• KATIE... I just can't think how the toothpaste thing went down! However, I had some of my kitchen wall paint (Sensible Hue - a lovely yellowish cream color!) on my boob. Maybe we're related?

    CARL... My neighbor who is about 148 yrs old had a broken tomato plant, potted, on her open deck that got wrecked in a storm. She brought it onto the front enclosed porch and left it. Her husband died that week and so the plant was ignored for weeks. It does get very humid on that porch when not opened and she was using a different entry. SO... a month after Old Mike has gone to the Polish Dance in the sky, this foolish plant began to bud, she gave it some water, it blossomed and finally produced 3 or 4 small tomatoes. I think Mike did it!!

    TO ALL: Just saw the film "This Is The End". Cannot recommend. Violent, crude, frightening, and it's a COMEDY!!!! Or maybe I'm getting old.


  • Morning, All! No YS's yesterday... rain, rain, rain and a smelly fridge. Cleaned it completely inside and out. Always have baking soda within but put a bowl of oatmeal in there, too, and 2 pans of charcoal behind. DH cleaned the underside painstakingly and I still smell mold. Must have formed on the coils. Deep sigh! Will try patience but that's one of my bigtime allergies - mold. I give myself shots for it twice a week. May have to wait for a dry day and empty and unplug it and hope for a great dry-out.
    Did anyone watch that fantastic concert for OneFund Boston last night? We were enthralled!!! Good job, Donnie Wahlberg, for organizing this. Nicest feature of the setup for this event is that when you bought tix (2 or 4) you had to use credit card AND had to present the credit card with the tix for admission. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr Scalper Guy!!! Every penny going to victims. Lovely.
    Still so foggy and damp here on Olde Cape Cod. Think it might be a nap day but the floors want washing...... nap......floors......nap........floors... wonder which will win out?
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  • FORGOT TO SAY........while whining about my silly rash: Katie, Gail, Shelley, do feel better! Warm hugs all around.

  • Ahoy, Glassies! Haven't been tuning in lately--- have had an outrageous rash that was finally identified as Fifths Disease. It's a childhood disease but what the heck - I'm fairly immature! Quote the Coasters "You're gonna need an ocean.... dit-da-dit-da-dit... of calamine lotion......" It took 12 days to subside and isn't quite gone yet. Dull headache but no fever so more annoyance than health threat. Having survived BC and Lyme Disease with a heavy case of allergies recently, this ain't nothing! Of course, I still took every opportunity to moan and groan about it. Poor DH!
    So tomorrow I'll go to a giant church yard sale and hope to find treasures. It's been a while. Maybe I'll have pix to share.
    Lots of talk about rain here... we've got gray skies yest & today which is a relief. And the lawn is loving it. The 7 day forecast has sun and storms every day. Stinks for the 4th but we'll sneak in a bbq and beach visit. Our Hyannis fireworks will take place no matter what so if skies are heavy we'll see blurry brightness and hear a lot of duds. What a waste of $$.
    Ebay sends me more stupid messages than when I was actually selling on the site.
    I think that god-forsaken land of ours in Panama is actually sold! Still need paperwork completed so please do cross fingers, toes, eyes, legs, etc!!!
    That's it for news from here. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and finding more pretties than I have this year!

  • Shelly.... my dear friend lived in Upstate NY for years and had 50 acres with tons of maple trees. So it was back to nature that first year they bought the property and they decided to tap the trees. DH & sons tapped 200 trees and hauled the sap back to Carol as they filled up. She then boiled it on the stove in a megapot... seriously, it was akin to a bathtub. It boils for hours... 12? 18? 24? I don't remember, but then she'd bottle each batch. For the bazillion buckets of sap and the bazillion hours on the stove she only filled 21 pint bottles! I think it's something ridiculous like 3 gallons reduces to a quart. After that they made a pilgrimage to Vermont every year and bought syrup!!!! It's very likely that whoever served you syrup shortcut the boiling and you did get weak syrup. Carol would say "I wish I'd thought of that!"

  • Gail... congrats on phone use and power up! It's amazing that OK can keep up with anything at the moment!

  • Shelly - I feel bad that you can't get real maple syrup. But I'll tell you something, even here in New England if you go to a breakfast joint and ask for the real thing, they charge between $2-3 for a little mini-bottle! So we've saved a few of those and if we know we'll be hankering for blueberry pancakes, we bring our own syrup in my purse! I also have my own raw sugar, and sometimes even a little of my own salad dressing! I make that with Bragg's vinegar and Balance Oil and Good Seasons mix. I might as well just stay home, eh? Next I'll be hauling my free range chicken in asking them to cook it for me!!!!

    Anyone in touch with Suzy? This tornado biz is getting wearisome. What a summer so far!


  • OH, GAIL! Fingers crossed for you and everyone in this mess!

  • AMBER... I suppose any natural elements you can find are better than synthetic. I get mine through doc so it's natural. BUT... did you read that all that electronic crap in your bedroom interrupts your own production of melatonin? The total naturalist will not only turn off, but unplug every electronic or electric appliance in the bedroom before retiring! That's a bridge too far for me since I fall asleep watching TV!!!!

  • JULIE, AMBER.. I'm going to let myself have key lime pie with raw sugar and not feel at all guilty about it. Yes, stevia and xylitol are natural but the taste is foul to me. I think maple syrup is good food unless overdone. Nothing is more natural and with Vermont syrup being readily available here, I've grown up with a love of the stuff. It even makes gluten free pancakes taste great! Especially if loaded with Maine blueberries! I consider that other syrup a mortal sin against nature. The only substitute for real maple syrup is good molasses.

    I once stopped in at Cafe Nirvana and they had been terribly busy over the weekend. It was Monday a.m. and no deliveries yet -- and no sugar of any kind, and no cream, and no fabulous scones. SO, I had Sumatran coffee with whole organic milk and (are you ready?) a spoon of blackstrap molasses. It was fan-freaking-tastic! And the guy running the counter convinced me it was health food!!! He then sliced a thick slab of multi-seeded, multi-grained bread (really.. hardly any bread part... all crunch!) and he smeared real butter on it and sprinkled fresh ground cinnamon on it. I said "health food?" and he said "cinnamon is an anti-oxidant!"

    I've been watching the tornado coverage (Tuttle, southwest Moore) and crossing my fingers that it just moves off. Fat chance. Tulsa has a warning, too. So very much violent weather lately. It's predicted to be the worst hurricane season in many years.
    We'd better enjoy today - tomorrow is just not guaranteed.

    Be safe, all you glassies! And have a great dessert this weekend! No substitutes... real whipped cream, real sugar, etc. And enjoy it to pieces!


  • Gail... I hate that chemical aftertaste with stevia and xylitol. I'd rather just use less sugar... I use raw sugar only. But if we only do dessert once a week, I guess that's better than every night! I'll have to invite my neighbor in to help devour it so no leftovers on Monday!

  • AMBER & IRENE... thanks for key lime pie recipes. I'm going to be bad this weekend and try one of them. Maybe another one next weekend. Ssssssshhhh! I'm supposed to be off sugar!!!

    GAIL, SHELLY & everyone in Tornado Alley: Be safe! Too many nasty storms out there! I think we're even on the 2nd hurricane of the season! Early! Pollen is so out of control here but I guess if that's my worst atmospheric complaint on Cape Cod, I'll just pop a sudafed and shut my pie hole. (speaking of pie!) We've started a 4 day heat wave so we'll probably have more t'storms. Not so bad.
    PS: EBAY notice of shipping might have something to do with the seller shipping something on your sale to a different party. I've done it.. just change the address and ship it out. It avoids having to open up USPS site and remember my password!

  • Irene... do you have a good recipe for that key lime pie? I like the flat creamy kind... not the poofy, mile-high type. I've been craving some!!

  • Good Morning, Glassies! What a washout the weekend was here on CC. However, as soon as the tourists were on the highway Monday afternoon, fighting their way over the bridges, the sun came out and it was glorious here. We're due for high heat this weekend in New England so we anticipate evern more traffic. This means we can't take a left anywhere on the Cape for about 3 months!!! We have devious routes to avoid such headaches and I do food shopping at 7 am to avoid the masses. Our dear tourists don't appear so early. I complain but thanks to this quarter year of aggravation, we enjoy 12 mos of small town feel, low taxes, and great public service.
    I wasn't online for days due to holiday craziness. Did anyone have info on my US Glass "Colorado" tchochke?

  • Glassies, I picked up a piece of US Glass Colorado... small footed oval dish. Just 4" long, 2 1/4" wide, 1 1/4" high. Has a fracture running through it so no value, but I'm curious. Would this be a pin dish? Camera charging or I'd post pic. Can't find it anywhere. Walls are too straight sided to be a salt, sauce, etc. Janice

  • Carma 48... answering a few days late... what a week. Watched my Bruins ALMOST wrap it up, had my first allergy shots about 2 hrs away, etc. Busy week. But I'm still haunted by that child who was murdered. Your DW is a saint for hanging in there. Many give up the profession after seeing what parents do not do for their children, knowing the onus is on themselves (unjustifiably) to teach them how to live and all for an indecent salary. My dear friend and successful businesswoman once asked me how I could stand to stay home all those years with the babies when "you're so smart, Janice... how is that enough?". I told her that I didn't trust anyone else to do what I could do for them, it was my favorite job ever and I could never justify $300/wk child care to make $400 wk after taxes, gas, clothes, etc. You are so right.. giving birth you do for yourself.... teaching them you do for them. But the heart breaks for all parents who bury their children. Sad.
    Give DW a salute for me!
    I can't condemn the parents who lose track of where there kids are at every minute, especially after the age of 7.... their shortcoming is not preparing kids to deal with the world outside them.

  • Carma48.... that is so very sad. I have repeatedly drilled it into my GC's that is a very unsafe cyberworld they live in. They're careful and reveal nothing, yet my DD has her soul bared on F'Book (an appropriate abbreviation for it!) and sends out 'blanket texts' on cell ph. Often recipients reply sending it to all under that blanket. Had to tell this 47 y.o. woman to take Mom's name out of the blanket list. I give my # to no one that doesn't need it, use my driver license # as ID (it's not my SSN) and rarely give my street address to anyone.
    The problem with a kid meeting someone met online is the basic desperation for attention in that kid. Parents have to make kids confident, secure and self-loving but also teach judicious self-protection techniques. "Don't go in a car with strangers" should extend through the teen years. By God, I wouldn't want to grow up in today's world. I feel great sympathy for the grands.

    And then in spite of all the gentle love and care, you might just send your babies to school one day and never see them again.

  • Gail & Suzy... glad you're safe. Still hoping for miracles!

  • Katie... DH has used CPap for years (he's even had 3 surgeries for apnea!) but a few months ago they gave him these very simple nose aids... vented bandaid kind of things. Have you seen them? They work great and he's so much more comfie @ night. We couldn't believe something so simple would work. Maybe he can ask apnea doc about them? And if he knocks them on the floor, there's no racket!! Although... he looks like Porky Pig with them on! Well, hooked up to Cpap he looked like Snuffleopagus!! So this IS better!

  • Best not to worry yet. Communications in that area are out so we won't hear from folks for a bit. It's devastating to think of the children... probably all 3rd graders. So much tragedy, it's physically and psychically depressing. God help them all.

  • Now reporting that they are not rescuing any longer.. it's just recovery. This means 24 young kids are gone. Newsman broke down relaying this info. So very sad. Janice

  • I'm praying for eveyone in tornado alley... if you get an update on one of our glassies, I'll be relieved to read about it.

    Shelly - put a whole box of moth balls in the cellar or under the house. Stinks to high heaven but not as bad as skunk spew! They will move out, guaranteed, as they happen to hate the smell. Ironic, eh?

    A beautiful day on Cape Cod... seems impossible that the middle of the country is suffering so.


  • CAMA48.... So sorry to hear that 5 spd's are on their way out. I have my first automatic in 25 yrs and I did NOT like it in winter. I feel so much more secure with the ability to downshift myself ... not trust the car to make that decision. Deep sigh! Janice

  • Shelly... thanks! Yes, all this natural junk has done its work. I used a herbal remedy for the Lyme, too, with fingers crossed but I'm over the hump with that, too. Fortunately, I have amazing doctors who did all the research and guided me every step of the way. Not everyone has access to such brilliant docs. And not many, sadly, can afford to pay for all the supplements, treatments, and appts. involved in natural health care. It's a shame. With everyone paying 6 fortunes for medical coverage, there should be more choice. In our case we are invested $65K cash ... fine cash... into our health care in 3 1/2 rs. Could have had a lot more security in our dotage with that money! Ah, well. We're broke but healthy! Good news is that DD has agreed to start taking one of the most important supplements as a preventative measure at the suggestion of my holistic oncologist. She already has br. calcifications and is overweight. She's 47 and @ risk as her mom and grandmom both had BC. She's working out, eating healthy and now will start the supplements along with her vitamins. I'm so pleased.
    Hope the hummers stop by really soon! We have lots of different types but mostly red-winged blackbirds and one pair of cardinals. Such a joy to watch them thru the window as I'm @ the sink! Janice

  • GREETINGS, GLASSIES! I'm not on the site often but have been thinking of you! It's been a very long winter finally, FINALLY rolling into Spring and life is settling down a bit. Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day! A special greeting here noted those folks acting as mothers and it reminded me of my dear friend who is raising her 3 grandchildren. She is my age (66) and I can't imagine PTA, soccer practice and the daily crises of child-rearing at this stage. She's my hero!
    DH and I have had several health issues to deal with but all is well. No issues on the cancer front, at least! We're finally on the right track and looking forward to a fun Summer.
    That stupid land in Panama is still not sold --- we've had one buyer after another commit to buy and then back out for one reason or another. It's different than buying in the US - if you sign the offer and put up your deposit, you might be sued for non-performance. So, please, cross your fingers that the next one comes soon and follows thru!
    The Boston bombings threw us for a loop. My daughter was locked down in a hospital that Friday when they were chasing the creeps through Boston and Watertown. She was stuck for 8 hrs. I so resent that all the wonderful memories the kids and I have of viewing the race (at a dozen different points over the years), of handing out orange slices or water, filling trash bags with the debris, etc. ... all that is blurred now with the vision of bombs. What a world we're leaving our grandbabies!!
    I've drooled over a lot of pretties but we're in no shape for buying any - even for resale. So I came on here today to look at pix and thought I'd say howdy.
    Happy Hump Day! Janice

  • Ahoy there, Mates! Long time no chat. My Lyme Disease is being rather annoying ... it has roached my adrenals so the stress hormones are thru the roof. Ugh. Poor Ranger Rick (DH) has to do so much more than his share and he's not in great shape, either. What a pair. At least my mood is better right now and I'm able to get on the computer and chat... a few days ago I was convinced that SICK was a permanent state for me. Easy to get discouraged but it doesn't help. Stiff upper lip and all that crap. I'll be fine but it's nice to get on this chat and dump my whining rant on you good folks. Then I can forget it for a while leaving you to say "Wow, she's a mess!" That's the trouble with Lyme... it so takes over your life that you wear people out with your complaints. So I spare the DH and the kids and dump here and on my BFF. She has taken it upon herself to make me laugh my a.... off at least once a day and so far she has achieved her mission. Nothing I can repeat here... sorry! Hard to believe we're products of a parochial school upbringing. Or maybe not so surprising!
    Went to the eye doc today for a stupid eye infection (common with Lyme... fairly cronic) and you would think I was in for a liver transplant. Filled out 8 pages for them, then the nurse asked questions of which the answers were on the pages, then the doc came in & did the same. I finally said when asked "any other health issues?" in my most heinous and venomous manner "WHY DID I FILL OUT ALL THAT PAPER IF YOU'RE GOING TO GRILL ME AGAIN? IT'S 8 AM AND I HAVEN"T HAD BREAKFAST!" Then, feeling foolish, I said "I have Lyme Disease." as though that's an excuse for being a pill. He said "Aha! Then no more questions!!!" so I guess I'm not the first Lyme infected beeyatch to walk in his door!!!
    Enough talk of tiny bugs and their life-altering sputum. I haven't seen nearly enough pretty glass these days. I can only get to a couple of thrifts now and again and they are leaning more toward junk and clothes than pretties. Need to get better so I can expand the horizons. Most recently bought a fantatic 14" statue of Raphael in cast bronze. He's my fave as far as archangels go. Not glass but truly beautiful and makes me feel good as I drift off to sleep several times a day. He's looking after all the tedium so I can concentrate on all the political madness going on. it's my favorite season, from conventions to election every 4 yrs. Doc said no stress but really, how can I resist? It's the best reality TV!
    H2o heater blew last night. Poor DH was in cellar draining it and cleaning up until 2 am whilst I was in Nod City. Son is a plumber, thank you Jesus! He'll be here tomorrow. Meanwhile, cook the water, GI bath, cook the water, do the dishes, cook the water, make the tea, cook the water, etc. I have a replacement tank from a friend who switched from nat. gas to electric (Why on earth would you do that?) so it's just the cost of some parts and a nice dinner for the lad accompanied by a sixer of Bud. Not a bad price. And consider that we bought this house 15 1/2 yrs ago and the tank was 5 years old then! I'd say it's about time! I think those suckers are only warranted for 8 or 10 yrs.
    Well, it's nice to tune in and see all your lovely glass. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to leaf raking, turning up the thermostat and cutting back the overgrown bushes! I love Fall but it is a bit of work! Hope I get to pick apples! Rick is so afraid they'll be ticks in the orchard. Well, how much more Lyme can I get? Isn't it rather cart before the horse to worry about another bite?

  • GAIL & SHELLEY: Good Grief! I was sending Gail messages meant for Shelley! HAH! She was the one who said her relish had no balls and I rudely said to add some jalapenos. Sorry. Must be the Lyme disease! I called the Town Hall this week thinking I was talking to the Senior Center and had a very confusing conversation until I realized my error and said "Oh, sorry... wrong number!" and hung up. Maybe I should up the dose on the Lyme meds!!!!

  • Gail... I got 'boer' but only because I had 3 of the letters from other words. Just cracks me up when they throw funky words in there like Malaysian turtle soup cask or something. As for relish tray... didn't you say it had no balls? Nevermind.... my humor is on the naughty side today!
    Having fun looking at the pretties. MORE MORE MORE!

  • Good heavens! I asked about my Imperial Marigold Cups and the various colors the other day and guess what? They're Hazel Atlas! DOH! The ones with the marigold on the base of the cup. And they were originally part of an eggnog set which I never knew existed. I've only had them listed (wrong) for a year. Next time i think I know what I'm looking at I'll slap myself and post it here. I can't be trusted!

  • Bob... hate those scammers. I looked at 3 pcs of exquisite carnival glass at an ES with prices from $50-75. Too rich for my blood but I did spend time handling them. Saw a man put the 3 pcs in a box and cover them with odd junk from cellar and offer $25 for the box. I said a bit too loudly "Oh, if I thought the carnival glass was that cheap, I would have grabbed it!" The cashier then picked through the box as the guy walked out glaring at me. I was afraid to leave.
    Really, though... the pcs would have been negotiated for something fair and sold on Ebay for double that or more. Why cheat? That doesn't get you a good seat at the Heavenly Buffet! I've seen people pocket $1 items at my yard sales and believe me, I say loudly "Did you forget to pay for the whatever?" It embarasses them and me but I don't care. I hate a skeeve.
    But, when I saw a young mom grab a pack of chicken from my grocery cart as I was struggling with the trunk lock I said nothing. She must have been hungry and had her kids in the car. I would have given her the cartful if I thought fast enough. And I'll bet she suffered some anguish for having done it.
    It's a different story when you do it because you're a sleezeball.

  • Shelley... finished NY Times Xword puzzle which is in our local Cape Cod paper. Got stuck at then end and had to do one cheat. I was thinking, though, does anyone care about the South African word for 'farmer'??????? Coffee was great though... a mix of Sumatra (dark) and Trader Joe's medium roast. Ground the beans fresh which makes all the diff.
    I had to smile at YOUR post when I read ...."my relish has no balls"..... I was thinking maybe you should add some jalapenos!

  • I SIMPLY MUST LEARN TO SAVE BEFORE RUSHING OFF TO LOOK AT A PHOTO! I have written my post twice and lost it!
    Anyway, to the appropriate glassies: best of luck with allergies from fellow sufferer (ahCHOO!), C'wick has particular spacing of the balls per Fran, I'm jealous and drooling for Helen's big, juicy, delicious peaches, that pyrex looks like it could be a specific industrial pattern for a restaurant - hard to find.
    To all....... wish you a happy Sunday with great coffee and a finished crossword puzzle! (no cheating!)

  • Bill, you're right about needing to have proper guidance for health issues - whether natural or chemical. Also, what has happened to me for nearly 3 years that I've been treating cancer holistically is that people will ask me what I'm doing. I must seem evasive to many but I cannot - absolutely cannot - advise anyone to do what I'm doing. I have 6 different people on my team and they are tailoring my care for me. I'm uncomfortable when people ask specifics except for diet, exercise, energy work. That's general stuff and good for everyone. But specific supplements I will not advise to anyone except I'm adamant about CoQ10 and so are most good docs. My immediate family knows what I'm taking and no one else - not even my best friend. I always suggest other patients to find their own doc to trust and to NOT explore health treatment online. Researching a drug or a supplement that any doctor recommends is a good idea before you blindly follow and take it. But to google, for instance, high blood pressure natural treatments, and then order a bottle of something with a pretty website is just plain foolhardy.
    I feel differently about good health... that it's what makes life a joy instead of a drudge. I am planning on living well into my nineties and would like to stay mobile and useful. I am planning on never having cancer again.
    Hope everyone is feeling healthy tonight!

  • Hi, again! I'm reminded of the 91 yr old gal up the street whose doc would love to see her every 6 weeks. Know why? Because insurance will cover one 'well' appt. every 6 wks when patient is over 90. Nothing wrong with the old girl... takes no meds but BP pill but she only takes 1/2 pill every other day because she has NEVER had HBP but doc said 'because of your age....'. She lets him think she takes it as prescribed (1 pill/day!). She also takes a regular aspirin every night because she has aches, and why wouldn't she at 91 having worked about a million hours in her garden! She won't take a baby aspirin as they are a ripoff, being priced at double the cost of full dosage aspirin. She figures she doing good for her heart and her aches by taking the 1 aspirin but always has it with a mouthful of milk and one cookie. She eats vegetables like crazy and actually salivates when I walk her through the produce section!
    Recently she had a 'bigger' pain in her hip so went to doc who gave her 3 scrips. One for muscle relaxer, one for sleep med, one for antibiotic. She called me and said she was throwing them all away... will they hurt the water supply? I took them to the dump recycle box at the police station for her and thought what a champion she is. That's when I started taking her to the chiropractor where she finds great relief and has developed a crush on the 32 yr old chiropractor. She walks faster than she had been and without a cane half the time. She still works in the garden but not with the same vigor. I think her prayers would be answered if she died face down in the garden dirt..... not doped up and wrapped in blankets on a rocker.
    We simply must LIVE until we die and the only way is to follow the natural course of everything.

  • Hi, All! Have to chime in on natural protocols vs. western med. It is highly recommended that a holistic practitioner guide you in natural treatment. I know of people who go online (honestly!) to find their treatments for cholesterol, BP, even cancer! That is foolhardy and probably not going to work. It seems expensive to go to naturopaths when insurance hardly pays any of it - even though the traditional methods/doctors cost a heck of a lot more - but if you are going to disregard a prescription that is recommended you really should have a guide in the natural medicine field so you are doing the highest, best thing for you. Believe me, I hate doctors and most of Western Medicine, but when hubby didn't like taking the prescribed statin, I made him go to a holistic M.D. for recommendations. As a result he's lost weight, lowered cholesterol, lowered BP, etc. but it wasn't just taking a magic pill instead of the statin. It meant somewhat of a diet, moderate exercise, supplements, and so on. One thing I do know, whether you treat cholesterol with statins or natural methods, be sure to also take CoQ10 as it is so depleted by ALL of these methods! We need a good level of that for our hearts. Anyway, that's my sermon. Just because your neigbor had good luck with gingko or melatonin or selenium for this or that doesn't mean you will.

    I came across a ceramic candle holder that I've sold before and can't remember it's name/maker. Can I get back into my really old listings? It's one of those fat ones with a bulbous glass chimney. It's just plain ivory with 2 cobalt stripes around it. One the tip of my tongue but when I try to spit it out it comes out Dansk. It's not Dansk.

    I had a buyer ask to send back 3 cups which I agreed to as she said they're not dark enough. They are the Imperial marigold cups with the flower on the bottom and I've only ever seen them in this one color. Could she be trying to match them to amber? Did these come in amber? She's going to send me a pic of hers so I can look at them just because I'm so curious!

    I have inherited a Criss Cross reamer for the 3rd time! At this point you're lucky to get $5 for them but that first one brought about $25. It is a pretty thing. I also got in the same box of junk 2 Libbey of Canada glass cowboy boots. Ugh. I'm sure someone will adopt the ugly things. The prize was a Jenaer Glass Tea Pot with infuser and 8 Rose Point snack trays with cups. All that and a lot more doodads and thingamabobs for $5 for the giant box. Tail end of church sale.

    It is not hot here on Cape Cod today. It is refreshingly cool although gray with chance of showers. I'll take it! So sick of humidity! Hope to see pretty snaps of all your finds today!!! I'm staying in and listing... nice lazy day.

  • Reen... I am sending positive thoughts to your friends. Please try not to be afraid of cancer. Whether your friends follow natural or western methods, people do fight it. Think of me being Stage III 2 1/2 yrs ago and now I'm just about clear and I never had any traditional treatment! You have so many hugs coming at you from this site alone!

  • Oh, I had the problem with pix, too, but today they're all there. ??????? My only other squirrely ebay thing is that every time I tune in a window pops up asking for my zip code. Not knowing why I just X it out and go on. Doesn't seem to make a difference. What could that be about?

  • So grateful for all the good thoughts for DSIL. And you all always cheer me on, too. Makes it easier -- truly! Thanks.

    As for shipping FC to Japan... be cautious! Some are forwarders who buy lots of things for resale and since they are more than willing to pay full price and ask for FC, there's a good chance they'll claim never to receive it (they do, eventually) and demand a refund. It's a scam. They purposely ask for FC as there's no way to track it once it leaves your post office. I suppose it would be worth it for you to look for your item listed on ebay and see if the seller is in Japan, but I think they bulk wholesale the lots to other places at great reduction. We always have to be on guard against getting screwed by someone and I'm truly quite sick of it.

    OK... time to make dinner. Stupid maid didn't show up again! After 40 yrs you'd think I'd fire her!

  • Ahoy there, Glassies! Again I've been MIA for a while. What a busy summer! Having the Russian army upstairs (six J1 workers from Kazakhstan) is more work than I thought but they are dear sweet guys. Two leave this weekend and two more in a couple of weeks. But two will remain with me if they can find work after Summer ends. They want to go to Florida for the winter to work and they do WORK HARD! If anyone down there knows of anything, do let me know. Although they have 1 yr of college left, they feel if they stay and work here a year, they can pay their families back for college costs.
    My health continues to improve in spite of some setbacks. THe worst news of the summer is that my DSIL has a new brain tumor, inoperable and of the worst kind. And so he is stage 4 and fighting. They're thinking now he has Parkinson's from that g.d. 'whole brain radiation' they did to him 5 yrs ago. I'm very angry about that. It changed his entire personality and now it's given him such horrid problems. He's bent over like an old man, blind in one eye and has balance issues. I'm so sad. I took him to my 'voodoo' sessions a few times and he loves it but it's a lot of travel for me to get him there. (it's actually energy healing and I love it, too!) Anyway, I'd love to think you're all sending him warm thoughts. If ever there was a more lovable leprechaun, I've never met him. We simply must keep him here as long as possible, in spite of his altered personality.
    We just celebrated our anniversary this weekend. Had a wonderful dinner in a snooty restaurant and went to the summer theater here on Cape Cod to see Bill Maher. Good grief... no matter what your political affiliation you'd laugh at this guy. He had 100% of the audience in hysterics and cheering thru the entire show with a standing O at beginning and end. He picks on all sides, all religions, all races so there is no room for resentment. I love a good comedian unless they're angry or really raunchy. So that was great fun and since we NEVER go out anymore, we were even more thrilled to get dressed and hang out with other humans! However, it was very hot and humid even in the 'tent' that is the theater. It has been overly humid all Summer and I'm rather sick of it!
    Now that my computer is more or less dependable, I'll be checking in more often. As for BP... get a massage! Get a pedicure! Eat lots of fresh summer fruit! Tell everyone you want nothing but good news for a week! Read any Janet Evanovitch novel you can find (quite funny!).
    Glad I stopped in. Be well, everyone!

  • Katie.... yes, please come - even if it's just a toe over the bridge so the Cape can get that rain. All we managed was a darkening of the sky, heavy air - still and windless. Yuk!
    Must go shopping now as we're hosting an American bbq tonight for the Khazakstani army upstairs. Also, 19 yr old GS coming for an overnight so he can go fishing with Papa Ricky. The guys upstairs have invited 2 others who are staying elsewhere so that makes 10 of us for grilled chicken, watermelon, salad, corn on the cob, and S'mores. I'm not sure they've ever had that treat but it seems important to share with them this bit of American culture. tee hee!
    What I'd rather do this a.m. and schlep YS's. deep sigh! Hope you folks post some pretties here later so I can glass-shop vicariously through you.
    Have a good one!

  • We're praying for rain... sky is dark, it's still in the high 80's (was 98 earlier, 100 last 2 days) and it's like watching grass grow. Kids keep calling... raining in Worcester, raining in Woonsocket, raining ferociosly in Blackstone. Once this horrendous and beloved storm goes thru, we'll be able to breathe again. I am looking forward to a long, comfortable sleep tonight after 3 1/2 hours of tossing and turning last night. CARMA, I'm surprised to see it's so hot up at your digs.
    I think this heat is our payback for having such a mild winter!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Katie... I can't remember this kind of heat here. Definitely in Boston and west of there.... thank God for Cheerios. no cooking tonight! Janice

  • The outside thermometer in the shade at 3 pm read 100 dripping degrees. This is Cape Cod. We don't get sultry stuff... ever! We also had the mildest winter in many years so perhaps this is the downside of that. Whew... cheerios for dinner. Janice

  • uhhhhhh.... I mean my liver is WEAK... not week! Well, at least my spelling here on the laptop is not as bad as on the stupid phone texting. Stupid small buttons!

  • Amber - love your story, too! Why don't we always go to the natural first before western medicine? It's a mystery. I think we were brainwashed all our lives. Lady up the street is 91 and says her secret is: stay away from doctors. Hmmm..... Thanks for the eagle full of flowers... too cool!

    Marston... yep, do probioticss every day! The chinese medicine always looks at your tongue (yuk!) and I'm always told my liver is week as well as my spleen. And then they ask "you have gallbladder?". I wish I had know then ........ it was actually 20 years ago. I was still brainwashed. My NP is advocating a deep liver cleanse so maybe after the 4th I'll do that. We have a bunch here for a few days of overeating, fireworks, beach, etc.

    JULIE: stay warm! It's the new moon along with the solstice, and a good time to ask for favors of the Universe. (can you say LOTTERY!!!!???)


  • SHELLY... that is quite weird but I'm never surprised at ebay's idiocies. I have had major blowouts with them in the last year and if I weren't so lazy I'd put all my junk on another site. Perhaps the IRS is bugging them for their records on big sellers. Who knows.
    Marson, thanks for kind words and the CHOCOLATES!
    Amber, oh how I wish I'd done what you did for the gallstones! I had it removed about 15 years ago and it's been a problem on and off ever since. I guess the common bile duct and liver have to work harder without that little gland in there. Good for you!!!
    I can smell my eggplant parm cooking......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

  • DON... I'm sure you've already tried this but does a plain old tea bag help at all? I've used this for everything from sties to allergies to getting a cut from sticking my foolish finger in my eye. The cheaper the tea, the better. Just put it in some hot water, and keep applying it to the eye. Can't hurt. Might just help!!! The other night I had one on each eye as I fell asleep. Rick came in to find me that way... must have been quite a sight! Lately the allergies are irritating the hell out of the lids.
    Just a thought!

  • AMBER... still tapping and healing! I just love it. And it still amazes me and we still call it voodoo in my family but now the 2 girls are into it as well. Youngest daughter has rheumatoid arthritis and although she's done lots of yoga, pilates, is off gluten and dairy and off all meds, she still feels a lot better after tapping. Now my wonderful SIL has a new brain tumor (this has been going on for 7 yrs) and I took him to a class last week. He loved it and felt so energized afterwards. I have seen miracles among people who are into this Tong Ren stuff... maybe there's one for my dear David, too?

    It's really hot here and supposed to be worse tomorrow. DH put one a/c in down here and one upstairs for the Khazakstani guys. We were all melting. We probably won't use them much but if we have days like this, we surely will use them. Most often there's such a great ocean breeze starting around 2 or 3 o'clock (locals say the wind 'freshens') so we rarely need cooling. A fan, maybe. Then again, we don't often see 90+ on Cape Cod, even when Boston hits 100.

    I haven't picked up any wonderful glass but run into other fun things.. ormolu jewelry cases, pretty lanterns, teapots, wrought iron stuff. Whatever sells is okay with me, but I do love the glass. So I get my cheap thrills here looking at everyone else's stuff!

    Tenants are such sweet guys. So polite, helpful, and no bad acting. Today they got word from the State Dept. that their job (working in a commercial linen co) is 'too strenuous a labor for student work'. WHAT??????????? These are 20 yr old guys used to working a hell of a lot harder than most American lads. They're willing to take minimum wage to work their butts off so that they can help with their university costs at home. It makes me so mad!!! Now they're running all over the cape on their bikes applying for jobs. One of them forgot to lock his bike up and -- you guessed it! Stolen in 5 minutes. These are all crummy used bikes but they paid $65 each for them. They have 2 friends who have come to visit for meals and showers a few times who were robbed blind in NYC before they even got here. I hate to see them take these memories home with them. The nasty agency who brought them over her for a hefty fee and gave them nothing but some help with the work visa and hooked them up with the job didn't even arrange their transport from NYC to the Cape or help them w/accomodations. Now that they have 2 wks to find another job, the agency won't help them. I'm sure things all over the Soviet republics are just as bad but they probably expected a better deal than they're getting. It's sad.

    Happy Hump Day to All!

  • BILL -- hahahahahaha.... that's s lotta scotch and soda! I would need all of my brothers, all of their friends and a preacher or two to get through a punch bowlful!
    PS: As to winter/summer confusion.... in the northern hemisphere, winter is the cold season. In the southern hemisphere summer is the cold (or more usually rainy) season. So Julie will always be opposite us, in weather and in position on the globe!
    PPS: to NANCY... I'm jealous of your summer solstice meditation. It's a great time for healing.

  • Did you every wonder how many unloved and unwanted punch cups there are in the US? I looked on EB for Arlington punch cups/bowls and there are a ton of 'em. I can't imagine every using a punch bowl or cup in my own life so I understand the overflowing supply. Someone must invent a new drink that is perfect for the punch bowl and start a revival!!

  • Happy Birthday Marty!

  • I've been having acupuncture once a week and loving it. I wish today were my therapy day, Shelly. And I wish that after each session I could come home and sleep but something always throws a wrench at that. I had a quick Reiki session Thursday night and would have given a kidney to be able to stay there and sleep I was SO RELAXED!! Good stuff. Maybe I'll learn how to do it eventually.
    Good to see everyone out there in Glassie World! Janice

  • KATIE - had occasion to get ice cream in Falmouth a few weeks ago with my daughters. Girls Day Out. It was Ben & Jen's or something... anyway, the first tub I saw upon entering was labeled "Lobster". Yes, it is butter flavored ice cream with chunks of lobster meat. Now that's just WRONG!!!!

  • KATIE - oooh, we always make sure to visit them on the last day - 1/2 price quarts for the freezer! They have amazing peach ice cream and almond joy and mocha crunch and.......... STOP IT JANICE!

  • Oh, I found my own ID! Aren't you proud! It's AH's Arlington! So now these 10 cups that will still be on my shelf a year from now have a name!!!

  • Greetings! I have been incommunicado of late and as usual, just stopping in for some id help! Please look at EB listing 170861092365 and tell me the name?
    It's nice to browse the latest from everyone but the talk of chocolate and ice cream just about did me in. I'm trying so hard to behave but alas..... it's summer on Cape Cod and you're not supposed to be good... not now.. not here!!!!!!!

    We have 5 college students from Khasakstan (sp?) staying upstairs in our house for the summer! Five guys who don't drink, drug or cause us a moment's aggravation! And they pay every week w/o a problem. How's that for good luck? They came just as I was losing my marbles over the budget so we're grateful.

    Waves to all...

  • Hi, Glassies!
    I was on with Ebay (alias: Braindead Inc) for an hour because they pulled one of my listings and sent me a nasty message. It happens that Blue Meissen is the name of the pattern on a platter but I clearly listed Lennold as the manufacturer. I am now on hold for a supervisor because they will not admit they are wrong and remove their nasty message. So I am done, done, done. I'm sick of dealing with their idiot personnel. I'd like a suggestion of another site a bit more reasonable to work with. When I think of how much I've overpaid to g.d. Ebay I could spit. I hate their system of feedback, their kiss-up to the customer in spite of the seller being right, and their ridiculous fees. I hate the Paypal thing, too. Now this. I just wanted the message removed - no intent of listing the pretty Lennold with them again!
    Here's the funny part --- the platter has been listed most of the last 2 years! Only now do they not like the wording.
    Other than that I haven't sold much on ebay this past month. It was good for a spurt and now it's dead.
    Health wise I'm doing great! Still into 'voodoo' like acupuncture, etc. It's been amazing and now my daughters are into different energy healing methodologies and my husband, the last holdout, is finally into it, too.
    We had a family reunion here last week for 22 people for 3 days. OMG!!!! A week to prepare and a week to recuperate but so much fun. All the cousins are such buddies-- fun to watch. Lots of bodies on couches and floors and in tents.
    Weather is postively WET! I think we have another 2 days until the chance of sun and then mother's day will be perfect. Rick and I are going out to Provincetown (tip of Cape Cod) to have a picnic that day! We figure we should enjoy Race Point as much as we can before it washes into the sea!
    Hope all are well. Haven't had much time to check in here due to computer down for 10 days and other such nonsense. Will scroll now for news and pictures of pretties!

  • SHELLY... which Fran is MIA? Fall River Massachusetts or the other Fran? Might have an email for Mass. Fran.

  • GAIL.... maybe the prior owner kept his USED toothpicks in it!

  • ABZOID... I can do ya one better than an extra Monday in a week: My hallway calendar from Whole Foods Store has a March 39 listed where all my other calendars have March 30. I wonder which is right?

  • Update on whacko bidder: S/he is purchasing at a fair price and paying the shipping. Heavens to Betsy! Sometimes they do get it. I shouldn't complain as most buyers are such sweet people. One of mine saw the postage amount on 2 glass bowls I sent and realized she paid much less for shipping.... and she SENT ME A CHECK for the difference! I had indeed miscalculated and ate the loss - never expected such a thing to happen. But then there was the one who said the candlesticks weren't the right shade of amethyst but she could use them for display in the china cabinet. She asked for a partial refund. ?????? For what, exactly? Well, because she couldn't use them on her table next to her amethyst centerpiece bowl... not a good match.
    Well today is a lovely Sunday and we're going out to breakfast at The Daily Paper, where they have strong coffee, great food and tables big enough for me to do my Boston Globe Sunday crossword puzzle! For some reason I slept 10 1/2 hrs last night so I'm feely rather chipper! Might find an ES or two to investigate.
    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

  • OH, IT NEVER ENDS! Same bidder that made ridiculously low offers on an item has a new bent: Now the offer is far more reasonable but bidder wants to 'split the cost of the shipping' with me. I replied that I was pretty sure I couldn't offer the post office a half price bid so they would have to pay full shipping. I'm dazzled! Janice

  • Shelly: don't expect everyone to be open to new ideas... even doctors. For example, my friend felt she had to submit to chemo as well as all the holistic things she was doing, even though she was doing well without chemo. Family pressure and all that. Well cancer came back, bad reaction to chemo (taxol?) and she is now totally holistic and doing amazingly well for (knock wood) three years. Her feeling now? "I wasn't open to natural med. then... so I needed to do that chemo. I'm totally open to natural now so I don't need chemo." Dr. Rothfeld has been criticized by a lot of docs for his thoughts on FD being LD in many cases. But in the past couple of years doctors are sending patients to him, since the CDC has broken down and admitted that there are probably hundreds of thousands more cases of Lyme than previously thought; that they are diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue) or FD. In all cases he checks for adrenal exhaustion because it's all bad for the endocrine system. He himself has MS, well controlled, and he has found a few patients that were mistakenly diagnosed with MS.. yep, they had Lyme!! He is an expert on MS so would know it if he found it.

    It's all fascinating but do you know what? I hate science - all of it. I sucked at it in school -- biology, anatomy, physics, chemistry, yada yada yada... I have not found it easy to read all the crapola that I have in the last few years. I have been confused more than once in a while. Fortunately, I've had the best practitioners (angels) around me all this time so they painstakingly explained things over and over again until I could really make good decisions. For many people dealing with disease it is easier just to take the word of one doc and run with it. I could never do that, but never try to talk folks out of what they're doing nor do I make suggestions for care, supplements, or even a health care person unless they ask me. It's just too complex an issue and each individual has so much fear when told they have a debilitating, possibly fatal disease.

    It's all so complex and every practitioner and every patient has to do their due diligence in researching, make their own decisions and trust themselves to do the right thing.

  • SUZY - loved it! thanks,

  • AMBER- There's a lot of produce that needn't be organic, especially when you throw the rind out: canteloupe, for instance. And some things are not treated with pesticide... I think asparagus is one. So if you find some organic in the grocery or Trader Joe's that has skin that you eat, that's good, and get regular if you're throwing out the skin. Washing strawberries doesn't cut it though. Sad because organic strawberries look puny. If you watch it most of the time, it won't matter if you get SOME pesticide, etc. Just be sure your diet is a clean, detoxifying one. And forget trying to eat anything processed - it's all alfalfa and soy that has been GE or GMO and is not worth eating.
    The only reason we can afford to buy organic is that we don't buy boxes or cans of much of anything and no preprocessed meals. Not much junk food... occasionally some organic ice cream or gluten free cookies. Seriously, my daughter left off her list one week: cookies, chips, soda, ice cream, crackers and her bill was $45 less than usual. Then we went to a farmer's market and she spent $25 on a giant bag of produce and a dozen eggs. Her kids were disgusted!!! She blamed me!!!!
    Where are you located? I'm on the Cape.
    PS TO FIBROMYALGIA PEOPLE: Dr Rothfeld in Plymouth MA is convinced that most FD patients have Lyme disease, whether their tests are positive or not!! I only know one of the patients who came in with FD and he diagnosed LD... she was on antibiotics for 6 mos and she's been on herbals for 4 more months and can now walk (she was in a wheelchair) and never has a sick day anymore... just maybe a sick hour or two. Almost always pain-free. Interesting!

  • AMBER Thanks! I may call it all voodoo but it is working... amazingly well, really! Tom Tam is in Quincy, south of Boston so about an hour from here - I feel quite lucky to be in this part of the country. The Tong Ren he developed is helping so many and it's being taught to thousands of others so 'healing classes' take place any day of the week somewhere near everybody. It's a worldwide methodology now as people can join the class by watching on the internet. It's all free but a small donation is suggested. I now know so many 'lost causes' who were end stage and came to Tom for help and are alive today, years after doctors told them to go home and die. I was lucky, too, that I never had chemo, rad, or sugery so there wasn't the damaging aspect of those things to overcome. The concentration on me was specifically breast cancer, thyroid Hashimoto's, calcium blockages and Lyme Disease. The Lyme is gone, Baby, gone! The thyroid now performs efficiently w/o meds and the cancer markers are so low we could call it in remission (although that's not good enough for me... I'll keep it up until it's totally non-existent!). It's not just the tapping for me... I get acupuncture, Tui Na massage, and other energy healing modalities as the mood strikes. I had a one-on-one yesterday with a very intuitive healer and Hubby and I have been bowled over ever since. It was absolutely amazing. I don't begin to understand energy healing but I don't understand much of science. I just know what works for me. And I'm trying to understand by reading a lot of things that are out of my realm about all this business. At least, it's good exercise for my brain and may well stave off dementia!!

    Although this doesn't mean I've given up on nutrition and proper supplements, I've been able to cut back on lots of pills giving my kidneys/liver a good rest. Going forward I'll still let my bloodwork dictate what supplements I need but it is far less now than 2 1/2 yrs ago. And I have added meat back into the diet although Organically raised only. I'm terrified of commercially raised meat. The more you know about our food supply, the less hungry you feel! Especially beef.

    One good part of all this healthfuf feeling is that I can have fun going to YS's, ES's, TS's again. It's such a fun hunt! And my family gathering in 2 wks will be the first one in 2 1/2 years that will not require my taking a nap mid-day!!! More time to spoil the grandrats!


  • @oklahomasong_Gail So sorry to hear you're feeling low. That tea and toast is a great idea. Nice warm socks and a lazy day are in order! Waking up like that with body temp changes means you're fighting off something .. so keep fighting, Girl! And chicken soup will help! Feel better!

  • Marty.... I can top that! I had a piece of brilliant on a long time and along comes this buyer who asks if I would donate it to some charity. I said no, but that I was having a tough time paying for my cancer care --- could he please send me a donation of, oh..say...$100?
    It boggles the mind.

  • Oh, my! The bidder who offered $7.50 on my $35 item has now upped the ante to $7.75!!!!!!!! I started my morning with a good laugh. And a refused bid. How insulting to come up a quarter!!!!

    Gail... we have lots of blue herons here on Cape Cod and I'm not seeing that at all. I have been delighted TWICE to have one whoosh up off the marsh and cross the beach directly in front of me, just 6 - 8' off the ground and maybe 20' ahead of me. Takes your breath away. The wings make a different flapping noise than gulls or egretts... I just LOVE THEM! I assume there are other herons though, that I don't know.

    TIme to feed the fur people and jack up the heat........BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

  • Ahoy, Glassies! It's been a while since I've lurked about the board but life is terribly busy. I've been into all kinds of voodoo (energy healing) and it's just wonderful. Quirky, but wonderful. Haven't felt this good since before the Lyme Disease invaded. It's all too mystical for explanation here (well, truthfully, I don't understand it at all!) but involves acupunture, tong ren healing, and Tui Na massage. I still have bad days but Lyme is not an easy bit to eradicate. So I'm off to one thing or another nearly every day and in between doing EB stuff or chores or walking or other therapies. There's no time for anything and by the time dinner is finished, I'm in bed watching TV and wondering what the heck I did all day.

    Ebay is picking up... I've had 4 or 5 sales a week but half of that is camera equipment that Rick finds here and there. Gives me a big, fat headache researching it all to list. But it sells, so shut my mouth. I had an offer of $7.50 on an item listed for $35 this a.m. Of course, I refused it with no note but was remembering how I would coach buyers when I was in real estate: Never make an offer so low it insults the owner. Ah, well... that's not as bad as the fool who wants to return wine glasses saying they're cordials!!! If you served all your guests a 5 oz cordial after dinner and after numerous glasses of wine, you might have a drunk or two on your hands. I wouldn't take them back and clearly state in my listings "if I have misrepresented the item(s) in any way ... blah, blah, blah". That negates the possibility of simple buyer's remorse being a reason for return.

    The weather has turned back to wintry (I won't say real winter - we never did have winter this year!) and everyone is kind of glum. We got spoiled by all that heavenly warmth. I was at a healing class today - about a dozen people all in BLACK!! Yeah, people are all rather morose this week, including me. The sun is never out, the air is damp and chilly, and the heavy jackets are back out.

    Went to an ES Sunday. They were asking enormously high prices for mediocre glass and even the Xmas Village Houses (Dickens) were overpriced. One couple offered $10/ea for 9 of them and were refused. I told the ES rep he was crazy not to take that and he said "I'll put them in my shop and get $35 each for them." Good luck, Buddy... maybe over the next 5 Xmas seasons you'll get that! So unrealistic. I love ES's but won't go to one by that company again.. waste of time.

    GAIL ---- they look like flamingos to me in spite of being painted the wrong color... Flowers look like thistle? Someone will love that lamp to refinish... I'd say 30's but would need to see the cord and it's kind of Hemingway style. The glass shade is so funky it MUST belong to it.

    I'm off to make my yucky veggie juice. Now, if I could add chocolate ice cream............


  • I called my oldest GS's & told them how terrific they are and how glad I am that they have values, jobs, nice girlfriends, and that they are so good to the their Mims (me) and Papa. One said "what brought that on, Old Woman?" and the other said "A little wine with dinner tonight?" Ah, well. At least they know we know they're fantastic people even if they must tease.

    I'm trying to list things and eyes are crossing. Think I'll crawl under covers and warm my toes (cold and damp here on Cape Cod today). Tomorrow is soon enough for listing.


  • @sellingthings Totally agree. A pschycologist friend told me 30 yrs ago that drugs would destroy our society; that drugs were responsible for most crimes and that we were living in a nation of druggies raising druggies. He said (quote) The next generation will not understand the values of fair play, honorable living or even self-preservation. It's true. There is no reverance for life or respect for themselves or others in many of our young people.
    Contrarily, and thank God for this... there are many kids who make the decision every day not to get high, and that's just not easy in 2012 in America. Those kids, the ones that are straight and working and going to school and helping with the younger kids because both folks work and genuinely take pride in themselves --- they are my true heroes and our only hope that things might change. They get no awards, no notoriety at all, and sometimes even their parents forget to say thanks for being a damned good kid.
    It is depressing when you remember what it was like when life and goodness were revered. Make yourself feel better by calling one of the 'heroes' today and tell him/her he's a great kid and you wanted to be sure s/he knew that!

  • @sellingthings Saw it on news... terrible. We have had 2 cases of young kinds carrying a gun in school -not in a town where you'd expect it. Turns out it was the same gun at different times so these idiots just thought showing it around would be cool. What the hell is going on with our children?

  • @songbreeze Thanks - I thought it was you!

  • http://tinypic.com/m/feqx3r/4
    I thought it was Gail but can't really remember who told me this was 'commonly called' something but the maker was unknown. It's an EAPG spooner. I lost my note on it!!!

  • @songbreeze Well, that's a fine howdy do! I sent the whole album! I am in brain fog!!!!!!

  • @songbreeze This is an experiment to see if I opened this right! BTW, several weeks back you id'd a spooner for me simply with a 'commonly known as' name and that it was EAPG. I know you don't remember it but I've lost my note on it. I'm posting it again here and ask for a repeat --- sorry! It's the Lyme that makes me so stupid!

  • Why doesn't my @oklahomasong show up...... Is it adding the _Gail that messes it up? Janice

  • @oklahomasong_Gail You found it! I'm truly amazed. That's it exactly. Thanks for researching. I have a fat book of EAPG and another that has some EAPG and there was nothing in either one with stars on it! I guess I'd need a whole library to find this stuff but you do it in a heartbeat! Thanks!
    Meanwhile, DD and her BFF who is up from Georgia are coming to visit and my house is a sty. Stupid maid didn't show up - in fact we haven't seen her in years. I've a good mind to fire her sorry butt! I have no time for housework when there is pretty glass to look at - albeit only in pictures!
    Happy Sunday!

  • @oklahomasong_Gail: Yes, I see the similarity but detail is different. These are 5 pointed stars and the KIG is 8. This has diamond and triangle shapes while the KIG has shield shapes. What I have is probably what KIG copied - the original being cheap American stuff. Someone should tell them to pirate the good stuff!
    Anyway, I don't love it for the perfumes on the bureau - not flat enough - so definitely a bread tray.

    It's Sunday a.m. and someone far away has been doing Tong Ren for me (and others) while we sleep. I sincerely woke up more pain-free than usual! Not power of suggestion because I had forgotten the long distance tapper until I came to the computer! This is very weird stuff....tap...tap..tap...tap!


  • Amber, Gail... not Indonesian. I've seen a lot of that. No mark anywhere - just a bubble hiding in a crease. Also, where the 'ruffle' is applied there's a sharp edge. It's most likely just another pretty tray - may end up on my bureau to hold make-up! It's heavy enough to endure my banging perfume bottles, etc. on it!

    I also got a Columbia ruffled bowl - the large one. Pretty and only fifty cents as was the anonymous tray. Rick bought another TV (I will NEVER have that flat screen I'm craving!) so we spent the last hour hooking up this and moving that and recoding remotes. Now the tv in my bedroom is so oversized I should go out in the front yard and look at it through the window so I don't hurt myself. Oy.

    Nite-nite, Folks. Saturday night, 9 pm and I'm ready for the arms of Morpheus to carry me away!!! I'm so exciting.

  • http://tinypic.com/m/feqf84/4
    Does anyone recognize this? Depression? EAPG? Junk? It's size says 'bread tray' at 11" X 8" with a 1" rise.

  • I'm FLUMMOXED! I accepted a bid $30 on a list of $45 for a camera lens. THEN the buyer asks for my address to mail me a MO. I was suspicious so looked at his feedback and found something unrelated: every one for him was glowing and there was a response for each feedback by him on the seller?!?!?! I've never seen that. Anyway, all say 'fast payment' and I'm wondering if a lot of people accept MO's after the fact of the sale? If he had asked ahead of time I might not have accepted such a low offer.
    I'm guess that's two questions. And I'm cranky today anyway so maybe I should hush up and send my address.

  • Julie - I am going to funeral today for a 44 yr old man in 'perfect health' who died 'after a brief illness'. So I don't know what he contracted by he was the fiance of a lovely friend. The unexpected passings are the saddest.
    Sending you hugs!
    PS: DD and her family on their way to Puerto Rico this afternoon if they're not blown off the runway! Fingers crossed their flight's not cancelled! The boys are 8 and 10 and SO EXCITED!!

  • We used real spuds, too, and Mother would throw it out with the trash after dinner no matter how wonderfully creative they were. We learned to build our faces very early in the day.
    PS: Got new phones at T-mobile with a new plan and can now text. Well, supposedly we can but since either of us know how to do it, we are just paying for the POSSIBILITY of texting. DH feels we must do this to be able to find our children at any given moment. Since the oldest is 45 yrs old, I don't see the need but ........ he just loves a gadget! His fingers are typical of a 6' tall German/Finnish guy so this should be fun to watch. So far, I can't even answer the bloody thing when it rings!

  • @newtonenterprises - I agreed to a shopping survey last week as the Stop & Shop is opening a new store in the next town and I felt like putting in my two cents. TEN LONG MINUTES LATER we were through. Never again. All I did was answer the same question 20 different ways giving an answer of 1 through 10. Won't fall for that again. I thought I could complain about the raw ginger NEVER being in the same place two weeks in a row. Ho hum.

  • KATIE, MARTY: I think my response in hitting "reply to all" is the only way to respond to outright lies. I'm a lifelong democrat but will not stand by while someone spreads trash about a Rep., Dem. or Ind. candidate or politician, either. I fact-check my brains out when it comes to political facts and figures; it's too darned important to not make sane decisions on actual facts. The actual facts, truly, give us plenty to argue about!!!

    As for the weenie pill junkmails that have started up again lately, I have to wonder if they're really selling the stuff or just want to build up a mailing list for porn sites. About 10 years ago I got one of those and since I'm a female and it was asking if I wanted a bigger whatsis, I had a good laugh. I had already had a large glass of wine and was feeling silly so I answered the thing saying "NO, I wouldn't want it bigger. Do you have anything that will make it smaller so it will fit in my truck?" I had a riotous laugh over that one .......... until I started getting hit with smutmail after smutmail about all sorts of things the nuns never talked about. Had to change my address and learned an important lesson.
    So let's all give thanks for the "SPAM" folder, the delete button and the blocked senders list!!! The most dangerous button on the stupid thing is sometimes "reply".

  • Hello Glassies!
    Today's frustration: Those idiotic emails that have been forwarded and reforwarded about the typical trashy political rumor-mongering. I had sent a picture of some glasses I think my old friend is looking for and she sends back this junk mail, knowing my political dedications and that this will antagonize. So I do factcheck.org and another truth seeking site search and forward the url's to her using the "reply to all" feature. She is now spitting out her teeth and foaming at the mouth. I'm about to put her on my blocked senders list. Dang, isn't there enough to debate about in the upcoming election without the mud-slinging and phony email circulations?
    PS: THEN SHE WROTE BACK asking if I'd sell her those glasses! NO (#@&%$&#@ WAY!!!

  • Oh, Irene.... I've confused Amber! re the ongoing birthday!

    As to my never-ending birthday, I'm having a foot massage today! YAY!


  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OUR BIRTHDAY FOLKS... and again, Happy Birthday, Irene! I didn't know there were so many Aquarians on the board but it makes sense that we water bearers would love pretty glass!


  • Fran & Shelley: Sending hugs and good energy!

  • Well, we went to an ES and a YS today... overpriced junk at both! We did manage to find a few household items and DH got some ugly and ancient metal cutters. So we came home $13 lighter and with no pretties. 🙁 ES had some wild prices on very ordinary glass. The homeowner had been a Red Hat Lady and I dare say her hats were all that I admired. Not being a RHL, I passed.
    Boring Saturday -- I should list more of that stupid camera equipment but no, maybe a nap!

  • @jmart8248 - how's that? If this works then

  • OMG it didn't work! IreneM is not your name on here, apparently!

  • Whoopsie! Should have been
    @IreneM - pls see previous message!

  • @wellingtonct - I meant I'd love a yard sale online where I could buy treasures at junk prices!!! We do have some yard sales even in winter but they're in the garage usually and slim pickins. I'm not into Facebook, Twitter and the like. And my newspapers are made of paper as are my books. And I cannot and will not text and don't know how to burn a CD or DVD without a match. I'm a cranky old dinosaur stuck in the sixties!
    !IreneM - Let's both carry forth on the birthday thank until April Fool's Day!!! Seems appropriate in my case, at least!

  • @abzoid I got hooked at yard sale when I accidentally bought a very old Higbee piece that was absolutely gorgeous for about $3. I listed it way too low thinking it was Libbey and a terrific ebayer contacted me to say Nay Nay, it's a Higbee and I started the research. By the time I was done I knew more about old pretties and profited a great deal more on the piece than I might have had someone not pointed that out. I only buy things to sell and most of it is fairly cheap but I am always dazzled by beautiful glass. I wish there was an online yard sale to get me through the Winter! Not much around here right now but ES.

  • @AMBER: No, I didn't invest yet - I think it's $75 for the doll, hammer and book you need to learn the patterns. I just sat there as did half dozen others and sucked it all in! There were about 12 people tapping except when it was there turn for us to focus on. Tom Tam who developed this Tong Ren therapy is becoming world-renowned and any given day there are 100 groups around the world doing this crazy stuff. I enjoyed it, but I really got the best benefit from the acupuncture. I think! Maybe I took as much benefit from the tapping. I'm going to invest ultimately and try to do some remote things on daughter as well attend these healing get togethers now and then.
    @wellingtonct If you're interested in the tapping, google it and find the list of sessions that are broadcast over the internet every week. If there's one that sounds appropriate you could tune in and see how you feel about it. That's another free source of help! Go to TomTamTV.com.

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