• @webmaster thank you for all you do for this chatroom. Sadly it is not as active as it once was. I think most people have moved over to Facebook.

  • @webmaster : Happy Birthday & Thanks for maintaining this board!

  • @webmaster HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thank you for all you do!!

  • @webmaster Curt -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a great day.

    Wow -- nothing between Carma's morning greeting from yesterday and today's. Even Julie is AWOL. It's humid today -- supposed to get t'storms tomorrow which will call things off. We did get a lot of rain Sunday evening with some thunder (not enough to scare the cats down to the basement) so the garden is still looking good.

  • Good Morning everyone. 8 a.m here and it's hot already. Suppose to reach 40 celsius here today with late afternoon storms. Again the humidity is a killer.It's an effort just to blink. I should have stayed down at the beach after my early morning swim.
    Curt @webmaster thanks for all the work you do behind the scenes keeping this board going for us.It is very much appreciated.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 lovely items.

  • Curt @webmaster I am not sure whats going on with the html . Your code always worked but my way never use to. Now my way does and yours doesn't...weird
    copy paste from your guidelines
    This text is set to 18 pixels high. The default size is 14 pixels.

    now with my code

    this is using h2 as the code

  • Good Morning everyone Its's a gorgeous morning . I have been shopping and breakfast with my sister. I bought some items I am hoping I can sell on at a reasonable profit. 2 antique high chairs that are very popular for the Teddy Bear and Doll collectors. Though one is so adorable I am thinking of keeping for Miss P's room. I have a rather decent sized collection of antique dolls for her here.
    I have a 40th b/day Party to go to this arvo and the theme is "fishing" Shame I have sold off all the old collectable fishing gear we used to have. I could have used some lures for earings and necklace. And the cane tackle box would have been perfect for my handbag. Anyway got it all sorted and think I know what I'll do.

    Shelly @shellyrae37 Welcome Home

    Curt @webmaster I also want to add my heartfelt THANK YOU for keeping this chat board up and running

  • Good Morning

    We are still having rain; been a very wet Fall.

    @webmaster Curt, where did the map go?

    I just did some cataloging and organizing of my glass "addiction". Between EAPG, Carnival, Opalescent and a few blue milk glass pieces, I have about 150 different patterns "I collect". I have to do like Bob in Ky says, "I need to downsize". lol


  • Good evening everyone. we had a very warm day down here and tomorrow is suppose to be a repeat. 32celsius.
    I went back to boot camp today. First session since I broke my wrist. Of course no pushup or lifting weights but it was fun to be back My trainer just gave me more situps, squats and lunges while the others were doing pushups and weights.

    I received a message today from a friend. They are putting their mother in a nursing home and selling off he her things They are giving me first dibs, so I am going to check it all out tomorrow.

    I am loving the new board. As you all know I really struggled with tinypics , most times I gave up waiting for the pics to load, so I often missed out on seeing the treasures Thank you again Curt @webmaster

    Susan @whodat111 oh my goodness, what very sad news. I remember Nancy from the old Ebay board πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


  • Good morning, glassies. Thank you, DON, for the coffee. I hit the bed at 9:15 last night and woke up 5 minutes ago. 10 1/2 hours of sleep ...and would still be in bed if I didn't have to get ready for Church. I should have been up an hour and a half earlier...I set the clock... just forgot to push the alarm "on" button. I love your morning coffee. I periodically try to find new ones but I haven't had any luck.

    TINCEY... haven't seen you for a while and it's sure good to see you posting. Glad your booth is going good for you. My booths stay pretty slow.

    I signed up with 11 Main and spent a ton of time in July and August working on the store. In August I moved out of the booth I had in a fleamarket over in Fairland, and just last week, I closed the 11 Main store. Just too much work all around me and just taking its toll. Decided I just had to slow the pace. Of course, until our Oktoberfest is over on Oct 11, it's still hectic, but in the meantime, I'm glad I don't have the responsibility of the fleamarket and the online store added to things.

    It is SO fun and inviting to be able to see pictures posted...and I love this larger message box to write in too. Thanks again, CURT @webmaster

  • Good morning everyone A picture perfect day installed for us down here. FANTASTIC!! because we are having our Family reunion in the park πŸ™‚
    I see we have some changes to the board Thanks Curt @webmaster

  • Good morning, glassies.

    @webmaster CURT ... this is just a fabulous surprise! Thank you, thank you! I'm looking so forward to reading on how to work it.

    CARL ... beautiful picture!

  • @webmaster Curt, Happy Birthday!! Visiting gardens sounds nice.

    Busy day for me -- morning spent at synagogue (I help run services on Saturday morning), then a nice kayak paddle with DH through a marsh. Just got home from dinner out at a Japanese restaurant -- we're celebrating our wedding anniversary (44th -- I got married when I was still in college).

  • HI ALL, CURT @Webmaster, So glad that you and your wife enjoyed the day together.. and Now I want some ice cream to go with GAILS Cake..

    KATIE How nice you found something worth bringing home.. I forgot I also got a flat dish, not sure what to use it for but it was made in Italy, with various types of Wine Grapes Greens, Reds, & Purples.. Thought it appropriate for our Wine Country.. Might sell it at yard sale, maybe not..

    JULIE the clue it "A Piece of Paper" I have wrapped things in newspaper before with plenty padding the bottom and wrapped several times with more paper, I know with all the paper it weighs more, but at the time, its all I had.. I only do that in emergencies and always shake the box to make sure no noises come from it..Remember life before Bubble Wrap.. πŸ˜‰ I have even used the cotton batting for quilts or pillows before, and Egg cartons in a pinch.. There is a way to get the item there safely, some have no imaginations, They put too much trust in the PO.. We know better. Good Luck on your Excursion, hopefully its going to be better for you this week.

  • Good Morning everyone. My firsat cuppa of the day in hand as I scroll the GB
    I'll be heading off mid morning to a Market. Fingers crossed the weather will behave for us.
    Don @donscns πŸ˜₯ stories like that just make me want to cry πŸ˜₯ I honestly can not understand that there are ppl out there that think packing fragile items in a piece of newspaper is good enough and safe enough.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURT @webmaster

  • YEA! Thank you, Curt @webmaster ! Gave me the alternate login page and it worked! HI to all glassies!

  • @webmaster I tried to change my avatar and it is not working for me...comes up with a "the webpage cannot be found"...any suggestions?

  • @webmaster CURT ... I was having fun looking at the map and just saw where you are in Boulder, CO. Goodness gracious, how did you all fair with all the horrendous flooding. I surely hope you all were ok. How is Boulder recovering from all the devastation.

  • Good afternoon everyone. A DDG sunny day. Temps are back to normal. Acvtually it was a little nippy early this morning.
    Sister and I did a couple of garage sales this morning before going out to breakfast. No glass treasures to report .I bought some vintage tools.
    Reen @reen Thanks I did have fun. Always fun to catch up with a few friends over a few beers
    Wendy @wjweese Air Con really upsets my sinuses. So I have to toss about which to choose being hot or having headaches
    Marson @panishklo Glad you are back πŸ˜€
    Curt @webmaster thank you for the map
    Don @donscns I am heading over to the map now and will attempt to add myself there

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE @wellingtonct

  • @webmaster Curt......I really like the map, it is so nice to see where some of my glass friends live. I can add a section in the "Welcome to Glass Chat" with direction on how to put our avatar on the map. Or, would you rather just add a link on the right hand side that covers that. Something like, "How to Put Yourself on our Map" or some such title.


  • @webmaster CURT ... Oh, wow! That is just superb! How very very nice of you! SHELLY ... Print out the instruction and then follow them very very very slowly . I'm going to give it a try shortly once I get the first batch of cupcakes done. Have to run out to WalMart though as I need more oil for the cake mix and I just ran out of printer ink!

    @donscns DON ... When you have time can you put CURT's instruction over on the the Class Chatroom Board Links where you put the Welcome Post and the Post a Picture Link?

  • Good morning, glassies. I've been able to log-in for the past three days with no problems. Thanks, Curt @webmaster .

    Have to take the cat, Blue Moon, to the vet for her annual physical and shots this afternoon. Need to settle up on 2 malls, one which is out of town. May try to do part of it today...but I guess I could wait til tomorrow. I wanted to restock at the same time but I still haven't unpacked my buys from Wednesday.

    Good morning to REEN, CARL, DON, GEORGE, and SHELLY!

  • Good morning, glassies, and happy First Day of Fall. Beautiful day today. Cool morning warming to low 80s with plenty of sunshine.

    @webmaster CURT ... just letting you know I still cannot log on when I'm on the "Home" tab. I have to go to the "Members" tab to log on.

    HI to CARL, KATIE, and DON!

  • @nona NANCY JEAN ... just doing better and better each day. I just returned from WalMart and did all my shopping pushing a cart instead of having to use a riding one. πŸ™‚ I fixed a very nice supper last night that I shared with my sister and even made chocolate pudding for dessert. Big difference from supper being either cold cereal or carry-out because I wasn't cooking. I'm still having my rest period but feeling perkier by the minute.

    @sellingthings MARTY ... Are you confusing Chris's Pitcher with something else? Waterford made a lot of pitcher shapes.. http://search.replacements.com/texis/search?order=ClientCount-d&query=waterford%20+pitcher

    @webmaster CURT ... thanks for all your help.

    @reen REEN . the triangular shape on is HICKMAN aka LA CLEDE aka JUBILEE made by McKee Brothers (1897) then by Federal Glass Co. (1914)

    HI to MARSON and CARL!

  • Good afternoon everyone, Have had a fun filled morning. It is trying its hardest to rain here but all we are getting is a very light drizzle, not enough to make you use an umbrella. Weather report says "clearing tomorrow" I hope they are right
    Curt @webmaster I am glad you had a great day
    Julie..going to put my feet up and take it easy for the rest of the day

  • Good evening to you all. Its very late here (11.30 p.m)
    Shelly @shellyrae37 correction to my post " 2nd pic is working for me" That should be " 2nd pic is NOT working for me

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CURT @webmaster

  • @webmaster CURT ... Thanks, but it just won't work for me. I guess I'll just have to keep this picture and stay young forever. This is absolutely a better picture than the "real" me anyway....too true. πŸ˜€

  • Good morning, glassies. Wakened out of a sound sleep by the phone ringing. Dear old friend wants to sell off the stuff from his old one-room flea market that has sat idle for about 8 years. Most of it is not worth anything, but I have to go out and make an offer as I love him so....too true.

    @fran2 FRAN2 or ANY Glassie... would love to be Facebook friends. My name is Gail Morrison Curley. The picture looks nothing like this one. I could not get this one to change because it ends in JPEG not JPG. CURT @webmaster ... is there anyway I can change my picture? Seems I can only get it from my computer which is JPEG. If I save my pic on Auctiva it saves it as a JPG but no way to get that from there to here that I know of.

    Well, off to look at the flea market stuff. Oh woe is me, as I'm just not to keen on the thought of packing up a lot of stuff I can't use and then trying to find a place to put it once I get home with it. On the bright side, it will be very good to see my old friend as it's been several years since we got together. Use to be old domino playing buddies. πŸ™‚

  • Good morning, glassies. Been running around all morning trying to ID a couple of pieces and then getting lost in reading my glass books and completely forget about what I'm trying to ID. πŸ˜€ Got to leave out in a few minutes for afternoon taxi service.

    @donscns DON ... Curt's birthday didn't show up on the right-hand column because he doesn't have his birthdate listed on his profile page here in the Glass chatroom... Hear that Curt, @webmaster? πŸ˜†

  • @fyrqueen KATIE ... Don't believe we have an Esther on this board.

    @webmaster CURT ... So glad to hear you had a enjoyable day!

  • Good Morning everyone. chilly here this morning
    Nancyjean @nona King Tide is a high tide well above average height. BTW most of those photos I posted were not mine. They were taken from websites down here.
    Amber @amber1986 I love the ocean and this may sound a bit weird but I love it when it is ”angry” like this. I could sit and watch it forever.
    Fenton @ohiostar Beautiful glass. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Happy Birthday Curt @webmaster

  • @webmaster Curt - a suggestion from a Newbie: Where I can, I have been "linking" my sales posts to the site where I receive referencing info such as ID's, etc.
    I have referenced this chatboard a couple of times recently. I know that eBoink wouldn't allow it but from what I'm seeing, several of the others permit it. Basically what I'm trying to do is give the experts the credit that they deserve.

  • @goodwinantiques LEAH ... Good to see you posting. How did the Loetz site manage to lose their domain name? It's one of my bookmarked sites too.

    @carma CARL ... I went to my son's FB page and he has that horrible timeline and I had to look all over to figure out where to post my message. πŸ™‚

    @itsagas BILL ... Snow is most lovely when you are looking at a picture of it. Sure don't want any of the real thing here. How much are you all forecast to receive?

    @webmaster CURT ... I'm from Oklahoma so I barely speak translatable English, much less write it. I nominate @enchantmentglass KELLI to write something as she writes great auction listings. I also nominate @carma CARL and @george gabla GEORGE to provide keywords. I nominate any glassie brave enough to volunteer!

  • @glassusa BOB ... Congratulations on a terrific auction!

    Bob ... I've looked high and low for your creamer. It looks so familiar to me, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. ((((HUGS))))

    @webmaster CURT ... thanks as always for all your help.

  • Good afternoon everyone, very hot and muggy here.
    Received sad news a dear friend has passed away..cancer ..He survived a full heart transplant many years back but one of the side effects of the anti rejection drugs is a high chance of cancer.

    IreneM @jmart8248 Happy Anniversary
    Shelly @shellyrae37 I rarely go out of my way hunting for things these days.I have more then enough here to keep me in stock for the swaps for quiet a number of years yet.And all I do is keep the number of tubs I have, filled with items. I can fit a certain amount of tubs in the van and that number is also what is easy for me to handle & unpack & repack on my own.So when I empty the van in the next few days the empty tubs will come inside and I will gradually fill them with my own items ready for the next one.
    Bob @glassusa Congratulations on your sale
    @webmaster Thanks for letting us know about the birthday feature you have done for us.Looking forward to seeing how it actually works. Thanks for all the work you put into this board for us.

  • @webmaster - the new header looks great-thanks for all you do! nancyjean

  • YEAH!!!! its finally working Must have taken a little longer to get all the way to Australia LOL
    Curt @webmaster thank you it looks great!!

  • Good Morning everyone. The weekend is here and I am heading off soon for a weekend of partying with a bunch of great friends to a little outback one horse country town. It has a big old pub and we have rented all the rooms. Everyone will be riding their bikes I will be driving and taking 2 of my great friends because he can not ride anymore. He was just diagnosed with incurable cancer.By the time he went to the DR complaining of a bad back It had already travelled through his lungs & is now in his bones.
    @songbreeze Gail I hope you feel better soon. ((hugs))
    @webmaster Curt thank you so much for explaining a bit more. I do think our privacy is very important and we certainly do not want undesirables to find us , making it for an unpleasant experience here.
    @newplace MM DD has a few vintage items.When here and I have been sorting she has admired something and I would give it to here. She even has a lovely EAPG master bowl, she often uses on special occassions.I have instructions from SIL to be on the look out for some ruby glass red wine glasses. He loves my Ruby Glass wines.
    @10bbg10 Helen how wonderful that you and Mim live so close. I wished I was closer to the Glassies but then that would mean trading all my great friends down here.
    @carma That is good news about your troops. I wonder if we will follow suit now that Gaddifi is dead
    Julie..saying hooroo

  • @dl11111 DONNA & @donscns DON ... Donna, I see I read your post incorrectly and that the fourth line did work well. Don, please just ignore my suggestion on re-wording the instructions.

    @jmart8248 IRENE M and @carma CARL ... Always appreciate anyone's offer to help, but I agree that if anything were to be done it should be through our @webmaster CURT who knows the inner workings and what is best for this website.

  • Good morning, glassies. Coughing, hacking, sneezing, and wheezing...but as George/gabla would say "I'm still vertical and ventilating." ROTFLOL.

    @webmaster ... I think Dave and others are correct in wanting new glass collectors to be able to find us. Since you created this website and IT IS A BEAUTIFUL WEBSITE πŸ™‚ you know the ins and outs of it and how directing traffic here would work best, so I vote for you to consider it and see what can be done.

    And for folks enjoying this website just a wee reminder that on the right hand side of the screen one can contribute to the Webmaster's COFFEE FUND. πŸ˜€

    @jmart8248 IRENE M ... I think we will probably always be discussing eBay here. Consider that we did not "leave" eBay...instead eBay "kicked us out." The reason we all came together in the first place was due to us selling on eBay. I really like this Chat better because most of us are on-line sellers and here we can talk about ALL the venues...eBay, Ruby Lane, Bonanza, Amazon. But e-commerce on-line buying and selling (mainly GLASS πŸ™‚ ) are at the heart of what we are all about.

  • Good afternoon, glassies. Was going to spend my day tagging and packing to take stuff to the mall in Joplin. Instead, I got a call from the mall in Fairland where I bought a big tall glass showcase. The person I bought it from was finally moving it into my booth, so I had to run up there and clean and stock it. Back home and tired, but do want to still get stuff ready for Joplin.

    @reen REEN ... Sorry, I don't know the answer to your D&M vs Colony Sandwich patterns. Don't know the history of the companies and who has the molds, etc. A lot of the guys on the board are good with the history and mold business so hopefully they will clue us in.

    Reen, do you have a bike or a trike? I'm 65 at the end of the month. I'm a lazy slug and move as little as possible. πŸ™‚ Shame on me!

    @webmaster CURT ... sounds great fun to see our glass on the banner. ..can hardly wait. Thanks!

  • Good Morning everyone. Think I am going to have a very lazt Sunday down here. Nothing at all planned.
    @webmaster Curt what a great idea, Thanks for all the hard work you have put into this board. You can browse through my Glass Album called Glass Down Under and if there is anything there that takes your fancy you can use it. It is located in the Welcome link on the left.
    @songbreeze Gail I hope you are better soon
    @newtonenterprises JImD sometimes the only way to get a good result is to be blunt and to the point LOL
    Julie..thinking it is going to be a gorgeous Spring day today

  • @webmaster CURT ... Sure would be super to change from the insulators. I never wanted to say anything for fear of seeming ungrateful for all you've done for us....but the insulators have gotta go! ROTFLOL!

    I'm thinking Don @donscns has pictures of the glass he used to make the slide show on the eBay Welcome Post...perhaps we could use those as they were pics of some glassies favorite items. What do you think, Don?

  • Good afternoon everyone, It's now lunchtime so while I enjoy eating that I'll do a scroll

    @fran Glad to hear Doug is doing so well.

    @webmaster thank you for all the time & effort you have out into this chatroom.

  • @webmaster : great work. very easy to copy and past the url from e-bay,and..ta!! dah!! it works..

  • @webmaster .. Curt, I have the instructions below in a document on my computer. I think this would be very handy to have posted right under the "Welcome to Glass Chat" link... if you and the glassies agree ...


    ~The easy way to post a link to picture here~

    1-Click here--> http://tinypic.com/
    2-Click Browse and find your picture on your computer. Double click your picture twice and that will enter the info into the box at tinypic

    IMPORTANT: .Before you hit that green Upload button, see the box that says Resize/ Default. Click on the tiny arrow, and pick Message Board 640 x 480. That option gives a nice sized picture that uploads quickly.

    3-Click Upload Image
    4-Click on the 4th line and it will turn blue. Right click with your mouse and Copy
    5-Come back to the Glass Chat message box and Paste in the Reply box


  • Good morning, glassies. Another hot day, but I hear the antique malls and fleamarkets whispering my name. Think I just may have to hit the road and go treasure hunting in spite of the heat. Will stop and get a big cold coke filled with crushed ice and see what the day will bring.

    @webmaster ... thanks for noticing my post. If the log-in ID can be changed to oklahomasong that would be nice. If it cannot, I'm fine with that too.

  • Thanks Curt @webmaster I did find it and turned it off. It was very easy to work out . You have done such a great job with this , everything seems very straight forward and user friendly.

  • @Webmaster ... thanks, that helps immensely. oklahomasong is my eBay user ID and since so many of us belong to several different forum that specialize in different areas, I've gotten to where I'm trying to keep that display name on each forum to avoid confusion. And let me say HELLO to whodat111/Susan! πŸ™‚