Windows and Norton - I got tired of the whole thing and dumped this thing back to “fresh from factory specs”. Then it took a week to process all the updates and configuration stuff this thing has to do behind the screen. I am in hopes of having this be trouble free for a while now.

    Nancy P – thank you for your warm message – I missed ya’ll too!
    I haven’t had time to do much catch up so I am truly sorry to all whose birthday I missed.

    Weather here has been cold and wet lately – I have gotten one Christmas blanket finished and the last one is about 1/3 of the way done. I will send a picture later to hopefully get some input from the folks who love purple. Purple just does not talk to me.

    Gail – Love your new hairstyle – I sure wish hubby would let me get styled that short. Then the stuff that is falling out wouldn’t be so irritating. Who was your little friend? Most adorable!

    I did take a moment to look at all the beautiful glass that everyone has brought to the front. I have not gotten out much lately, what with the painting of the bath and this computer (not to mention the rain), I find that shopping or (window shopping) has been the last thing on my list. I am always happy to know that I can get my fix here.

    Well, time for more coffee while I am on hold for the Social Security Office.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone. I have missed each of you tremendously. Hope all of you have a Happy, Healthy and adventurous weekend.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone - Getting use to having Hubby under foot all day is taking some getting use to. With only one computer between the two of us, it is difficult to do everything I use to do.
    Started the last two blankets for Christmas. It is a difficult pattern so I wanted them started early so I have time to master it.
    Sent Hubby to grocery so I only have a few minutes for catching up and a cup of coffee.
    Sending a big Howdy to everyone with big {{{Hugs}}} to all who are having a difficult and/or emotional time. Hope you all have an adventurous, healthy and happy day. Miss you all Bunches!! Wendy

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – The sun is shining and it looks beautiful out by temps are in the low 50’s this morning.
    Well, I got a bit of a shocker the other day – Hubby has been laid off his job! He was planning to retire in July 2016 anyway so I guess we will consider him retired. We went to the store to get paint and misc. stuff for bathroom project. I can hardly wait to get that done. Son can’t come over until the 25th to do drywall tape patches up in the skylight and hubby is too large a guy to get in there to fix it. So I have to wait until later to finish off that project.

    Carl – you’re putting up of the harvest sounds wonderful. It is one of those things from my younger years that I really do miss.

    Weather on the East coast sounds Dreadful. I hope everyone is in a warm, dry, safe place and that the nasty fall weather is not followed by an even worse winter. So far we have had beautiful day even if they do start out on a bit chilly.

    Don – I love the balloon festival – all the beautiful colors and designs of the balloons are so beautiful. It is a great time to just sit there and watch all the balloons and people. My favorite is watching the children’s expressions as they marvel over the sights.

    Well, time for more coffee – Waving a big howdy to everyone who is stopping by. I pray your days are full of sunshine and happiness.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - I finally have everything for freshening up my bathroom and my son is coming over on Oct 25th to do all the painting. I hope it turns out OK. I am going with a light silver gray for walls with black fixtures and burgundy shower curtain, shower rug and towels. I just don’t want it to get too dark in there.
    I spent the last couple of days getting the Angel in my blanket to look like an Angel. When I thought all was good I discovered it lost something in translation from chart to actual blanket so… my angle look like she had been decapitated and her head was about three rows away from her body. I pulled out 27 rows, redesigned chart and started reassembly. Some day’s progress seems to be so far away. <<:^}}
    Don – Love your splendid berry bowl set. It is beautiful.
    Katie – that is a beautiful piece of Waterford Crystal you have found. Good luck with the sale.
    Fenton – That is a fantastic piece. I don’t think I have ever seen a banana boat in that color. WOW!
    Not much sleep last night so I am going to attempt a nap – I am not real good at getting naps but I plan on giving it a shot.
    I am Waving a big Howdy to everyone who wonders through. I hope all are in good health and are happy on this sunny day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have spent the morning in a battle of wits with a blanket of Angels for daughters Christmas Gift (her nick name is Angel). Think I might be on winning side of this thing finally. Decided I needed a break and cup of coffee.

    Shelly – your butter and sugar dishes are beautiful.

    Our monthly dinner party turned out great. We finished our evening on back deck watching the eclipse and blood moon. What a marvelous sight. That it second time I have seen an eclipse but first time for the blood moon. It was spectacular.

    Katie – that is a fantastic picture. It caught the two rainbows beautifully.

    Well, I am caught up and my coffee is gone so I guess back to my battle of the blanket.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone and sending blessings of health and happiness your way.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I am getting ready to freshen up our main bath before the holidays. All easy stuff – paint, mirror, fixtures, lights and shower curtain. I even made a new set of holiday hand towels for guests. I had to do some serious out-of-the-box thinking to get what I want. I finally settled on two black curtain rods (cut down) for towel bars just to get the size I want. However, two of those cost the same as one actual towel bar, YEA!! Black light fixtures are actually for a patio but are just what I was looking for. I am gathering all the stuff so my son can come do patching around a sky light (hubby is too big to get into the hole) and paint walls.

    Gail - I have not seen you around much. Sure hope your not over working yourself.

    Reen – I think it might be time for a new Real Estate Agent! It is a beautiful home and should sell but it won’t go anywhere without being shown. It sound like it might be time to get tough with your agent.

    Don – glad your back – looking forward to seeing Tarentum’s "Victoria" set. I bet they are gorgeous. The butterfly unit sounds like fun. I bet the kids just love it.

    Well, children are coming for our monthly dinner party tomorrow so I have to get the house cleaned up. I am cooking but it is all easy stuff – pork roast on Low N Slow in oven with small new potatoes and carrots in a crockpot. I use drippings from last pork roast on the spuds so they taste like they were cooked together. I know I should just break down and get a bigger Dutch Oven so it all fits in one pot but NAAAA!! Next month Son cooks!

    Waving a big howdy to everyone and sending warm wishes for a healthy, happy day!!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – It is another beautiful day here as long as you are wearing a sweater. Hopefully it will warm up this afternoon.

    Bob – Like I said “Too Rich For My Blood”! I will keep my eye on it. Hopefully it will continue to grow. We all wish we could figure out how to get one sale a week like those, but it truly is easier said than done.

    Janice – Warm {{{HUGS}}} to you and your family. Prayers of strength and peace for you and your family are coming your way.

    Shelly – I am trying to finish Christmas gifts early, I only have 4 blankets left to do so I have a good chance.

    I am off to get something accomplished today and fill the coffee cup.
    Waving Howdy to everyone coming through today. Hope everyone has a warm and wonderful day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We took some time to go toddling around the country side and enjoy a last bit of warm weather. Enjoyed some beautiful scenery, great food, lovely little shops (where I got some Christmas shopping done) and some wonderful friends. It is good to be home and settling back into a routine. Last load of laundry is in and suitcases are back in their hiding place. Now for coffee and catching up – life is grand!!

    Oh my – I missed JimD’s Birthday – Happy belated Jim!! I hope you collected Baskets full of hugs and Bucket loads of kisses from everyone.

    Bob – OMGoodness – You got the St Christopher Lalique Car Mascot for less than a dollar. I can’t tell hubby about this or he would there to arm wrestle you for it. I can’t afford the money they are going for or else I would try to snag that from you for his collection. I bought one that Katie had to give hubby for Christmas for his collection.

    Gail – I can’t tell you how totally ecstatically happy I am to hear about your final diagnosis. I know it has been a long and hard road. I am so glad to hear that it was a successful journey! {{{HUGS}}}

    Carl – your Fenton Dolphin Stretch Compote is fantastic. I love the design of those.

    Don – your Berry Bowl collection is absolutely delicious – WOW!! Happy Belated Anniversary to you and your DW. 40 glorious years – Yea!!
    All your hard work paid off – that is an absolutely beautiful Sugar Bowl – nice job!
    Don – your Ruby colored Janice Set with Silver Poppy Overlay is beautiful. I have a Ruby Divided Dish With Silver Poppy Overlay looks like this set. I absolutely love these sets. Enjoy your anniversary! I don’t know much about US Glass in Colorado pattern but it is a lovely piece. Wait – I see that Sue has filled us in on this one. Thank you Sue – I love learning new stuff about glass pieces that we see.

    Well, it is time for more coffee and move the laundry along – (I hate folding clothes). So I am off to enjoy this lovely day.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone passing through and sending prays to all who need the strong arm of comfort at this time. I hope you all have a lovely day.

  • Good Mornin' Everyone - OK so it is afternoon. Spent the last several days down with a head cold. I have trouble thinking when a cold takes over my brain. Since the weather was warm and I felt like dog dung, I spent my afternoons sleeping in a chair on my porch. Just let the sun warm my bones and blanket me. Now that I am feeling Almost human again, I found out how much sun I really got. I really do dislike getting sunburn. Sun is being followed by a week of mild temps in the mid 60's to low 70's.
    Went out shopping awhile back - I have decided that I am getting really picky in my old age. Everything I found, I was familiar with. Nothing new or different in the junk shops. Either I have been searching glass for way too long or I need to find different junk shops. I will have to hit antique shops down town one day when hubby can drive. Parking there is awful so he will be available to handle my scooter.

    Carl - that is a beautiful lamp shade - most unusual and a terrific mystery to have.

    Sharon - that is a beautiful piece - I will be interested it what you find out.

    Waving a Big Howdy to everyone and praying you all have a healthy happy day.
    Well, I am off to do something constructive and then rest while I shake off the rest of this cold.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We are back in some warm weather again. Due to be in the high 70’s today. It sure makes a difference in the movement of these ol’ joints. We spent the holiday with family coming in and out for three days. I have finally gotten the house back to normal so I am going out to hit the stores today.

    Gail – It is so good to see you feeling better. Yea!! Good meeting with the doctor is always something to cheer about.

    Katie – It sounds as if you’re as busy as ever. It is great that your tests went well. That is a beautiful vineyard. I bet that was a relaxing visit.

    Well, I am off and running for now. Waving a big howdy to everyone. May the day present each of you with sunshine and smile.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We are still having cool, rainy days here. Yesterday, I spent all day cooking. Got the Low N Slow pork roast, the pot roast and the braised beef tips in gravy all made up along with some carrots and spuds. Even got the heavy pans and skillets washed. So today I told Hubby that the maid is AWOL!!

    Gail – I am so glad you are getting out and enjoying friends and family. I am equally as pleased that you are taking time to rest and relax. It is such a blessing to see you back with your great since of humor.

    Shelly – I am with the others – if his health was better – Look Out Howdy! Maybe you can remind him, Happy Wife – Happy Life!! <<;^}}

    Carl – your garden sounds so fantastic. I miss the days of the garden with canning, freezing and preserve making.

    George – hope all is well with you and your family. Maybe you just got stuck under an umbrella somewhere!

    Waving a Big howdy to everyone and wishing you days of health and happiness!
    I am off to join my ice packs.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Yes, we did finally get some rain in Western Washington. The wind storm that came along with it put power out for 26 hours for 1450 folks. It seems that the power was out in a 2 mile square sector ONLY and we sit in the middle of that square. It worked out because we did not have to go far for dinner and spent the evenings doing window shopping for the updating of the main bathroom. Since I can crochet by flashlight, the time went by rather pleasantly.

    Shelly – back when this mess started with my joints the doctor pumped me full of Glucosamine Chondroitin and it helped for a long time. Then the stuff that lubricates you joints started accumulating into ganglion cysts and the Glucosamine Chondroitin seemed to only be adding to the accumulation of the cysts so they stopped that. So a lot of the pain comes from no lube in the joints which causes irritating and swelling.

    Sharon – what lovely compote – thank you for the eye candy.

    Reen – hope you’re getting settled in your new home. Did your other house sell? I know that was quite the stress factor for you. I hope all has calmed for you so you can simply enjoy your new surroundings.

    Time to get something done around here. So I am off for more coffee and chores.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone and sending prayers of sunshine and good health to everyone.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – moving slow but still moving – Weather is definitely heading into fall.

    Julie – Love your collection – I can see why you have made a living and had a good time both building and selling your collections.

    Carl – The Compote – WOW – good eye and a beautiful find.

    Gail – what a lovely piece you have – sorry no help with the ID but loved seeing it.

    Well, I need to finish my chores and get some lunch so I can get back to the ice packs.

    Waving howdy to all who stop by and hope the sun is shining in your part of the world just for you.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Weather here is due to be in low 80’s today but will be in middle 60’s tomorrow – my joints are definitely telling me about these changes. I have been dealing with swelling that comes along with spinal deterioration and arthritis. Unfortunately, it affects other things so I have had no feeling in both hands. Today, only my left hand is numb so making progress. I can type the old hunt and peck way if I have at least a little feeling.

    Shelly – I am glad to hear that DH is doing better. Put him on prayer list for strength and quick recovery. I am really glad that he has decided to quit. It will take some patience on your part but will be well worth it.
    Love your little glass bell and toothpick holder but no help with ID – so glad you shared.

    Gail – It is so good to see that you are getting about and back to normal. Enjoy shopping with your friends. Activities are good for you but like Shelly said – Baby Steps – No Running just yet.

    Waving a big howdy to all who stop by and wishing everyone loads of hugs and kisses from your loved ones.

  • Good mornin Everyone – It is overcast today and looks like it might rain, Blah!!

    Don – Thank you so much for all the eye candy you have shared. Every piece is so beautiful that it is hard not to drool all over the place.

    This weather is changing so drastically from day to day that my joints are all in an uproar. So today I am going to spend most of the day with my friends the ICE PACKS!!

    Waving a big howdy to everyone passing through! I hope all of you are having a happy and healthy day!!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – spent the weekend running around doing chores along with hitting garage sales and swap meets. We saw loads of beautiful glass with some whopper price tags. Weather has been beautiful so we took advantage of it while we could.

    Tincey – I’m sure your projects are beautiful. As for knitting – the trick is to take it one stitch at a time. Learn one most basic stitch then try the next basic stitch. I make a lot of wash clothes because I am learning a new stitch. I hate to waist a perfectly good swatch after I worked so hard to learn and make it.

    Sue – What a darling little bundle you have there. Congratulations to you and the entire family for the precious addition.

    Bob In Kentucky, Jim L and any others we might have missed – Happy Birthday – I hope you gather baskets full of {{{HUGS}}} and buckets full of kisses to nourish you through to the next year!

    Gail – prayers are out for your completed treatment and positive final results. Hope you’re getting all the rest your body needs to heal. {{{Hugs}}} coming your way.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone coming through today. Hopefully the sun is shining for everyone.

  • Good Mornin' Everyone - We spent the mornin' doing garage sales and junk stores but found very little that captured my interest. There was some gorgeous potter that was overpriced and some 50-60 glass that I already have. So came home without spending a dime. I guess I will spend my day on the patio since the sun is coming out and it is comfortable out. It is not suppose to get too warm today.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone passing through today. Hope you all have a beautiful weekend.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – Yesterday I got into something that gave me hives on my arms, neck and upper chest. By the time I got some Benadryl (had to go buy some), I had scratched my arms/chest raw and I was ready for the nut house! Once Benadryl kicked in all was calm again, I felt like I was one big rug burn. Sure hope I don’t have to do that again.

    Reen – I looked a bit at some feather patterns and got kind of close but did not find your pattern yet. It is a lovely piece. Good luck.
    How is the unpacking coming along? Hopefully, it is almost finished.
    How is sale of your old house coming along? Hopefully that will be off your stress list soon.

    Sue – I feel for your DIL – My daughter was 12 LBs 13 OZ while my son was 14LBS 4 OZ. I did deliver natural after many days of labor with both. Sitting in shallow section of the swimming pool was my salvation. It floated weight of baby off of me and allowed me to relax for short spurts. Maybe a hot tub without water heated or bubbles running will help her get through.Prayers for safe delivery and speedy recovery is floating her way!

    Janice – Eat lots of protein with your carbs – they work together to burn off glucose. Drink lots of water to cleanse your system the night before your blood is drawn.
    Good luck with open house – Someone will come along that will love it as much as you have.

    Well, the sun is shining so I will crochet out on the porch today. I am making two afghans in a new pattern called Apache Tears. One will be blues and one will be purples. This looks like it will work up slowly so I am starting now to have them for Christmas.

    Waving a big Howdy to all who come by today and wishing everyone sunshine in your lives!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – It is a beautiful day in our neighborhood. Sun and a cool breeze will make it a great day to sit on the porch with my crochet. I can't drive right now due to muscles spasms in my legs, so hubby is going to take me junking tomorrow so I can get the restlessness out of my system.

    Shelly – I have Several collections and then the everyday stuff – I use pots, pans, utensils, glasses, mugs, plates, bowls, cooking utensils, mixing bowls and serving dishes from the 40’s to the 60’s for my everyday use around the house. Then there is the perfume bottles, the early American cut crystal and then the cabinet full of anything else that catches my eye. Then there is the furniture. Oh Goodness I Dare not get started. Even my sewing machine is from 1950.

    Julie – There is only one thing to say about that pitcher – WOW! Great coffee today – Thanks!!
    Julie – Lawn equipment is expensive. I hope a family member used them and just didn’t get them back to you.

    Katie and Irene – I got your message and will be getting to that shortly.

    Don – Your collection is exquisite as usual. I am drooling over that beautiful set.

    OK – time for more coffee!!! I am waving a Big Howdy to everyone who is peaking in. Hopefully the sun will shine in your life today.

  • I am looking for a glass pitcher that will hold approx. 1 gallon of ice tea. As long as it is reasonable priced then decorations will not matter. Hubby just broke my 1950's one that was either Libbey or Anchor Hocking. It has been my ice tea pitcher for the last 20+ years. If anyone has one they would like to get out of their kitchen, please fee free to email me privately or through the board.
    Thanks for your assistance in advance. Wendy

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Well hopefully this is the last super busy weekend of the summer. We did the NHRA Drag races (about 25 miles away) so we are close to home. The rest of the summer/fall the car show is only about 6 blocks away. Our group has everyone bringing something special that they collect to the show. One friend has a collection of vintage picnic items; one has the teardrop trailer furnished with vintage supplies, while another has a collection of vintage gauges, and one with vintage hub caps. Hubby and his buddy bring their vintage hood decorations (glass and chrome). Fun was had by all.

    Don – You have a beautiful piece of George Duncan & Sons shell and tassel. My glowing yellow and green glass is everyone’s favorite part of my collections. I must admit – mine too. I bet your U S Glass collection sets a fabulous table during the holidays.

    Julie – It is good to see your back and that you had a good time. Oh My! That is a beautiful set and I am sure that it is truly a stunning green in real life.

    Carl – your kitchen is lovely. I am glad you shared the transformation with us.

    Gail – it is such a pleasure to see you and hear that you are feeling better. Try to take it easy for a while to allow your system to build up strength.

    Fenton – What a lovely set your wife has.

    Shelly – I am sending you {{{Hugs}}} for comfort. Enjoy your time with family.

    JimL – That is a lovely set of US Glass Delaware Pattern. It will definitely add a bit of festiveness to any table setting.

    OK - time to get some chores finished. Waving a big howdy to everyone passing by today. Hope everyone is having a beautiful and sunny day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Our weather is more tolerable lately. Today is my day to get cookin’ for the week – Mexican Shreaded Chicken will take time to cook with Low N Slow method but meatloaf should be done in about an hour. I already cooked potatoes so now all I have to do is add fresh garlic and mash them up. A pot of rice is easy until I add Cheese – then it becomes a chore for my hands. I hope to have the stove off before peak of heat today.

    Gail – I am so glad that you were able to have an adventure with your family. It is unfortunate that your rest time is so difficult. You are still on our prayer list. We send you loads of {{{HUG}}} for strength.

    Don – Your set of Duncan & Sons #335, Beaded Swirl is truly lovely. What a find with your US Glass #15016 (Millard) water set. Yes, it is good to have friends to help with your addiction. Especially when results are that lovely. Your Jefferson Glass Company, Swag with Bracket has me drooling all over my desk. Gorgeous, just gorgeous!!!
    I do enjoy all the pics of your beautiful eye candy. Thank you!

    Julie – Glad to see you back from your road trip. It is excellent that you could combine the trip with business and come out on top. So glad you had such a good time.

    Janice – I am impressed if it only takes a couple of weeks to figure out a new cell phone. I've had mine for two years and it is still a continuous battle trying to figure out how to do most of the stuff. All I want to do is make a call and I get everything else but a telephone feature. I am pretty sure this thing has a mind of its own and it is tech. smarter than me.

    Carl – your kitchen is coming along beautifully. Looking forward to seeing the back splash! Your dedication and hard work on this project is definitely paying off.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by today. Hope everyone is having a great day in your neighborhood.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – The temps here are comfortable although a bit muggy today. It feels really great.

    JimL – that is not “A” cactus but “those” cactus! Our local nursery will sell me anything I need for my rock garden, pond or pasture but when it comes to living plants – Kathy had me on the TOP of her “Black List”. She has every right to do so as many of the plants that have died were from her. I even lost the tomato and zucchini plants one year and she assured me that Nobody could kill those. ** LOL ** Gardening – not on my of talents.

    Sue – Congratulations on the upcoming birth. What a joyous time in your life. YEA!

    Fenton - those are some lovely pieces you have found there. Thank you for sharing.

    Bob – What a great way to end the day. Nice sale.

    Don – your Circle Scroll set is delightful. Thank you for the eye candy.

    JimL – I can understand why the Northwood's Hearts and Flowers piece is your favorite. It is a beauty!

    Well, it is time to go start some supper around here so I will wave a big Howdy to everyone. I’ll see you all around the coffee pot in the AM.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Wow it has been a while since I had a chance to sit, relax, and catch up. Hubby took vacation so we could do the entire circuit of car shows for our area. We did 10 car shows and 2 drag races in the last 15 days. It is good to be home. We have been in 90+ weather through most of the days. We have been living on mostly melons as it is too hot to each much of anything else and they leave you with a refreshed feeling.

    Reen – I see where you folks closed on the new house, Congratulations. Now for the last bit of hard work that will make all the blood, sweat and tears worth it. The moving in process! Has the old house sold or at least had some promising activity? Happy Anniversary to you and DH!

    Happy Birthday’s - Suzy, Nancy and Tincey. I hope you filled your baskets with lots of hugs and your buckets with loads of kisses on your special days!

    Gail – YOUR BED TOPPER IS MAGNIFICIANT!!! Wow! It is simply breath-takingly beautiful. Yea!! A Blue Ribbon – Bonus that is well deserved.
    I am so very glad to hear that you are starting to get your strength back. Take it slow and easy so there are no setbacks. I am extremely happy that you’ve had your last chemo for a while. I am sure you will enjoy your break from that. I am glad to hear the family is there for a short visit. Enjoy every moment and have fun.

    JimL – your floral display is absolutely gorgeous. I have a rock garden because I have killed every plant around me … including the cactus! What a beautify work of glorious art!

    Julie – I did not see you during my catching up. Hopefully your on vacation, swap meet circuit or out just having a blast!

    Ok – need more coffee and there is still a bunch to get caught up on so I best skedaddle out of here. Waving a big howdy to everyone who is stopping by today!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – just getting another cup of coffee and catching up with the list. Yesterday was so ugly that I did not get near the computer. For some strange reason ALL of my joints swelled up which caused extreme pain that lasted all day. About half of it is gone today so it is much easier to tolerate.

    Shelly – I am so glad to hear that you’re feeling better. Things have slowed down here and I am spending time getting some crochet projects finished up. I finished off two baby sets of blanket and hats. One set of bib, burp rag and diaper cover. Now I am working on an “Angel Blanket” for my daughter for Christmas along with 20 sets of can/glass cozies for everyone (they keep trying to snag my personal ones) for Christmas. When I get tired of working with cotton then I go back to the blanket. We have a big car show and nostalgia drag races coming up in about 10 days. That will be 3 days of non-stop on the go fun. Love the smell of diesel and nitro fuel. We have a booth to sell Auto parts and Misc. glass and crochet items. Actually we take anything we think will sell.

    Gail – So glad you got the chance to get out and see such a spectacular a-ray of shimmering glass. I only wish I could have been there with you. Hopefully that heat wave your in will be over soon. That drastic heat is no fun and can be dangerous. Hope you can stay in air conditioning for the duration.

    Don – your “Circled Scroll” is absolutely gorgeous. I am so glad that it got there in one piece. I too agree with your granddaughter.

    Carl – sounds like a two week rest is well earned by you and your wife. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    OK – I am Waving A Big Howdy to everyone who stops in for a visit and I am off to find some trouble.

  • Katie - Come and visit - it's OK the air conditioner is under warranty - they will fix it.
    As for your son - All children are thrilled to be moving out of mom's house for the first time. Try not to take it personal even if it does feel like your loosing a part of yourself. You have not lost anything, you just have to travel a little distance or make a few more phone calls to reach out and touch it. <<:^}}

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Wow it has been a super busy couple of weeks. Our weather has been in the 90’s but has finally cooled down for the next week before we go back up to 90’s again. I survived the spring cleaning, the holiday, making two baby sets on short notice and hubby’s surprise Birthday party. My injured hip is doing a good job of healing so hopefully things can go back to some sort of normal.
    I am going to refresh my coffee and try to read the list and get caught up. Hopefully everyone is doing well and having a great summer.

    Julie and Carl – Oh No!! I missed your birthday! Sure hope you collected Big baskets of {{{Hugs}}} and Buckets of Kisses.

    Shelly – your table dance did give me a chuckle – Thanks!! I sure hope the Doc can get you all fixed up soon. That coughing is no fun at all. My Doc pushes me to drink more water.

    Gail – I am so glad that you will be able to make your trip and see all that beautiful glass. Take it easy and try to pace yourself during the trip.
    YEA!!! I am so pleased that you finished your challenging blanket. The final results are almost always a huge payback for the pressure we put on ourselves to finish. I am looking forward to seeing your photos but that will wait until after your trip to glass country.

    Carl – love reading about your remodel. Hope we get to see photos of finished project. Your Rule # 17 is a good one – only substitute “wife” with “spouse” as there are some women who will say the same about their hubby. Keep it! LOL!! See Lainey totally understands! Love the Color Scheme you have going there. The finished portions must be giving you great inspiration to keep it going.

    Katie – I would invite you for a visit - - But my AC is brand new! HeeHee!!! Sorry, just kidding! Just got to love the little Devil in me.

    Well, time to run. Waving a Big Howdy to all who stop in for a visit.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - I kind of dropped off for a while. To make a long story short. I tripped over leg of engine stand going to freezer. Broke big toe (engine stand 1 - me 0) and badly bruised (pretty purple :^}) my hip shifting it enough to pinch some nerves (engine stand 2 - me 0). Got x-ray - nothing broken {YEA!!!} but it is difficult to sit up for very long. I am spending time lying on other side with lots of ice packs keeping me cozy. Sure am glad weather is hot. I am on the mend and getting better. I can sit up longer each day. I am grateful for crocheting. It goes a lot slower when lying on your side but at least I can do something with my time.
    Shelly - I am presently working on a baby set of blanket, bib, burp rag, diaper cover and hat for baby due the end of July.
    Kate - You found another Perfume bottle! A Marc Jacobs glass ladybug perfume bottle – is it in the ruby color – can we see a photo – can we, please can we??? Those are such adorable bottles. I just love them and have one of the yellow/black ones.
    Well, I feel the ice packs calling my name again. I will catch up with you again soon.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by to visit today.
    Prayers for strength and comfort being sent to Gail on a Big Soft {{HUG}}!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Goodness there goes another full weekend. There was birthday BBQ and Father’s day dinner. Fun, Fun, Fun.

    I stopped at a little shop and found some luncheon plates that I put on hold for today. I did not recognize the pattern so I thought I would look it up but I am not finding it. The Columbia pattern by Federal Glass is close but too busy. This had a smaller center and less dotted glass lines coming from the center. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Anyway, I am going to fill my coffee and catch up on everything.
    Waving a Big howdy to all who drop in. I hope everyone had a great weekend and all you fathers out there spent the day being treated like the Kings that you are.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Oh my – life got busy for a while. Today I get to slow down some. The sun is shining, there is a cool breeze, the sheep are grazing and birds are playing in the trees. It’s a good day to slow down.

    Don – WOW – what a miracle that your set came through intact. It is a beautiful set.
    Julie – Sounds like you’re up for a fantastic trip. Hope you have a great time, good sales and wonderful adventures.

    Fenton – that is some really lovely pieces you have come across. My last 5-6 trips out has not been very fruitful. I have found nothing worth spending money on. In some respects that is a good thing but mostly it is boring. Now that warmer weather is here, maybe the selections will improve.

    Marty – Happy Birthday! I hope you day is busy fulling your baskets full of {{Hugs}} and your buckets full of Kisses!

    Waving a Big Howdy to everyone stopping by and wishing everyone a really great day!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone –

    Shelly – There is a total of 4 Children (2 are still single/no children), 5 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. Having grown up without my mother, I raised my children to appreciate “mothers” regardless of whose mother they are. Also we were raised to understand that there is a point in life when the younger generation has a responsibility to assist the older generation. I did it for my dad, they do it for me and someday their children will do it for them. I am very blessed to have a family that understands and jumps right in when called.

    Gail – I hope your plans for the Mega Glass Convention are finishing up smoothly. That sounds like fun. How many days will you be gone? I hope you have an exciting time.

    Well, today is my annual wellness checkup so I have to get ready to go. After that I get to hit all the junk shops and 2nd hand stores.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone passing through today. I hope your day is full of sunshine and happiness.

  • Good Mornin' Everyone - OK so it is really afternoon! The sun has been shining and the grandchildren have been here helping with things like cleaning the gutters, raising the canopy on the cedar trees, trimming/weeding the rock garden, pressure washing the house, cleaning the exterior windows and of course detailing grandmas car. I am so very spoiled.
    It is quiet here today so I am going to grab my hook/yarn for an afternoon of basking in the sun on the front porch with a really big glass of Ice Tea.

    Gail - you are in a difficult part of your treatment. The doctors have to do a delicate balancing act to get the medications that kill the cancer to balance with your metabolism. Taking it slow and easy - resting as much as you can will help in the process. Sending prayers of patience, guidance for the doctors and strength for you. Here is a Big Gentle {{{Hug}} to help keep you going.

    I am headed for the sun. Sending a big howdy to everyone who stops in today.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - I survived the weekend. I do not get worn out easily but I actually took yesterday to recover from the festivities. All three of my graduation Afghans were presented and came out big hits. I have no doubt they will be cherished and used for many years to come. The Last Grandchild left in school. He starts his new job on Monday for the summer. Then he is going to Technical College for welding and diving. His goal is to become an underwater welder with a supporting degree in blacksmiths.

    Don – your Northwood Poinsettia set is absolutely fabulous. All of your collectables are fabulous. Hope you survive your first hay haul. Be careful!

    Shelly – Graduation was great. There was Sun, Fun and Food galore. I am finally starting to feel like myself again.

    Bob – Sounds like you have been a very busy fella! Glad to see you drop in.

    Julie – Yea!! A great time was had by all from the sounds of it. I am glad that you had great weather and sales for your swap meet. Hopefully the next one will follow the example.

    Jesse – it is good to see you drop by. I am to late to assist with the Identification with your LG Wright Bowl but I am sure glad you shared it. Your cruet is lovely but I am not familiar with that one. Maybe Gail will drop in and have information for you.

    Gail – I sure hope you are doing well, getting rest and enjoying your recliner. Prayers for strength and guidance are continued to be sent your way along with lots of gentle {{{Hugs}}}.

    Well – I need to fill my coffee cup and get some chores done up. I have a baby set including a blanket, hat, bib, and diaper cover to get done next. Sun is shining so I am heading out to the front porch to crochet so I can enjoy the breeze and gentle sounds of the pond/waterfall. Sure hope everyone has a great day.
    Waving a Big Howdy to everyone who drops in today. Hope you are enjoying Life.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have been assisting my children in the preparations for the last Grandchild to graduate. All the festivities are tomorrow and then we will get some rest.

    Reen – when I was suffering some really sever leg cramps, I looked into several things. The bar of soap at the foot of the bed did a lot to help. However, I also found out through research on the computer that when professional athletes suffer from muscle cramps they are given lots of Gatorade or and IV of Saline solution to raise the sodium level in their system. So now I am a dedicated Gatorade drinker who sleeps with a bar of soap tucked into the sheets at the bottom of the bed. This has eliminated about 90% of the leg cramps I use to have. It seems to have something to do with the sodium level in one’s system.

    Katie – I love your perfume bottle but have not had a chance to open my books to assist with hunting down information. It is at the top of my Sunday “to do” list (if you have not found out anything by then).

    Reen – good luck with your diet – Reducing carbs is great for the sugar levels. However, with our diabetes, I have learned a really important factor *** Protein is fuel for your body *** Carbs are the ignition switch that starts the fuel burning *** so when we have lunch it is protein (meat, eggs etc.), green salad with 2 Saltine Crackers, fruit (fresh or frozen) and dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.). The dinner is usually protein with either fruit or vegetables. This has worked great as hubby has keep his diabetes under control enough that he does not need to use insulin and mine has gone from controlled by pills to being maintained by diet only. Sure hope this helps with your success.

    Well I am off and running. Waving a big howdy to everyone! I know I seen a name I haven’t seen before so welcome to CarrolKay. So glad to see you pop in. Hope everyone is having a delightful week and are planning a fantastic weekend.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – I finally have a moment to catch up on some computer stuff. We are losing our lovely warm 80* weather and dropping to the high 60’s.

    Beth – I have no idea who made your lovely dish but it is truly stunning. WOW!

    Gail – I am so glad to see you pop in. You are so right, when we stop making these things for our family, friends and charity – it becomes work and loses the fun!

    Sharon – I am so glad to hear your up on a hill and out of reach of those dreadful floods. If it is any consolation, I am almost deadly with a set of knitting needles – that is why I stick to the crochet hook – NO Pointed Ends! LOL

    Shelly – Wow! I want to go shopping with you! Love that plate! Sounds like you have a good and adventurous day!

    Well I am off to prep dinner. I am waving a big Howdy to all who stop by. Have a really great day!

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – I finally got a few minutes to read the board and grab some coffee. With the beautiful weather the last few days, we took the time to clean the winter gunk off the large front porch and back deck. Brother am I ever pooped!
    I finally got photos uploaded of my most recent projects – the Top Hat and matching scarf (for daughter’s birthday) and some Graduation Hat Gift Tags for the Afghans I made for grandson and his girlfriend. My next project will be another baby set which will include the blanket, a bib, diaper cover and hat.

    Top Hat

    Matching Scarf
    Grad Hat Tags

    Gail – your hats are absolutely beautiful. The folks in your group are truly lucky to have you around making them feel fantastic with their new accessories. I love, love, love your last one. I will have to find a pattern like that and make it for myself to cover my hair that seems to be shedding.

    Suzy – It is good to see you. It has been a while but always glad when you drop in. Your “basket of kittens” are so very adorable.

    Lainey – it is really good to see you stopping by also. I hope all is going well for you and your family.

    Sara – I seem to have missed your birthday. I hope your day was full of collecting {{{Hugs}} to fill your baskets and {{Kisses}} to fill all your buckets.

    Well coffee is gone and it is time to finish up the last of my chores. So I am Waving Howdy to everyone who is stopping by today and prayers for those who are under the weather. {{Hugs}} to all who need one – Just because!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – sure hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We stayed busy with the Memorial Day festivities and the weather cooperated for us. It was overcast but the rain stayed at bay. I did manage to get the Top Hat finished for Daughter’s birthday and I am working on the matching scarf today. Next weekend is Put-put Golf with the Kids. The weekend after that is grandson’s graduation. The following weekend is Daughter’s birthday party and then the next weekend is the big bar-b-q bash for the graduates. Brother, I think the summer schedule is here.

    Gail – I am so glad to hear you are spending time in your comfy recliner. It is a good place to be for now. I am sending you a gentle {{{Squeeze}}}.

    Katie – you have an absolutely gorgeous yard. Lots of work, I know. Hubby will be spending his entire day off getting ours mowed and trim. I would help him but “Nobody Rides His Lawn Tractor!!!” LOL

    Marson – I hate to catch a summer cold. Somehow they seem worse than a winter cold. Sure hope you are feeling better soon.

    Shelly – I have not seen you in the last week. Hope the holiday festivities were keeping you busy and nothing more serious.

    Well, I am off to catch up on some chores. Waving a Big Howdy to everyone stopping by today.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – It is about 12* cooler than it has been the last few days, gray and dreary out there. So I am not going out today. My chores are done and I have a fresh cup of coffee.

    Sharon and Julie – Stay safe and sane during your travels while still having some great adventures.

    Gail – The weekend is here so I hope you take some time to catch up on some rest. Gentle {{{Squeeze}}}

    Irene – Enjoy your warm days as I have a feeling the weather this year is going to be slightly wacky this year. Not sure how much sun we are going to have to enjoy.

    Reen – The doctor said to take a long nap this afternoon and call him before the games begin so he can join in! <<:^}}

    Well, since the weather is yucky I am going to go find a good movie and hopefully finish this top hat today. Waving a big Howdy to everyone and sending blessings of good health and the strength to enjoy life.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – The sun is shinnin’, birds are singing and I have all the windows and doors open to let the fresh breeze flow through. Nights are still chilly but that too shall pass. I had my quarterly blood check doctors visit and Yea!! No changes to my medications. I do not have to see him again of 6 month. I did inquire about my ankles. They look like they need liposuction. It is not water weight cause my water pills keep me from retaining any and I usually sit in a recliner with my feet up. I was concerned because I know it could be a lymph noid problem so I wanted to check. Turns out I have 2 Ganglion Cysts in the same location on both ankles. There is nothing I can do about them but I sure was glad it wasn’t the lymph noid.

    Reen, Shelly and Gail – thank you for your heart warming comments on the blanket. It turned out great and I know our grad will enjoy it for many years to come. Gail. Blankets are loved regardless of the size. Even the handkerchief size can be used for a doll by some little one who would love it. I am presently about half way through the Top Hat. I am using two yarns at the same time with a smaller hook to make it tight enough to stand up well. However, that really wears on the hands so I have had to take more breaks than usual.

    Katie – Oh Dear, I missed your birthday! I hope you had a glorious day with lots of opportunities to fill your baskets with hugs and your buckets with kisses.

    Sharon – you have become quite the wondering minstrel. I know your enjoying all your adventures. Keep on rollin' for as long as you can.

    Julie – your hard work is not silly. You’re accomplishing what you must to take care of yourself. That is a truly good thing. I am proud of you for jumping in and kicking keester on the repair projects.

    Reen – your meeting sounds like you had a fascinating time.

    Gail – Blessings of healing are sent your way.

    Well, time to wave a big howdy to everyone who stops in today. May all of you have a beautiful and healthy day!

  • Good Afternoon - just dropped in to show you the las graduation blanket for this year before I box it up. Sure hope this works!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - I hardly seen a computer this weekend. Had to do the normal errands, it was not raining so I got groceries, post office, drug store, Costco, yarn stores. Then I hit the hairdresser before I hit all the 2nd hand stores and junk shops where I found some yarn and a blouse but nothing else that caught my eye. Of course I had to stop at the few garage sales but they were really sparse. I finally sat down and finished the last graduation blanket. Put that in the washer this morning.

    Now I am about to start an “Alice in Wonderland” type Top Hat for my daughter. I have never done one of these so it should be interesting.

    Katie – I see you understand the “pain in the patooty” that a thyroid is. I am like you – LOVE pasta and chocolate. I have gotten better about keeping my proteins and pasta equal so my blood sugar won’t go nuts, but if I had it my way, I would be a pasta-tarian. Veggies are OK but pasta is better. I finally stabilized for a while so I suspect the Doc will adjust things again.

    Reen – Gentle {{{Hugs}}} coming your way.

    Carl – What a delightful treasure you have discovered. You’re going to have a great time going through them. Do they know what started such a devastating fire in the motel?

    Gail – It is so good to hear that you’re feeling good although the tired feeling is to be expected. Your system is working really hard right now, even when you’re resting. Here is some more Gentle {{{Hugs}}} coming your way.

    Marson – It is sad that your tree got uprooted. Try calling someone that sells fire wood in your area. You may be able to work something with them to come clean it up at no cost so they can sell the wood. Your right, cyber friends are great to have.

    Time to go block the last graduation blanket and refill the coffee mug. So I will wave a big howdy to all who stop by and BIG HUGS for everyone.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – It is still cold and cloudy here so I think my mission for the weekend is to finish the last graduation blanket and get started on the hat and scarf set DD ask for as a birthday present.

    Carl – That is so devastating! Sure am glad everyone got out safely.

    Katie – I have given up with the dieting. My thyroid has a sense of humor that I don’t find funny. Every time I lose some weight my thyroid finds it and gives it back with a 5-10 lb. bonus! I won’t even let the doctor’s office tell me what my weight is any more. I have come to the conclusion that as long as God and my husband love me short and round then so can everyone else. Good luck with your diet! I will be cheering for you.

    Don – your newest addition to your glass museum is truly stunning. You have a good eye and a fabulous collection.

    Ok – off to start the dishwasher and get more coffee. Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by and wishing you all of you a beautiful weekend.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Woke up to a cold and cloudy day. Its be a good day for a pot of beans with ham and cornbread muffins.

    Irene – What a wonderful day you were treated to. Lucky You!

    Fenton – that is a gorgeous tag-along. She will be turning the boy’s heads and hearts her entire life.

    Shelly – I finished the afghan for the graduate that is headed to U of Delaware. I am now working on the last one of the graduation Afghans and hope to have that finished sometime next week. Then I have to slide in a Top Hat and scarf for my daughter’s birthday before I go onto the baby set. Yes this is a year round project for me. I am almost always cold – even when the weather hit 80* so I can work of blankets any time of the year.

    Julie – that is a huge job you have for yourself. Hopefully your cousin can continue to help you. Just keep cutting the tree into smaller pieces so you don’t hurt yourself trying to move them. When finished have a long soak in a hot bath then kick back with a brew – call it a night at the spa without the travel time.

    Gail – It is good to see you popping in for a bit. We are so pleased that the doctor is so encouraging. Domino’s and Bridge are a few of those things I never learned. Sounds like you and Sis had a great time.

    Well, it has started to rain so I guess I will get the chores banged out and some bean soup on the stove before I retire to my crochet hook. Sure will be glad to see the sun again.

    I am waving a Big Howdy to everyone stopping in today. Hopefully your day will be full of smiles, hugs and everything warm and cuddly.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Did someone say it is time for cake and coffee? See how easy it is to make me come to life. I had to fast for my quarterly feeding of the vampire. The blood test was for thyroid and diabetes. So I have had no food or acetaminophen since midnight. I just got home and inhaled some scrambled eggs with an acetaminophen chaser. Oh how I miss the good ol’ days of burgers and beer chaser!

    Don – Happy Birthday to you. I hope your day is busy filling your baskets with hugs and your buckets with kisses. Try to nibble on some special cake while you’re at it. We are sending you Blessings for a full, fun and prosperous year ahead.

    Reen – You do have a lot of glass that is absolutely beautiful (and difficult to pack). I hope you will regale us with photos of all of it as you unpack and set up your new displays. If I lived closer I would come over and help with unpacking just for the privilege of seeing all that loveliness.

    Shelly – Like most folks of our generation – the pain is a fact of life. Quick onset of cold does affect the intensity and warm weather gives some relief. All in all we do learn how to tolerate it. I do have a good tolerance for the discomfort; however there is a limit to that tolerance.

    Sharon – I hope you have a great trip and definitely get some junkin done. No matter where you are you have to get your fix. I am looking forward to seeing some sunshine here so I can get out and do some junkin myself.

    Gail – We are sending you Blessings for strength to master the recovery, wisdom to know when to rest and guidance for the doctors to Kick This Thing In The Keester!! Rest my dear, we do understand and love you.

    OK time to wave a big howdy to everyone and hope everyone has a delightful day full of smiles. I am off to get another cup of coffee, pick up my hook and yarn and just veg out while the rain tinkles softly on the pond. It is such a tranquil sound.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We have had lovely weather for the last 4 or 5 days then we got hit with a temperature drop. My RA and deteriorating spinal joints are “screaming” at me. So this will be short and sweet so I can get take some more acetaminophen and pick up my hook for some very slow crochet time.

    I cooked a honey glazed ham yesterday so you can guess what we are having for dinner. I may put up a pot of beans and ham hocks on the stove tomorrow as this chilly weather is due to be here for about a week. With some cornbread I think it will work wonders to warm the cockles of my body. <<:^}}

    I just wanted to stop by and wave a big howdy to everyone. Hope your day is full of sunshine and smiles.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. It is a good day to fill up you baskets with hugs and your buckets with kisses!! Collect all of them that you can.

    Reen – good to hear that you had a pain free day. Sometimes, when there is chronic pain, we need that just to catch our breath. Think about how much you will enjoy your collections again when your all settled in your new home.

    Shelly – I am with you. I am out of here at the slightest sign of a bug or spider.

    Well I am getting ready to spend the afternoon with son, daughter-n-law and grandsons. We are going out to dinner later when hubby gets home from work. The crowd will be lighter later in the evening and less of a crowd than on Mother’s Day Sunday which is fine with me. Then tomorrow they will be able to spend time with his mother-n-law.

    I finished the simple graduation blanket for the young man going off to University of Delaware. Now I have started the one for my grandson’s girlfriend (for the last 4 years) as they will be graduating together. Hers is a lovely blue with white trim.

    Ok I am waving a big howdy to everyone who pops in this weekend. Hope your weekend is filled with family warmth and beautiful days.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - Our weather is incredibly indecisive. Hubby works about 30 miles from home. Last night he called to say he was on his way and that it was really warm and sunny there. We were having heavy winds and rain here. This AM it is changing from sunny to rain every 15-20 minutes.

    Irene – OH My MY! Christmas in May – You are a very lucky lady. Don is a fantastic Santa to have.

    Gail – I am sending you a Basket FULL of {{{Gentle Hugs}} and prayers for your strength and continued progress. Please try to take it easy.

    George – How is your hand coming along? Are you free from restriction yet?

    Julie – What great news. Good weather, drying out and good news from the insurance company! Sounds like you’re on a dandy good run! I love the morning coffee – or maybe tea – or maybe coffee. Anyway it brightens things up!

    Katie – YEAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Looks like the hi-heels worked. I knew you could do it and you faced your fears and survived. Way To Go Girl!! After a two year fight – I think it’s time for a vacation. I see a good rocker on the porch, your feet up and a Mint Julip or two in your near future.

    OK – Waving a big howdy to everyone who drops in today. I hope you all have good health and fantastic weather. I am going to pick up the graduation blanket and pray I can make a major dent in it today.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – I am running a bit later than usual but I went junk shopping while the sun was out, got home just in time for the wind to pick up and rain is right on its tail.

    Reen – Happy Birthday – I hope you day if filled with baskets of {{{HUGS}}} and your buckets are full of {{{KISSES}}} with the entire day filled with sunshine.

    Katie – I sent up prayers to give you strength and to open up the ears and hearts of those in attendance.

    Julie – I am so glad the weather had perfect timing for your swap. Hopefully the next one will be even better.

    Reen – remember that you do not need a lot of viewers of your home. You just need the right viewer. Since you have no control over that – then it is in the Lords hands and he shall send the right person in when the time is perfect. Good Luck!!

    Well, I do need to try and get caught up so I shall wave a big howdy to everyone and get my fanny off to my chores.

  • Well I obviously posted before I browsed through the list.

    Shelly – Oh My! That sounds dreadfully painful. I am sure when/if mine get to the point of locking up I will also have to give it up. Hopefully, there are a few more years in me. Knuckle Replacement – I will definitely have to keep that one in mind. It sounds like a great solution.

    Gail – AAAAAAHHH! What fantastic news. I am so happy for you. It sounds like you and the doctors have a great reason for smiling. Celebrate with your daughter and have a blast. Try not to overdo it though.

    Ok – Now I am off to my chair. Hope everyone has a warm and wonderful day.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – Bet you thought I forgot the eye candy. Well it turns out that getting decent shots of this beautiful afghan that shows the shadows to make the images really pop is much harder than I realized. So 86 photos from 15 different locations and angles those highlights finally gave up their distinct luster. Hope you enjoy. I am headed for my chair to work on the graduation blanket that I started last night.

    Wedding Afghan in all its glory.

    Close up of corner heart.

    Close up of Double Hearts in center.

    Sure hope this works!!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I DID IT!! I FINALLY DID IT!! The wedding blanket is finally done and in the washing machine. All that is left to do is block it, photo it and package/wrap it and I will be ready for the May 31st wedding of a grandson (one of the twins). Later I will make another one that is similar but not identical for the day when the other twin gets married (someday in the future). This one was difficult in places where it needed complete concentration to get the placements and sizes right but really easy during the flat parts. The next one should not take as long now that this one is all plotted out. Today I shall start on one of the three graduation blankets I have to finish before the first of June. I’ve got coffee – going to catch up with what has been happening.

    Don - It is exciting to hear that you have some adventure coming in your future. I think the Glass Museum is a splendid idea for starters. You have time to explore all your options. I am looking forward to hearing about it. You are a super secret Santa. The set you sent Katie is fabulous.

    Katie – TWO PIECES of Don’s glass – You lucky Dawg!!! Those are truly beautiful. WOW!!

    Shelly – My RA does make it difficult at times to work the hooks. I can’t take meds to reduce the swelling in my joints but I do have pain meds I can take when it gets really bad. I am extremely lucky to have a very strong pain tolerance and I have built my hook handles up so that I am not applying unnecessary strain on my joints. I do all my crocheting either in my lift chair with TV or radio going or (in warm weather) out on the front porch with the tranquil sound of the fish pond. However I do all the writing of my patterns and charting of designs on the computer in the office.

    Julie – It sounds like the slowdown is God’s way of making everyone take time to smell the roses. Try to enjoy the slower pace at least for a little while. Everything will get back to some form of normal in its own good time. Good luck with your swap meet. I sure hope you find some dry ground, lots of sales, laughs and friends.

    Gail – I know it is hard not to overdue. Maybe the visit with your daughter will slow you down just a little bit. I sure hope things went well at the institute, daughter arrived safely and you’re enjoying a wonderful day.

    Irene – Those are some beautiful blossoms. What a joy to have and hopefully they are as fragrant as they are beautiful. Hope hubby is doing well and getting back to his ol’ self.

    Well the washer is done and coffee cup is empty. Time to go spread out this blanket, square it up and photo it for prosperity. If all goes well, I will have eye candy for you tomorrow.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone who stops by. Hope everyone is having a delightfully wonderful day. So much for short notes!! <<; ^)

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – it is supposed to be in the 70’s today. How glorious is that!!

    Gail – I am so glad that you’re feeling better. Hubby and I were talking last night about how long this wedding blanket is taking to get done. Usually an afghan takes 2 weeks. The tree skirt for the 12’ tree took almost a month and this little bugger is heading into a month and a half. It has taken a lot of counting and ripping out to redo just to get everything lined up properly and making sure everything is in the right proportions. Since I designed this – there is no pattern. I am tired of this one but just have to plug along to finish before the wedding.

    Katie – I am so glad that hubby is doing well and a close watch on his diet should keep him that way. What a blessing!

    Julie – It is so good to hear that you’re beginning the cleanup and that the tree did not do sever damage to your neighbor’s property. I hope the weather lets up a bit to give you a chance to get the repairs accomplished before winter gets around that corner.

    Don – Sorry you did not get your butter dish but YEA!!!! on the carnival. It sounds like all three kids (even the biggest one) had a grand time.

    Fenton – What a terrific find. I never get lucky enough to find things like that close to home. The last really good one I found was 300 miles away and I had to pack it up extra well for the trip home.

    Shelly – just like you – I tend to write a book. I just can’t help myself.

    Ok it's now time to get cleaned up and back to work. Yes! I have been lollygagging around the house today. So I guess I will shift things up a notch and see what happens.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone who stops by today. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy day!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have spent the last couple of days with children and energy home inspections folks coming and going. We are getting ready to start this year’s upgrades so we thought we would get a list of things that need to be changed then compare to prices before we decide what to tackle first. I am now waiting for the energy report to come in.

    Carl – it sounds like you have planned quite the special day for DW and yourself. I am sure you both will have a delightful adventure.

    Irene – it is so good to hear that DH is doing so well. Sounds like a small quiet birthday is just what is needed. Hopefully things will get a little easier and settle back down.

    Katie – Glad to hear that Mike is doing so much better. What were the results of his test? Will his difficulty and pain return? Hopefully, it has totally passed and all will go back to normal.

    Julie – we are so relieved to hear that you and family are doing OK. Hopefully life will calm down a little bit so you can get repairs done and families life back to a new normal. We are praying for everyone to have the strength to pull through all this.

    Gail – What a wonderful delight for you that your friends did such a special get together. It is truly special to know that the folks in your area are taking as good care of you as you do for others.

    George – I am so glad to hear that you have progressed. Soon you will have everything back and will feel free as a bird again.

    Time to get something accomplished. Today is the first day where I am not expecting anyone to stop by so I am planning on making some major progress on this wedding blanket. It has taken me longer than any other one I have done. I need to start on the 3 graduation blankets by the first of May and I just found out that there is another baby on the way so I need to do a baby blanket, hat and bib set for that one.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping in and sending {{{{HUGE HUGS}}} to everyone who is not feeling well, or has their life in turmoil. Sure hope everyone has a Bright, Beautiful and Sun Shining day!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Been helping out Son and DNL with getting their years of paperwork that has accumulated sorted out. This is a task we do about every 5 years. I wish they would do it yearly but we know how that goes. I finally have it down to Files to Keep – Envelopes stuffed with papers to keep for the IRS marked by date and Stuff to take to the Bulk Shredder.

    Julie – WOW – when you get a storm you certainly do not mess around!! A Typhoon/Cyclone, Trees Down, Roof Leaking, Phone, Internet and Power out – I will never complain about our rain and wind again. I am truly glad to hear that you and your family were not physically injured. It is enough that the property damage is a devastating emotional and financial injury. We will pray for strength and speedy, trouble-free transitions during this clean up and repair period for you, your family, friends and neighbors.

    Carl – Certainly glad to hear the flooding is receding – at least temporarily. Hopefully after the winter you had, the flooding will stay minimal.

    George – I am sorry to hear you’re in a cast but glad to hear you get it off soon. We will send prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.

    Don – Your Blue Opalescent Carnelian Birthday present is absolutely exquisite. Nice find. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Gail – Hope you are getting some rest and having some fun equally during your vacation.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by for a visit. Hope your day is full of warmth and happiness.
    I am off to do something even if its wrong.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – dinner last night was splendid and the children left me with a totally clean kitchen. YEA! However, we did chat until almost midnight so I am running on fumes today. Think I will go work on the wedding blanket and take a nap (hopefully). Our weather has been beautiful and I love opening up the house, sitting on the porch and crocheting in the warm breeze.

    Katie – I will be sure to give you a shout when the package arrives. I am sure it will arrive safely.

    Well, I am waving everyone a big howdy and pray all are having as beautiful day as we are.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – I have been hustling to get the house in order for a family dinner tomorrow. Hubby has stuffed the attic with all the girls’ toys over the many years. So I told them they have to come get them out of the attic and sort through them. Their alternative was going to be me hiring someone to pull the stuff out, fill a moving container with everything and delivering it to their homes. They decided that not having all the trash at their homes and getting fed sounded like the better option. Once I explained to hubby that our room is limited so he has to choose between CARS (and their parts) or CRAP (including tools that have not worked for decades) – he saw the light and chose to keep his CARS. Sometimes it is just a matter of prospective!

    Irene – great plug – I will have to check that one out. I am always glad to hear a proud parent or grandparent bragging about their loved ones. So glad you shared!

    Reen – that is a beautiful home and the photos are great. It looks perfect for a family.

    Shelly – I am glad to hear that you are doing alright. I have not had a lot of time to get out and hit the junk shops or estate sales yet. I am trying to clear out some of the junk we already have before I add any more to it.

    Katie – glad hubby is feeling better. Try not to wear yourself down worrying. That will be of no help to anyone and certainly not in your best healthy interest.

    Irene – I am so glad to hear the good news about hubby. Hopefully he has been a cooperative patient.

    Gail – it is certainly good to hear you are feeling so chipper. Try to take frequent breaks over the next few days and remembered how easy it is to get dehydrated so drink lots of fluids.

    I am Waving a big howdy to everyone who is stopping by. Hopefully your enjoying good health and beautiful weather.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have been lollygagging around this morning and enjoying it.

    Irene – how is Jack doing today – I know that pneumonia is a wicked beast and very difficult to clear out of the system. The last time I had that I coughed so hard that I broke one of my ribs. Don’t want to do that again.

    Katie – your oatmeal and strawberries are enough to make anyone feel better. Good luck with the CAT scan. Asparagus salad sounds good. I will have to make one soon. Thanks for the idea.

    Sharon – I am so glad those T- Storms are not in this area. Not my favorite place to be. Good to see you and try to stay dry.

    Julie – either your internet is driving you batty again or that was one dandy kayak ride you went on. You’re doing a Good job at keeping all of us guessing.

    Gail – I hope you got to do all that you wished yesterday and are getting lots of rest today. {{{HUGSSS}}}

    Well, my tasks list is long so it must be about time to stop dottling around here. It is time for me to get more coffee and tackle the chores.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone and sending all warm wishes for a happy and healthy day.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Hubby and I took off for a short vacation to the coast. Sometimes I think I am getting too old for that “Let’s Go” – get packed, loaded and on the road in 2 hours. We had so much fun that I would do it again next week. The trip came about because I was having a love/hate relationship with the wedding blanket that I designed. I managed to build the double heart backwards with the big heart on top of the small heart. It looked terrible so I had to tear out half the work I had done and start it all over again. I know it will look great when it is done and now that I have had a respite it should go smoother.

    Katie – your Lalique Perch car mascot/hood ornament is truly beautiful. Is this a keeper or something you plan on selling? If selling please let me know as Hubby collects hood ornaments.

    Gail – The majority of the ice packing is over – now it is down to as needed which seems to be about once a week. It is a good thing I have an electric blanket as my lap blanket. It has really gotten a workout this year. Your photos of everyone are truly precious. What wonderful memories that has inspired.

    Reen – Sure hope your health is doing better.

    Katie and Irene – prayers for strength, wellness and fast recuperation are going up for your DH.

    Nancy – Beautiful find.

    Well, I finally got caught up with the posts and now I need more coffee. There is laundry to do and then back to redoing the double hearts on the wedding blanket.
    I am waving a big howdy to everyone who is stopping by and sending up prayers for all who are not at the top of their game. Remember that your guardian angel is always with you.

  • Good Mornin Everyone – Wow this turned out to be a very busy weekend. It was a blast to spend it with the family and some of our friends. I sure hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I am going to take today to rest and work on the wedding blanket.

    I see there are a couple folks to put on my prayer list and I am delighted to do so. So to all of our friends here I am wishing you the strength and patience for your healing process.

    Gail – I am always glad to see your posts. Personally I am delighted to hear about your litany of ills and your favorite pastime of sleeping. LOL. It reassures us that you are doing well and on the way to recovery.

    Shelly – It is good to see you stopping in. We know that sometimes life just gets in the way and our days are gone before we know it. It is hard to get everything done during that time. So I hope that everything settles back down a bit and you can get some rest and relaxation. {{{HUGS}}}

    Waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by today. Hope your days are full of fun, love and good health.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I skip a couple of days to get caught up on my crochet time table and all the beautiful glass comes springing out. WOW.

    Don – Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful – What a stunning delight to enjoy every day. Nice Job!

    Carl – your slag toothpick holder is definitely a cutie.

    JimL – your rose bowl is gorgeous and in my favorite color. Sorry no help with age or manufacturer, just a bunch of drooling.

    Gail – vacation from treatment does not equal vacation from resting. The “back to normal life” is not on the schedule yet – so rest – rest – rest.

    Shelly – pop your head in and say howdy – we miss you!

    Carl – saw this commercial last night and could not help but think of you. Hopefully, spring will start popping its head through all that crazy weather. (hope this works)


    Waving a big howdy to everyone who is popping in. May you have a healthy and happy day.

  • Good Mornin Everyone – I finally hit the 1/4th mark on the wedding afghan I designed and decided it looked flat and not what I was looking for. So I spent the weekend redesigning it then ripping it down to the first two rows and resetting the pattern. It is much nicer now and I can continue on to completion. A week of work down the tube but the final product will be well worth it.

    Sharon – What a wonderful and special surprise. Glad you had a fantastic time. You definitely deserve it.

    Julie – What a delightful view to wake up to. It reminds me of the good ol’ days. Sure do miss the good times we had going campin’.

    Don – I don’t live in the “Dusty Place” you live in. However, the dirt road out front seems to send my dust collection spiraling out of control on a regular basis. I feel for you but you will have a delightful vision to look forward to enjoying.

    Gail – I am glad to hear that you’re coming up to a break. Use the time to get rested up. Your body will tell you what it needs. Just listen.

    Well, I am off to get some errands ran and chores accomplished. I am waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by. Hope you have a happy and healthy week.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Well hubby was shocked by new hair style but he likes it. Sure hope the rest of the family has the same response.
    I did not locate my luncheon plate after looking at thousands but not giving up. I plan on running down to see if I could get a photo of them. That way I hope to make better progress. Thank you Reen for the tip as it did produce a wealth of information and lovely luncheon plates eye candy.
    I did a slow cooked pork roast yesterday so now my kitchen looks like a bomb was set off in there. The pork came out of the oven at 9:30 last night so I just set everything to soak and put the food in the Refrigerator. Guess I will clean up that mess today also.

    Norma – Happy Birthday to you – I hope your day is full of buckets of hugs and baskets of kisses. Enjoy your special day.

    Waving a big Howdy to everyone sliding in for a visit today. Hope everyone has a great day. I am off for more coffee.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone – I got up this morning and called my hairdresser. Then this afternoon I went and got my first haircut in 15 years. My hair is super fine hair with a silver gray top. As it got grayer it became like spider webs that you can’t see in my face. It was long enough that I could sit on it but I always kept it in a ponytail or twisted up and held with a barrette. So now it is just past the ears with bangs (I have not had bangs since I was really young). I have not told anyone – not even hubby that I was going to do this. I think this will put the family into shock. But it feels so much better.

    On the way home I stopped at the junk shops and seen some 1940-1950 style luncheon plates that are rectangle with the cup holder and a Christmas tree decor on the bottom. I have looked but have not found anything like them yet. I did not pick them up as I was not familiar with them and did not know if the cups they had with them were the match for the set. I am going to continue searching but if this sounds familiar to anyone – any information is greatly appreciated.

    Julie – hope you’re feeling better for your trip. Go and have a blast.

    Well, I have a roast in the oven that is due to be pulled out and dishes to finish up so I am off and moving once again.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I am up early so I could get beautified and chores done before the furnace inspector show up. Hopefully, I can get a small nap later today. I finished the Steeler's Football Afghan for grandson’s graduation and started the wedding afghan for another grandson last night.

    Grandson’s Graduation Afghan – 52” across and 71” long

    Well inspector is due here soon so I am off for another cup of Coco with tiny marshmallows!
    I am waving a big howdy to everyone who peeks in today. I hope the sun shines down on you!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Looks like another gray day around here. Should inspire me to buckle down and finish off the Steeler's Football Afghan for grandson. I hope to get it washed and blocked out today so I can begin the Wedding Blanket for another grandson.

    Don – Oh My My! What a beautiful set. Love that beautiful deep green color. Thank you for sharing.

    Katie – try not to work so hard that you hurt yourself. It sounds like tough work you’re going after so be sure to take a break now and then.

    I am waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by. Hope your Sunday is full of sunshine and relaxation.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – it has rained here most of yesterday and so far today. I am staying snug under this Afghan for grandsons graduation but it will be finished soon so I hope it warms up for a while so I can get another one going to stay cuddled under.

    Reen – I am so glad you are feeling better. I know for me the healing process seems to take longer than it ever use to. Just try not to overdo yourself (like we always seem to do).

    Shelly – you are so adorable and keep me giggling – I do not knit as needles are a deadly weapon in my hands – I crochet – with a hook as I can’t get into nearly as much trouble. Hee Hee Hee!!!

    Woops – the dish washer and washing machine have finished so I best get my groove on and finish my chores. Waving a Big Howdy to everyone. Hope your weekend is going great and you are spending time with your loved ones.

  • Good Mornin Everyone – I have spent days with strange men tromping through and around the house. There were Furnace Installers, Sheet Metal Fabricators, Electricians, Duct Work Specialists, and a variety of Inspectors. Finally all is done except for mechanical inspection. That will be done on Monday. Then I had to go to doctor for a check. All is improving nicely and I only have to ice for 15 minutes every 2 hours and can be up and about as long as I do no lifting or bending. To top it off the sun is shining for a few minutes this morning.

    Seems I have missed a couple of Birthdays - Tracy and Irene – I hope your days have filled all your baskets with hugs and buckets with kisses. Happy Birthday Ladies!

    Gail – It is so heartwarming how wonderful your treatment center is treating you. I think that Mavis-Pearl is simply adorable. Way too cute! I am so glad you’re having fun during your spurts of energy. Keep the good MOJO rollin’.

    Well – I am off to see what kind of trouble I can get into. I have to finish off one of the graduation Afghans this weekend and get the wedding one moving. So I am sure the trouble I find will not be too serious. I am Waving A Big Howdy to everyone who is poppin’ in and hope you all have a safe and wonderful day. Carl – I keep praying for heat to make it to your part of the country. Stay warm.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – just dropping by for a quickie. We have the new furnace coming in so I will have workmen in and out for the next two days. OH Yea!!!

    Shelly – Seriously! No pressure – Right. My record for Afghans is 10 made in a year plus my other stuff. I may end up breaking that record this year due to the high demand. Between Christmas, Wedding, babies and Graduations there is 11 on the list this year. I should finish one on Friday if all goes according to plan.

    Reen – I just love your little ditties and have been sharing them with my Daughter In Law who really enjoys them also.

    Gail – so glad you’re doing well and that you have a nice break coming up. We still continue the prayers and keep you in our hearts and thoughts always.

    Well I am off to get cleaned up and dressed before I have to get back on the ice packs. I have to be dressed before the furnace folks get here.
    Waving a Big howdy to everyone who swings by and hope everyone is in good health.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Healing is going slow and steady. Hope to get out of the ice pack routine when I see the doctor on the 19th. I have gotten some of my projects moving along. I have blankets for 3 graduations, a wedding and a baby all due for events in May and June.

    Gail – Love the new Avatar – you’re still as lovely as ever. I love your little ditty as well as your lovely hat and glad to see your sense of humor is still keeping you strong.

    Shelly – they could only clean up the spurs. The bones are deteriorating too rapidly to hold the pins and rods, therefore cleaning up the spurs and waiting for the swelling to go down is all we can do. Since I can’t take the anti-inflammatory to assist – the progress is slow. All is getting better. I am getting feeling back in my left arm and hand by midday now. That tells me some of these ice packs are doing what they are supposed to do.

    Reen – I am so glad to hear that you’re starting to feel better. Take things slow and easy – when you think about pushing it, remember – nothing will get done if you don’t have your health.

    Sharon – I sure hope the exercises help with the vertigo. Hopefully you will be back to your regular routine soon.

    I am waving a big howdy to everyone peeking in. I am being paged by my ice pack. I will be back.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I sure have missed your coffee. Between the back surgery and 45 minutes of ice packs every 2 hours, I finally managed to get the tax stuff off to the tax Gal. Something must be working as I have feeling back in my feet and my right arm completely. My left are is still working on it but is showing improvement.

    Reen – remember to keep you chin up as that is where you find the angels who are protecting you and giving you strength during this difficult time. Praying for definite answers soon and a quick recovery

    Irene – thanks for the low down on the yarn – I will check it out right away.

    Just stopped in to wave a big howdy and let you know your all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Good Mornin' Everyone - I have not caught up on the board but I will as things get better. I had to go have some of my vertebras smoothed out as rough edges caused by deterioration were tearing up nerves in my spinal ponytail causing extreme inflammation. I am only allowed to be up for 15 minutes each hour for this week. So I thought I would drop in to let you know that I am doing fine and will be back to catch up with everyone soon. I might get dressed in my next 15 minutes (maybe). <<:^}}

    Gail – I hope you are staying strong – there are angels with prayers all around you.
    Reen – Sure hope you are getting better and back on your feet.

    George – Happy Birthday To You – hope your day is full of baskets filled with hugs and buckets full of kisses.

    To everyone else – I am waving howdy and wishing all of you good health, warmth and overall happiness in your hearts. I will be back !!!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone - Well, the pinched nerves continued to be a problem so I skipped (not really) off to visit the doctor. It turned out that the ponytail of nerves that run down the spine has several inflamed areas at different vertebra locations. It has affected my arms, hips and left leg. They gave me steroids to assist with the reduction of inflammation. I am on the NO WORK list for now. Today is my first day out of my chair for more than 10 minute intervals. YEA to freedom!
    Ok – I have a full cup of coffee and I plan on getting caught up before my time is up and I have to return to a reclined position with my friendly ice packs.

    Don – your Corona - Sunk Honeycomb water set is absolutely beautiful.

    Reen – It is great to see you slowly getting back on your feet. Sounds like you have been through the ringer. I am finally getting caught up so I am hoping I will find you’re getting better as I finish scrolling through. We are sending Prayers for continued recovery to surround you.

    Gail – sleep is good for recovery. The work your system is doing to accomplish your recovery is very taxing. We continue to send prayers for strength and continued recovery to surround you also.
    I too have not been out junkin for treasures in what seems to be forever. Now that my junkin partner has passed, I really need to go out and do some junkin to find that special treasure to honor her. Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit soon to make the adventure more enjoyable.
    Well, back to the ice packs - waving a big howdy to everyone droppin by. Carl, Julie, Don, George, Fenton, Katie, Shelly, Gail, Reen and Sharon it is great to see all of you. You make the day brighter.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – my spinal cord has inflamed some nerves in my spine so they have swollen and are pinching off nerves to my left arm. It is making my left arm/hand swollen and painful to move or use in any way. I spent all day yesterday on ice packs trying to get the swelling down so the arm will work again. I think I will be there again today. Needless to say – typing with one hand is a pain all its own.

    Birthday Wishes – I am sending Birthday wishes to NancyJean and Sharon. We hope your special day leaves you with baskets full of hugs and buckets full of kisses.

    Gail - I am so glad the doctor has you feeling better but I am with Shelly - NO Livers. I will have to do a rain check and just suffer through this plate of Oreo's and Milk.

    Reen - I am praying for your strength and good health returns to you soon. Your cheering section is all around you.

    Well I just dropped in for a moment to check on everyone. I am back to the ice packs before I irritate things any further.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Gray sky out there today. Unfortunately, yesterday our heat pump stopped working so I am sitting here waiting for the technician to show up and let me know just how much this is going to cost {AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH}.
    Gail – Hope the get you tests together soon. You’re on a rough ride so just try to hang on. Prays of strength and healing are all around you. {{{HUGS}}}.
    Well off to get cleaned up before the heater guy gets here. Be Back Later.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – the sun was out yesterday with a beautiful sunset. Now we have beautiful blue skies and sunshine. Still chilly out but hopefully it will warm up enough to open up the door for some fresh air to circulate.

    Irene – that sounds like it is going to be a totally fun projects for you and the children. We do love the Antiques Roadshow. We watch it in the morning on the Canadian channel and then on the American channel. Last night we watched one of the old ones from California in 2011.

    Shelly – When I first met Hubby – he kept calling me a Neat Nic. Then 8 months later I met his mother. She had a spotless home. I actually slapped him telling him I was shocked to find out he was raised in a clean home and taught to clean up after himself. I guess 20 years of laziness set in better than 18 years of moms harping.

    Gail – it is so good to hear you had such a good visit with your daughter and that she is following in your glass footsteps. Hopefully the grandchildren catch the bug also. I have a Grandson – yes! I said Grandson who is all goggled eyed over my perfume bottles with special interested in green and yellows that glow under black light. It warms my heart.

    Carl – We are so glad the boys have been found and are OK. It sounds like they have a good head on their shoulders. Thank you for keeping us up to date.

    Ok – Time for me to get rockin’ before the day gets away from me. I am waving a big howdy to everyone. We Hope you are all safe and warm.

  • Wow - I used links on purpose as this was not glass related and did not use the Image Wizzard but it seems to automatically convert the link over to a photo.

  • Irene – His mother taught him to clean up after himself but his Ex-wife was a messy house keeper and he goes lazy. After 20 years with her, I have taken another 15 years breaking many of those bad habits. Some are easier to break than others. Some days I just choose my battles wisely.
    This is a photo of the “Rats Nest” that the latest ornament begins with. It stays that way until the last row when you can start tucking ends and clipping strings. There are 12 strings and 6 loops to work around.


    However, this “Rats Nest” works up to be this completed ornament.


    They are terribly tedious but turn out to be spectacularly unique. I am glad that I only need 40 of them.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I spent some time with Heather’s family yesterday. So now today I will play catch up on my chores.

    Carl, Sue, Jim, Shelly and all others in the deep freeze portion of our nation – I am sending warm thoughts to help keep you warm and melt that snow down so it will warm up faster (like that will work). Sure hope you folks get a fantastically beautiful spring – you have earned it.

    Gail – So glad your DD has been able to be there for a visit. Remember – sleep is a good thing while your body is trying to mend itself. {{{{HUGS}}}}

    Well, I am off to scold the gremlins for pulling Hubby’s socks out of the laundry basket AGAIN! It works as well as scolding Hubby who likes to step on toe of socks to pull them off, then leaves them where he stepped out of them. Partners – Just Got To Love Them! <<:^}}}}}

    Waving a big howdy to everyone who stops by today. Hope you are all staying safe, sane, warm and healthy!

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Hope you have a Valentine’s Day full of Hugs, Kisses, Warmth and Love. Oh Happy Days!!!

    George – your glass is lovely. I am very fond of that color glassware.

    Carl – Sure hope you and your lovely has a chance to do dinner. Mostly be safe.

    Katie – I thought that was D&M Teardrop also. It is a lovely set.

    Today Hubby is workin’ so I am going to work on a new design for an ornament that I found. It is one of those that will take total concentration as you have 6 strands of yarn. With the six starting threads, six loops and six working threads – it is much like working in a rats nest until the last row when it starts to show its beauty.

    I am waving a big howdy to everyone and a very Happy Valentine’s Day to All.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I am slow getting started today. I lost a really good friend yesterday. She was my junking and crocheting buddy. I am truly grateful – When she was diagnosed with the pancreatic cancer they did not expect to see her make it to Christmas, so I am grateful for the extra time she had with her family and friends.

    Julie – have a blast at the swap meet. I know lots a work and loads of good fun, friends and food. Have a safe trip.

    Carl – I am so very blessed to be living in the Pacific Northwest when I see winters like yours.

    Shelly – I was raised by a very strict father that did not allow naps after you started school and idle time was restricted to the time after dinner and dishes before you went to bed. Needless to say, I find it difficult to just sit around idle. Even the pain of my deteriorating joints and back problems does not stop me which is very frustrating to my Hubby. I try not to push it too hard but I am not always successful.

    Well, it is time to get finished dressing. I am going to the funeral home with Heather’s daughter to finalize the arrangements. She had everything set up so we just have to finalize everything with them and call the florist with the date and locations. Looks like the rain will hold off for a while so we can get this done without the shower.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone. Hope your day is full of warmth and love. We are praying for all who are not feeling well – Reen, George and Wife, Gail, Shelly. All of you are in good hands.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have been spending the last couple of days getting some more Ornaments finished up. I have 40 trees, 40 Stars, 40 ribbon candies, 40 Angels and 40 hearts completed. I have the 40 Wreaths about half done and still need to knock out 40 snowflakes before I go on to make the 6 blankets on the “Grandma’s Wish List” {family honeydew list for Grams}. One is a wedding gift, three are graduation gifts and 2 are Christmas gifts.

    Lainey – so good to see you pop in. Your suggestions for Gail are spot on and exactly what I was going to suggest. Great minds think alike.

    Julie – love the coffee today. I am about to get another cup before my granddaughter comes over for some instruction on how to live with her diabetes. She came out of the classes so confused that she didn’t even know what questions to ask. Hopefully I can simplify it for her.

    Reen – Big {{{HUGS}}} filled with healing blessings are sent to you. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Katie – Thank you for the update on Reen.

    I am waving a big howdy to everyone stopping by. Hope your day is full of love and warmth.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – Woke up early and got the chores done. So now I am catching up on the computer. Soon I will get back to working on the Angel Ornaments for the family. Hope to finish them up this week.

    Gail – All my warmth, positive thoughts and prayers are wrapped in a huge {{{HUG}}} for you. The first treatments are always the hardest.

    Sending a Big Wave Howdy to everyone stopping by today. See you all later.

  • Shelly - We have 5 acres and so do the neighbors on both sides of us. We allow one neighbor open grazing for his sheep so that we do not have to worry about cutting that portion. They use that section for their maternity ward (from pregnant to delivery). We had twins born back there last summer.
    Anyway, that reduces the lawn cutting/trimming down to about 2 hours a weekend during growing season rather than an entire day on the lawn tractor just getting it knocked down. Hubby likes to have the golf course lawn when he finishes mowing.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We are overcast and some drizzle from time to time. Not expecting anything else until mid-week. Sheep got out of the fence yesterday and worked their best to come into the house – first the back door – then the front. We finally got them wrangled in and fence line secured. It was a fun and funny hour out of an ordinary day. Today the ducks are swimming in the back pond and the dog is trying to chase them without getting his paws into the water. Fortunately, the dog will give up before the ducks will.

    Welcome back Julie – so glad to hear that you had such a good time gallivanting around the country for the weekend. I am looking forward to doing the same as soon as the weather becomes more agreeable. After all the Drag Races have started up again and that means the car shows are right behind them.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone. May your days be full of warmth and happiness.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I have spent the last few days going through the paperwork for this tax season. I REALLLLLLLLLY hate tax season. But at least I got through the medical stuff and most of the misc stuff and got it packed away for another year.

    Carl – WOW – How goes the Polar Bear Hunt! Hopefully they are slow at peeking out. We are still in the Gray Rainy stages of winter. We sure will be glad to see the sun again.

    Don – Your Double Dahlia Set is stunning. I do like the way you downsize.

    GailMac – Your little one reminds me of my Onyx. She strolled in my back door one summer afternoon, sniffed around for a moment, sat down at my feet and never left. She would not let anyone else near her. She died a couple of years ago after being with me for 14 years.

    Katie – Your childhood home is absolutely fabulous. I sure hope the next owners will return her to her original beautiful glory.

    Shelly – I am glad that you finally got the shoulder/arm and ribs checked out and that they will be OK with some time to heal. Just try to take it easy for awhile to give them a chance to recoup.

    Jim – Loved the coffee – I will take one cup of each!!

    Gail – my prayers, {{{{hugs}}}} and positive thoughts will be with you on Monday .
    Ok – time to get my other stuff done that I have ignorned these last few days. Besides, my coffee is empty so it must be time for more.

    Waving a big howdy to everyone passing through today. Hope everyone is warm and cozy in spite of the weather!!

  • Good Mornin’ All – Had a beautiful sunset last night but it is still gray and raining today. Oh well, there is still lots to get done before I go to docs and run errands tomorrow. I am starting on the paperwork for the taxes. It seems to be time again to get that nasty chore out of the way.

    Julie - Your little Nappy is so gorgeous. I am envious of the person who bought it. It would have looked great in my collection.

    Well I am off for another cup of coffee and then the dive into the tax stuff.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone and sending healing prays to all.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – We have a gray day with light drizzle coming down. It is expected to stay that way all day. Hubby is due home from work early as the store is closing for the game. Goooo Seahawks!!!

    Don – your set is gorgeous – a real WoW to go with my coffee. Thank you for sharing this beauty.

    Well, it is about that time for me to go find some trouble to get into. I am working on Heart and Wreath Ornaments now with angles and snowflakes to follow. I took last night off due to RA causing a stink with my fingers but they feel better now so I will try to get a bunch done today.
    Waving a big howdy to everyone peeking in today. Hope you all have a safe and sane Super Bowl Sunday.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – I spent yesterday making a laundry bag for my husband to carry dirty uniforms back to work in. It is finished it just in time as they have to go back on Sundays. I am hoping the neon green color of the bag will help him to remember to take them so I don’t have to wash them.

    Irene and Fenton – that is some beautiful glass you have found. My biggest problem is trying to sell the beautiful glass that I have found. I get hot flashes just thinking of the possibilities.

    Shelly – We are so glad to see you back. Sorry to hear of your fall. Be a Good Gal and stay down for a while and give them a good chance to heal. Remember to take a deep breath from time to time to prevent phenomena from setting into your lungs. Also pleased to hear your friend came through her surgery in good condition.

    Reen – this is the one I usually go to for metal maker’s marks. Unfortunately I am not seeing H. J. Starr Co.


    Well, I am off to see what kind of trouble I can get into for the rest of the day. Right after I hang up Hubby’s Uniforms. Waving a big howdy to everyone who is stopping by today.

  • Good Mornin’ Everyone – It is going to be a quiet day today other than DS and family coming for dinner. Hubby is doing the cooking so I have an easy day until I have to clean the kitchen up. I finally got some sleep last night thank goodness – I was exhausted. I feel so much better today and have the strength to cope with the pain. Dr. Crunch (chiropractor) tried to adjust my back and hips to relieve some of the pain but nothing stays where it is supposed to because of the deteriorated joints and the inflammation caused by it and the RA.
    Don – It is Virus season. We sure hope yours passes quickly.
    Katie – Wow – that was a close call. We use our furnace/AC all the time and sometimes forget the silent danger that lurks within. I am so glad the problem was caught and you folks are alright.
    Well, time for more coffee and then … who knows. I am waving howdy to all of you who are stopping in. Hope all have a great day.

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