• I hope everyone is surviving all of the crazy weather. When it's colder/icier/snowier in the southeast and the Pacific northwest than here in NJ, you know the weather is crazy. That is not to say we haven't had some cold weather and a little bit of snow & ice (probably no more than 3 inches total from the two storms last week). Past few days have just been rainy and in the 40s. My husband was out in San Diego for a week visiting family. This past Monday they had the rainiest single day in January they have ever had with lots of flooding, cars being swept away, and more. Luckily my SILs house is up in a hilly area so they had no flooding. And by Tuesday, all was well for DH's flight home.

    And even though she hasn't been here in 9 years, a very Happy Birthday to @MaryR Marymelodee!! I have seen her selling on eBay, so at least I know she's still around.

  • @maryr Happy Birthday, Marymelodee!!! I don't know if this connects to a still functioning email address or not. I have seen MM on eBay, still selling, so I hope all is well.

    The still to be totally defined winter storm is also due in NJ Friday night into Saturday. The inches of snow keeps changing -- first high, then low, back to high. We'll see.

  • @maryr Marymelodee -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it's a great day.

    Also, remembering it's the birthday of Diane/trulyfenton. And it's my 1/2 birthday (something we celebrate in our family, at least for our children).

    @carma Carl, after Snowtober and the following year Sandy, my parents went with a whole house generator, hooked into their gas line. They couldn't be happier. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure they don't even know that yesterday morning apparently a transformer blew (or something) and their part of town had no power. As they are in their 90s, it's good to know that they don't have to worry about power outages.

  • Good afternoon everyone. I had a lovely few days away camping by the river. Just what the Dr ordered. Its been emotionally hard for me seeing my sister so ill and in such pain.

    Today's extremely hot @ 40 Celsius atm (1.30p.m) and it will continue to climb. The humidity is a killer too.I am not looking forward to training this arvo. It was hot and humid this morning at 6 a.m. Our weather report for the whole week is not looking very pleasant at all.


    I wonder where MM @maryr is. I have sent her emails in the past but have not heard back from her in a couple of years. I hope all is well with her and she had a lovely birthday

  • Has it really been over two years since @maryr marymelodee posted here? Well, just in case she's out there somewhere and happens to check in -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Miss you!!

  • Wherever you are Marymelodee @maryr

  • @maryr Happy Birthday, Marymelodee!!!!

    No blizzard in NJ -- just a little more snow. Still overcast with a little snow and it's cold (only 26). My nephew in Boston got about 2-1/2 feet of snow.

  • Good Morning everyone Just a quick stop by while I wait for the battery to charge in my hedge trimmer,so I can go back out into the yard and get more work done. Have done all the edges with the whipper snipper now I need to do some pruning and I want to do that before I mow the lawn . I like to use the mower and catcher to pick up all the trimmings.Much better and easier then trying to rake it all up
    MM @maryr πŸ˜† yes of course thank you so much for refreshing my memory of the hairy-legged toaster and vegemite gif Dave use to post πŸ˜†
    Nancy @jerseystar27 yes it is so sad that 2 ppl lost their lives. Its not clear yet whether it was the gunman or they got caught in the cross fire by the police.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 we were talking about a hostage situation here in Sydney where the gunman and 2 hostages have been killed.

  • Good morning from San Francisco where the sun is out!! Still might rain this afternoon so I'm flipping my schedule around (was going to work on students' grades and then head to a museum) and heading out to ride the cable cars.

    @songbreeze Gail, beautiful menorah -- will go to an outdoor Menorah lighting this evening.

    @wattleihavenext Julie, so sad that people were killed. The early report I saw only said the situation was over, didn't have the sad news.

    @maryr Marymel, way to go with the flatware! We have a somewhat similar set from Sweden (where my in-laws were visiting just before we got married). It cost a lot when I wanted to expand the set. I still do some kayaking, not nearly as much as my DH.

  • Good afternoon everyone. Been a bit of sad day for me. It was Dh's 6th year memorial. I decided to get Miss P to spend the day with me and help me do the Xmas decorations. I have 3 Special Xmas Baubles with photos in them 1 of DH 1 of my Dad and 1 of my nephew who passed away a few months before DH. Miss P was given the honour of placing these on the tree.
    Gail @songbreeze & Shelly @shellyrae37 I am glad you are enjoying my coffee gifs
    Jim @dorbitz thanks for sharing yuor lovely collection
    MM @maryr you have made my day by popping in for a visit. You have been missed.It's so good to "see" you πŸ˜€ ((((((hugs))))))
    Bob @baabaamason I am so glad you got to see Sweetie and Buddie to lift your spirits πŸ™‚

  • @maryr Marymmmm . . . it's so good to see you here!! So sorry to hear you've not only been dealing with your sister but also with your own health issues. Sending {{hugs}}.

  • Hello all! Thought I would share with you the green glowee piece that MM @maryr so generously sent me! I absolutely LOVE it, so had to squeeeeeze it into my curio. As you can see, it is stacking room only...lol. I remember you posting it for ID quite awhile back, but I had no idea it was so BIG! Thank you again MM for being so sweet to think of me to give this to...it will be here forever, or until I die, whichever comes first πŸ˜‰


  • @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... Well, I got one more thing listed. That's all day for 3 items. I'm trying to get a bunch of things listed so I can open my store on 11 MAIN. But really more than anything I just want to get all the excess glass out of my house. Maybe just a giant cheap yard sale. Then I can start over fresh....and buy wiser. Too many tuition pieces crowding me out of the house.

    @jmart8248 IRENE M... you really had me laughing that the raccoons were smarter than the "skunk man." Hope you all are successful in trapping some wild critters soon.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... sorry the auction didn't work out. Good luck on your consignments.

    @reen REEN ... years ago I had to have an MRI. Didn't think I would be able to go through with it. But they gave me an eye mask so I could see my nose was one inch from the ceiling area, and a friend held onto my foot so I felt if I screamed I could be pulled out real quickly. And the wind that they kept blowing through, well, I told myself it was the breeze from angel wings as the angels watched over me. Everything worked out well.

    @glassusa BOB ... I carry my boxes to the PO but I only live a couple of minutes from it. I usually stand and watch them scan the box. If I'm in a hurry, I'll leave in on the counter...but ask them to scan it as I walk out the door.


    PS. Did no one notice that I posted the Coffee Date today as February 4th????? Talk about tired and sleep when I posted it.... πŸ˜†

  • Good Morning everyone, nice sunny morning here.
    MM @maryr Sorry to hear that deal turned out bad.Glad you found out before and not after. Good luck with selling your items. Hope from now on everything goes to schedule for you.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 I hope you don't have to pay back the money.

  • @maryr MARYMELODEE … yes, that is an accurate ID. The pattern number is #44. Can be seen in catalog reprints on page 191 of Co-Operative Flint Glass Co, Beaver Falls, PA by E. Earl and JoAnne Autenreith.

    Double checked and the book says the Lace Edge pattern was introduced in early 1880 and appears in some cookbook. The ebay listing has it later 1890. I'd go with the book and the Autenreiths

  • Waving mad and furiously at MM @maryr It's so great to "see" you again . I have missed you
    Sorry to hear about your sister
    Alicia @4931nextdoor Happy Anniversary to you and Jerry (((((((hugs)))))))) I know you have been through so much lately ((((hugs))))) so sending some cyber hugs your way

  • MM @maryr YES I would LOVE that piece!!! I will send you a message here, if I remember how...and thank you!

  • @maryr Marymmm -- it is so good to see you!!! I've missed you. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. Where in PA will you be?

  • @maryr HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARYMEL.. I hope your staying warm in NC and having a great time doing what your doing.. Stop by sometime, we are still here to chat and help when we can.. Shelly

    GOOD MORNING to EVERYONE! Sun shining brightly at 12* just waiting for our nasty weather coming by Wed. A wind chill advisary in effect until Wed morning,not sure what happens after that.

  • @maryr Marymelodee, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Miss you, hope things are well.

  • @maryr Happy Birthday, MaryMel!! I hope all is good.

    All the way up to 31F!! Woo-hoo -- it's a heat wave. Of course tomorrow's weather is supposed to be yucky -- snow showers into a wintery mix, but a high of 36. And then a high of 46 on Tuesday and 57 on Wednesday (with showers)!

  • Home a day earlier then expected. After the Aussie day celebrations and camp over at friends property I headed off to the markets this morning. I was half way there when I received a phone call to say it has been cancelled because of the rain. It has been raining all day and Tomorrow when the market is actually on, it is predicted to be torrential rain and chances of flooding.


  • β™«β™«β™«β™«β™« β™₯ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARYMELODEE @maryr β™₯ β™«β™«β™«β™«β™«
    Click for a slice of Cake β™₯ β™«β™«β™«β™«β™«

  • Good Morning everyone. It's going to be hot today, along with humidity. Have the last minute food shopping for Xmas to do That I am going to do first thing this morning before the shops get too busy.
    The Nursing Home Mum is staying in is very nice and the staff that I met all seem very caring lovely ppl.
    Don @donscns Hope it arrives safely I am sure you have given Noah good instructions to make sure it does
    Laurie @wellingtonct Nice to "see" you
    MM @maryr I always send an email to the buyer letting them know I have posted their parcel and in that email I ask them to please let me know when it arrives and if they are happy with their purchase. Email me immediately if there are any problems.I send all my parcels with tracking number so I do know when the items arrived but I want to know if there are any issues.
    It does frustrate me when I hear nothing. I give them a week and if I have not heard from them, then I guess that they must be happy with the buy.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAR @charper99

  • Amber @amber1986 I couldn't find what you wanted for Xmas so will just have to give you an I.O.U πŸ˜†
    MM @maryr sorry to read you have been feeling ucky.I hope you feel better soon. And glad that your vase arrived. Doesn't it tick you off when the buyer doesn't have the courtesy to let you know the parcel arrived OK and they are pleased .
    Thanks Shelly @shellyrae37 & Suzy @suzy
    Gail @songbreeze Thanks for sharing the pics of your booth. It looks great!

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Busy day and evening ahead for me, but wanted to pop in and say HI to everyone.

    @fyrqueen KATIE ... we are so lucky here in NE Oklahoma. We have strong wind and cold, wind chill in the 20s, but blue sky and sunshine. I really feel for all of you caught in the blizzards. The news on television looks awful.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... so sorry you have been under the weather. Surely glad your vase arrived OK. That would have had my heart going pitty-pat until I knew all was safe.

    @sellingthings MARTY ... oh my, I see you are stuck in all that weather too. Terrible!

    @jmart8248 IRENE M ... You asked how well EAPG sold. In my area it's probably one of the worst things to try to sell. Most people don't seem to know what it is. If you try to talk about it they usually say "oh, is that like Depression Glass?" I do my best to let the mall owner's learn about it. I have one booth in Joplin strictly selling EAPG. I don't sell much there, but over the past year it's picking up a little. That's one reason I was so glad that I managed to sell all the items in two different patterns. Means to me that people are starting to realize that there actually ARE patterns.

    Here are pics of my booth. Oh, there is one set of candlesticks someone must have stuck on the shelf because they aren't EAPG and belong in my other hodge-podge booth. A lot of you may laugh at how unsophisticated my little booth looks...sure saw beautiful malls when I traveled through Indiana and Ohio that puts ours to shame. But anyway, it's my little area of heaven that I love to putter around and stock.





  • @wattleihavenext hahaha @ your comment to MM

    mm @maryr, Ebay's Shipsaver insurance can be added up to 24 hours after shipping. They are cheaper than the post office and the insurance covers the shipping cost too!

  • NancyP @jerseystar27 Thanks. Haven't been to the club yet Will be heading off in another couple of hours when sister gets home form work. Those poker machines OWE ME A WIN LOL

    MM @maryr knowing you as an experienced fragile glass packer I am sure your glass will arrive all in one piece. Now if it was being sent to Don @donscns then I'd worry, knowing his track record πŸ˜‰

  • @wattleihavenext Julie, sending {{{hugs}}} to you and the family. (And I hope you had some luck when you were out with your sister!)

    @maryr MM, so glad they paid! And sending good thoughts for that package going up to Virginia.

  • @maryr MM, I just commented on the post at FB about a member of the Phoenix Consolidated Glass Club winning your piece; posted that I know the seller and that she's very concerned as it's been a week since the auction ended and she hasn't been paid yet. I'll let you know if anyone posts anything in response.

  • Good afternoon everyone. Thursday here and it is my day with Miss P. She is napping now after a big morning of activities at Gymberoo and then some shopping.
    MM @maryr WTG!!!!!

    Shelly @shellyrae37 I have an email List freeβ€”just in time for holiday shoppers. But have not read it yet.

  • @maryr MM, I'll add my welcome back, too. Glad you're settling into your new place.

    @favoritegram Lainey, only SF on this trip as DH has a conference to go to. One of these days I'll go with him when he goes to San Diego to play uncle. SIL now lives in La Jolla (she's divorced so they sold the house in Del Mar). Saw more of her in the spring & summer (while we were dealing with MIL and then the closing of her apartment) than I've seen her in years, so need to let some time elapse before I see her again.

  • MM @maryr yes 2 years she has been gone. Remember each day on the GB I would post Luckydogs antics of the day. That was when DD moved back in here with us for a short time while she was in the process of buying a home. My makeup and makeup sponges were forever a target. I remember one day sitting watching some TV and she walked up to me and dropped one of my lipsticks at my feet. I think she was wanting a makeover LOL

  • Don @donscns congratulations on getting the piece to finish off your set
    NancyP @jerseystar27 Stay dry while wandering around S.F
    Marymelodee @maryr I am so pleased to ” see ” you and hear that you are settling in to your new place.
    Lucky passed away a couple of years ago. OH The false teeth fiasco raoflamo I still go into total hysterics thinking about that day. Poor DH LOL the look on his face when he discovered his teeth gone and to top it off we were heading out to lunch for our wedding anniversay. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard & for so long that day
    Bob @glassusa I see MM has ID’ed your match holder & striker. I’ll add this marked .. Portieux, and is No. 7199 in 1914 catalogue

  • Good Morning everyone. Having my first cuppa of the day, scrolling the board and then I head off to a swapmeet for the weekend.First time this swap has been held, so not sure how it will go. The trip over will take me about 4 hours if I do not stop, but I plan on a stop somewhere for a break and a bite to eat.
    MM @maryr WTG on the move.Glad that is behind you now. I shudder at just the thought of me moving LOL Not something I think I would enjoy at all LOL

  • Good morning, glassies. Beautiful morning here...only 64Β°. @fyrqueen KATIE... we got that storm that brought the cold front in with winds over 60 mph, but no hail. Too sad, the winds cause 4 deaths about 20 miles from here.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... It sure is nice that you can get a lot of stuff moved in before the actual date. That will make the actual moving day a lot easier. I know you will really enjoy it once you get settled.

    @donscns DON ... We all made our way to Huntington Gardens. It was Dave who introduced us all to it. 5 years ago this month! What fun we had! Here we are from left to right: Julie, Nancy S, MaryPat, Susu, Marymelodee, Fran, Gail, Melanie (Julie's DD), and Dave.


  • Good afternoon everyone. Went to a market this morning that I have not been able to bring myself to go to since Dh passed away.We always went there buying.My sister came with me for support. Aftwerwards we went to the restaurant DH & I would visit for breakfast and then browsed through the Antique Shop next door.
    marymelodee @maryr Waving madly atcha!!!
    Reen @reen So glad your sale was a success
    Don @donscns OH NO!!!!
    Carl @carma You have been busy.

    Happy Birthday Susu

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Running fast as I can to play "catch up." Woke up to no power this morning. A very large area that effected more than just our town had all the power down for most of the morning. Happily they got it back on but I'm about 4 hours behind doing all the things I had planned to do today. Couldn't get to upset about the no power because for the first time in ages the town woke up to RAIN!!!!!

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... why are you using CDs? Wouldn't one of those flash drive thingys hold a ton more and be so much easier to use and store?

    @baabaamason BOB in KY ... I, also, was a typing teacher for a couple of years...long story...rather funny...but I enjoyed it.

    @donscns DON... Don, Don, Don, Don ... your track record for receiving damaged goods is a horror story. You should take pictures and make a collage of all the broken items. Then take a picture of the collage and when you buy something send it to the seller along with guidelines telling how to PACK it CORRECTLY !

  • @suzy SUZY ... I don't have the dog. I'll try to get over to my friend's tomorrow and take a picture of her.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... small town here. No animal shelter, no pet rescue, no humane society here.

  • @maryr Marymel, just sent you a message/question through your teapot auction -- it only took six tries of typing their silly number captcha (and when I tried the "listen to numbers" it was a string of numbers totally unrelated to what was showing). Anyway, just wondering how big the teapot is.

  • @maryr Hi MM! I sure do have furkids....Shelly is right! πŸ™‚ I have a 16 year old cocker spaniel, pretty much on her last legs. She's deaf, partially blind, incontinent, etc. I just lost my 14 yr. old diabetic cat last month....will always miss him! And a week before he passed away I brought home two kittens! If I hadn't, I would have gone and snatched up Blue Moon from Gail! πŸ˜‰ But I'm SO happy you have decided to keep her Gail, and all went well at the vet. And last, but not least, I have a 4 year old orange Maine Coon cat, Rocky, who took awhile to get used to the baby kitties. Here is a pic of Rocky and the kitties getting along. Oh, and yes, most of the glass is in curios but still have a bunch of stuff everywhere, but, so far, fingers crossed, the kitties have only broken a couple of things I can live without.


    And brotherly/sisterly love...gray boy is Ash and yellow girl is Leeloo.


    Rocky "helping" me re-do my curio πŸ™‚


    My poor old dog Zoey, doing what she does best...besides eating that is!


    And one of the last pics of my Big Kitty πŸ™


    Now aren't you sorry you asked?...lol...I'm sure some here are πŸ˜‰

    MM I'm SO happy for you that you and Charles found each other! If that is him in the avatar he is a beauty! πŸ™‚

  • Good afternoon to ALL GLASSIES. Just too beat from the heat to do anything. Had to make a post office run and it was just draining. Seems this triple-digit heat has been forever. Maybe, just maybe, we will get a couple of days of cooler weather next week. Right now we are still in a heat alert and ozone alert.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... Made my Joplin run and came home rather disappointed once I unpacked the stuff. I just MUST start being more careful about what I buy. I get home and see scratches, flaws, or chips that I just don't seem to spot in the store.

    Have to do my monthly taxes. After that I can then have fun surfing the web and hunting for glass on-line. Way too hot to try to go out and hunt.

    @fryqueen KATIE ... love perfume bottle. Would love to see your collection.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... I don't know. ... we have an independent living facility here with the same features, but it's a beautiful building, beautiful apartments, and I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could afford it.

    @pareidolia SUSAN ... so sorry I can't help but those "colonial" patterns just don't have enough features for me to be able to sink my teeth in and ID.


  • Good morning, glassies. Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... I run one window a/c during the day and then at night the window a/c in the bedroom. Wish there were something here known as "cool air" in the night. πŸ™‚ Last night at 10:00 pm, it was still 91Β°. The lowest we've been reaching at night is usually high 70s or low 80s. We've just consistently been at triple-digit temps during the day.

    @nona NANCYJEAN ... This is all I could find on that pattern http://www.ddoty.com/puritan.html . You need CARL/carma to weigh in on your item.

    HI to DON!

  • Good afternoon, glassies. I'm not much good for anything as the heat is doing me in.

    @maryr MARYMELODEE ... my understanding is that Delivery Confirmation only has to be scanned when it is actually delivered. The post office does not have to scan it "in" when you leave it. Luckily, I talked to my Post Office people and they will scan it in for me. I showed them how it looked to the Buyer when pulling up the tracking info and that as a Seller we can get bad marks for not mailing "on time". So they do scan it for me, but I'm pretty certain you're only paying for it to be scanned when actually delivered.

    With that said, I received a package in my mail box that had Delivery Confirmation on it. The problem... it was not addressed to me but to a house on a street about five blocks away!

  • @maryr MM: Oh noooo no room for couches or chairs! We just sit on the floor and look up at the curios...lol. Well not really...we have managed to squeeze in some furniture too πŸ˜‰ The house has become slightly museum-esque with the STUFF I have jammed into it in 6 years time.

  • Time for a spot of lunch and a catch up scroll while I eat and then it is back at it I go.SO much to do in such a small time frame I am not sure where to start or what to do next. Have been out in the van organising things for my 4 week road trip
    MM @maryr Glad your headlights are all fixed.

  • @maryr MARYMELODEE ... trying to search Replacements for both your stemware and mine while running back and forth to the kitchen preparing supper. πŸ™‚ Have you looked at Tiffin #17565 in the iced tea?

  • My Country Life magazines are all up and available------- and stored. Sure glad to have that one done.

    @maryr Lovely picture of your family. I love kiddie pictures.

    @enchantmentglass Pleased to know that the businesses are doing well.

    This may not be appropriate for this board but I am so glad that Sandusky was found guilty on so many counts.

  • Don...ahh yes I remember now, it was your clever DIL...credit must go to her now...lol. Yes I will definitely take pics soon and share. I filled the first curio with leftover green glowy glass, mostly green kitchen Depression glass, that was spilling out of overfilled curios onto the floor...the clutter was bothering me! Which is somewhat ironic as my whole house is cluttered!

    @maryr Hi MM!! You and Kelli have both been very missed around here! So sorry to hear about your icky accident, but glad your car is getting fixed. What a great family photo! Thanks for sharing with us πŸ™‚

    @reen Reen Is that the curio that you just filled with the lamps recently? I meant to tell you how gorgeous that display was and I LOVE the curio!! How awesome to have found that around the corner from you! Is that also the one Katie talked you into? If so, I'm going to make Katie come visit me and see what she can find for me πŸ˜‰

    @songbreeze Gail "wet noodles" does NOT sound comfy at all!...lol. Looking forward to seeing what glass goodies you may have come out of there with...also love your little Fostoria Rococco nappies...so cute! And how great to get them ID'd here too.

    Have yard work to do today...keep all fingers crossed that I don't pass out in the heat. But need to do it today before it turns 100+ degrees the rest of the week. Only supposed to hit like 95 today....starting to feel like a "wet noodle" just thinking about it.

  • Good morning, glassies. I finally pulled myself out of bed. Just worn out by the time I got home from the auction. It was so hot and we were sweltering. A couple of floor fans and a ceiling fan and ice water just wasn't cutting it. We were all just wet noodles by the time we left.

    Got some things for my booth, and a couple of Lladro I'm trying to decide if I want to put in my booth or eBay. What with eBay fees, PayPal fees, and free shipping, it takes such a chunk out of the sale I really have to figure if I do better by having it in the mall. @wattleihavenext JULIE ... I bid on some linen while thinking of you. Some embroidery, etc. Nothing fantastic but maybe I can turn a buck on it. πŸ™‚

    @maryr Marymelodee ... darling family pic! And way to go on the car repair! Incredible what a difference in cost some people will charge.

    @enchantmentglass KELLI ... so glad to hear things are going so well for you all. Can understand the slowing down of the glass sales what with a good auction house nearby for you. But don't let that keep your visits here too far between.

    @reen REEN ... it was SUE mainewildrose who ID the little Fostoria Rococo nappy for me. I'm so happy with the little bowls. Still trying to figure a book value or market value for them. Can't find much of any information on them.

    Well, I need to start cleaning up some of the stuff I got at the auction last night, research it, and either take pictures and do write-ups, or get it tagged for one of the malls.

  • @maryr MARYMELODEE … Forget my suggestion, Sorrrry, just saw where you said it had a ”lady’s leg”. Back to the drawing board.
    Possibilities... Tiffin #4000 - - #17673

  • @maryr MARYMELODEE ... I've been trying to trace your iced tea and I'm wondering if it could possibly be Heisey's #5023?

  • Good Morning everyone I have my dining room and bedroom back. Alls been tagged, priced, wrapped and packed into the tubs ready to get loaded into the car when the time comes
    Don @donscns That is sad news about the destruction of homes those fires have caused.
    MM @maryr Yes still doing my trips around the swapmeets. I head off in a couple of weeks on a 4 week trip interstate up north
    Family are doing well. Miss P is growing so fast. AND I am going to be a Grandma again in October, a little boy this time πŸ™‚
    Shelly @shellyrae37 I am glad you remembered to take your pill Hope your energy picks up soon.
    Gail @songbreeze yep I am a member of ChatAboutDG I will go over and have a look. Been awhile since I have had a chance to look at that site.

    Happy Birthday Marty!!!

  • Good morning, glassies. Getting my regular late start to the day. πŸ™‚

    @reen REEN ... I get a smile from that coffee also. The first time I saw it, it took me a second to process what was happening. Since then I always get a quiet chuckle.

    @10bbg10 HELEN ... by now I'm sure you got your answer that the free listings include store owners. My frustration is that I have NOT received a notice from eBay about the sale. I would not have known about it had I not read the Auctionbyte/Ecommercebyte newsletter in my email last night. Don't know why I don't get an eBay notice before the sale time starts.

    @maryr Marymelodee ... it's just a little quirk of this board that it is easy to miss a post. I posted the following last night as I managed to miss several posts .... I keep posting and forget that AFTER I post I still should immediately refresh. I forget to do that and miss seeing a lot of posts until much later…. . Hey, those stems are beautiful! I've never had a piece of neodymium...or if I did, I didn't know it.


  • MM @maryr I always miss my Glassie friends when they have been gone too long.Sorry to hear about your accident. Congrats to the new DGD
    I have tried to phone Marypat numerous times and all I get is her answering machine. I do hope all is OK with her and Bill.
    Fran, I keep in touch with on Facebook. She has not been well but on the mend now and her and Doug go for lots of Harley Rides and weekends away.Kelli Jesse & Bear pop in everynow & than but they have been busy with other things.
    HI Janice @sunwoman3663 I am glad you found an answer to your budget woes and the tenants are good tenants.
    Hi NancyP @jerseystar27 and Marson It is always nice to see you
    Shelly @shellyrae37 Take those Iron pills!!! If the tip that Gail gave you about leaving near the computer doesn't work because you don't get on there as much. Put them near your coffeee mug or sugar bowl.

  • @maryr Marymelodee ... so good to see you. Hope all has been going well for you. Don't keep yourself so scarce!

    @sunwoman3663 JANICE ... glad you were able to get the boarders when you needed them and they are good boarders.

    @shellyrae37 SHELLY ... put your iron tablets on your computer keyboard, then you will remember to take them. Sure hope your energy level perks up soon.

  • @maryr Marymelodee -- so good to see you! I've missed you. Remind me of who that beautiful, black furkid is.

    Wilbur dark chocolate buds are yummy! My dad grew up in Philadelphia and the story I've been told is that his nickname was Bud because he loved Wilbur chocolate buds. A number of years back, we saw an ad to mail order them, which we did for his birthday. They were a big hit. :~)

  • marymelodee @maryr

    YEAH!!!!!! So good to see you. You have been missed!!!