• @allirish123 Tracy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope all is well.

  • Happy Birthday Tracy @allirish123 where ever you are

  • @allirish123 Happy Birthday, Tracy!! And Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

    @carma Carma, you did do well, indeed, with your beautiful glass. What caused the aqua stretch tumbler to go for such a high price?

    I can actually see bits of my yard again -- the snow is slowly shrinking due the warmer temperatures and the rain. It's been my experience that often the last snowstorm of the season is around March 19. That's my parents' wedding anniversary and we've had to cancel more plans due to snow. And I never put out tomato plants before Mother's Day -- so the fact that we're still going to have some cold days/nights is not surprising.

  • Greetings from chilly NJ -- at least no snow. Poor DD in Virginia got dumped on again. The National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC is supposed to start this coming weekend -- somehow I don't think there will be any cherry blossoms yet.

    @allirish123 Tracy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope your special day is extra good.

    @sellingthings Marty, I hope your kitten gets better fast, poor little thing.

  • @allirish123 TRACY …. Always good to see returning glassies. Beautiful glass your DH brought home! The bowl is HORSESHOE MEDALLION by New Martinsville Glass Co., Pattern #707, 1908. I can’t tell on the goblet because it’s hard for me to see the pattern at the base of the goblet’s bowl. Does that go ”in” like wee thumbprints or does it stick ”out” more like beads or hobs…are they round or square?

  • Good Morning everyone Swap was OK,no world beater but acceptable.Very slow between each sale, so the days seemed very long. I sold some glassware at this one. 3 various sizes of Crown Crystals green glass canisters with bakelite lids. A 1908 US Glass Cranberry stained Rising Sun Pitcher, a Bagley Leaf & Roses green Glass plate (glowee) and some other sundries. There was next to no outlay. The swap was only 30 kilometres from here.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRACY @allirish123!!!!!!

  • @allirish123 Tracy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (Imagine it in green!) I hope you have a great day.

  • @jerseystar NANCY P ... I enjoyed watching the Market Warrior to see the different market areas they go to. But the market sellers sure ask HIGH prices and even when the warriors barter them down, the warriors still lose a ton of money. What surprises me is what the auctioneers sound like. Most sound like they are half asleep. Am I just use to Oklahoma auctioneers that go so hard and fast and furious it's almost hard to understand them...but it sure keeps the auction fever and bidding high.

    @allirish123 TRACY ... looking up things and trying to ID something is the very best of fun and relaxation for me. Sorry, I couldn't locate the vase, I know I've seen it before, but I just didn't have any luck searching today.

  • Good morning, glassies. This has been a crazy week for me. Each morning over the past few days, I wake up and think I'm going to get to work on my taxes and also on listing but it never happens. 4 different people on 5 different days have wound up needing help in some area or another. That's fine with me but by the time I get home, I'm up to my ears in alligators of things I need to do at home. Hardly had time to check out the forums and boards. I think today should be quiet...suppose to start raining and turn to snow. So I think it might just wind up being a nice cozy stay-at-home type of day.

    @allirish123 TRACY ... did you ever get an ID on your vase you posted the other day. I was going to check out a book I had for it and then got derailed with all my other errands. If you don't have an ID yet, I'll check it out today.

    @wattleihavenext JULIE ... so glad you had a lovely little vacation. I enjoyed seeing your photos on FB.

    HELLO to everyone and to those I've missed over the last few days: MARSON, KATIE, CARL, DON, REEN, IRENE M, SHELLY, and GEORGE.

  • Just popping back in while I have my coffee break I haven't really done much of a scroll at all.
    Tracy @allirish123 I didn't do much buying at all, Only piece of glass was a pink glass biscuit Jar. I left the first swapmeet with intentions of travelling about for a week. First town was an old goldmining town, fell in love with the place and ended up staying there for 4 nights. No Op shops, junk shops or anything like that there. Well there was an Antique shop but it was closed Summer is their Off peak season, normally way too hot to be out there. But I struck it just the right time, not hot at all, crisp evenings and mornings and lovely warm sunny days.
    Marson @panishklo Yum the double choc ones are sooooo yummy. BTW I am having my choc fix by sprinkling way too much chocolate on the top of my cappuccino LOL
    Julie..back to work

  • Been trying to work on taxes off and on all day, but a lot of interruptions.

    @allirish123 TRACY ... according to Jenks/Luna/Reilly's Reproduction book, the pattern Cherry and Cable aka Cherry with Thumbprint , never originally made a child's set. It says "As late as 1991, Mosser Glass...issued the...miniatures..These pieces are not original to the pattern, were produced from new molds...."

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... your links opened just fine. Absolutely lovely stemware, but golly, I've no idea of an ID. I searched a bit on Replacements with no luck, but will try again tomorrow.

    @reen REEN ... you are in my prayers tonight.

  • Good evening Classy Glassie friends,
    We have had a cold partly sunny day with maybe 2 inches of snow. DD brought 2 of our Great-GS and carry in Chinese. Fun to see that 12 year old go for that food.
    I have to do one more set of pictures for those pieces of Sandwich that I've been working on for all of this week. Hopefully will get those and the description done tomorrow. Then up they go. Thanks for all of the help.
    @songbreeze Gail, Interesting article about Murano glass. Once upon a time I had the pleasure of going there .
    @allirish123 Tracy, All of your pics opened for me. Pretty glass, too.
    After thinking about the Parcel post problem today it dawned on me that I seldom use PP as most of the time Priority is a bit less or maybe a few pennies more. And the box is free!!!

  • @gailmacphee GAIL MAC … this link is about Italian rose bowls, but it also has interesting iniformation on the mother-of-pearl treatment and just might help you make some comparisons. http://www.glass.co.nz/rosebowls.htm

    @wattleihavenext JULIE … Happy Australia Day!

    @allirish123 TRACY … your pictures loading so slow that it keeps timing out on me before I can see the picture.

    HI to HELEN, REEN, and BILL!

  • Good evening
    Amber @amber1986 Mum became too weak and was unable to walk so an ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital over a week ago. All tests show she has no medical problems,. It's old age catching up and her loss of interest in living, since Dad passed away 5 years ago.On Friday she will be transferred to a Respite nursing home, till there is a vacancy down here closer to us.She is in the right place where she can get around the clock care.And medical staff who have the know how , in getting her motivated and moving. I already see an improvemnt in her
    Katie @fyrqueen lovely pics
    Tracy @allirish123 All the best with your auction
    Nancy @jerseystar27 I am sorry you were feeling grumpy because of your students.I hope you have a smile back on your face by now.

  • Hello everyone. Another Thanksgiving behind us. I am so thankful for every one that I'm still on this earth to celebrate. We had 20 people. Lots of food, good times and laughs. An oven fire and c couple of other small mishaps that delayed dinner just a bit and gave us all just a little bit more to be thankful for. I'm thankful that I was in the kitchen when it started and that I had just bought a fresh box of baking soda! I

    @allirish123 Great link! Thankyou!

    @amber, Interesting article. Thanks!

  • @allirish123 Tracy - thanks for the link but have been all over that site.
    ChataboutDG is pointing me toward Tiffin #15047 now. Still sticking with the Lotus etch - thanks to Toby.

  • Good morning Glass friends, I'm up but not feeling particularly 'attem' this morning . I'm having my morning cappuccino . Maybe that will get me going .
    I hope that Gail the headless chicken got herself organized an off to California. Out T'day plans keep being changed. DH and I are just sitting back and letting the 3 DDs who live here in town make all the plans and arrangements.
    @allirish123 Tracy , Another reason that I like Auctiva is that more pics are allowed than for some of ebay's listing services.

  • Good afternoon, glassies. I'm running around like a chicken with my head chopped off trying to get packed, phone and camera batteries charged, checkbook balanced, .... and have to get the dogs out to the kennel. Sister is coming over to help as Big Ginny HATES a collar and leash and thinks they are only for dragging her human around the yard. Rocky, though tiny, is feisty and thinks if the front door opens he has license to run away from home and frolic about town. Costs a fortune to kennel the twerps. The cats will be on their own for 2 1/2 days, then sister will return and check on them for the next couple of days. I set out 3 separate kitty litters for them, a wash tub of water, and a wash pan of food. Plus I bought a ton of toys to scatter about the house.

    @allirish123 TRACY ... be sure and read all the new policies before listing...no text on the pics, no frames allowed on gallery pics, return policy, on and on. Gotten to be a painful process. I use Auctiva and pay 9.99 a month. I like their templates and also you can schedule your auction start times for free. But I closed my eBay store and haven't listed anything in the last month, so don't know how long I'll continue with Auctiva. I opened a ruby lane store and have no need of a template there. Best of luck!

    @4931nextdoor ALICIA ... what splendid items! So sorry that I'm absolutely no help.

    @mainewildrose SUE ... We are all here to learn and I for one never find additional information "belaboring"...to the contrary, I find it very helpful reinforcement and appreciate it greatly.

    @jerseystar NANCY P ... you get your DD all moved into her new place only for you and her to leave it?! LOL. Maybe you both are so tired from the moving you had to take a vacation from it. 🙂

    @favoritegram LAINEY ... do not know the story on your DD's son, but if prayers are welcome for strength and healing, count me in.

    @reen REEN ... I can understand wanting to take a lot to auction, but would you quit selling entirely? For all the frustration, I still enjoy watching an auction or listing or item I have in booth to see if it will sell.


    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • @itsagas BILL ... yes, that's exactly what happened. My post was right after Shelly's post...then later there were 3 posts between it. Will now remember to refresh!

    @allirish123 TRACY ... believe the pattern is JERSEY SWIRL ...originally by Windsor Glass Co, later reproduced by L.G. Wright. I don't know how to tell the difference.

    @nona NANCYJEAN ... wow, what a DDG piece!

  • Thanks Tracy @allirish123 All's looking good I now have two bids 🙂 I think this is going to be a good one to watch. Shame it has the damage though. But a restorer will soon fix that. Early Lithgow pottery is not easy to find. there are only 2 items listed atm & one of those is mine. Since Decemeber 2011 there have only been 3 items listed and sold. Months before that none were listed when I had ear marked this jug to sell.

  • Tracy @allirish123 I just checked out my bidder who has good feedback and they have just purchased a Lithgow Pottery WATER MONKEY / CARAFE for $997.00AUD. They didn't appear to have bid on a Lithgow Jug the same as mine, with damage, that sold for AU $443.20 Fingers crossed I do well.

  • @allirish123 Tracy the Packers are the Wisconsin state religion. Yeah they were really bad I don't know if the Giants could have found a way to loose. Our condolences for the loss of your brother.

    Now good night all george

  • @allirish123 TRACY .... oh, I am ever so sorry to hear of your brother's passing. What a terribly difficult time. My sincerest condolences.

  • Tracy @allirish123 My condolences to you and your family
    Katie @fyrqueen I must remember that ”mowing spinach” Though I am thinking mowing spinach may be a bit easier then my lawn LOL

  • Tracy @allirish123 if you look at my auction pics (non up atm) you will see I obviously still am not holding my tongue quiet right LOL. BUt I am told that anything you need to do properly, you must hold your tongue right LOL

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... I've been trying to take a decent picture for 8 years now. Still haven't made it work with any consistency whatsoever. I've tried all kinds of lights, set-ups, light tents, natural light, etc. For what it's worth, here are a couple of websites ....

  • Good Morning everyone.It started out to be a glorious morning with a beautiful sunrise & clear blue skies. I started to think maybe our weather man got it wrong. But the black clouds have come over and the rain is going to start any minute now
    Don @donscns your house sounds very interesting
    Gail @songbreeze I look at it this way. When someone does not leave FB they are happy and feel it no need to warn anyone about you. I usually send an email asking if their item has arrived and if they are happy with their purchase. But I never mention for them to leave FB.I am content just to know they have no issues.
    Shelly @shellyrae37 I am glad Gail posted those auctions of the whirlygig Nativity sets. I have never seen such a thing LOL so I was very curious as to what you were referring.
    BTW continued postive thoughts for your FIL
    Hi Tracy @allirish123 I am doing well, thanks. I wish you luck with your auctions
    Bob @baabaamason apparently there is some type of glitch with eBay’s boards. There are a lot of ppl complaining they can not add pics to their posts and they get the same message as you. There are several in my Aussie Group having that problem

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... The second butter dish is BRIDLE ROSETTES aka CHECKERBOARD by Westmoreland Specialty Co.
    #500, 1910. That is the correct bottom to it. I have to leave for Mass right now and if you haven't an ID on your first butter, I will check when I get back later tonight.

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... by all means, take photos of the butter lids and the butter bases and we will tell you which ones go together. Also post the Tiffin glass. The etch may be classic, but it sounds like you don't know the blank that it has been etched on. Seeing a picture may help locate the blank.

    @scott SCOTT ... such a drop dead gorgeous set!

  • @allirish123 Tracy, it's good to see you here! I use Picasa for my photo editing (and organizing). It crops, straightens, tweaks the color & brightness, etc. And it's free -- you just need a gmail e-mail account.

  • Good afternoon everyone It's the same weather as yesterday and the day before and the day before that LOL and it is suppose to continue to the end of the week.
    Today I am babysitting MissP .We have had a fun day and now she is having her afternoon nap.
    Gail @songbreeze I do have an aircon now but I only ever use it in the very extreme heat, those days when we get up over the 40Celsius.
    Tracy @allirish123 I am so pleased you found us. Welcome aboard
    Leah @goodwinantiques Glad you enjoyed your 2 week break

  • @allirish123
    Hi Tracy!
    So wonderful to see you! Glad to have you back aboard!

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... Oh, my word. If you haven't sold for a while, you will find terrific changes in eBay...and most all of them are for the worse. No longer can leave negative feedback for Buyers. FVFs are levied on shipping costs too! Moving toward having to offer no returns or else 14 or more days to return...no longer will be able to offer 3, 5, or 7 days for returns. Can only say you canaccept PayPal or electronic payments in your listings. Cannot say you will take checks or MO. There's lots more changes, but those are the ones I can think of now.

  • @allirish123 TRACY ... Well, LTNS! So glad you joined us! Hope all has been well for you. Do take a minute to check out the upper right-hand tab that’s labeled ”How To’’ Manual. Lots of great info there. Also on the right-hand sidebar, you should find Welcome to Glass Chat and How To Post a Picture Link very helpful. Things are just slightly different here than they were in the eBay Chat, but you will find it's all for the better! Posts do not scroll off here, so if you reach the bottom of the page you can hit the "load more" and see all the posts. And yes, fill the cup, glass, tumbler, pitcher, to the rim to determine the number of ounces it hold.