• Carl,
    Yep, that is a ridiculous amount of money to be thrown at you all at once, Especially since most of us have no idea how to deal with that.
    If there is one thing I have learned in life is that money isn't everything.

  • Carl, Was it you that won the billion dollars in that jackpot. I just heard it went to someone in Maine. Think of the glass you could buy.

  • Hello everyone...
    Just wanted to post this. Remember I mentioned that snow blizzard that hit here on the 24th.
    I said it wasn't too bad here in Niagara Falls but Buffalo only 15 miles away at best was hit
    really bad.
    We are hearing that over 40 people have died in this storm. Many in their cars and out in the street. This morning a payloader removing snow found and women and a 14 year old child.
    So many stories are now showing up on the local facebook pages, with their pictures, it's so sad. Many were young people also, it wasn't just the elderly.
    Buffalo is still digging out. Who knows how many more they will find. I can never remember a snow storm, including the blizzard of '77, with so many lives lost.

    PS and in case any of you saw that stupid story on CNN, AGAIN...Niagara Falls never froze over!

  • Merry Christmas to everyone.

    We have had a crazy 2 days here but it's looking better now. Not a lot of snow (12") but with 60mph winds, well you know. The good thing is that I never lost power, many people did but not me.
    That makes a world of difference.


  • Happy Hanukkah to Nancy and family and any others that celebrate.


  • Happy belated birthday to Shelly. Hope you had a great day.

  • Very cool! I'll take one, just pack it up and send please...

  • Julie,
    Do you have a picture of the outside. What make is it? Something we in the US would know of?

  • Julie, Now THAT is nice! I could go out on the road with something like that. I was thinking
    more of the tent pitched in a rainy muddy lot, lol.
    Thanks for showing us those pictures, and I'm very happy you bought it and enjoy it so much.

  • I may have said this before with regard to all your camping but my idea of ruffing it is bad room service...sorry, that's just me.

  • Julie,
    Thanks for telling us this. I was worried, so glad you are not in the flood area.

  • I just noticed that post is 6 days old, maybe things have changed. Hope all is good.

  • Julie,
    I'm watching all this flooding in New South Wales and was worried about you.
    So I come on here and your first line talks about "perfect weather", lol.
    Glad your ok....

  • Marson, I sorry I missed your day. A very belated Happy Birthday.

  • g'day everyone...

    I always claim that October is my favorite months of the year. This year, not so much.
    It always is a crap shoot..and this year is one of those "wet", years. Very wet and cold.
    Oh well, sometimes November can fool you.

    Marson..I have made a lot of progress cleaning things this week, but I did do just as you did many times before I said today is the day.

    We had our first talk at the other office yesterday. The boss came into the room and said "well, it's almost time for tax season" and I laughed when the two secretaries both yelled, oh no! not yet, lol.

    It's rainy and cold here now so I going to clean out some files and prepare for the coming season a little.

    Have a great day everyone because everyday is a great day!


  • Hi everyone...Katie, Marson, Julie, Nancy, Carl, Fran2,
    not many of us left.
    Sept 15th was due date for all my partnership and corporate returns that were on extension.
    Very busy couple of weeks. Finally I think I can take and entire weekend off.

    I should probably clean glass, that is what is still out.
    Maybe I'll hit a couple of my old shops that use to be on my runs.
    Never know I might find something..but I don't have high hopes around here anymore.

    Having some major work done on my front porch. The old style with a second floor porch also. The center column (post) was rotting away, decided to do all three posts and all new headers and upstairs floor. About $10,000 worth, materials are very high and to just find someone that knows what they are doing is another thing. Lucky one of my clients is the one doing it.


  • Thank you, thank you!

    Glad you both got away and enjoyed yourselves.

    Nancy, I always loved San Diego weather. When I was in my twenties spent a lot of time there.
    Always said that next to WNY I would only want to live there..


  • Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    Carl...3:40am, you didn't have to get up that early just to wish me a happy birthday,lol.
    I know the feeling.

    Had a quiet day, did a little work and that was it.
    A while back I said I was not going to take on any new accounts, well take didn't last long.
    Added 2 new clients last week. One is a young doctor, I looked at her books and felt so sorry for her I had to help her. Stay to what you know. The other is a well established restaurant in Lewiston, just north of me. They seem well organized so I think that one will be a good fit for me.

    Our weather here has been so nice this summer. One week of really hot temps but since then it's been gorgeous. I always said Western New York has the best summers. A few of my friends are heading south now that they have retired, I just can't handle that kind of heat. I guess I'm just a northern boy through and through.

    Off to start payrolls, Wednesday is the day for those.

    Have a great day everyone....


  • Well I'm late to the party again...

    Happy Belated Birthday Nancy! Sorry to hear you got covid, I think we all will eventually.


  • Very sad day indeed. I guess it's been about 15 years now that I first "met" her in the old chat room. She was always helpful and a joy to read her posts. Rest in peace beautiful lady.

  • Just saw the news on Facebook about our Fran. So sad to hear the news, I so enjoyed her back in the old room. Prayers.....

  • Well Carl sorry I missed your day so here is a big belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    "Hi" to everyone else...things ok here, not much to mention.
    I went to an estate sale last weekend for the last day. They were handing me glass to just
    take, but it was all junk and I didn't take even one. I didn't want to hurt their feeling so I just told them I wasn't collecting anymore. Which isn't too far off the truth.


  • Marson, So sad to hear that news. You will be in my thoughts.

  • Hi Nancy,
    Yes. but it was one of the worse years I have ever seen. So glad it's over, but still filing returns every week. Extensions, people who are just late and a couple that need to file but haven't filed in years. The real problem is my tax partner and I have some issues with clients that we really need to talk, one on one, with the IRS. Well...that's a joke, we can't even get through on our hotline for tax preparers. Read an article the other day, in 2021 the IRS only answered about 10% of the phone calls they received. Not to mention the 30 million letters and such that they just destroyed because they will never get caught up. It is a mess and not making my life any easier.


  • Katie, Happy Birthday , sorry I'm late to the party.

  • Hello everyone,
    Just wanted stop in and say, yes I'm alive but tired. I just had the busiest tax season ever. Not sure if I mentioned that the other tax office where I have be working for the past 3 season had a problem. The women I work with there had 2 stokes and was unable to work, so all of her tax returns became mine about 700. Together with my office and bookkeeping duties I haven't had a minute.
    Still working on extensions and some partnership extensions but hopefully I will be caught up in 2 or 3 weeks.
    Not much to mention about life here, no time...
    I retired a year ago this month..I don't think I have had 3 days off in a row since, lol.



    just can't get pic's to post anymore.

  • Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    Of course Alice's Restaurant will be played a little later today!


  • Carl, my condolences also to you and your family.

  • Happy Birthday Marson..sorry I didn't check in.


    Also a belated birthdays to
    Fran & Gail

  • Good morning...a very crisp feel in the air. Saw the first light frost on some roofs this morning, don't like it hit the ground but it's a sign.
    Our fall color is late this year also, walking the gorge it's pretty green. Someone posted on FB a pic of the gorge last year at this time and we are way behind.
    Have to pull two window A/C units, not as easy as it use to be, lol.
    Downstairs is still a central unit but upstairs where I live I use the window units.

    So I had to laugh. Thought my SS payments were starting this month Oct. 17th I thought I read online. Well nothing came in, I re-read it and swore it said Oct17, this is on the computer. So I had a printed copy that came in by mail..I read that and it said Nov 17th. I look online again and sure enough it said Nov 17. Sometimes we read what we "think" it says.
    Then I laughed because I remember in the tax biz, I read letters from the SS Administration for Estates, and they say they pay a month behind..lol, so when I die that month won't have to be sent back...their always thinking...
    Have a great day everyone....because every day is a great day.

  • Happy Birthday to the "other Jim"
    he is missed.....

  • Nancy,
    Well not much posting since your last holiday. Wishing you a happy Yom Kippur.

  • Nancy.....

    Hope you enjoy time with your family this week.

  • Nancy, good to hear your ok. It's crazy that more people died in the Northeast from a hurricane than did on the coast where it came ashore.

  • Good morning everyone,
    Shout out to NANCY this morning, hope your not getting all that rain I'm
    seeing on the news.

  • Carl, So glad you had a nice time seeing everyone again. I can't believe that it's been 8 years now for Marley, seems like just yesterday she was beginning this journey.
    Emma getting her Master's, a lot to be proud of with those two.

    Good morning to everyone
    Have a great day, because everyday is a great day!

  • Carl,
    I guess we've lived long enough now that we can see those changes. I find myself thinking about the past it seems more and more. Maybe it's because as they say there is more road behind us now than in front of us.
    I know they were huge in potato production years ago, didn't realize it had changed that much.
    I assumed, and just had to look it up, that Idaho was and is #1.
    Then you have plants pull out of an area, that can be devastating. Just yesterday they announced that OxyChem or the old Hooker Chemical is closing it's big plant in November here. After 155 years I think I read. Sad, but Niagara Falls was built on all those Chemical plants that lined Buffalo Ave, along the Niagara River above the falls. Now...was it a good thing? It provided jobs but at a huge cost to the environment and peoples health. This same company Hooker was the one responsible for "Love Canal", and we have one of the highest cancer rates in the county. I'm one that quit frankly is glad to see it go, but you have to be careful saying that on the streets here.
    I know what you mean by the bitter-sweet trip thing. It's been 17 years now that I left our family farm, and it's only about 15 miles from me. I have never gone back, not even got close to the area, too many memories and it upsets me so. But all and all, I can say that I have been happy with the way things turned out. I changed careers, found new jobs, friends, bought a house again, and I'm enjoying growing my tax accounting business still. You know I don't think I could still be doing those physical jobs anymore that I use to and now what I'm doing I can keep going till I drop if I want. So every cloud does have that silver lining.
    Well, enough said or maybe to much, lol.

  • Carl, yep both of these people were potato farmers.
    Is it still as big a crop for them as it use to be or have things changed?

  • Fran, thank you.

    Katie, Sounds nice. I use to have dealings with a couple of people way up in Aroostook County. Heck, your half way into Canada up there, lol.
    I love Vermont and NH also...

  • Carl,
    A friend of mine...much younger, a fireman here in the city is thinking of moving to Maine.
    He also runs a side job, fishing guide and stuff like that. He and his wife are the outdoor type.
    He is concerned about all the chemicals in this area and the high cancer rates, more for his 4 year old son. His uncle lives there, I think around the Portland area. He loves it when he goes up there so you never know.
    I haven't been up there in 30 years, would like to see that section of the country again.


  • Thank you gang!!

    Just got home, had a lazy day of it. Signed up for my SS payments a couple of days ago, should see a check in October. So I have been out of "work", the type were you actually go someone to work, for a little over 4 months. I am busy, but yesterday applied for a part time
    job in accounting. We will see...I think I need to get out more.

    Thanks for the cake Julie...and everyone again, thank you.

  • Katie,
    Everyone these days seem to be on the "me" kick. It's all about "me".

  • Had a nice surprise yesterday. Stopped by the river to a Drum Fest they have there every year. Just killing time, so I walked up and was standing behind a small group of men. One of them turned to the side and I thought I knew him so I walked around to get a better look. Yes, it was an old dear friend of mine. We grew up together and he moved to New Orleans in his twenties, saw him a few times when I use to go there. Forgot to mention he is a fantastic drummer and so was his father who was also living in N.O. But it's been 20 years since we last were together. We had a great little catch up, we were both surprised as hell. He was home visiting, we have lost phone numbers over those years. What were the chances of just walking up on him like that? Very cool! Yes, we are planning an outing before he goes back.

  • Yes Katie, we can always dream....

  • Nancy,
    Wow, what a week. I mowed the lawn and took out the trash!
    Glad you had a good time, you deserve it. I think we all deserve something like that
    for everything we have been through the last year plus.


  • Happy Birthday Nancy!!

    Seems I'm a day late, dollar short these days.


  • Carl, Happy belated Birthday, Sorry I missed the day.


  • Happy belated Birthday Julie...

  • Happy Birthday Katie!!

    Just getting my computer back on track. Google chrome crashed and I couldn't get it back using all the youtube videos etc, so I deleted and reinstalled. Thankfully I had most of my bookmarks on a flash drive save as HTML.

    Been without a car for 3 weeks, can't get it inspected. Damn check engine light won't go out. It's a computer board thingy...there are NO computer boards in the country. They are working on something...but I don't really want to say what, lol.

    back to the computer...not my business computer, my personal one. The business one is backed up 3 ways and more i think.


  • Good morning gang,
    Even though the store closed Mar 31, we still had some work on and off to clean out inventory equipment and everything else that a place collects after years of being in business. It was a lot! The closing was Friday and we made it, we are all done and out the door as they say.
    Last week there were days I woke and just didn't know what to do, lol...my schedules are all off.
    Been chilly here the last week but I'm sure that summer heat is just around the corner.
    Well one of my clients just texted me, have to run and do some SBA applications getting ready for tomorrow.

  • Hello everyone...been away too long. Just a crazy few weeks.

    First off, my job at the hardware ended today. The store has closed for good after 99 years.
    Not covid related, just time. The owner is a year younger than me and an offer came his way and I told him you better grab it and he did. It's not going to be a hardware store anymore, we sold off the inventory, not sure what Muhammad is going to do with it but he sure has the cash, lol.
    So I'll finish up taxes at both locations on April 15th, not going beyond, all my people will be done. I have been working since I was 10 years old, this will be my first summer off, hurray!!

    Last Thursday I got my covid vaccine. The J&J one and done. Well let me tell you, about 12 hours after I got it I starting feeling ill. All night and the next day (yesterday) I was so sick. Worst headache, nausea, weak, couldn't get out of bed. Then about 6pm yesterday starting feeling better, had some chicken soup (it was the soup) and this morning I woke up feeling great. It was weird.

    It's like 80 degrees today..we had one of the mildest winters I can ever remember. This is why I can't move south. I love the changing seasons, hate the humidity, and these winters just seem to great better each year. (oh..that's right, now such thing as climate change)

    Hope everyone is well.

  • Hi, just waiting for the rice to finish cooking and then my business partner and I can have some red beans & rice.
    We got over a foot of snow so I had to get the big snow blower out today. The snow plowed the end of the drive with about a 2 foot pile. So, remember those guys working my street putting in the gas lines. Well the one who drives the backhoe is really nice, we have talked before. I gave $10 and he cleared everything out for me, nice of him.

    Rice is done...later...

  • Hi gang,
    Thanks for your words, I feel back to normal today, just the everyday pains, lol.
    Yesterday things got better.
    Right now we are getting our first real snow storm of the year. Some of my clients changed their appointments for tomorrow to today so I was extra busy. Just finished up a partnership return a couple minutes ago.
    Julie...I'm sure I would have broke my wrist like you did, sometimes it's best not to try and stop your fall. Maybe if I would have gotten a helicopter ride...naw
    Hot food Katie, that just adds insult to injury.

    Need some sleep...

  • LOL...corner NOT coroner, don't want to see him around the corner.

  • Good morning, evening.

    Wanted to stop by and say "hi" to everyone. You all know what I'm doing these days, very busy so far, I just hope we can get this tax season done by April 15th.

    Taking a little time this morning to start my annual red beans and rice pot. Soaked the beans overnight to get an early start. I figure to cook it up today as my schedule Monday and Tuesday is pretty full. Just need to pick up a King cake, didn't order from the New Orleans bakery like I usually do so will have to put up with a local one.

    Very cold here, like 15 now but we haven't really had a lot of snow this year. That may change in the next two days though.
    Last week was hard for me. I fell on the ice a week ago Friday. Went down so fast and hit the back of my head on the pavement so hard I popped right back up. Rolled over and just laid there for a minute collecting my thoughts. A passerby stopped and came to help me up. So then in 2 days my herniated disc in my lower back kicked in and I was in terrible pain for 4 days, much much better today now.
    I'm so careful but it just shows you how fast things can happen. I'm glad I didn't have time to put my arms down to break my fall as I think I would have broken a wrist of something. My ass (lol, sorry) took the fall, and my head. Probably had a slight concussion but been there before.
    Well at least we are half way though my least favorite month, and spring is just around the coroner.
    Have a great day great, because everyday is a great day.

  • Julie, love that creamer. And ty, it's amazing. No Tweets, no golf trips, nobody quitting or been fired yet, just boring president stuff! Feels great.

  • Hey gang, been a week already since I was last here. My life is getting real busy as you could imagine. I guess we are still in covid mode here again for another year doing taxes, hope it's the last. Are weather has been mild, no snow on the ground and temps in the 30's.
    The 20th can't get here quick enough for me. I have been just sick the past couple of days with this country, or a small group of them. Nuff said.
    My son stopped in at the store yesterday and surprised me with a quick visit. Was so nice to see him. Both of us have been working so much that we haven't been able to get together much and not at all over the holidays.
    The gas company is still on our street and it's a mess, I think they are about half done now.

    Have a great day everyone, because every day is a great day.

  • Happy New Year and good riddance 2020 !


  • Merry Christmas Everyone!!

  • Good morning or afternoon,
    Just wanted to say Hi.
    Carl, it's so nice that you will be able to see the girls. I actually teared up a little reading that and thinking how things have changed so much for so many people.
    I sometimes forget that because since the very beginning of all this the store never closed. So everyday I face people all day long, always at risk. At first I was much more scared but I think I'm use to it now, follow the rules and just hope. We have had many more cases in our immediate area and friends and family infected. I have been ok and my son also, but being a police officer he is always at risk.
    Have a great day everyone, it's going to be 40 here today, no snow left at this point.

  • Happy Birthday Shelly!! Hope all is well. Enjoy your day.

  • Katie, I'll need to have a couple of those days.
    Just heard from my mechanic, seems a squirrel or something got under the hood of my
    car, chewed wires, caused a short and blew a computer board or something. $600. damn.
    Always something...

  • Nancy,
    Wishing you and yours a very Happy Chanukah. Sorry I'm at work on my tablet so no fancy pics. I just remembered.

  • Good morning,
    Nancy, thanks for the thought about the days getting longer in 2 weeks. That is always a "turning point" in my mind for me.
    Snowing a little this morning but not really sticking.
    Our local food store chain here is giving 6% off on the first Tuesday of the month to seniors. So I happen to check out that day a week ago. The check out lady, who is 70, looks at me at say's if you were 62 I could give you the discount, I said well I'm not 62 I'm 65. She say's "no way!" I showed her my license and she said, well, your holding up well. Made my day! LOL.
    Have a great day everyone....

  • Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US.

    Quiet day for me today. My son is on duty (police) and I'm going to use the day to do some
    work in the office. I know...what's new, lol. Also plan to bring down some Christmas decorations and start that. I hope to get the large snow blower moved to the front of the shed and fire it up for the season. I'm not sure if I even used it last year, the smaller Toro snow thrower did the job. If I have to get the big one out..I'm not happy. Oh, and the gas company has decided they are putting new gas lines down our street..both sides!! What a mess.
    Have a great day everyone, because everyday is a great day!

  • Katie...god I hope not!!

  • Good morning everyone...just a quick hello. Not much to say, but just wanted you to know I'm
    still here. Carl, you have to give the postal system credit for that one, lol.
    If you would have told me that I would be this busy when I was twenty, I wouldn't have believed you. Looks like we are going to have another tax season like last, no or limited personal contact. Don't like it but we do what we have to. I think our region has the worst covid figures in New York state. I always have my mask and don't go many places at all, sucks, but it's the way these days.
    Have a great day because everyday is a great day.

  • Carl, thanks for sharing, congratulations to Marley and to the proud Grampa.
    Doesn't seem possible it's been 6 1/2 years, wow.

  • Happy Birthday Marson..forgot this was birthday week.

    Happy Birthday Gail and belated to Fran...


  • Is anyone else going to do the happy dance when 2020 ends??

  • Yes Marson, yes there is

  • Good morning everyone,
    Well I ended up losing 3 friends in the past week, so the 3 is in, your all safe.

    I first remember George when I came on the Ebay Glass Chat back in 2006. I always felt
    his sense of reason, and his knowledge of glass. He answered so many questions for me
    over the years, as have most of you. I will miss his Good mornings and good evenings, but lately it was more just the morning. I had quit a lot of contact with him lately in personal emails helping him with an issue with the IRS (which wasn't really a problem in the end) and he would always crack me up in his writings, mostly about getting old.
    I do have one or two glass items I bought from him, just need to find them and I will display them.
    All in all, I will miss George.
    RIP my friend.

  • OMG...I'm at a loss for words here, thanks Julie for letting us know. I haven't been on FB today. Yes, tears...I'll say more later....

  • Katie...Happy 50th the you and your husband.

    Julie...I guess the guy who died was older and the other guy pushed him. He fell and hit his
    head and bled out. There are those that still have the idea it's a free country and you can't
    tell ME what to do! Most likely it's always about "me" with these people.

  • Good morning, rather cool start to the day but I love October.
    I was out with the family of the older women(97) who live right next to me. The one I have been helping for the past few years around the house. She passed away at 10pm and it was 1 am before the coroner removed her. The last year was very difficult for her.
    So who knows who my new neighbor will be, especially since we are so close, like 15 feet.

    Took the air conditioners out yesterday, I guess that's a sign of things to come also.
    Last Sunday I made a big batch of my Chicken Chowder. I freeze a lot of it for those cold, blowing windy snowy days when it tastes so good.

    Locally a man was killed here when he confronted someone in a bar for not wearing a ask. I have told you before, at the store this is sometimes an issue that you have to be aware of.

    Well looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here, I have a lot of book work to do but will try to get out and enjoy some of it.
    Have a great day everyone...because everyday is a great day.

  • Good morning....God my life has gotten boring lately, lol.

    Happy Yom Kippur to Nancy and any others celebrating.


  • Good morning Carl,
    I deal with it everyday at the store. I have posted before. Big sign by the door No mask, do not enter but they do. When I tell them they have to have a mask, most go get one out of the car, because the have them. A few, well their master don't believe in them so they don't have to wear them...not in my store, they are removed! Yes, it has almost got me punched in the face.

    I hope they all remember what happened in 2016 when Justice Scalia died....

  • Good morning.
    There's Carl, Nancy & Marson. Glad your all doing well.

    English soccer started their new season this weekend, it's good to see
    new games but still weird with no fans in the seats.

    Rainy day here, will be going online today to select my continuing education
    coarses for the next tax season. Wow, seems like we just ended one.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Or is that asparagus...either way, I'm out

  • MMMMM, Octopus and broccoli, I'm sorry I'll pass.lol

  • George...I'm so glad. I told you they are just screwed up this year more than ever. I called the IRS practitioner line twice last week, at at the end of all the recordings it said, we are not taking anymore calls at this time and the line goes dead..they just hang up.

  • Good morning (evening) everyone.

    Julie, yes, lol, I'm not a fan of snakes. It's the don't see them and then all of a sudden there they are fear factor. I think once I spot them I'm ok, just don't like the OMG factor.

    Well, suppose to be on a weeks vacation but I'm not. Called early yesterday morning canceled reservations and I'm going into the store the rest of the week. Don't know why....just didn't feel like it. I woke up and felt I was just going because I had to.? Make sense? I just felt I didn't want to do something because I just had to.
    I'll take a week when there is something I really want to do.

    Where's Carl??? Last post I see was a birthday wish from him. Hope all is well.

    Have a great day everyone

  • Oh I just know there's a brown snake lurking around there somewhere!

  • Good morning, picked these from my window box this morning.

  • George, I have a guy we filed an amended return for. New York state has already sent him
    his money, the federal still is not even listed as being received yet. We can not get any information and they both were sent on the same day.
    That other guy I told you about who they said didn't send his payment...well, they (IRS) finally found it.
    I think they are a little "off" this year.

    Julie...I hate it when you say " the first day spring" every year because I know what that means for us, lol.

  • Good morning, hope everyone has a great day. Been digging out my camera equipment lately, and bought a new lens, one more for video, 10-18mm but on a cropped sensor it's more like 16-28mm. Carl would get that. It's nice, has image stabilizer also.

    Hope to take a week off soon, will give it a real test.
    George, Hope things go well for you at the sale, but I know what you mean.


  • HAHA...Julie, that made my day, but I think it rubbed it in a little. Thank you!

    and a thank you to Susan..haven't seen you around much, thanks for stopping in.


  • Thank you, Nancy, George, Marson, Carl, Katie, Fran.

    Unfortunately I had to cancel my day with my Son, we were going golfing.
    One of my clients is selling part of his business and I have to prepare for the
    meeting Monday.
    I hate being the responsible adult in the room sometimes..lol.

    At least the birthdays are back on the correct day..thanks Curt.


  • George..he also said that this virus "will just go away"...

  • George...just because you work in a school doesn't make you smart.

  • Guten Morgen....

    Vacation times at the store so I'm filling in on my days off for the guys. Just took on 2 new bookkeeping jobs.
    Had to laugh, but it also sucked. One day last week I got my Medicare card and a welcome to the system. The next day I got a bill for $577. for Part B, lol, yea welcome!

    My clean out friends keep bringing me glass, some nice Fenton items and a few that are more "junk", but I don't tell them that. I want them to keep bringing me things, you never know.

    Have a great day because everyday day is a great day.

  • Thank you Curt....

  • Good morning and happy August to everyone.

    I had my highest electric bill for the month of July this year. It's all good, at least I wasn't shoveling anything.
    Baseball is back, my Cubs are doing good but I'm not sure if they should have even bothered this year. With an 80 game season, about half of regular, I would have been ok with them just calling this season off. I mean who ever wins the world series it will never be a "real world series", and covid is breaking out already.
    Football and all the others will get interesting also.

    It cooled off nicely here today, going for a walk down near the Falls.

    Have a great day everyone, because everyday is a great day!

  • Nancy, when you mentioned the botanical gardens it got me thinking.
    Yes ago I visited Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square PA. Have you ever
    been there, not to far from you.
    I always wanted to return, maybe this is the year will have to check it out.
    I wonder how it's changed in the last 40 years, went there when I went to horticultural school (after my accounting years, yes confused, lol).

  • George, I was talking about your tax issue. I think you miss what I was asking.

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