• I think perhaps you folks would like to read his obituary. What a brilliant, remarkable man he was. http://www.oconnellfuneralhomes.com/obit.php?id=1210

  • And here is the address for the funeral home to leave on line comments.http://www.oconnellfuneralhomes.com/obit.php?id=1210

  • Oh here is the waited for info. I got this from Diane. Cards would be most welcome. He is at O’Connell Funeral Home – Hudson, WI. If you need more info, just let me know.
    I will ask Diane if he is originally from WI. I thought he lived in Minnesota. I know that cards will be a great comfort to her. It is so darn sad and I can tell she is so lost. Next week on the 31st would have been their 49th anniversary. She said that his body has gone to science to research the 4 cancers study will help others. OMG, helpful to others even at the end.

  • How wonderful it is though that Bill is remembered with such fond memories. He was a decent human being, well thought of and will be missed. I know Diane will get some comfort from that.

  • I have asked Diane to let me know the funeral home name. Many of them have a place to sign a memorial book on their website. I will let you know.

  • Bob It is such horrible news. He was a really decent human being. Strange how someone we only meet on a computer can affect our lives. I will so miss his wit and emails. I am going to have a lump in my throat all day.

  • Early this morning one of my good eBay friends passed away. Bill (itsagas) passed away at 12:05. He was a brilliant guy, witty and an all around good fellah. I hope you all will keep his wife Diane in your thoughts.

  • Bill going up to the Hollywood Casino in Toledo tonight. Prolly lose some money but will make up for it at the crab and steak buffet. They used to have all you can eat whole lobsters too and hoping that comes back.

  • BTW going up to the Hollywood Casino in Toledo this Saturday for the all you can eat crab buffet. I will get my fill of the good stuff from the sea.

  • Good morning. OHHH Gail NOT another one. One a year is plenty. LOL.
    Julie I have the memories of the winkles to eat and perinkles in my garden so I have a long history of them. Until I was nine I grew up in England. Being close to the sea there was plenty of seafood in our diet. My mom cooked fish a lot and even had Finnan Haddie (haddock) for breakfast also kippers. I remember also going with my parents to a restaurant and they always got the plaice. I loved that.
    Now living hundreds of miles from the sea it's not such a big part of my diet. We do get very nice fish at the supermarket. My favorite is cod but it's the HTF things like the cockles also. I do eat plenty of mussels though. Goodness me, one mention of one tiny crustacean brought a flood of memories.
    We live very close to the south shore of Lake Erie but I really don't like fresh water fish.

  • Thanks some more for the wishes. Shelly when I was young, back there in the stone age, we used to eat winkles (periwinkles) for a treat. That would be the sea ones.
    My mom and I would go into town and on the way back to the bus stop she would stop in the shop and buy a packet of winkles. They would have a little malt vinegar sprinkled on them. We would get on the bus for home and she would pull out her hatpin and pull the little winkles out of their shells. LOL what a memory for me right? Anyhow the only place I can get them now is a place in Cincinnati called Jungle Jim's International market. Now you've made me hungry for them.
    Julie I might have to come there and collect some.

  • Thanks y'all. The higher the number goes up the less a birthday is welcome. LOL but you know what they say about the alternative. Shelly no, nothing exciting. We are going up to Hollywood Casino on Saturday night to lose a little money and go to the all you can eat steak and crab night. To heck with the steak, bring on the crab.

  • Of course that's WindsoR. Read this morning that they rounded up stray dogs in Sochi and put killed them in a very inhumane way. Also the poorer residents of the area are living in squalor because of the building of the Olympic village. Very poor choice of winter Olympic site.

  • We always watched the Olympics on the Windsow, Canada channel. Their coverage was great and kept those "in depth and personal" drivel segments to a minimum. Time Warner dropped the channel so we probably won't watch most of it.

  • Katie I didn't know Lowes merged with Walmart. Is Sam's Club in on that too.
    Our K Mart closed years ago as did Home Depot. They went downhill and no one shopped there.

  • Here's the info on the idiot. Equally idiotic is the dork that did the happy dance when he did it.

    News Gets Even Worse for Scout Leader Accused of Pushing Over Jurassic-Era Rock Formation

  • So right. We mustn't do anything to harm their self esteem. Yes the parents are usually to blame also. We see incidents on the news where the mommas (usually no daddy) are howling about what a good boy he is.
    Now you have probably heard about the idiot scout master who toppled the rock monument? Well it seems he has a lawsuit because he was disabled in a car accident. I guess pushing over several ton rocks is part of the physical therapy?

  • No Julie you don't sound harsh. Harsh is what has happened to all the poor souls who have lost their homes, lives and in some cases livelihood. Surely they are taught in school the history of Australia, especially that area and the devastation of bush fires. I suppose they won't be punished because it might traumatize their little egos.

  • Thanks Julie. Will give them a call though to let them know I'm concerned.
    Little idiots. I hope they are sent away to reform school and the parents charged too. If I was in charge I would make them help care for and see animals that were injured in the horrible fires. They have no clue the harm they cause to people and animals.

  • Julie are those fires anywhere around the Panania area west of Sydney? My relatives live out there on Bransgrove Rd.

  • Shelly the biscuits are so good especially adding more shredded cheddar to the mix.

  • Irene our area is squirrel heaven. Just loads of them and loads of acorns and we put corn and peanuts out for them.

  • Bob we have coal black squirrels, dove grey ones and the fox squirrels that are a pretty brown with a reddish brown bush tail all in our yard. Also a couple of misfits, a squirrel that is all sable brown and looks like a mink and one with a white stripe down his back and NO it is NOT a skunk. Looks like it crawled under a fence somebody just painted.

  • Reen have never tried kale in my colcannon, only white part of cabbage. I like leeks in there too. Will try the kale sometime.

  • Out here you put Adolph's meat tenderizer paste on a bee sting. The enzymes takes the sting and pain right out.
    This is for the dog lovers. Well done. My dawg can't talk but these are the faces he makes when I tell him about food.

  • Julie since they "improved" things it's a total mess. Every time I go in it says timed out. Click here to re enter and then it tells me to backspace. Whoever fixed all this ought to go back to school or be fired. Things were just fine before they started messing. GEEZ

  • Ebay is constantly having issues. Can't get in to our private boards now.

  • And if you believe that I've got this bridge for sale.

  • Shelly in this warm weather I just wear my swimsuit with a coverup thing over it to the pool. It IS a hassle changing clothes and do that in the winter.
    This is our aerobics class.

  • Shelly well it's Bill's job to do the litter boxes. We have four boxes for the four cats. Now I will admit that prolly the dear little creatures go in there, scratch around and do their business and then jump on my lap for a snuggle.
    LOL I'm not bothered.
    Those ARE pretty candlesticks. Going to water aerobics class this morning. Gosh I feel young, light and agile in the water. That is until I get out and gravity takes over.

  • Good morning. Just have to weigh in on the germ discussion. No need to obsess over it. As some of you know I take two different drugs every day for a total of 11 pills. Actually 7 pills and four capsules. They are all to knock out a lot of my immune system.
    Now that's been going on for over 8 years. I never use hand sanitizer, of course wash my hands after bathroom visits especially public ones and use a hand towel to open doors leaving public bathrooms.
    Amazing that I don't catch colds, don't get the flu and just plain don't get sick.
    Having said that I do cringe when people walk towards me coughing or sneezing and don't cover their mouths and certainly with people who spit on the sidewalk. WHY do men feel they have the right to do so.
    I go to flea markets and handle goods all over the place. SO hope that lets you know not to worry about germs. So many of them don't even live long on items. The only thing the doctors told me to avoid was cleaning our four cats litter boxes. I am thrilled that I'm not allowed to do that. LOL.

  • Bob I just got an email from a friend who's DH has one like that. I will copy what she said as I don't know anything about it.
    A fellow called Glass USA has a paperweight he is trying to identify. If you feel like it, you might tell him that my DH has one the same shape, had the little green sticker on it, so I'm quite sure that it's Waterford. His has a diamond cut, I can't make out exactly what the pattern is on the one he's trying to identify. Of course he knows that Waterford is quite heavy, too. His is 3 1/2" diameter and about 1 1/2" high. The top is clear, diamond cut around the sides and a snowflake on the bottom, but if the shape and size are the same, it might help with identifying it He got new it in the late 1990's. I don't see any mark on the bottom that would be "Waterford" but maybe just the size comparison would be helpful.
    Hope that helps.

  • It went south all right TOAD. Findlay got nailed with 60 mph winds, 3 inches of rain and hail. Mess all over our yard from the trees. Finally though the system causing all this for the past WEEK has moved on and along with it the heat and humidity.

  • Shelly I'm sorry I missed what happened to your hand? I don't come here very often.

  • IE was looking for the book Winter of the World so that's what I put, Winter of the World on eBay.
    I was trying to see what it went for as I've been dying to read in and found it this morning at a garage sale for 1.00. YEAH.

  • Shelly I can't get advanced search either. To find what I was looking for I went to Google and put in the item and on eBay. That way it took me there.
    What a run around.

  • This talk of organic food reminds me of a story my mother told me. She was with her uncle and waiting by the side of the street. This was decades ago. A horse drawn cart went by and the horse dropped a load in the middle of the street.
    The chap standing next to her uncle opined that he sure would like that to put on his rhubarb.
    Uncle replied that "we prefer custard on ours!"

  • Hmmm you want greed re gas prices? Look to the federal government. The feds profit is around 60 cents per gallon or 750% of that of the actual producers.
    If oil companies cut their profit margin by 50% the gallon price would drop by only .04 cents per gallon.
    If Washington lawmakers were to drop their take by 50% gas would cost 30 cents less.
    If the federal government didn't tax gas at all the price at the pump would be 2.40 per gallon and the profit for the oil companies would still be a respectable 2.5% gross profit margin. Now who is gouging whom?
    Now you can go ahead and factor in STATE taxes.

  • Good morning. A very Happy Birthday Reen.
    Going this morning over to Tiffin flea market. Have been going there for years and have only seen Tiffin glass a couple of times. It's also close to Fostoria and all I've ever seen is the Fostoria common old American pattern.

  • Also remembering that Judith passed on the day before 9/11 if I remember correctly.

  • Marson Judith was a gem among those you mentioned. She had a thing though that you didn't dare call her Judy.
    I was talking to a gal called Judy and then addressed Judith and forgot myself and did call her Judy. OMG I almost tied myself in a knot posting an apology.
    Do you remember that Judy who's ID was sandollar? She collected Fulper. Just a memory from way back.

  • Good morning. Happy birthday Toby. Am remembering your great and knowledgeable mom Judith. You have helped me a time or two with glass also. Many thanks.

  • Good morning. Bill would you like me to send you the picture of the daffodils again? Can also send pics of the magnolias blooming.
    Ah feel yo pain-----NOT.

  • Good morning. NO Shelly not calling the locations bizarre but the idea that one place is more interesting than the other.
    Well yeah there are some flora and fauna in both places that is pretty bizarre. Never mind.

  • Oh Boy Julie I would like to do that trip!!

  • Julie my cousin and his wife live in Panania outside of Sydney so did that whole area. I would some mornings get up and hop a train down to the harbor and just wander.
    We spent time out at Manly, took a riverboat cruise up the Hawkesbury river. Went to the Blue Mountains, Katoomba and Queanbeyan. Down to Canberra in the ACT. Loved every minute of every visit.

  • Amber having visited both places and spending quite some time in Australia on four different occasions I really don't agree with you. Both places have their own unique wonders.
    I have family in Australia so have seen quite a lot of it. It is rather bizarre I think to compare the two.

  • Shelly I looked at the list of ingredients on my box of RL biscuits and yes parsley flakes are listed.

  • Shelly I didn't see the biscuits on the Walmart site however they are listed on eBay!!

  • Head cheese is a very tasty terrine in aspic:
    Head cheese or brawn is a cold cut that originated in Europe. A version pickled with vinegar is known as souse. Head cheese is not a cheese but a terrine or meat jelly made with flesh from the head of a calf or pig (sometimes a sheep or cow), and often set in aspic. The parts of the head used varies, but the brain, eyes, and ears are usually removed. The tongue, and sometimes even the feet and heart, may be included.

    Head cheese may be flavored with onion, black pepper, allspice, bay leaf, salt, and vinegar. It is usually eaten cold or at room temperature as a luncheon meat. It can also be made from quality trimmings from pork and veal, adding gelatin to the stock as a binder.

  • Shelly I think I posted here but have forgotten. Sam's Club carries the boxes of Red Lobster Brand cheddar bay biscuit mix.
    Bill says they are very good. He added more cheddar.
    I talked to the manager of our RL and she said that they did cut down on on the amount of cheddar in their biscuits and stopped putting cheese on their tossed salads some time ago.
    Seems whiny nut jobs were complaining about the cholesterol. Probably right after eating breaded shrimp and dipping their lobster tails in butter.

  • Thank you very much Irene. I always see the extravaganza around the 18th of May because it's my DH's birthday.
    I am so ready to shlep a flea and do the yard sales. Have had a couple of yard sales in the past couple of weeks.

  • Thank you Gail.
    Reen I meant to say that there are two more extravaganzas during the year. Regular fleas in between them. Still can't do the whole thing in one day.

  • Hi Reen. Oh yes we always hit the May one. Usually around the 18th. There are two more during the summer but the May one is the biggie.
    Sometimes they have fleas in the big buildings there before the summer ones. Be sure to keep us informed if you do go. Would get to meet you then.
    LOL Shelly maybe it's just me as an old crock that remembered Maudie. I think too because my dad really liked Jonathan Winters.

  • Irene can you tell me when there is a Springfield flea coming up?

  • Thanks Bill. That's the Maudie Frickert all right.
    I see I spelled Jonathan wrong too. Think I should not have posted anything.

  • OHHHHHHHHH Shelly. Do you mean Maudie Frickert? OMG I was being funny. That was a character that Jonathon Winters did. The little old lady named Maudie Frickert.
    Jonathon Winters died. I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't so funny.

  • Maudie Frickert has died.

  • Thanks Irene. Yes it hit 80 here today but changes on the way for a while.
    Congratulations Gail. Pictures ASAP?

  • Bill really none of the stuff is good reheated. Have tried it with the biscuits from there.
    I saw that on the box about ten biscuits. Will fix them when we have the kids over for dinner.
    Couldn't do the pepper jack. Gouda sounds good. Also noticed at RL last night that there seemed to be maybe some sea salt on the top? I can usually tell the difference between regular salt and the sea salt.
    Melted butter on the top? Oh nice touch.

  • Gail we went to RL for my birthday last night and those darn biscuits went down way too smooth. Ate the salad and then had to bring half my dinner home because I was stuffed. They are the devil's handiwork. I have that box in my pantry and I visit it looking longingly at the picture on the front.
    I am doing a low carb diet after porking up this winter. Things like that are deadly but will treat myself after I get off ten pounds.
    Shelly do you know anyone who goes to Sams? I am surprised that Wallys doesn't carry some of that stuff as they are the same company.

  • Shelly good news. Sam's Club has the Red Lobster brand cheddar bay biscuit mix. I haven't tried them yet but a friend has and he said they are just the real thing. He did add a little more cheddar.
    Seems Red Lobster lowered the amount of cheddar in them also quit putting cheese on their tossed salads when the whiny azzes complained of the cholesterol. Get a grip. Moan about the biscuits then eat fries shrimp and dip yer seafood in butter.
    Anyhow I have it on good authority that the mix is worth buying.

  • Oh my goodness I do appreciate your good wishes. Since this is my birthday I always do notice and remember the weather on this date.
    One year we went to an outside auction and it was snowing like crazy and so cold we took turns sitting in the car to warm up.
    The following year it was in the 80’s. Today it is howling wind and in the 70’s but colder front heading this way.
    Grateful not out there in the plains with all that snow.
    The forsythia is ready to bloom, daffies and crocus going nuts and hints of green in the grass.
    Again, thanks friends. Going over to Red Lobster for din dins. I think between their biscuits, a Bahama Mama and a baked tater that my low carb diet will be shot to hell but hey you have to let loose once in a while.
    My motto is ”remember all the people who turned down the dessert cart on the Titanic!”

  • Thank you friends. Shelly yep going over to Red Lobster this evening. Think I'll snarf down a Bahama Mama and celebrate. LOL that's the excitement for me.
    Birthdays have lost the thrill they used to be. Just grateful for another one though.

  • Jim I learned the hard way about those clips. Horrible disaster one day. The most heartbreaking loss was a Galle vase that belonged to my mother. Turned my hair gray just picking up the pieces.

  • Katie our church has what tastes like that Manischewitz Concord Grape Wine. I liked it too. LOL.

  • LOL Toad Used to have to run up over the border to get my Vegemite in Canada but now can get it in MI.
    Julie you are a lady of refinement and good taste. I think most people who try the stuff spread it on thick. Oh no!
    Yes when I was growing up I would sit outside in the garden of the pub while mum and dad were inside. They would sometimes bring me out a mostly lemonade shandy.
    I think it's better than going beserk at the thought of your child having a little nip. De mystified it I think. I only have beer occasionally, a sherry sometimes but think Baileys with a gob of ice cream in it total bliss.
    Oh to BOB. I mentioned about the colored glassware book. I just sat down for a good look and right there on the first page is written ALWAYS HAZEL MARIE. Oh my goodness.

  • LOL But a little Vegemite on a crumpet is food for the gods. Guess it's what yer raised with. Mom gave me Marmite on toast when I was little. Of course she rubbed Scotch on my gums for teething, I drank shandy when a little kid and an untended glass of sherry did get my attention. LOL. made me the fine upstanding person I am today.

  • BTW Yes, Jo Anne told me about Max's DH. Am thinking of them. I really should go back to that board so I can talk to Jan, you and Max and all.

  • Chris all is well here. Moping because this spring has sucked with snow, wind and cold. My crocus and snowdrops are blooming but they don't look too happy. Animals are all fine. We adopted a calico kitten so up to four cats and of course our none too bright dawg Teddy. Healthwise ok. Going to pool aerobics twice a week. It's a killer but trying to unstiffen my poor old joints.

  • Oh my I do love my Vegemite and Marmite. Yessir. Bill ya can't spread it thick like peanut butter. Just a teensy thin bit goes a long way.
    Of course you are my friend and you know I'm rather strange.

  • HI CHRIS! Sorry I missed you. Haven't talked to you in ages. Miss you and Max among others.

  • Bob yes that is the book. Even though I live close to Fostoria and Tiffin and here in Findlay they made glass I am still really ignorant of it. Alway more into pottery.
    It is a wonderful book and OH MY, it was a dollar.

  • Did well at the yard sale. A huge book called Colored Glassware of the Depression Era and a book on Bennington Pottery. So nice to hit a yard sale, sunshine, snow melting and maybe spring in the air.

  • BTW Toad three garage sales around here today. Not seeing Lola Bigcups one yet but will let you know.

  • Good morning. Toad yep and my mom told me horrible things would happen if I swallowed a watermelon seed.
    Yes you know they do make seedless jellies. You could switch to peanut butter though. LOL.

  • Gail I have the same opinion. Also I'm supposedly not the brilliant shoppers they are supposed to be but know enough to watch it and yell "NO not that!" LOL
    No wonder what happened to Bob.
    Abzoid is so right, buy at auction and sell at fleas. The other way is nearly always no win.

  • Market Warriors: So far from reality. I too like to see the fleas they go to and one is just south of us in Springfield, Oh. I do watch it even thought the silly Miller gets on my last nerve. Stomping around in her cowboy boots and going into that little girl whine while trying to get the price down is way annoying

  • Irene a few flurries in my corner of Ohio also. First flakes I've seen this year except some wandering around Walmart.
    Now partly cloudy and the clouds look big and black when the sun comes out.

  • Good morning. It's a lovely morning but quite chilly.
    Shelly I wouldn't know a piece of Aus. carnival glass either unless it had an emu, roo or some other Aus flora or fauna on it. I knew that certainly it was authentic Aus as that's where I got it.
    Julie I wish I had that advice about neglect for Aussie flowers. Years ago I bought a kangaroo paw plant here at a flower shop. It was quite a find out here in the Ohio cornfields. Of course it got babied and too much care lavished. It was outside (in the pot) for the summer but brought in before the first frost. I practically spoon fed it.
    The ungratful wretch paid me back by turning brown and dying.

  • Julie oh good grief. Clicked on that site and there are the branches on the bowl. It's wattle. Sure the daisy like flowers then are flannel flower. Gosh I hit paydirt on ID'ing the bowl today. Again thank you.

  • Thanks so much Julie. It seems quite a long time ago when I first started selling on eBay I did look around a bit and saw that the bowl didn't seem to be worth much. Kind of sparked my interest when I saw a couple pieces out there today. Not that I'd sell it as it has sentimental value to me. Oh to go back in time to that auction you went to.
    I pulled the same silly stunt at an auction a long time ago when a slew of Heisey went for next to nothing. ARGHH.
    Thanks for those interesting sites.

  • Julie now I think I was very wrong on the waratah. Two flowers around the rim. One is a flannel flower. The other is not waratah. Looks like branches with berries so must investigate further.
    One thing about carnival glass that has me truly confuzzled are the colors. This is not that orange but has emerald green, purples and blues. Quite dark. Again, thanks for your help.

  • HI Julie. Oh my. Thank you so much. I have it in a china cabinet and happened to see it yesterday when I cleaned the glass. It got me to wondering. I do treasure it as it was given to me by a dear lady at my cousin's house in Panania outside Sydney. As I said she seemed to sorry to give me somthing of such little consequence (she thought) but I loved it the minute I saw it. I do appreciate your help. Liz

  • Fenton that's it on the left. Thanks so much. My cousin lives in Australia and we visit them occasionally. One time as we were leaving my cousin's mother gave me the bowl and apologized and was sorry "it isn't much!"
    ROTF at the video.

  • Well duh I found the bowl in completed. Am shocked at the price it got. Still doesn't say maker.

  • BTW as I am glass impaired except the Findlay glass can anyone give me a clue to a Carnival glass ruffled bowl I have? It has I think waratah flowers around the edge and an emu in the middle.
    BTW it's Laughlin, no g on the end.

  • Don we find that in pottery too. Homer Laughling pink dogwood pattern for instance. The flowers are magnolias.
    Think probably someone at the factory was gardening impaired.

  • THANKS Reen. Good to see Abzoid. Am remembering his super mom Judith. I still think of her. It's been just over 11 years since her passing. She was a wonderful poster on the PB.

  • Shelly I have them in a Findlay Quaker Lady compote. The onyx was made by Dalzell, Gilmore, Leighton Glass company. One of the five. There really are quite a few Findlay glass books out there to research the stuff and of course Google. I have to laugh though at those that list the Onyx as spooners because had they been used for that then clunking spoons into them would have sure shortened the lives of the pieces

  • Thank you Gail. Shelly yup still in business and some of the headquarters moved to Houston but still a huge office here as well. Dh worked there for 40 years as manager of computer operations. I worked there part time in Data Recording. Sorry I am long winded and boring. LOL
    Do you mean that onyx piece? That stuff was so fragile that they had a lot of breakage and they quit making as it was too delicate. Not a lot survives as it can shatter so easily. When we first moved to Findlay I used to poke around the throw out piles at the factories and found lots of shards. Also plenty of shards around the Tiffin and Fostoria factories.

  • HI Shelly, ACKKK it's FindlAy. That's a common mistake. Way way back when the city comissioned a German potter to make plates with the Hancock County courthouse on the front. The plates arrived but said "Hancock County Courthouse, FindlEy, Oh. Funny too because there was a pottery in Findlay but they had the German place make the plates.
    Findlay glass is not marked. There were five companies here that made it from 1886-1902. They were formed when the gas boom was in Findlay and lasted until, because the city simply wasted the gas and it ran out. The city had pipes all up and down Main St burning off the gas. Course oil was discovered around here and that's how Marathon Oil formed it's headquarters here.
    Check eBay for Findlay glass listings. There are some nice pieces out there and they don't bring big bucks except for the Onyx.
    And that is the history lesson for today. There WILL be a quiz.

  • THANKS Gabla. Now I'm not a glass expert but do collect Findlay glass as that's where I live. I'm only 15 or so miles from Fostoria and same from Tiffin so find lots around here but stick to the Findlay.
    Hi Bob. Yup it's been a while glad you are doing fine. Do read your posts over on the BB and PB.

  • OH BTW just did hear from her. What a mess. Glad she is well and holding up with all the goings on.

  • Good morning. I didn't realize something was amiss with Shelly. I wondered why I hadn't heard from her.