• Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Greatly appreciated..birthdays that end in 0 tho bring home the decade change.😬

  • @wattleihavenext what a great cake! Thank you!

    Doing great JimL, appreciate the thought!


  • Happy Birthday Julie!!

    Hello Glassies...hope all are doing good.

  • Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes, cakes and flowers..luv 'em all!

  • Hello Glassis,

    Been a long time! The last of the big repairs, roof, sheetrock, painting are finally finished. Just 2 small things left plus trying to get final supplement payment from insurance after Hurricane Harvey. Tons of debris throughout the county just boggles the mind.

    The local churches thrift store is open and I found a green butter dish that followed me home. In a last ditch effort to locate it I looked in Hazel Marie Weatherman's Colored Glassware of the Depression Era 2 and lo and behold, it was in the Unknown Section. At least i know it has a little age to it.


  • Hi All,
    JimL. From Rockport.. My home was in the direct path and went through the eye. Don't know how, but came out looking pretty good. Will need a new roof and all the fence is down but compared to many others, I was very fortunate.
    Going down tomorrow to do a little clean up, get more clothes etc. My little metal red shed did not move, I could not believe it is still standing. Total devastation in so much of the small town. You can youTube Hurricane Harvey if you want a look.

    Stay safe everyone and always hug those you love.


  • Hello
    I am still in SA and have not found out anything about my home yet. Hopefully I will soon. There is no gas, water, food etc but would like to get down and clean out the frig as I was already gone before this popped up. Just left for a few days and Harvey was still a tropical storm in Mexico then.


  • Hi all, just checking in.
    Drove to San Antonio last Friday to spend Sunday fishing with youngest Granddaughter and had a blast. She caught 3 Red Drum.

    Had planned to go home this Friday and we are under a hurricane watch at home. Sooooo....guess I will stay here but have a few things on the deck that can sure blow around. Hope it changes course but right now looks pretty dead on.

    Just changed Windstorm insurance companies so this may get interesting.


  • Happy Birthday Reen!

  • Hello Glassies,

    Julie, so sorry for the loss of your sister. Cherish the memories.

  • So Sorry Julie, hugs to you and prayers for you and family.

  • Wonderful looking goodies too, such talented bakers on here!

  • Thanks for all the BD wishes everyone. Was a very good day except for the hour in the dentist chair.
    Have a good rest of the week!

  • Hello Group, Will be in San Antonio for Christmas then back to The Beach for a couple of weeks. My Christmas gift to me (sort of) was having the second cataract surgery two days ago. This one went better than the first one so far. Glad it is over.
    Need to get back to finish up a couple of 2016 tax items. My follow up appointment will be in Jan. so will be back in SA then.
    Not a lot going on in the Glass dept. Did find the 16+ inch Fostoria Century tort plate at the local church thrift store a few weeks ago for $4.00. Looks good on my table.
    Two more family members around my daughter's Christmas tree this year. Son and his wife moved back to SA this past summer and they found a house about two blocks from my daughters.
    Everyone have a safe and warm Christmas!

  • Happy Birthday Shelly..hope it is a great one!

  • Evening All: Looks as tho the weather won't be nice for my trip to San Antonio on Sunday. Sat. night low to be 38 and the high Sunday only 47 degrees. Will be windy and I will be driving right into it. San Antonio will supposedly get a break by Wed. when it may make it to the 50's.

    Shelly, where were you while in Texas? Usually when we get a cold spell here in Rockport, it doesn't last too long. With high humidity I feel the cold twice as bad.

    Everyone stay safe and warm

  • Good Evening,
    The cancelled parade could have taken place as the rain did not show up until later that night but guess better safe than sorry.
    Had a good day yesterday, got a lot done but this a.m. woke up off balance and woozy. Just when I was think how good it was to feel good for a couple of days.
    Think there is cold weather due by mid week or so. Sure wish that would be wrong.

  • Good Evening Glassies, long time not here.
    Been running back and forth to San Antonio and that will go on for another month or so.
    DD's Garage sale in a couple of weeks, then cataract surgery before Christmas, had a root canal last month
    so have to get a crown and on, and on. After all gets done hope to have some fun some time after Feb. LOL
    Sales in the shop have been slow.
    We are due for a rainy weekend and I think the local Christmas Parade has been cancelled because of it.
    They also have a boat parade so hopefully that won't be cancelled because of weather.
    Carl, glad for you to get your house projects finished for the year.
    Too bad you did not get the quiet lunch with the girls to catch up.
    Everyone stay safe and have a blessed Christmas.

  • Hi Ya'll,
    Happy Birthday Janice! Hope it is a good one.

    I am not a cold weather/winter person but I am ready for some nice fall weather. This 90+ week after week is getting old!

    Have a good rest of the week everyone.


  • Hello Glassies, It has been a while. Belated Happy Birthday to Don. Birthday presents to self are the best as you always get what you want!!
    Doing a few days of house, horse and dog sitting. At least while there don't have what I should be doing right in front of me.


  • Hi All you great glassies!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!

  • Hello all and thanks so much for the birthday wishes and ALL THE GOODIES!!!! I am stuffed and added pounds just looking at them. Some great bakers on this site.

    Hope all is going well for all. I spent the weekend at granddaughters volleyball tournament. Won all there games yesterday and lost today. Such is life.

  • Good Morning Glassies from chilly south Texas: It's about 41 degrees and the cold steady rain we've had the last couple of days has finally quit. Checked the gauge and had 2.1 inches. Still overcast.

    After being here two years finally did some rearranging and waiting that long is a record for me. lol Don't feel too bad this a.m. from pushing and tugging furniture around along with unloading and loading books back into the shelves. Of course put some heat on my back while watching the Spurs play last night. Maybe that is why it has taken so long to redo, I'm not getting younger!
    But have a box of books to go to the library, some items out in the shed, a couple of bags ready for garbage pick up so feel I got 2016 off to a good start.

    Hello to George, Carl, JimL, Shelly, Gail, Marson and all who peek in.

  • Have a Great New Year everyone



  • Wishing everyone a Merry and Safe Christmas and great New Year.

  • Afternoon from the Texas Coast.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLY….hope you are doing something fun!

    I need to get off the computer and get some work done. BBL


  • Hello Glassies and want to wish everyone a blessed, safe and happy Thanksgiving.

    Positive thoughts for those and their families with health issues.

    Ran the cooking lifeline to San Antonio yesterday. Hauled a brined turkey, quart of oysters, gumbo, prime rib, ingredients for stuffing/dressing, electric roaster and few other items. Made Bison Chili for lunch today. After tomorrow will just relax. LOL Went to my favorite wine store on my way in, Spurs are playing tonight, not too chilly out with just light rain so far, so It's All Good.


  • Mornin' Glassies: Have not made it to San Antonio yet and another weekend they are forecasting bad weather there. Right now it sure looks like it is not going to happen but know that can change in a second. lol

    May just wait and go up early for Thanksgiving, come h e double hockey stick or high water. I've been requested to cook again. What a surprise..NOT.

    Haven't found much in glass but some baked dirt. Made enough at the shop to pay rent and get a few dollars so that keeps me in the hunt.

    Have a good and safe weekend.

  • 'Morning All:
    Condolences to Julie and Janice for your loss.

    Shelly: We did not get hit too bad here in Rockport. I only received 3 1/2 " of rain. The wind came up the next day but without rain so we lucked out. Houston sure didn't.

    Happy Birthday Gail and anyone else I have missed.
    Have a great day, everyone.

    Off to town shortly then going to San Antonio probably Thursday a.m. if not tomorrow night.


  • Shelly: Just checked Jenks, Luna and Reilly's reproduction book and not sure if this helps with the Paneled Diamond Point goblet.

    "Unlike the original items, Fostoria reproductions are thick walled and resound with a bell tone resonance when gently tapped. Because of the lead content they are also heavier and display a brilliance lacking in the old."

  • 'Morning Glassies: Rain moving through today and tomorrow here on the Texas coast. Thought I might have to leave for San Antonio earlier than planned (next Wed) but think San Antonio is getting more rain now than here. Just continue to monitor the situation. Poor folks in Mexico sure got hit.

    Found a treasure at the local TS earlier this week. Thought it might be an early Fenton piece but after researching found it to be Fostoria Blue Milk Glass rose bowl. Sold after 3 hours on eBay for the BIN price. First thing I've sold on ebay in ages.

    Shelly: Christmas stores are fun.
    Carl: great looking plate.
    Julie: always like your coffee gifs..I love coffee but have cut it down to one good cup a day.

    This will be a lazy weekend for me, for sure. Time to piddle with pastels for a change and not worry about cleaning closets, etc.

    Hope all those with health issues get better and a shout out to all who wander through.


  • Just did some searching with JimL's info and it also has a Jefferson number of #271 besides the Dolly Madison moniker.


  • JimL Thanks so much!!! Now I can rest easy..lol


  • Hi Glassies: Have looked at this piece that is a fellow dealers and tried to find out what it is. I am sure someone here knows 🙂

    Let's see if the Wizard works.


  • Well, had a post and it poofed away!!

    Thanks for peeking at the compote, Wendy.
    Shelly - There is no wafer. I did have other photos but got tired of fiddling with the Wizard. lol

    George - German soldiers from Hesse wore uniforms made from burlap so guess that is where that Hessian name originated.

    Hearing thunder but no raindrops yet.


  • Evenin' Glassies:

    Shelly, thanks for taking a peek at the compote. Yes, Robin Eggs Blue is a close name for the color. I did find a similar one that was claimed as Fenton but nothing positive yet.

    George, In my early years no electricity and water was pumped into a sink in the kitchen from a cistern. The old outhouse was sure cold in the winter too. Had an old cookstove that used cobs and coal for fuel. Don't know how Mom managed all those good meals, but they were good.


  • Good Morning Glassies:
    Woke up to a brief 69 degrees so at least a start to a cool down. Up coming week high supposedly in the 90 -92 range.

    Some beautiful glass shown, thanks everyone for the eye candy!!

    Julie, you inspire me to get off my duff and OUT more.

    Gail, love that blue piece. Checked in a couple of books but no luck. 🙁

    Picked up a small compote at an estate sale yesterday. Will attempt to post a couple of pictures. I thought it might be Fenton but have not had any luck finding it.

    Will try for photos in a separate post.
    Hello to all who stop by.

  • Mornin', well almost afternoon,

    Glad to see you were out and about and still on the hunt, Gail.

    After the garbage run this a.m. checked out the local TS. Only thing I found to research is an old crock bowl and not having much luck.
    Need to get busy but think I feel a nap attack coming on.

    A "howdy" to all who are on the board and anyone who pops in later.


  • Happy Birthday, Susu!

    Had company last week which was very pleasant. Not much going on except doing the yard work a little at a time. Just too hot during the day but tonight was cooler with a breeze so got the weed eater out. A chance for a shower tomorrow but when they say isolated I don't have much hope.


  • 'Moring Glassies: I remember the old hay days on the farm. Prior to getting a hay/grain elevator Dad use a block and tackle system to get hay put up. Very slow going. During harvest season Mom and I would fix jars of fresh lemonade and sandwiches to take out to the field at 4 o'clock as they worked until dark. Lunch was at noon and feeding the crew took all morning to prepare. A completely different way of life.

    Hope all are having a great day and soon to be weekend.

  • Happy Birthday JimL!!

  • Afternoon Glassies: It has been quite a while since I have been here. I thought I was going to have a quiet summer but that was wrong. Will be put for a few weeks now.

    From the short way I scrolled it looks like everyone is doing well. I hope so.

    Reen: You might check Horsemint for your pattern. An Indiana pattern. These old eyes aren't sure tho!

    CarL: loved the kitchen remodel.

    Wendy: Gotta love Benadryl.

    It is hot, hot, hot on the Texas coast but finally a couple of overnight lows below 80 degrees..Yay..fall is coming.

    Hi to all who float by.


  • Hi All, Left the Beach before TS Bill came ashore yesterday. It was a planned trip but upped the leaving a couple of hours early. Ran through some showers while on IH37 to San Antonio.
    I just checked the radar for The Beach and my place is getting pounded today with the tail end of the storm. The ditches have not been cleared of weeds for weeks with all the rain and will be full again.

    Had a big surprise on the road though. Came upon a pickup with its lights flashing and a law enforcement car on the other side. Stopped but then they motioned me through. Saw a dark body on the road and at first thought a big feral hog as there had been a smaller one dead on the side of the road the trip before. Then I realized it was a huge alligator and I do not believe it was a dead one, as the guys were standing way back. lol Just farm land on both sides of the road in that area but may be a pond or something back in there. Anyway, it was a surprise.

    My granddaughter was to fly out of Houston today but with TS Bill dumping lots of rain we were able to postpone the flight without paying an extra fee. Think they had to cancel over 200 hundred flights.

    Have a good week all, and stay safe.

  • Just a flyby..I am still house/dog sitting west of Hunt, Tx. Been subject to the storms but I am at least up on a hill. The crossings were flooded early today but was able to go to town by noon.

    I envy those of you that are so talented with a crochet hook. I have tried a few times. You are making me want to try again! Tried knitting too. Same story.

    Stay safe everyone.


  • Good Afternoon:

    Got my San Antonio errands done, bank, hair cut, ink for the printer, drooled over an iPad at Best Buy (I feel closer to pulling the trigger on that, lol) and a couple of things done for my daughter and grand daughter.

    Tomorrow will pick up the "fixins" for a seafood chowder I will do for my friends in Hunt and head that way, hopefully by noon. Then tomorrow evening her husband and I will meet her for an Artist Reception at the Art Center. Saturday will be chowder day and Sunday they fly away to the Grand Cayman Islands for a vacation. Just me, Triton (the tracking hound) and the cat, Socks, left on the hill for a week. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully won't get washed off as rains are predicted again.

    Julie - Yes I do enjoy them as long as the ear behaves. Enjoy the pub and have a brew for me.

    Shelly - All eating out is pricey anymore!

    Reen - Your meeting sounds quite interesting. Glad you could make it and anticipate the next.

    Wendy - I try to enjoy it all! Hope to have lots of memories when me and the truck are down to just local stuff.

    Gail - Always good thoughts headed your way.

    S/O to Don, Carl, Fran2, Katie, NancyP, JimL, and anyone else who pops in.


  • Happy Birthday Katie….Hope it is a super one.

    Just got into San Antonio and moving on to Hunt Friday a.m.


  • Morning Group:

    Last night had the grill going and just finished up as the sprinkles started. By this morning had 2 inches of rain.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, DON!! Love the cake!

    For Mr. Arthur Itis (as my Dad called it) I get some relief with Two Old Goats and Vital 3.

    Sales in the shop were slow last month and May seems headed that way too. I always thought graduations and vacation planning affected this time of year.

    Have a good week everyone.

    I'm headed out Friday and won't be back home until the 1st or 2nd of June. Hopefully will get some "junking" in.


  • Good Evening Glassies:

    Been a windy day here at the coast. Did get a little yard work done the last couple of days. Got back from Ft Worth on Weds. and will be leaving again for a couple of weeks on May 15th. That will be a San Antonio and Hunt trip.

    My oldest son has been lucky so far with all the Oklahoma storms. Just washing out his driveway with all the rain. One of the tornadoes lifted up again as it past very near his place, thank goodness.

    Gail - When not feeling great I love my recliner too.

    Carl, have slides too that I need to look at and see if there are in good enough shape to convert.

    Reen, don't envy you and hubby and all the packing. But such a good feeling when it is done until unpacking starts…lol

    Shelly - You sure stay busy!

    Fenton - We're having the love bugs messing up the vehicles.

    Wendy - Love your baskets and buckets of hugs and kisses.

    JimL - have to steal some of your coffee gifs. thanks.

    A S/O to Julie, where ever she is on her travels.

    Hope everyone with health issues get relief soon.

    To all you Mothers out there, enjoy your day.

  • Hi All: Just a quick flyby….Happy Birthday Reen and Toby, and anyone else I may have missed.

    Drove to Ft. Worth this past weekend, left at noon today and am in San Antonio. Will be home tomorrow or Weds. Had a nice visit with one son and family, and attended a granddaughter's baby shower.

    Need to get home and mow again! Trying to stay ahead of the sand burrs. Hope it is not a losing battle.

    Went to one antique mall this morning. Could have spent more time and picked up a couple of goodies for the house. Nothing for resale tho.

    Gail: glad things are going so well.

  • Morning All: Just had a wild couple of hours with a large T-storm moving through. The sand is so saturated, ditches full and rain on the menu for the next few days. So far 2 1/2 inches of rain in the last two hours. Thunder starting up again. Just checked the weather map and the front has finally moved through so maybe it will clear up soon.

    Missed Tuesday morning breakfast with the Antique Ladies due to the storm.

    Need to get a few things written up, photographed, and listed so best get going.


  • Afternoon Glassies: Hope every one has a good weekend and those with health issues are doing better.

    The one son that did not make the BD party was down for a couple of days so feeling blessed I did get to see them all.

    Rainy days here and I just know the sand burrs are growing like crazy.

    Only found a couple of pieces for the shop this a.m. Both dried dirt. It would be nice if glass had a revival but know that is wishful thinking for the most part.


  • Yay Gail….

    Don….What a display!!! wonderful

    Hi Julie, George, Carl, JimL, Sue, Reen and Katie…plus anyone else who wanders through.
    Have a good evening.


  • Good Morning Glassies:

    Thought I was coming to San Antonio to dog sit but instead the kids gave me a belated surprise birthday party! It was so super to see everyone. Even Jim came back after spending the previous week down at The Beach with me. The Colorado and South Carolina guys and wives flew in. Only one son could not make it. Some of my daughter's friends that called me Mom in the old days were here. It was a fantastic time.

    Have a great and safe Monday.


  • Morning Glassies:

    Lots of rain and have received almost one third of the annual rainfall for this area to date. Now for the mosquito invasion.

    My son left yesterday and I hated to see him go. We had a great time!

    Been neglecting the shop so need to find something in the closet, get it priced and out there.

    Have a restful Sunday.

  • 'Morning All:

    Gail - What a neat story about Mavis Pearl and glad you had a very good day.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Irene and Tracy.

    My son from Oklahoma has been here for the week. We've been fishing and lots of good eating. First night fishing he caught a nice flounder which we fixed as soon as we got home. Can't get fresher than that.

    Every one have a great and safe Friday and weekend.


  • Hello All:

    Julie: thanks for the link. I will get brave and give it a try.

    Have a good evening everyone.


  • Afternoon Glassies:

    Sue: our gas has gone up the last few weeks.

    Katie: Thought weather would be better here but still a 20% chance of rain and overcast. Looks like storms just off shore.

    Gail: Hat is cute and you look good.

    Hello George, Shelly, Don, Carl, Julie, Reen, Irene, Wendy and anyone else who comes by.

    If it doesn't rain for the next couple of days have a guy scheduled to knock the tops off the clover.

    Julie: what did you do to keep the vertigo at bay or gone?


  • Good Afternoon All:
    Second day of rain with flash flood warnings. Yard has many puddles and the clover will probably be higher than an elephant eye soon. But the temps in the 60's.

    Woke up with my old nemesis (grrrrrrr) hanging out. Almost vertigo but taking stuff to keep it at bay as much as possible as my son is coming in this weekend.

    Wishing for the best health possible to all.


  • Awwww - I missed a happy birthday to Sue..so hope it is a good one!

  • Morning All:


    Finished morning chores now off to the shop.


  • 'Morning All: Cold and windy (gusts up to 35mph at times) at The Beach. Horse and dog sitting for a couple of days and the walk to the barn wasn't fun.

    The cool thing was getting to wear my Dad's cold weather hat that he used years ago in Nebraska's winter weather. I miss them both.

    Everyone stay safe and warm.


  • Good Morning from The Beach:
    Around 50 and foggy with a chance of showers today.

    Trying to toss a couple of things on the eBay wall but not too hopefull.

    Carl - Great for Marley and her team!! Great shot of the bobcat.

    JimL - what a sad story for sure.

    Gail - sleep and naps are good!

    Hi to GEORGE, SHELLY, FENTON, IRENE and all other visitors.


  • Afternoon Glasses:

    Some chilly mornings here at The Beach. A shivery 37 the last three morning and forecast for 38 tomorrow morning but 65 right now with winds at 15 mph.

    Clover has taken over the lawn (well, ground around the house, lol) and it stays too wet to mow. Rain and/or showers in the forecast for the next four days.

    Finally took a couple of items to the shop and to see if I had even made rent. Looks like I have and that surprised me.

    Gail - Y'all stay safe on the roads and good luck on your treatments.

    Don - Cute pups there!

    Carl - you folks have had waaaaay more than your share of winter.

    Julie - Hope your meet goes well and your Mum recovers from all effects of the fall.

    S/O to Katie, George, Shelly, and anyone who wanders through.


  • Late evening hello Glassies,
    Made it back home this evening and home always feels good!

    I did have a good BD and thanks Nancy, JimL and Marson for the Happy Birthdays.

    SHELLY, I left San Antonio as the temp dropped, winds picked up and drizzle set in. Beat it home but it is following me. LOL Will have a few chilly days here but beats what so many others are having to deal with.
    I grew up in Nebraska and lived a couple of years in N. Dakota so have had my fill of cold, ice, snow, blizzards etc.

    I will be here for at least 3 weeks before heading out again as long as allergies haven't flared up.


  • Hello Glassies,

    Wow, birthday cakes galore. Thanks so much Julie, Gail, and Fran2 . Everyone grab plate and fork and help your self.

    Thank you Don, George, Wendy, Shelly, Irene for the good wishes also.

    Gail, so glad you got help for your not so nice side effects.

    Hope all glassies with health issues are finding some relief.

    And Carl, hoping for winter relief for you.

    I've been in San Antonio this past week and heading home in the morning.


  • Afternoon Glassies,

    Just a quick "hi" flyby to everyone and sending good thoughts to Gail.


  • Good Afternoon Glassies: Back from San Antonio and checked the shop. Not much in sales but at least rent is covered with a little left over. Need to get a box ready to go on Thurs. Found some baked dirt at a Goodwill in SA but nothing in the glass dept.
    Everyone in the storm area stay safe and hopefully warm. It would be nice if the weather guys and gals were somewhat wrong.
    Tomorrow is the Antique Ladies breakfast that I go to, trying to be sociable. Doesn't always work.LOL


  • Evening Glassies,

    It's been chilly willy here in Rockport. I just don't do cold weather well at all and my utilities don't like it either. I know it is not the temps some of you are having but still a bad deal for us.

    Have not done at lot with the book case I'm renting but so far, make a little over rent. I have a bunch of glass to sell but it just doesn't do well.

    Trying to make a short trip to San Antonio this week. Spend a couple of days with friends and then a couple of days at my daughters. We are suppose to attend a Spurs game on Friday. Then next week a round of horse sitting back here.

    Belated BD wishes to all I have missed.

    Hello to JULIE, GAIL,MARSON, WENDY, SHELLY, REEN, GEORGE, FRAN2, DON, JIML, CARL, SUZY…AND anyone else who wanders in.


  • Hello Glassies! and a happy birthday to Kelli. Enjoy!

  • Good Morning Glassies..Hard to believe it is 2015. Hope everyone has a blessed and safe year.


  • Hello All:

    Belated Happy Birthdays to Gail and Marson!!!

  • Hi Glassies. a quick fly by as heading out early in the a.m. to San Antonio.
    Reen - is your Cambridge pattern Elaine?
    When I get back need to list some items…wondering about Esty so will have to check that out.

    nite all

  • Just checked in…So very, very sorry to hear the sad news…RIP Bill and thoughts and prayers for his family.

  • Hi All: Just a quick flyby. Life has been crazy, guess I might as well get use to it.
    Will be making a quick trip to San Antonio for the weekend. (I think)

    Hi MM, good to see you. Hope your move goes smooth. Everyone have a good evening.

  • Hi All

  • Morning:

    Happy Birthday Julie - Have a wonderful day!

  • Hello Guys and Gals,

    The first night home received 1.5 inches of rain and the next morning another 1.3 inches. We really needed it.
    I really do love peonies also. At the folks place in Nebraska there were several patches and I am not sure how old they were but they kept on, keeping' on. They were there when I was a kid and I'm older than dirt now.

    A S/O to Shelly, Fran2, Marson, George, Don, Gail, Julie, Carl, Katie, Wendy and anyone else who may wander by.

  • Hi all: Finished with the Dentist..sure not my favorite thing. Have to say I think he did a good job. He is one who takes all the precautions with removing the old amalgam filling. Oxygen mask for me, masks for them, isolated the tooth with a mouth dam, high water usage with suction while drilling, a device to pull the air in the room through. All this because of mercury vapor.
    Will get on the road for home tomorrow. It will be good to get back.
    We sure need rain.
    Good luck, Gail, with taking care of your friend's things. It sure sounds as tho you have it under control.

    Everyone have a good evening.


  • Gail - so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds like things will proceed in an orderly fashion between the church, funeral home, you and the community. Bless you all.

  • Hello All:
    Gail, so sorry you have such a worry with your friend. Hopefully today she will be willing to get the help she needs.
    I know the put out feeling with one of the admins was tough to deal with but did get a chuckle
    about the "flared nostrils".
    Julie enjoy those DDG days!
    Katie - recycling is good.
    Hi Fran2 and Don, Shelly and anyone else who pops in.

    Will be finishing up house sitting on Sunday and boy, am I ready. lol



  • Uh, snapper filets…LOL

  • Afternoon Glassies:
    Shelly - I'm up in San Antonio house sitting for my daughter. She has plants (rainforest) new grass and three dogs. Have to keep two of the dogs separated, so lots of juggling there.
    Had set up a regular dental cleaning appointment and got that over with this a.m. but they found a small cavity had gotten larger so have that scheduled before I go back home.
    Only stopped at a couple of TS so far. Have pickup a couple of smalls, a Walter Wilson figurine, Lefton bud vase and a Camark flower frog. At least a little something to add to the wares on my bookcase in the shop.

    Did discover a new and wonderful seafood market so fresh red snapper fliers for supper tonight.
    There use to be several auctions in and around Corpus Christi but all gone now.
    Everyone have a good evening. Oh, and I was sooooo happy for my San Antonio Spurs!!!

  • Par for the course, when you get to the PGP part, check up the Forums to see all the areas that people are posting in. Forgetting to add things to a post continues to be a "senior moment" for me. LOL

  • Hi All: First full day into house, dog, grass, plant sitting in San Antonio. Counting the days.

    There is a new forum you might want to check out since eBay is messing things up. Maybe some of you have been there.
    You have to poke around to find your way but a great bunch of the "good guys" from the old eBay PGP boat.


  • Morning All: and Happy Birthday Curt.

    As soon as I get the first cuppa down, need to hit the floor running. lol

  • evening all: Shelly - believe your # 2 is Viking.

    Hope all have a good evening.

  • Gail..had to chuckle at your description of having a hobby, not a business. That's the way I look at the cost when I go off shore fishing, paying for a boat ride and if I catch fish, that's gravy…uh, guess it is grilled dinner. LOL
    I do not have much space at all, just one large bookshelf and adding a smaller one. The neat thing is the owner wants things to set outside the door so have been able to sell a couple of larger items that do not fit in the bookshelf area.
    We do get some dealers in and a lot of the prices are low enough they can take back to the "big city" and sell. Some of them really load up, thank goodness.
    I did get some hoeing done and came in to fix a little breakfast. Now for the gloves and picking up the sand burrs I dug up.

  • Good Morning Glassies,
    1st of June and so hard to believe. Time does not just fly any more, it is super sonic.
    Been back and forth to San Antonio and the big one, time wise, is coming up around June 11th. Will be gone for about two weeks. Am not looking forward to it. Short times are better!
    Decided to add a few more shelves to my area at the shop. Been getting some tagging done for that. Going to try and add items I do not normally deal with and my first step out of the that box is a piece of "shabby chic garden art". LOL
    Am out of ALL storage units. Doing a happy dance for that.
    Gail, what do you sell most of in the malls? I figured glass but thought there might be others items. In the shop I'm in there is no rhyme or reason to what sells.
    Had a hard time watching the Spurs play (I get upset at the calls and the announcers, put the tv on mute) but they finally won the Western Conference last night.
    Off for my second cuppa then must get outside with the hoe before it get much warmer. Have to look at the weather too as this is the first day of H season.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • Good Morning All and a belated Happy Birthday Leah, and Happy Birthday Betty.

    Ah, Carl poor Moose..you have been cooped up tooooo long. LOL
    Thanks, Gail for coffee and cake!
    Hello Don and all who pop in.
    Off to the PO and the shop today.


  • Afternoon all: Reen Wow, busy for sure and looks yummy.
    ShellyGlad you are out and about.
    Katie It's good you can be flexible!
    Bill, Carl, George My truck has key only open locks not the fancy ones, but when I went to get an extra key I found out even though I don't have the press to open gizmo, I would still have to pay just under $100 to get one that would work in the ignition. So I opted for one that would just open the door just in case I locked the door with the keys in the ignition. I did that once at a gas station after a trip where I locked the drivers side ALL the time. Getting out and hitting the lock became second nature.


  • Gail - talked to my son who lives about 10 miles west of Shawnee and he was saying pretty much the same thing.

  • Afternoon all: Yeah, Shelly, glad to see you here and that things went well!

    JimD and JimL - I haven't heard from them yet, sort of wished I had checked here first. But, if they fix it and I get a season out of it, that is fine as I used it and a chain saw I have with my Dad. Good memories. I sure appreciate the input, tho.

    Gail - Glad you got a chuckle. Have not started any paperwork yet but did put up a bird feeder today. LOL

    A surprise. Did receive a bid so that encourages me to list a couple of more items. Guess I had better get at it.

  • Good Morning Glassies: Up way to early but had planned to at least get across the bridge one way without waiting. It is Antique Ladies Breakfast day. lol
    Carl - hope the forecast is correct and you get the weather you need to disperse some of your frozen stuff.

    Hoping for good news about Shelly.

    Did get another box unloaded yesterday and a large mirror brought in but felt a back twinge so quit immediately and used ice. (uh, after putting a shelf together and some spot mowing) but so far, so good this a.m. Plan on doing mainly paperwork today.
    Dropped off a weedeater to hopefully be serviced. They sure acted like it was going to be a pain to work on and suggested I get one at WallyWorld. If there had been another small engine repair place close by would have gone to it.

    Tried a couple of listings but not much interest at this point. Plan on a couple of more but maybe a change of venue might help. Maybe go back and look at RL.
    Have a good day.

  • Evenin' All: I did get a little something checked off on my list and made a nice dinner. Now for a shower and relax in the recliner.

    Katie: Here are the Glasbake items I picked up. I think it is their Blueberry pattern from the '60s after Jeannette Glass took over.

  • Good Morning all: Woohoo, taxes done and mailed. What a relief. Did not check them over three times but just glad to get it done.

    Getting into town is a hassle now. The mile and a half bridge is down to one lane 6 days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. so I really have to plan trips now. Since today is Sunday, will go ahead and make a trip to the shop with a few items and pick up a few things I need. Then will plan on getting projects done here, and NOT procrastinate. (I hope)

    Found a couple of Glasbake pieces yesterday at Castaways and thought if I don't use them, will put them in the shop but may throw them against the eBay wall first.

    Gail - my vibe on your bowl was English but WDIK. Looked some but no luck.

    Reen - cute decorations!


  • Mornin' Folks: High 50's with chilly rain. Have to make a garbage run shortly so not looking forward to getting out in it.

    Glad your return made it safely, Carl, and the storm is missing you!

    Wendy, hope you get SUN!

    Gail - the coffee was really good this a.m. I needed it, thanks.

    Good to see everyone. GEORGE, MARSON, MARTY, JULIE, FENTON, REEN, GAIL MAC. SHELLY and anyone else who pops in, have a good day.

  • Reen - to funny!! I have left several patches blooming for the time being but their days are numbered. I actually want to plant some wild flowers in one corner but that will have to wait until next season as our planting time had too much winter weather.

  • Good Morning All: Shelly, good thoughts and prayers headed your way.
    Carl - Man, you have had waaaaay more than your share of winter weather.

    I sure don't like the last "mile" when UPS and Fedex do the connection with USPS. I track it to Corpus then getting it out to the small town PO for the final delivery can be frustrating time wise.
    Did a little mowing yesterday and cut some wildflowers. When they quit blooming I call 'em weeds. lol


  • Hi all and Happy Birthday Irene!!
    Having a blast with DGS but he leaves tomorrow. Glad I had him for a few days at least.

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