• Fran @fran2 It's Autumn here. We have had some amazingly gorgeous weather the past couple of days BUT today has turned cold and rainy, letting us know winter is just around the corner.

  • Good Morning . Perfection again with our weather.

    Even though our country, compared to so many others, are doing well down here with the rate of COVID 19 cases and deaths. Had they not let those passengers known to have the virus, off that cruise ship it would have been so much better. It is now reported that 1 in 10 coronavirus cases throughout Australia are linked to the Ruby Princess.

    Fran @fran2 I should ad too that it is not just the restaurants and those in the Hospitality industry that have adapted down here. It is a lot of the small local businesses.Many of our fashion shops that are locally owned and run have started trading via Facebook and other forms of media, offering free contactless delivery.The little locally owned supermarkets are doing the same.

  • Good Morning Another gorgeous sunny Autumn morning down here. Such perfect weather.
    Jim @dorbitz It is always so sad to hear of a young one loosing their life in a car accident. Very tragic for all those involved.

    Fran @fran2 A lot of our businesses have adapted so well to all this. Most have the call in pickup only service. It was that or shut shop. A lot are now even offering home delivery, where before it was dine in only. Some offer free delivery, some for a small fee and some free delivery if your order is above a certain $$. Some stores are offering shop online and pay (Click and collect) , they will get your order ready and you call in and pick up. I think it seems to be working well for them.My regular coffee shop I go to after my training sessions has adapted well. One person at a time in the shop to place order. Most of us just have to stand in the door way and they see us and automatically know our order. Once the order is placed we then wait outside at a good distance (It's located in the perfect spot to be able to stay well away from anyone) Matt will call out your name when your order is ready. He has it ready on the counter and stands the required distance away. No cash sales. It is tap and go only, so we do not even touch the machine for payment. No contact at all with anyone or anything.

  • Good Morning. It's a beautiful sunny morning. I am so glad summer and the high temps have gone.

    Jim @dorbitz LOL pretty fancy Uber isn't it LOL

    George @george it was amazing.And to think all those buildings, the materials were either carried up on someone's back or on a donkey. I love Nepal and I love the ppl

    Fran2 @fran2 we are going into winter and our Flu season. So I think it will be chaos here for awhile. So many ppl will be presenting with cold and flu symptoms, so the scare will continue here. Anyone with a runny nose or cough will panic and so will everyone around them. But eventually ppl will start to settle down and life will get back to normal. Good hand hygiene is the key to not spreading sickness. Common soap and water and a good wash.

  • Fran @fran2 I am safe here. The fire count is always changing, they get one under control and more will break out elsewhere.Its the uncontrolled count that has be extremely worried. The State of Queensland (the State above us) is in much the same situation as my State New South Wales. So very sad to see our country burning so fiercely, like this. One report I read is predicting Tuesday to be even worse, I can't even imagine now let alone it getting worse.

  • Fran @fran2 after DH passed away I spent a number of years trying to downsize our very large and extensive collections. The glass was the last on the hit list to go. By the time I got to the glass I was running out of enthusiasm and after awhile I decided to stop. I needed a break and I needed a change in my life. DH and I had been doing the markets and swaps since about 1989. I did them on my own for 9 years after he passed away. I have lost the passion for collecting and lost the passion for the hunt. It just gradually dwindled.So now I do not regret parting with anything, though it was very hard in the beginning. Now I NEED to get motivated and I NEED to finish selling it all. I NEED to downsize more. I still have too much here. My plan for my future is to sell this big house and buy a smaller one. so a lot of "STUFF" has to go.

  • Jim @dorbitz we all lost contact with her. I tried continuously phoning her but always got message bank. Last I remember when some of us tried all avenues, her Dh Bill/Lars had passed away she was in a Nursing Home. And no word since then.
    Fran @fran2 yes I was wanting to win the helicopter ride that was donated to our fundraiser for Palliative Care, that I was involved in organising but I didn't win that one. A friend who owns a Pub here decided to do a fundraiser for the Farmers and the same company donated a Helicopter Ride for that cause. I'll be taking my B.I.L and my niece. Us three always do some kind of adrenaline activity each year or so.e.g skydiving,ziplining, shot over boats,climb Sydney Harbour Bridge to the very top. and a few other crazy things LOL

  • Fran2 @fran2 That was only a very small portion of them. In one day we climbed over 5,000 stairs. Took us 9 hours.
    and then once we reached Ghorepani and Poon Hill we had to go over the other side of the mountains and climb our way back down again.Well worth it. There were hot springs and a cold beer at the end LOL

  • Fran @fran2 approx. 5 weeks I leave for Nepal

  • @fran2 Perhaps for hanging stockings on the mantelpiece?

    You're right, Jim hasn't been around in quite a while. I hope he's okay.

  • Well Good morning everyone! Long time no see. Thought I would stop by real quick and visit with old friends. The real quick part will be a challenge. I barely started scrolling and saw the birthday wishes! Thank you @Julie , @jerseystar/NancyP , @Marson, and @Fran2 .
    Even though I have been MIA for quite awhile you took the time to send birthday greetings to someone who quite possibly might not even see them. You all put a big smile on my face. What a great way to start my day. Thank you again.

  • Thanks Fran @fran2

    Jim @dorbitz if that young bloke comes back tell him they are offering jobs down here in Queensland for banana benders LOL

  • Good Morning everyone. Looks like we will be in for a niice warm winters day..that is, if the wind doesn't pick up again, like it has been.brrrr that makes things cold.
    Jim @dorbitz so sorry you are still in pain. Keep resting and stay away from those hot dogs
    Thanks for the tips for my nephew.I see mention on FB they did go to Little Italy and he has posted pics from a boat near the falls.It looks like they are having a great time .
    As for the coffee. I have had it. My next door neighbours bought me back some a few years ago, when they were in Bali.Its nice coffee but I wouldn't rave over it.

    Oh George @george, Carl @carma, Nancy @jerseystar27 and Fran @fran2 where's your sense of adventure LOL Just a little sip..go on, It's really nice coffee.


  • Fran @fran2 it's not looking too good atm and the weather prediction says " WET WINDY LONG WEEKEND AHEAD" If this keeps up, I don't think we will be able to get into the camp site. Big risk of getting bogged and I'm sure the Tavern owners probably will not allow entry. It would do too much damage to the beautiful area. I'll just have to wait and see what this crazy weather does in the next couple of days. I may have to rethink my plans and just start heading north , on my road trip,up the highway.

  • @fran2 Fran, when you look at the Microsoft updates, they have them categorized. So, for instance, when I went in last night to see what updates were available, there were two groups -- Office 2010 and Windows 7. There was one update under Windows 7 that I didn't want so I right-clicked on it and got the option to "hide" it, which I clicked. That means it won't be offered again. If the Windows 10 download was there, it would be clearly labeled as that. Usually the updates that Microsoft lists as important are just that, the ones they list as optional tend not to be necessary.

  • Good Morning everyone. Hot day ahead for us down here with possible afternoon thunderstorms
    Fran @fran2 My aim is to eventually have a NON collectors home....well kind of...lol After Dh passed away my purpose has been to gradually downsize all collections.Once that is down I will probably move to a smaller home with a smaller yard.
    Alicia @4931nextdoor it's so nice of you took the time to drop by during this very hard time ((((((((HUGS))))))) No words will take your pain away so all I can offer is cyber ((((Hugs)))))

  • Good afternoon everyone. I should be out mowing the lawn because it needs doing again. But I am feeling lazy today. And so I should be, it's Sunday 🙂

    Thanks for the compliments of my new pic. I took this pic Friday night when I was getting ready for a night out with some friends. It's amazing what a bit of makeup and the right lightening can do LOL
    Fran @fran2 My secret? I live healthy-ish. And I refuse to think because I am 60 I have to stop being very active. I am sure bootcamp and swimming have a lot to do with it and my refusal to not grow up LOL My Uncle was 91 yrs old and he was still power walking 6 kilometres per day. My father was a very active man too,And I can add my Aunties to that too. They all refuse to slow down. I get my attitude from them. LOL Oh and laughter.Laughter is good and I have a lot of friends and family that keep me smiling and laughing

  • @fran2 Fran, from what I have read, computers with either Win 7 or Win 89/8.1 can upgrade to Win 10 for free. Anything below that (XP or Vista) will have to pay for the upgrade if their computer can even support it.

  • Fran @fran2 I just tried my old way [b] and [h2] for font size and it works. Before that code never worked here and I resorted to the one in the "How to Manual" Now all I need to do is add font color and I'll be set 🙂
    Don @donscns yes now I know what Pop-tarts are. BTW there is nothing wrong with vegemite. Ask any Aussie 😆 😆 😆

  • Good Morning everyone. Hot and dry down here But I am pleased to say it's not too hot But its early in the day.
    Don @donscns Glad the tea went well with your pop tarts BTW what are pop-tarts ?LOL
    Gail @songbreeze and Fran @fran2 How did you get the HTML to show properly. I use the How to Guide as I have always done for here and for some reason it does not work here any more. Maybe I better drag out my old notes and try the old way
    Shelly @shellyrae37 I think from this year on it will become the tradition in my house to do the Xmas decorations with the grandkids on the 15th December. Miss P is already starting to understand about those that are not with us. (My DH , my father and my nephew) We talk about them all the time and share our memories with her.
    Nancy @jerseystar27 Thanks for the hug.
    There were 2 of 17 hostages killed along with the gunman. I do fear that this will cause outrage and maybe violence towards all Muslims. I hope not but there are ppl that will go off half cocked and the stupid media will add fuel to it.As they have always done towards the Muslim community instilling (or trying to ) fear to everyone. But I am proud that there are Aussies that have offered to protect innocent Muslims , that don't listen to all the gutter journalism. I'd say when I log onto Facebook I'll be seeing all sorts of Memes being shared around.
    Marson @panishklo Thanks for the hug and ((((HUGS)))) back to you.

  • @fran2
    Thanks for helping out and sending the pic of the pink vase.......I actually bought mine at a doctor's estate sale about 15 years ago and it has lots of crazing, so I am wondering about the age. I wanted to keep it, but thinking of selling. I actually would LOVE to have the pink one! They are impressive vases.

    Thanks to everyone that researched this piece.......

  • Fran @fran2 check out the "How To" Manual also there are some other smiley's there.

  • Fran @fran2 to make a smile its : - D but with no spaces

  • Fran @fran2 you certainly are the Queen of Searches 😀

  • Still a glorious Spring day down here. I have to take things a little easy today, no heavy lifting etc for the day after having blood tests done. Nothing serious just routine checkups to make sure my blood sugar and cholesterol are still good.

    IreneM @jmart8248 😆 😆 😆 Its good that we can laugh at ourselves when we have those "blonde" moments 😆 😆 😆 Reminds me of my sister when ATM's first hit the scene. She stood there saying "OK" to the machine over and over again to continue and nothing was happening, till a person behind her told her she had to press the OK button 😆 😆 😆

    Fran2 @fran2 NO fees is good 🙂 Now to get the exposure out there so ppl know I exist.

    Shelly @shellyrae37 the setting up on FB is pretty easy but trying to get known is another battle. I have joined a few like minded groups so as ppl in those groups would get to know me, Now I have to get them to come to my shop and buy. Its a slower way then eBay to get customers and you do have to work on it, trying to get everyone to "like" your page. The more likes, the more exposure And it is also a case of "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" I'll help promote your shop if you help promote my shop among your friends.

  • Good morning, glassies! Well, good afternoon to some. Hope everyone has an very enjoyable day. If you all are in rain/storm mode, then I hope you enjoy a rest and relaxation day inside, maybe working on hobbies, catching up on reading, or even resting yourself with a nice afternoon nap.

    Day is pretty here. I really really really hope I can get myself to get busy and list some items. I bought 4 new crochet e-books and I want so much to start projects, but I absolutely positively MUST get some stuff listed first before I start playing with the crochet needles. Also, our county fair is coming up in 2 weeks and I have 2 projects that I'd like to try to finish so that I could enter them.

    @suzy SUZY ... golly, I sure wish you just lived next door or only down the street. I really need someone here who would find my glass stuff fun and encourage and help me decide how to list it and describe it. Also I've got 2 computers that I really need Jim to dig around in for the day. Wouldn't that be fun? Then we could have a picnic for supper and watch the fireworks tonight!

    @fran2 FRAN 2 ... I lost my taskbar a couple of times and was really put out. I finally googled and was surprised that it can happen often to a lot of folks and the solution was quite a simple remedy. I forgot exactly what it was...but figured if it happens again, I can google again. 🙂

    @booklady LYNN ... ah, one is never to old to have FUN! and Glass is surely fun. 🙂

    Waving HI to CARL and GEORGE! Where's DON? Does he think he gets a day off? rotflol

  • Thank you for the birthday wishes @songbreeze @sfinds @donscns @fran2 @reen @jmart8248 @shellyrae37 @wattleihavenext. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone. Thanks for the cake Gail! We went on a tour of some beautiful gardens in town, and just finished eating cake and ice cream.

  • Fran2 @fran2 I doubt they would boot you off. FB has many many things for all ppl. I am a member of a few different groups. Some are made public(but that doesn't let anyone in that group see my personal site where I communicate with my good friends and family) Some are Private Groups, so you have to be invited by someone, to know the group even exists And no one can see it. Also again, those in that group can not see my personal page. There are Closed Groups too, where you can ask to be a member .Too many features to try to explain on here. Best to go to FB and have a look around and see what interests you. I haven’t sold there yet, but I have joined a few groups with selling in mind.There are Buy Sell and swap sites for all different towns/cities/regions So you can list and sell locally. Glass groups for buying and selling, Glass Groups for just chatting like this Chatroom. Antique groups etc etc. Some for selling and buying some just for like minded ppl with similar interests.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 Yes smooth sailing all the time would be nice 🙂 But then, where is the fun in that? LOL Most of the disastrous ones, end up being the memorable ones , where we sit around and laugh about later down the track LOL
    5° C =41°F

  • Good morning, glassies. Got a full day ahead of me. Suppose to reach high 80s ... possibly 90 today. Little too toasty for my liking.

    Got a real treat in my mailbox today. @fran2 FRAN 2 ... thank you ever so much for the cruet stopper. It's a real unusual one that I don't have. I'm really trying hard to remember which book I have seen that stopper in sometime this past month so I can match it to the correct cruet. I'm just delighted with it.

    And @donscns DON ... the pitcher arrived this morning and it couldn't have come at a better time. I do my volunteer work this afternoon at the museum. I don't know if that display case is kept locked or not. If not, I'll put the pitcher and tumbler together and take a picture. 🙂

    So FRAN2 and DON .... thank you thank you thank you! Such sweet peeps!

  • Wow, my internet connection is not the only thing with problems...tv just lost its signal for a bit. Lots of wind today.

    @fran2 FRAN 2 ... oh my, I would have died of a heart attack if that had been me. Well, I live in Oklahoma and we have really ingenious methods of invention. My "cat door" is nothing more than the storm door with the window glass pulled up a bit and the screen portion cut off. Of course, this requires the front door to be open so the cat can leap up to the window portion and jump through. Needless to say, this does not work during winter. 🙂

  • @fran2 Fran, did you look at the Properties for the taskbar? I noticed there's an auto-hide box and you can also check where on the screen you want the taskbar.

  • @fran2 You have the option to print out the eBay item number on the label. There is a check box on the selection screen that asks if you want the item # on the label.

  • George @george 1 ,332 steps, so the website says. I don’t think that includes the 4 very steep ladders up the pylon to get onto the bridge and of course to get back down That part certainly wasn’t for the faint hearted LOL
    Reen @reen the view was spectacular!!
    Gails @songbreeze. Yes I am very proud of myself. If someone told me a couple of years ago I would climb the bridge I would have told them they were crazy.No way would I have done it or thought of doing it back then.I had trouble standing on a chair without getting vertigo LOL
    Fran @fran2 😀

  • Oh, golly, it's been one thing after another today..... not much chance to get much at home done.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY .... nothing smarter about me. This is day 3 of trying to figure out this new system. Still can't find where my contact email addresses are! Don't have a photo editing software to work with. Still haven't figured how to find a "back" button. Don't know why sometimes I lose all my tabs when I'm just trying to close one tab. I did finally find my favorites today which I thought I'd lost.

    @fran2 FRAN ... gee, I don't know what converter I used. It's just that when I tried to open the document it said I would need to download a converter and there was a link that took me to several and I just used the first one on the list. It only worked on my word processing documents. It didn't work on my Excel and I still can't open them. I'll go search the net and see if I can find what I used. ..............Time Out .......... I just checked my downloads and this is what I used. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=12 looking further down I guess I should now do "01" so that my Excel will open. Maybe tomorrow as I'm so tired and sleepy now.

    @wjweese WENDY ... yikes...jails and courts...what a bunch of gobbledegook. Turns out she just went before the judge who rattled off some formula that he said to each of the people there...Come back on such and such date, bring a lawyer to enter your plea, if you can't afford an attorney, etc. So we went across the hall and got a several page paper she will have to fill out to request a lawyer then pay $40 to submit the request and wait to find out if she will be approved for a court appointed lawyer. There's more but it's just too much to write or think about right now. 🙁

    @itsagas BILL ... I actually like quinoa when it is all spiced/herbed up...and I love yogurt if it's flavored. Think I'll go grab a cherry one right now. 🙂

    @jmart8248 IRENE ... Saw those snow rollers on tv news tonight for the first time. What a hoot. Kind of a Northerner's tumbleweed.

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Finally got back to bed around 5:30...slept til 11:15. Just been sitting around reading the mail, the newspaper and the magazines that came in the mail. Super lazy.

    @fran2 FRAN ... the Felt/Stoer book usually only has the shape an just tells you what colors or decorations it can come in. They do not show IRENE's decoration but they do show one with an enamel decoration.


  • @fran2 FRAN ... @jmart8248 IRENE .... well, I went through all 3 candlestick books last night and could not find Irene's. But Fran, when you show yours with the ID of Diamond, that makes it so much easier. 🙂 I just ran right past it last night and never saw it. It looks like Diamond's #713, ca. 1924....page 133 of Felt/Stoer Glass Candlestick Book, Vol. 3.

  • @fran2 Fran, thank you! I guess I misread the V.

  • Good afternoon everyone. Hot here @ 30°Celsius Though it is pleasant enough in the shade because there is a nice breeze blowing. We are in desperate need of rain , everything is starting to brown and wilt
    I have my first swapmeet for the year, coming up this weekend, so have been busy getting organised and packed for it.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 My lazy day turned out to be not so lazy LOL But I only did what I wanted and for some reason I wanted to move some furniture around LOL Also had Boot Camp in the afternoon. That certainly put a stop to being lazy LOL
    Gail @songbreeze Get well soon (((((Hugs)))))))
    **waving madly** Helen @10bbg10 Its good to see you posting.
    Marty @sellingthings Beautiful items Thanks for sharing your finds
    Fran @fran2 you certainly are the Queen of Google search 🙂

    Stay warm everyone

  • Fran @fran2 Thanks, That pic was taken last month at my School Reunion.

  • @fran2 FRAN 2 ... Thanks for looking. Maybe there are simply reproductions. They glow bright green, but that doesn't mean they are older as Mosser does a lot of reproductions with uranium in the green and canary. hmmmmmmm...........

  • Good morning, glassies. Too cold for words. My sister's DBF came over and they helped get my hot water pipes unfrozen. The weather is so bitter that it broke my resolve and I've let the outdoor cat come into the house. Had to spend some time adjusting the dog and 2 cats to her presence.

    Trying to find out the pattern to this shaker. When I bought it I thought it was Hocking in the 4 piece set that has Dove and Quail etc. as seen in HMW2. It's shaped like Quail but totally different pattern that I can't match to any pattern I know.

    @gailmacphee GAIL MAC ... Good Gravy! Congratulations on the New Martinsville! Would have walked right past it without a clue!

    @newtonenterprises JIM D ... I didn't recognize the new avatar and for a minute thought it was our poker player JIM. Once I caught on it was you I was reminded of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 🙂

    @fyrqueen KATIE ... ai-yi-yi can't imagine those leg presses. Surely hope the PT is strengthening you and making for better mobility.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... yum yum yum Red Lobster CHeese Biscuits sound super. Herbal garlic butter is just garlic butter with some extra herbs thrown in...maybe a bit of parsley or the like.

    @fran2 FRAN 2... Since the Catalonian sticker says "Reproduction....Old Spanish." people don't realize that it is NOT a reproduction piece in the sense we think of reproductions today and often give it a cheap price tag. I got lucky and got a lovely vase for $10 that I sold for over $100.

    @reen REEN ... I'd just use both Pitcher / Ewer to cover my bases. 🙂

    HI to CARL, DON, and GEORGE!

  • HI @FRAN2, Thank you, I looked at that expecting it might be, due to cost, but it says 2 days just like reg. Priority.. Course I will get it into the mail tomorrow and hope she gets it Sat. Thanks.. I will give it a try, since she is willing to pay for it, come what may.. She is from OK are they expectinig snow there? I wonder..

  • @fran2 Fran: WOW! You are the best researcher I know! Thanks so much for finding that info! I thought they had an Art Deco-ish look to them. Yikes at their price...I'm definitely not giving them away for that! I'll keep them in my small black and white collection...well even though they are black amethyst...some strong light has to come through them to even know. Thanks again Fran! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend....I will be hibernating indoors this weekend as we may get snow by Sunday.

  • @fran2 Fran I remember Lucy loving the music in that commercial, and wondering what it was, and you found it for her...so sweet of you 🙂

  • @fran2 - The vase with the copper colar is smooth cloudy glass with lots of white flakes in it.

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Don't know where the day went! Well, actually I tossed and turned and didn't get to sleep til after 3:00 am ... so I slept til 11:00 am. So there went half the day. 🙂 My sister came over later and we fixed lunch together and just had an enjoyable afternoon visit. Just now getting caught up with emails, etc.

    @lilac1987 SARA ... so good to see you checking in! I'm so sorry your DH has been ill for such a long time. But do check in, if just to say HI, more often!

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... egads! I have no idea what your computer is talking about. I hate getting messages from my computer when I have no one around to translate them.


  • Good Morning everyone. Today is suppose to reach 30Clesius.
    Fran2 @fran2 I am sorry wished I could help you but I know nothing.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 ... well, I tried all last night looking on Replacements and googling images. Luckily I decided to try eBay again today, but sure don't know how I missed seeing that auction yesterday.

  • Gail @songbreeze and Fran @fran2 PARTY!!!!YEAH!!!!! I am all for parties LOL Just had a weekend of partying and dancing but I think I can handle another one LOL

  • @itsagas BILL and @fran2 FRAN2 ... I never saw that pattern in my life...and we all know how quirky looking for an ID can be. For a totally unrelated reason, I was flipping through McKearin's American Glass book (which I've only looked at probably twice in all the years I've had it) and there on page 260, plate 99, marked GV-16, is a decanter in the exact same pattern. This is a chapter on Blown Three Mold patterns which they divided into 5 groups.. Groups I, II, III contain Geometric patterns; Group iv, the Arch; and Group V, the Baroque.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 ... Super sleuth! I'm still trying to find the supposedly old original pattern...nothing I can find named Baroque.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 …. Ferris Wheel and Paddle Wheel are similar…but Ferris Wheel ”blades” go straight up where Paddle Wheel blades curve.
    Here is Ferris Wheel http://www.ebay.com/itm/EAPG-1910-Indiana-Glass-Co-Ferris-Wheel-PROSPERITY-Butter-Dish-Domed-LID-Only-/130955070270?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7d87cb3e
    The auction you linked to is in error. It IS Paddle Wheel.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 .... U.S. Glass no. 15124 OMNIBUS aka Hobstar aka Keystone aka Late Pathfinder, ca. 1910. EAPG Cakestand book, pg 172, says the cake stand is 9 3/4" x 4". Maybe not a perfect match with dimensions, but I'm sure it is still considered the cake stand.

  • @fran2 Generally these were called salvars by the makers but today most known as cake stands.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 and @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... love the cats in hats. LOL. Yikes! to think she has sold more than 200 on Etsy. Heck of a lot easier to ship than glass...I'm selling the wrong commodity. 😮

  • Good morning, glassies. Another scorcher today. Can't tell you how remarkably lucky I was that I didn't lose more glass. Sorry I lost the items I did, but I have that table covered in glass. I thought for sure I'd have lost a dozen or more items.

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... I love the birthday cake you baked for CARL!!!!!! Excellent choice! 😀


  • Good morning, glassies. A pretty day in the forecast.

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... so glad you found the cat figure. I've seen one down at the mall a couple of times and wondered about it.

    Need to get ready for church. The day is so pretty I may hop over to Fairland to the small fleamarket after church.


  • Good morning, glassies. Suppose to be high 90s with a heat index of 105°.

    @donscns DON ... just knock me over with that price for the Colorado set. I find even with very reasonable prices, I have a hard time selling my glassware....but on the flip-side, I never seem lucky enough to find bargains when I'm searching! 🙂

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... I sure wish we could posts gifs here...then there would be all kinds of well-deserved congratulations-gifs, your-great gifs, wow gifs, 😮 😆 😀 😀 😀 😆 😮 You really are QUEEN OF THE GOOGLE SEARCH!

  • @fran2 Fran....You really ARE the google queen!! Yayyy for Fran! You have really helped alot of us here with your google skills....I'm a googler, but nowhere near as successful nor as persistent with it as you are...and so I must bow to the Queen 🙂

  • Good afternoon everyone, Damp and windy here
    Katie @fyrqueen & Gail @songbreeze take it easy
    Shelly @shellyrae37 ((((hugs)))))
    Fran @fran2 The Google Queen strikes again!!!!! 😆 😆 😆

  • @fran2 Wow Fran, how interesting that it seems to be a mystery even amongst EAPG sellers...that makes it even more intriguing! I don't know HOW you find these things! But I know I always appreciate your effort...thank you so much!

  • @glassusa BOB ... That jackalope is a real hoot! Love it! Congrats on the yard sale finds.

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... thanks for trying the USPS site. I still cannot connect to it. I'm going to be forced to go stand in line at the Post Office...yuck...and pay their higher-priced fees.

  • Good morning/afternoon, glassies. I'm on a bit of a roller coaster ride...good days and down days.

    I sold an item on Ruby Lane and the lady sent me a check, so I can't use eBay or PayPal shipping for labels. I cannot get into USPS site this morning. Didn't matter whether I was in Chrome or Firefox, I keep getting an error message. Could someone else please try and see if it is USPS that is down or if my computer is whacked. Thanks.

    @carma CARL .. what a blessing that you were not on the highway when you car went awry. I'm in agreement with DON...can't believe the repair costs weren't more expensive.

    @fran2 FRAN@ ... how is the freezer today? Hope you haven't lost anything in it.

    @glassusa BOB ... would love to see a pic of your jackelope!

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... I list an item once in a blue moon on eBay anymore. I just have gotten so sick of them. I have most of my items on Ruby Lane. I need to list some items there, but I just haven't been up to listing much lately. And can you even imagine having the inventory to be ABLE to list 1/2 million items. I can't even use up the 50 free items a month. Too lazy.

    My medicial tests are next week. I don't have to make my rounds of the malls until the first week of the month. I'm closing out one mall booth this month, and my friend is going to drive and help me pack it out.

    Well, I need to go see if I can get into USPS so I can mail this box.

  • Good Morning everyone. cold but sunny here this morning. A good day to be out in the van preparing it for my trip. The wardrobe needs to be emptied and summer stuff out and winter stuff in.Curtains washed, cupboards emptied, cleaned and restocked. Plus sort some stock for any markets/swaps that I may find along the way.
    Fran @fran2 did they give you a reason why textiles can not be sent to Korea? Sounds weird to me
    Don @donscns give me winter any day. I hate summer and the 100+ days.First really cold day is a bit of a shock to the system but after that I acclimatise really easily
    Fenton @ohiostar Congrats to your friend What a great sale. One can only dream of finding one of those down here
    Reen @reen I always check snopes and hoax slayer when I receive emails like that. Most are always hoaxes /spam and they rely on the very trusting to pass it on, Usually these kind of emails have "trackers" or whatever they are called and if you don't have a good virus scanner they will go unnoticed tracking all your activity on your computer.
    Suzy @suzy I saw your pics on FB. I am glad you were lucky enough to escape any damage.

  • Good morning, glassies. Hey @fyrqueen KATIE, must have gotten some of that same storm here last night. I slept through it all and slept quite late this morning. I always sleep late if the day is dark as I use the sun to wake up. I wondered why it was so dark and looked out to see we must have gotten quite a rain during the night.

    @reen REEN ... cute little film canisters. Won't they deteriorate if left in the garage due to temperature changes?

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... sorry you are missing a sale, but so glad you were able to find the answer before you had the hassle of a return. I quit offering international shipping several months ago. Just too many possible problems as far as I was concerned.

    @donscns DON ... have a safe trip home. The heat will be rough, but I think no matter where we are we always love getting back to our own nests.

    HI to CARL and GEORGE!

  • @fran2 FRAN 2 ... I'm rather a slow crocheter. The three blankets I've done are actually quite large... definitely not little "baby blankets". I'd guess I spent about 40 or 50 hours, give or take, on them.

  • @gailmacphee GAIL MAC ... I have the 12th ed of TAGF Elegant book but he only lists the older versions of the Fostoria 6016 and he doesn't list anything with your size. Definitely NOT a roemer. Can't find that size in the Fostoria Stemware book, nor on Replacements. I'm scratching my head. Can you just go back and measure its size and capacity for a second time to double check?

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... thanks, and yes, I'm definitely taking it easy.

  • I’m quite pleased as I got the 2 malls settled up and got my shopping done at WalMart. Once I got home, I did my bookkeeping and deleted inventory. After all that was finished, I was able to do my monthly on-line sales tax report. So now I can just sit back and relax for the rest of the day. 🙂

    I feel good too because I gave notice at the Ketchum mall. I have a friend who will help me pack it up later this month. I put signs up… ”10% off Moving Sale” I’ll be relieved to be back to just 3 malls and not have to deal with this 4th one which is really in an out-of-way place. Sales there are slow and it’s not worth the time, trouble, gas, and oil.

    @reen REEN … Hope you are making good headway with the oil lamps today. I’m always happy when I can move some more stuff out of the house.

    @fran2 FRAN2 …. glad the little hummingbird found your feeder. I’m sure he will be back. 🙂

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... sorry to hear of the roof leak. What a headache! Hope you can find the source quickly.

  • Fran @fran2 I clicked on the link that Bob posted and it had the ads. Your link didn't & then I read your post, so went back to Bob's link he posted and , the same as you, no adds. Very weird indeed.

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Well, we had a lovely Pot Luck at church and when it finished, I came home and slept all afternoon. Sot hot and humid and overcast, so I turned on the a/c and then slept like a baby. Would probably still be asleep but I had the a/c on energy saver and it clicked off. So much for using energy saver....next time I have it on " full blast forever". 🙂

    @jerseystar NANCY P .... By George, I think you've got it! A Belmont base with a Pressed Diamond lid! I agree, I think it's a marriage for sure. @fran2 FRAN 2 ... great pics that show that pattern more clearly.

  • Hi, glassies. I've been having phone line computer problems. Have it all fixed now and glad to get my computer and Netflix back. 🙂

    @sunwoman3663 JANICE ... so glad to see you posting and it's super to know that you are doing well.

    @fran2 FRAN 2 ... I thought it was hard to get humming birds to come to a feeder after they migrated. I was always under the impression you had to set it up a good two weeks ahead of time because once they arrive and find a feeder they stick with that feeder all the time. Wish you luck and sure hope I'm wrong.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... oh my, it's getting to be polar-bear time for your morning swims. brrrrrrrrrrr

    @reen REEN ... sounds like you will have a grand and interesting meeting. Always nice to spend time with friends who share the same interests.

    @carma CARL ... glad your DW is enjoying her car. I learned to drive on a stick shift.... and am very happy that I have an automatic instead. 🙂

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... I hope you were able to have a nice visit with your ill friend. I'm sure he thoroughly appreciated it.

    Waving HI to DON and GEORGE!

    Yikes, my sister just called and managed to leave her purse here so she's on her way back over to pick it up. It's late and I haven't even fixed any supper yet. Guess I best sign out for now....

  • Fran2 @fran2 Glad you worked it out in the long run. I am using Google Chrome as my browser, so I'd say each browser would have different ways.

  • Good Morning everyone.
    Fran2 @fran2 To post just the pic and not all that other rubbish on tinypic You need to right click on your pic and from the drop down menu choose "copy image URL" and post that link to your message.Don't use the links they show you on the left hand side. I have terrible trouble with loading tinypics photos when the link is full of all the junk advertising.
    Here is your just pic with out the other junk http://oi39.tinypic.com/359zsjo.jpg

    Happy Birthday Don 🙂

  • Carl @carma & Fran @fran2 Down here we get more then enough daylight after 5p.m in summer, so personally I think it is not needed. And my thoughts on the ones that want that extra hour after work and like to mess with their body clock. Do flexi hours, start work an hour earlier and finish an hour earlier. Just don't mess with my body clock & routine
    Shelly @shellyrae37 What a stupid idea!!! why not just leave the clocks and time as it is!! And of course if USA does it all year round and then the "sheep" down here will be wanting it as well.Like Carma says ”Only a white man would think he could cut a foot off one end of a blanket, sew it on the other end, and have a longer blanket.”

  • Bright sunny day here in Indy.
    @fran2 - Thank you. Exactly the same except for color. You truly are the "Queen of Search."
    GAIL- congrats on your Ruby Lane sales. Surprised that ebay let that information get through.
    Suzy- Beautiful bowl. I love the pedestal pieces.

  • Oh Boy it has been so hot & humid here the past few days. I can't believe it!!! It's like summer weather.
    Gail @songbreeze Yep I will be having time with DGS He is still being breast fed but once he is able to feed solids and take a bottle I will spend time with him.
    And I agree Fran @fran2 is indeed the queen of the searches 🙂

  • Good Gravy, @fran2 FRAN 2 .... How in the whole wide world do you find these items....they can't even hide in Russia from you!!!! You are indeed The Queen of the Search!!

  • Good afternoon everyone. Wednesday has become a very full on day for me now.Swimming, walking coffee with the other swimmers,Sporty Kids with Miss P and after that a huge walk along coast up some very steep hills pushing a pram with Baby and Miss P in it. But there is a restaurant at the end of it and we enjoyed a nice breakfast and then the walk back again to the car. I left home here at 4a.m and arrived back home at 1.30 p.m. And will be heading back out at 4.30p.m to the Guns n Roses, ZZ Top and Rose Tattoo Concert. No sleep in tomorrow as I have to have Miss P at Gymberoo by 9 a.m. Then we will go up to visit Mum
    Fran2 @fran2 Nope that's not my auction
    Miss P is 2 years old
    Nancyjean @nona I haven't even calculated what shipping to USA would be for that platter. Years ago when the cost was lower and your dollar was stronger then ours, it was still a hefty amount.
    Marson @panishklo Naturally Miss P gets all her good points from her Grandma . All the bad ones she gets from her fathers side....raoflmao
    Julie..wondering if she can fit in a Nan Nap

  • Good evening, glassies.

    @donscns DON … as usual @fran2 FRAN2 comes to the rescue with her search engine!

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY … good gravy, you did a ton of stuff for the day. I use to give blood when I was young, but I’ve had too many weird illnesses living overseas so no one wants my blood now.

    @carma CARL … love to see the set developing. You should write a book for train enthusiasts on how to put one together. You have all the pictures step-by-step for instructions to a newcomer wanting to get started.

    Waving Hello to @panishklo MARsON!

  • Fran @fran2 you always just blow my mind how quickly you find matches!!! Thank you so much! There were about 7 of them in the lot...unfortunately 2 have rim chips, but they are just too beautiful to throw away so I will display them in my "museum of chipped, cracked, broken and unwanted glass" 😉 Thanks again!

  • Good morning Glassie Friends,
    Shelly, Amber, Marty, Carl, and anybody that I missed. We are up a little late this morning. I'm afraid that our habits are trending toward later.
    @fran2 Fran, I would think the decorators who are into the 1970s decorating trend would like your vase.

  • HI late in the evening to ALL glassies. I've been on the road for the past 2 days and doing all kinds of shopping and errands and settling mall accounts . I get to rest tomorrow. 🙂

    @fran2 FRAN ... I've looked all over with various searches but just can't find that particular vase at all. It's quite attractive.

  • @fran2 FRAN 2 ... I hope no one is keeping track of all the times I CAN'T ID a piece of stemware! That far outweighs the times I get "stumble lucky" onto an ID. 😀

    @dianes DIANE ... I'll check my books, but what are the measurements of the vase. How tall is it? I thought Wavecrest when I first looked at it. If someone told you it was Consolidated did they by chance tell you what they were referencing?

  • @fran2: NO, I don't have a homepage. I just go to IE from my desktop and then use bookmarks in favorites.

  • @fran2 :I have the same pop-up on my computer when I either turn on my computer or restart it. I also have a HP computer with WIN7. It's the only HP computer in our house and the only computer that gets that pop-up. I'm thinking it's an HP thing. I just click it off.


  • @fran2 Who is your internet service provider? If it is Verison it is an ad you pay for them to show you by being their customer.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 ... I finally found the vase I was thinking of but I see it's different...still remind me of each other though with the uneven hobs and the color. https://www.facebook.com/groups/146031692077139#!/photo.php?fbid=470813266312641&set=o.218071431555341&type=1&theater

  • @fyrqueen KATIE ... Wow! Lucky you! Sounds wonderful and I hope you are having a grand time!

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... Sorry I can't help with your vase. It seems that I saw it on one of the forums or FB and it was ID'd as newer, but I've searched and just can't place my finger on where I saw it before.

  • Good morning, glassies. Yes, Shelly @shellyrae37, I'm up-and-at-it this morning and really hope to push myself today to get alot done on rearranging glassware and also to do some listing. Glad you enjoyed the gif. 🙂

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... Thanks for the link. I knew nothing of the changes. It has always baffled me that someone can't get into USPS and bring the costs down yet still bring in a profit. I just stay amazed that it supposedly loses money every year.

    HI to SUZY, CARL brrrrrrrr, DON, BOB, IRENE M, MARSON, and GEORGE!

  • @fran2 My email problems was of my own making. I was trying to join a yahoo group that had made it more difficult to join than most groups. Leave it to the person who set the site up to make it more difficult. I'll probably give him a blast when I finally get there.

  • @fran2 Fran that is exactly like my decanter except mine has no label and contains no brandy. And mine has a glass stopper which I suspect is not original. Thank you.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 and @donscns DON ... terrific! That's it exactly. I went to Doty's site and clicked on "Indexed by Motif" and then looked at all the ones listed under "Grape", but surprisingly that wasn't listed. I have 4 in marigold. Not worth much, but you know as a glassie the more important thing is the ID! Thanks ever so much.

  • @wellingtonct LAURIE … so good to see you checking in. Sorry things have been so difficult for you as of late. Hope you have a uneventful drive Illinois and are able to get relief from the chiro.

    @fran2 FRAN2 .. I was trying to figure it out what crushed the Bear Box in that manner. I posted it on the GPSA forum and someone said it was probably the blade from a fork lift that caught it. I think they were probably right.

    Good morning, GEORGE!

  • Hi, FRAN2 @fran2 . What a quiet quiet day in here today. Maybe everyone’s making holiday cookies or out with the snow blower.

  • @fran2 FRAN2 ... I have a USB cable that I use to download from my camera and I got one for my new phone to use too. But when I plugged it in, it said it was new hardware and it couldn't find it. I think the AT&T girl might be able to help me tomorrow. I'll take it in to her and see if there is a step I'm missing doing somehow. I will see if I can figure out how to email it.

  • Oh FRAN 2 @fran2 and ALICIA @4931nextdoor ...Thank you ever so much! It definitely is that large oval console bowl in the 3rd picture. Any idea what the book value may be?

    I tried to get my pictures off of my phone but my computer wouldn't do it. I'll have to talk to my son and get it figured out.

  • Good morning, glassies. Another busy day and glad for it.

    @mainewildrose SUE ... your grandbaby is just absolutely gorgeous!

    @donscns DON ... super job! Like @fran2 FRAN2 said, the chore will be to keep the card with the correct item. One thought is to print out a small thumbnail picture of the item and paste to the back of the card. I have a booth in Joplin that is strictly EAPG...nothing else. I use larger hang tags and I take a picture of the main design and paste to the back so that someone can't come along and switch tags. The problem is that without the picture the staff has no idea what the pattern name is for a particular item. They really like that I do that.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... oh what a headache of a buyer. grrrrrrrrr. Eat a piece of chocolate...that should make it all better. 🙂


  • @fran2 Thanks for the Kings Crown site. That solved my problem. However , I needed the very last statement to really verify that my pieces are Indiana Glass. That statement was "Indiana Glass Kings Crown has 2 mold marks; the Kings Crown from Tiffin has three."

  • Good morning, glassies.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... glad you got the bid. Cute little jar. Love the match striker!

    @fran2 FRAN2 ... Thanks for that King's Crown website. I bookmarked it.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... come out, come out, wherever you are! We miss you.

    @donscns DON ... my smart phone is smarter than I. Couldn't figure out why I couldn't answer the phone by pressing on the green phone icon. Turns out you have to "swipe" the icon. Could never post the coffee using it. 🙂 Thanks for your help.

    Need to get ready for Church.

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