• @carma Carl, the weather has been so crazy. After a winter of not a lot of snow, to get three storms in less than a week is crazy! The first "real" snow we've had in NJ was last Monday night into Tuesday.

    @wattleihavenext Julie, we're having more "winter" weather in March than we had in January and February. Of course there's been just enough warm weather in between the cold spells that daffodils are several inches up and other things are starting to bud.

    Rembering George/gable @george -- he helped us know when it was a new day on the board. He was a very knowledgeable glassie and a very nice person. I was lucky enough to meet up with him twice on trips to Seattle.

  • Good afternoon Happy Yom Kippur to those celebrating.
    Nancy @jerseystar27 yes there is always a silver lining to everything. Sometimes we just have to look a little harder.
    Jim @dorbitz so sorry life has become boring for you. I hope that changes soon. But as George @george said " sometimes boring can be good" I don't mind having a good lazy boring day lol

    I went for a pushbike ride on Saturday with some of the girls from bootcamp. The weather conditions could have been better. It was so so windy and at times a struggle trying to ride in a straight line and keep on the road, the gusts were that strong. BUt all in all a great day out, and a challenge accomplished and one I am proud of completing .It's been a lot of years since I have ridden a bike. 26 kilometres all up from start to finish. Some of the younger ones ( I am talking 20 and 30 years younger then me) did not complete the round trip. They managed(some really struggling) to get to the Pub, where we stopped for lunch and they phoned for someone to come pick them up.But I think 14 kilometres is a good ride in those conditions so they should be proud of that.

  • George @george To me, rules are rules and we should abide by them.They are usually put in place for a good reason. Each country are handling Covid slightly differently and trying to do their best. I am sure the majority of the anti-maskers or the anti- anything are just being anti-whatever just to be disruptive and are a selfish bunch that have the attitude of ;" no-one tells me what I can or can't do" They really do not care about anything or anyone. They show no respect to others. Makes me angry.

  • Still cold, windy(it'd blow a dog off its chain) and miserable down here. It's just horrid weather and not pleasant being outdoors at all.
    Katie @fyrqueen silver marked 800 means its either Italian or German
    George @george I hope the sale goes well (((hugs))))

  • @george Oh, George! Gentle {{hugs}} -- it must be awful knowing they're in your house. It was horrible when we had the estate sale people at my parents' house (I did snag a few things they were going to sell -- was very impressed that they thought the photo I took of Barnegat Lighthouse, and framed for my parents, was worth $15). My sister & BIL actually helped out at the sale -- I couldn't bear the thought of people poking through all of our parents' stuff.

  • Good afternoon. It's been a very lazy kind of day, cold and wet here and best place to be is indoors with the heater on.
    George @george yes we were very lucky the hospital was understanding. In normal times, pre covid-19 it would not have been an issue here. Hospitals here , didn't really have strict visiting hours . Most times you could come and go as you wish, depending on the needs of the patient.
    I just received word Maree has had more strokes and is now in a critical condition. Life just isn't fair

  • @wattleihavenext Julie, I'm so sorry to hear this. Gentle {{hugs}} for your niece.

    @george George, glad you got through another shot!

    We're still in the tropics apparently -- Tropical Depression Fay has been dropping a lot of rain on us along with some wind. I guess this makes up for last week when there wasn't any rain. This is our second big rainstorm of the week.

  • @george I agree with you, George. Two wrongs don't make a right. We participated in a peaceful march in our town today -- started at a park in town, walked a few miles and ended by the municipal building/police station. I will add we had police escort the whole way -- blocking side streets as the group moved through. Got to see some of my children's high school classmates, now grown-up (as are our children, but I watched them grow up). It was gratifying that the vehicles that had to wait as we walked by gave us thumbs-up and light touches of the horn to show support (particularly loved the public transit bus driver).

  • @george Good morning, George! I hope all is well (or as well as it can be at this point).

    Cloudy & humid in NJ -- supposed to maybe have showers later. My garden will be happy.

  • Good Morning. a chilly early start but it does Look like we are in for another perfect warm sunny Autumn day. It is Mothers Day tomorrow so let's hope this perfect weather continues for that. I am looking forward to lunch with my family at my DD's home and if this perfect weather continues it will be outside, sitting around the pool, . It has beautiful views and maybe a kangaroo or two will come visit. My adorable little Grand Daughter is doing the honours this year and she will be cooking for DD and me. This little 9 year old loves to cook and create and she is very good at it too. Can't wait.

    Nancy @jerseystar27 I have been lucky. My favourite little coffee shop where i get my coffee each morning ater training is still operating but only as takeaway. No sitting in allowed. But at least I get to have a little normality and my little treat.

    Jim @dorbitz Marypat passed away January 2018

    George @george Yes Susu tracked down MP's obituary

    MaryPat DeGroodt

  • Good afternoon. The weather is just miserable down here. Strong gusty winds and cold.I tried to go for a jog this morning but had to be content with a walk. The wind was that strong I almost came to a stand still 😆 😆
    Nancy @jerseystar27 and George @george Technology is such a wonderful thing.

    I downloaded the new Covidsafe App yesterday. It is completely voluntary and will quickly help notify and isolate anyone that have come in contact with anyone with the virus.A lot are digging their heels in and are refusing to download, their choice of course . But their choices are based on scaremongering spread around via ..you guessed it...Facebook . I must admit I was skeptical at first but looked into it thoroughly and I think downloading it is the right thing to do and I hope the majority of Australians will too.

  • @george George, the other amazing thing is the monitoring. My parents both had pacemakers and they made an appointment once per month to hook a monitor up to their telephone (I think the receiver fit into the monitor) and it would take the information from the pacemaker. My DH has a little unit that sits on the floor next to our bed (under the night table). Every morning at 4am, via bluetooth, it gets a report from the pacemaker/defibrillator and sends it off to the monitoring company. (It apparently has it's own phone network.)

  • Good Morning. It is overcast here. I've had my usual morning,Video hook up session with my trainer and then a walk/jog down along the riverbank path, up through the mall, a stop off for a coffee on the go (only way my favouirite cafe can do it now) and now home for some breakfast.

    George @george (((((hugs)))))) I know it must have been a hard decision to make. But the right one. I am thinking when the times comes for me, I will be a stubborn old bugger and refuse to admit I should not be driving ( I get that trait from my Father lol) My poor DD and probably the Grandkids having to deal with that.

    Hi Marson @panishklo I am hoping that is the case. I am pleased with the progress so far. I am trying to convince myself it will be strong enough now for me to mow the lawn. But I do know it is not strong enough to use a whipper snipper just yet.

  • @george Oh, George, I understand and thank you, but . . . {{hugs}} It's a tough thing to do.

    Cool & cloudy here in NJ. Sounds like tomorrow we get the remnants of what was down south (t'storms with wind and possible hail).

  • Good Morning. It's a beautiful sunny morning. I am so glad summer and the high temps have gone.

    Jim @dorbitz LOL pretty fancy Uber isn't it LOL

    George @george it was amazing.And to think all those buildings, the materials were either carried up on someone's back or on a donkey. I love Nepal and I love the ppl

    Fran2 @fran2 we are going into winter and our Flu season. So I think it will be chaos here for awhile. So many ppl will be presenting with cold and flu symptoms, so the scare will continue here. Anyone with a runny nose or cough will panic and so will everyone around them. But eventually ppl will start to settle down and life will get back to normal. Good hand hygiene is the key to not spreading sickness. Common soap and water and a good wash.

  • @george Yikes! This way you get to stretch out the celebration -- always a fun thing to do. Glad the shots help and they aren't as frequent.

  • @george George, Happy Birthday a day early! I hope you have something fun planned for tomorrow.

  • Good Morning and it is a much better morning I survived yesterday but it has really drained me of energy.A combination of the heat and of just sitting around doing nothing. Looks like we received some rain last night, not heavy rain but just misty drizzling rain which I couldn't hear on the roof. Temps have dropped, we are now down to 24C(7a.m), but it is still "sticky"
    Bushfires are still raging in some areas of NSW and more homes were lost over the weekend.I read an article that the USA firefighters that came here to help said they have never seen anything like it in their firefighting lives. They fought the fires in California too. I keep asking myself "when is this ever going to end?"
    Katie @fyrqueen our roads melt a bit down here. I remember as a child my best friend on I would dig out the lumps of ore in the asphalt. LOL Now I am thinking about that I have no idea why we did it LOL
    Carl@carma so sad that the township is dying 🙁 Tourism has taken a huge dive down here too because of the fires and drought. so many towns that relied on tourism are struggling. There is a campaign down here now "Go support a little country town hit by droughts and fires" There is even a FB page "Buy from the BUsh" now set up that you can buy online from them. Homemade, handmade or from the little local dress shop instead of the big shopping centre companies in the Cities etc. I know quite a few friends buying gifts and items that way now. A company has also set up bus tours for shopping to struggling towns (weekend away trips) to help input some $$ into the struggling towns.
    Jim @dorbitz I am struggling with this heat now. Now it is a humid heat and it has to be the worst kind. Before Xmas there was no humidity , and though it was hot and temps were way up there over the 40C, I coped much better. The weekend away I had to Currabubula (out west and very hot) It didn't feel near as bad as here. It was actually quite bearable
    George @george yep give me cold over hot anyday. I just keep looking at photos of my next trek to Nepal. all those mountains with snow on them, look sooooooo good.

  • George @george yes it is very devastating and no end in sight anytime soon. The force of the winds caused by the raging fires in one instance was the cause of a firetruck being flipped over , killing a young volunteer firefighter. And to add further it is estimated that 480 million animals have died in the bushfires since Sept.

  • Good Morning. Air is still and temp's already at 20C at 7.am (take into consideration that this is daylight savings time)
    I have to get my yard mowed and I really can't put it off any longer. I am so not looking forward to it. I have been putting it off because of the poor air quality filled with so much smoke. But looks like things are not going to improve in the near future. So I just have to "suck it up Princess" 😆 and get out there and do it.
    Woke to a report that 2 firefighters have died fighting fires. How very tragic 🙁 Xmas will never be the same for their families 🙁
    No word from our Prime Minister yet either.
    Jim @dorbitz -12C is sounding pretty good atm LOL
    George @george I am glad the move is going well for you.


  • Well it is back to reality and the smoke filled air here. Bushfires all around are still a big issue and it feels like I am looking through orange tinted glasses. Eyes are starting to get scratchy again and I feel like I have a throat full of dust.
    George @george I hope the move is going smoothly
    Katie @fyrqueen Mystery Island was like a little paradise.I just relaxed there on the beach and swam in that DDG water. Some went snorkelling and the photos they took are amazing.
    Jim @dorbitz my next trip is in March and I am going back to Nepal to do another trek but this time it will be to Langtang valley which is north of Kathmandu and an area I have not yet seen. I will be over there for the Holi Festival before the trek starts too. I had so much fun last year for that, I can't wait to do it again.
    Carl @carma yes I did have a great time. It is a beautiful part of the world and that water is magic, so clear, so clean, so pretty and the people are beautiful. We were well looked after.

  • Hello-o-o-o!!! I hope everyone's okay. No sign of @george George or @carma Carl or @dorbit JimL or any of the other regulars. I know that Julie @wattleihavenext is off cruising.

    Much of the snow/ice has melted here in NJ -- still some on the grass but the streets and driveway are pretty clear.

  • The crazy weather is coming to NJ -- it was 50F when I went to Yoga this morning (7:30AM). Now at 11:14AM it's 37F, feels like 28F, with some snow flurries. Low tonight is supposed to be 22F.

    @george George, we were in Seattle from Thursday evening until yesterday (arrived home last night). Friday was lovely (sunny & high 50s), rainy on Saturday (what i expected, and I had packed my raincoat), and mixed clouds on Sunday. Didn't realize that the Sounders were playing the MLS finals on Sunday -- bought a scarf to wear. I did get to see the small fireworks that were shot off at the end of the game when they won. (Also got to meet some nice people from Toronto as I was wondering around on Saturday and Sunday.)

    @wattleihavenext Julie, that is so scary!! It's so hard to believe this is happening in Australia. {{hugs}}

  • Good afternoon. Weather has improved today and it looks like we may get a little bit of rain. There are couple of black clouds hovering over, so fingers crossed. Saturday was just horrid. Hot, very windy and very very dusty. It is going to be a bad summer .
    I am planning on doing a hike tomorrow up a mountain. I have 2 girlfriends that are keen to go to Nepal with me next year on a trek. So they need to prepare and start to get ready for it. If they can't cope with this mountain no way will they cope in Nepal.The sooner they start, the sooner they will know if it is for them. I think the next trek is being planned for Mardi Himal Elevation: 5,587 metres which is higher than I have done and will require acclimatization. I believe it is over 4,000 metres is where you need to acclimatize. I'll know much more soon when my cousin and our trekking guide makes their final decision.I'm keen to get back there and see more of this magnificent country.

    George @george yes change is good and I am sure you are going to enjoy your new home. I am still in the process of just talking about downsizing LOL I really don't need a house this size nor a yard this size.But first I need to downsize the contents to bare necessities and I am still spruiking about that too LOL then I will be ready for a smaller home. Let's see where I am in another 10 years LOL

  • Good Morning. I had a very early start . I had to be at DD's by 5 a.m because she was working in Sydney today and had to leave early to get there. It's a 2 -2 1/2 hour commute if no traffic delays (And there usually is). Now I am about to head off to bootcamp for 45 mins of sweating.LOL

    George @george I hope the treatment will be painless and and easy fix. Gentle (((hugs))) to you

    Jim @dorbitz you certainly are a busy man holding down 3 jobs. Congratulation on your weight loss. It does feel good to be able to be more active. I have just completed a 28 Day Fitness Challenge with my Bootcamp team And I was the winner. I am feeling pretty good about myself with that.
    I thought you might like to show your mate this little meme LOL

  • @george George, sending gentle {{hugs}} and healing thoughts -- I hope all will be okay!!

    @dorbitz JimL, hi back at you!! Glad things are going well. The new/added job sounds like it could lead to good things.

    Meanwhile, here in NJ, it's a beautiful, sunny day and a little warmer than it's been.

  • Good Morning
    Katie @fyrqueen Nature is amazing, that tree is growing on a rock. Most, if not all, of Australian fauna needs fire to rejuvenate. Just as well too, because we get a lot of bushfires down here.
    George @george it was

  • Good morning from drizzly NJ. Cooling off again and more rain on the way -- will welcome it as it has been dry.

    @george George, I hope your week is better than you expected and that all of the medical procedures are as comfortable as possible.

    Just a note, susans*selections' birthday is actually tomorrow (Oct. 9).

  • Good Morning everyone. Daylight Savings has started here. I am not a lover of it and think it is the most stupidest idea ever!! And I feel for all the Parents out there with young ones trying to get them into the sleeping routine again. I know what it was like with my DD And you just get them into that sleeping routine and then it changes back.

    I woke to hear the Storm Birds calling. I hope that means rain is on its way.

    George @george Big ((((((HUGS))))) Its not going to be a good be a good week for you.

    Carl @carma YUM Fresh juicy corn. You can't beat it. You can't beat any freshly picked produce. It always tastes so good.I am lucky to have farms around me where I can purchase fresh produce. BUT the numbers are dropping and the farmers are doing it tough. Big Supermarkets popping up everywhere and importing produce doesn't help them either. Big companies buying up the farming land and turning into housing estates is another reason there is a reduction is farmers around here. Breaks my heart when I see new housing estates popping up on what was once good farming soil or what was once a lush green dairy farm. 🙁

  • Back from my grandson presentation. A very proud moment watching his Dad/coach(first year coaching) present the team their medals.

    George @george yes it was so much fun. It's just great to step outside your comfort zone and do something silly and out of the normal 😆 😆 I am waiting on pics of this years shenanigans but here is a pic from 2013.

  • George @george I am glad you are surviving those eye shots.

    To further ad to the conditions down here, it has also been reported that the state of Queensland has over 70 bushfires atm. Things are very grim down here.

  • Good Morning, This horrid wind continues down here and is suppose to get worse today before it starts to ease by tomorrow.

    George @george I hope your eyes feeling OK after the shots. I have a friend that has started getting them

    Jim @dorbitz You know what they say about "All work and no Play?"

    Nancy @jerseystar27 Now that is something I love, avocado and smoked salmon, together. YUM

    Marson @panishklo I hope you are keeping well. I have no doubt that the family will not let the 84 year old go picking blueberries next year.

    Katie @fyrqueen I don't blame you. With that unthankful attitude, I would make sure I was not be available ever again.

  • @george George, the first time my daughter had a chocolate chip bagel with lox, I was horrified. Her response was "what about chocolate-covered pretzels?" I still am not sure about the fishy part of the lox and the chocolate but it makes her happy. I usually have my lox with a toasted bialys.

    @dorbitz JimL, we've been coming to LBI for years. This is our second year at this rental house. The one we had been renting for many years was sold last year. We were sad to see it go, but we're enjoying this house. We're at the quiet end of the island -- away from the amusement park and most of the bars.

  • Good Morning cold and windy but at least the sun is shining.
    I am still suffering the effects of the flight, with a blocked ear i can hardly hear out of. I have tried every trick in the book but so far nothing is working.Very annoying

    Carl @carma and George @george I have drank the coffee.My neighbours brought me back a packet of it a few years ago and it is actually good coffee. I dd enjoy it. But I blocked out the part of from where it came 😆

  • Thank you for the good wishes (and the lovely cake!) I had decided last summer I was tired of teaching and that this past year would be my last. As things turned out, it was a good decision. As far as what I'm going to be doing -- as a start, trying to catch up on my life that was somewhat on hold this past year while dealing with my parents. I'm looking forward to playing more in my garden, getting back into my fitness routine (more walking and maybe more yoga), organizing my house, and traveling. DH is officially retired from public school teaching but still does consulting and belongs to a variety of organizations that have conferences in interesting places. In September, I'll be joining him on a trip to Copenhagen.

    @wattleihavenext Julie, that is the weather we've been having -- warm, sunny days but cool nights (which are so great for sleeping) and just enough rain to keep the garden happy. Hopefully sometime in the next year or so DH and I will make a trip to Australia.

    @george George, will be out in Seattle for a long weekend (6/29-7/3). Apparently the weather for the US has swapped around -- the West Coast has the usual East Coast June weather and we're enjoying Seattle weather right now.

  • George @george Thanks for the update on Toby. I wish him a speedy recovery

  • George @george I am glad you made it through another one. ((((hugs)))

  • Good Morning. I have been getting my share of grandkid fix. Have been spending some lovely time with them and enjoying all the cuddles they are giving.me. They missed their Grandma and I certainly missed them. I Will be heading off soon to go watch DGS play Footy.School Holidays commence today too, so I will get to spent plenty more time with them during that time.

    George @george (((((hugs)))))

  • @george George, sending gentle {{hugs}} to you!! I hope the fluid retention situation gets under control.

  • @george George, I don't expect them to do well against Gonzaga but I'm sure it will be very exciting for them to just be there. And as my son assured me, not only is this good publicity for FDU (not just for the basketball team but for marketing the school), but they will be getting some money (from the TV rights, etc.) which should help the athletic dept.

  • @george HAPPY BIRTHDAY, George!!! Have a wonderful day!!

  • @george George -- WOW!! Glad the tree is safely down (loved the visual of a "palm" fir tree) with no injury or damage (except to your bank account).

    It's cold but sunny here in NJ, winds are only "breezy". I have seen a few trees and branches down here and there but we were lucky and kept power and didn't have any damage. I guess this was March coming in early as a lion.

  • Glad things are starting to warm up in the northeast -- yesterday was quite lovely. Glad it's starting to cool down in Australia. @george George, what, snow in Seattle? With all of those hills I can imagine it's a mess even with only one inch.

    We're going through sad times again. My mom died this past week, the funeral was yesterday. This is just four months after my dad died in October. Mom, who was 93-1/2, was dealing with some health issues (since the middle of December she was in the hospital, at rehab, in the hospital, at rehab, and finally in the MICU at the hospital), but I think the real problem is that she and dad were married for 70 years and she didn't have the will to go on. Needless to say we're all sad and somewhat in shock. And on the practical side, we now have a house they moved into 60 years ago to empty. My brother & his wife will be here until the end of the week (they live in Rochester; daughter and DIL were here yesterday, son is here until tomorrow). My DD came up Saturday and will be here until Friday.

  • @george George, congratulations to you and Anne on 61 years!! And good news that you can go six weeks until the next shot in the left eye.

    Sunny and chilly today, maybe some snow showers overnight. And then some amount of snow/rain/wintry mix Saturday evening into Sunday. Next week will then be bitterly cold.

  • @shellyrae37 Shelly, Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day.

    @wattleihavenext Julie, {{hugs}} I can't believe it's 10 years.

    @panishklo Marson, {{hugs}} to you too.

    @dorbitz & @carma JimL and Carl -- glad you're both feeling & walking better!

    @george George, glad the shots are helping your eyes.

    We've been back & forth to DD's in Virginia a few times in the past month. DH had two different conferences down in DC -- I went down for part of each. Besides DD, DH's sister & BIL live down there as well as their daughter, SIL, and two grandkids. And my brother's son & his fiancee are also down there, so we have lots of people to visit.

  • Good Morning. Very hazy/misty and humid here or so it seems after a morning of training.It did not take much to work up a sweat. We had a good storm with a lot of rain come through here last night.Some areas got hit hard with hail, we managed to dodge that.

    George @george I am glad you are seeing better.


  • Good morning, dark and gloomy here and a bit chilly.More rain and storms predicted. Our crazy weather all over still continues. Towns up north are being evacuated because of the bushfires.
    George @george the nutters running our country are saying the same as the occupants in your oval office. One even took a lump of coal into Parliament meeting and was telling everyone it was clean coal and clean to use !!!!!

  • Good Morning A drop in temps yesterday afternoon. It is overcast and we are getting some very much needed light drizzling rain.

    George @george there was mention of her having a stroke, being in rehab and also mention that one of her sons had passed away. I can't remember now which year that was mentioned.

  • George @george Yes Marypat's FB account is still active but she has not made a post on there since Mary 16 April 2013. Lots of ppl have been posting her birthday wishes since then and asking about her but no response from her.

  • George @george My mother had it. One of my tests showed a very slight abnormality which they said they would not normally be worried about. But because of the history they want to make sure they keep a close eye (sorry about the pun LOL) on everything. And catch it early if I do get it.But all in all they were very pleased with the health of my eyes

  • @george George, is it wet enough for you? Just walked back to the hotel after dinner with a friend, only a few blocks, and was pretty wet (and I had a raincoat). At least it's been okay for walking around during the day.

  • @george Waving Hello!! George, we're in Seattle for the weekend. I told you it would rain when I was here. :~) What really surprised me is that the trees are all changing color here while back in NJ they're just starting to change.

  • Good Morning. School holidays begin so I will be busy with the grandkids. I'll also have an extra. My niece has gone on a holiday to Poland with her Dad so I will be looking after her little a few days a week as well.

    George @george Congratulations to your DD

  • @george George, how exciting for your daughter -- and what a wonderful thing she is doing for kids in foster care. As far as the rain (or lack thereof) -- I can almost guarantee that it will rain in Seattle at the end of the month. DH & I will be taking a long weekend in Seattle at the end of October -- it always rains when we're in Seattle.

    Meanwhile, it's cloudy but warmer and more humid in NJ. So I'm back in sandals. I have a pile of sandals, sneakers, and closed-toe shoes in front of my closet. I'd like to pack the summer shoes away for the season, but then it gets warm again.

  • Pouring rain today in NJ. And it was still dark when I got up this morning to go to Yoga class.

    @dorbitz JimL, oh, poor kittens!! I'm sure they do miss their mom. I hope you're able to find homes for them. Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my DD's kittens Gotcha Day. Leo and Livi are adorable and crazy and much loved.

    @george George, how awful! Before we got our alarm system, our home was burglarized three times (twice within a few months of each other, which is when we installed the system). And while it was sad losing most of my jewelry, the really awful part was knowing that someone was in your house, going through your stuff.

  • Good Morning Sun is shining and temps are mild. Spring weather again. Yesterday just kept getting colder as the day went on. We were almost back to winter.The misty rain was lovely and the plants I am sure really appreciated it. All the dust is now settled too which I am sure the hay fever sufferers will be pleased.

    Jim @dorbitz Oh that is so sad about Mummy Cat 😥 The little kittens are lucky to have you looking out for them

    George @george I am glad you didn't lose anything this time around.


  • George @george how horrible for everyone!!

  • Good Morning. It was back to winter early this morning...brrrrr it was cold at training,my poor little fingers were frozen LOL. Nice and sunny now and looks like we are in for a perfect Spring day.
    Yesterday as it turned out we did get some rain.We had a lovely day of slow drizzling rain.
    George @george condolences to you for the loss of your sister (((hugs)))

  • @carma Carl, so very sorry to hear about your sister Ardith's death. Condolences to you all, including Sue, @mainewildrose. {{hugs}}

    @george George, so very sorry to hear about your sister's death. Condolences to you and the family. {{hugs}}

  • Good afternoon. It was another cccccold start to the day this morning. brrrrrr And I was very slow moving at boot camp this morning. I think all my joints were frozen together and just wouldn't defrost LOL
    George @george yes brown is beautiful LOL Living here in Aus, we get used to that colour grass. Seems always we are in a drought.Or we go to the other extreme and we are in flood. Summer just gone, I think it was the worst I'd seen my grass in years. Not a green patch to be seen anywhere. Only good thing about that , I didn't have to mow as many times during our God awful hot summer where the temps exceeded 100F, regularly.
    Jim @dorbitz yep the humidity can be a killer. I am the same here in summer. All that humidity just saps every ounce of energy out of me
    Carl @carma and Marson @panishklo I hope you get some rain soon to give you some relief.

  • Good afternoon. It surely is winter -2 celsius here this morning brrr very very frosty.

    George @george I have been saying that about my lawn for a few weeks now LOL Lucky it's winter and not growing fast. I did end up biting the bullet and went out to do it. I had nothing but trouble trying to get the whipper snipper going. Eventually had to give up and go ask a neighbour for help. Even he had trouble. Anyway eventually he got it started. I might get around to changing the spark plug before I use it again.Hopefully that will fix it.


  • Good Morning. It was a very chilly start to my day,I wore 3 layers and a lambswool vest to training this morning LOL SUn is shining now and hopefully the day will be a beautiful warm sunny day.
    George @george I hope you will be seeing better after the discomfort you have to go through.

  • George @george ouch!! Hopefully tomorrow when you wake it will not feel so bad.

  • @george George, glad your power is back. I suppose it's better when you at least get advanced warning that it's going to happen -- and know that it is being worked on.

  • Good Morning. It is very chilly here this morning, making it difficult to get myself out of bed and go to training. I sat there this morning and reflected on the days I use to get up even earlier and go to the ocean pool to swim laps. WAS I MAD!!?? or what LOL
    Katie @fyrqueen I am so pleased that Mike is doing so well.
    I have been trying to do the same with downsizing, since DH passed away. I was going great guns for a few years but I have slowed right down and stagnated in the downsizing. I need to get my mojo back again. This 3 bedroom home is too big for one person and it is on a double block. My plan is to downsize and sell everything, keep only what is really needed, sell my house and build a smaller one on the other smaller block ( pending Council Approval) It will have very little yard to maintain, only 2 bedrooms and open living plan.I'll get there one day LOL I just need to decide when the time is right to make the plunge and get on with it. Maybe in a few more years.But it can be hard parting with things that hold so many memories
    George @george sorry you can no longer go camping.

  • George @george all good if you take Dr's advice and just do a small section at a time. I am only doing one cheek, this time . Though it doesn't look all that nice and I can't wear makeup over it, It is not hurting me., except the other night when I my niece came up to me to give me a hug and kiss and thought I had something like lipstick on my cheek, so tried to rub it off before I could stop her LOL.


  • Thanks George @george I have to use the cream 2x daily for 3 weeks, during this time it gradually attacks the cancer cells and causes nasty looking sore abrasive skin. After 3 weeks I am to stop using the cream and then let the abrasions heal.Some ppl do their whole face, which can be very painful having a face totally scabbed up. My Dr likes to do small sections at a time.

  • @george HAPPY BIRTHDAY, George!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxo

    It's a beautiful, sunny day -- hard to believe we're under a winter storm warning. Starting tonight into Thursday morning, with the heaviest wind and snow tomorrow afternoon according to NWS and the Weather Channel. Glad that DS is flying out tonight -- but we will miss him shoveling. Oh well -- we really don't need to go anywhere over the next few days. And I just stocked up on cat food.

  • Good afternoon Well we did the Trek. Very steep and continual climbing upwards,4.3 kilometres (3 miles) to the top. Very narrow steps and make shift steps in places but well worth the effort. We walked about the same distance along the flat track once at the top.That was nice and easy.And then of course the same descending. Very steep and slippery coming down in places.All up it took approx. 2 hours. My new trekking boots went well. But I think I may get some cushioned insoles in them.

    George @george glad you are back and fully charged. Rest up now and take things easy, like the DR said.

  • @george George, wishing you the best for your procedure and a speedy and uneventful recovery.

    We did get some rain overnight but none of the ice or snow. I see it's windy so I'm sure it's chilly out.

  • Good afternoon. The cooler weather continues and we have managed to get a little bit of rain.
    My cousins funeral was today, such a beautiful service but very sad.

    George @george I hope all goes well with your procedure

  • @george Welcome back, George! And Happy Anniversary to you & DW!! Sorry to hear about all the issues -- it never rains but it pours.

  • Carl @carma Yes I too have noticed no Good Morning nor Good Night from George @george I am not sure how active he has been on FB

  • @george Good one, George! :~)

    @carma Carl, so glad you were able to finally celebrate Christmas with the girls! And I'm glad the drive was manageable.

    @wattleihavenext Julie, I did see the headline to a story about the weather in Australia which was something about the tar melting on the roads. Let's hope we both get some moderating temperatures.

    And along those lines -- by Friday it's supposed to be 50F here in NJ. That's also a crazy temperature for January in NJ -- I assume the forsythia will start blooming again.

  • Wishing a Merry Christmas to those celebrating!! A dusting of snow overnight to make it a white Christmas this morning (also windy and cold).

    @george George, glad everyone arrived safely! I can't believe it's snowing again in Seattle.

    @carma Carl, it's always fun to stretch holidays (and birthdays) out, so I'm sure your time with family in Auburn will be great when you're able to get down there.

    @maryb Maryb -- wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  • Thanks George @george

    Shelly @shellyrae37 My niece (sister's DD) her 5 yr old son and my BIL(sister's DH) will be spending Xmas here with me. None of us are looking forward to the day but we will support each other and try to make the day fun as brest we can for the little one.

  • @george George, we had fog yesterday morning. Today it's windy and cloudy with rain later in the day but a high of 58. I think it's supposed to start getting cold next week.

  • George @george yes that does happen a lot and I am so pleased it didn't happen to Anne.

  • Good Morning. Its our 3 rd day of Summer and we have had some very humid uncomfortable days. But a bit of a change came through late yesterday afternoon. We received some rain which eased the humidity and dropped the temps.

    George @george 🙁 🙁

  • Our perfect weather has continued on for today. Great for being outdoors. I did a bootcamp class down on the river bank this morning. I also washed both my vehicles. Now for some food and R & R before I head out again later this arvo to bootcamp again.
    George @george eye shots do not sound very pleasant
    Marson @panishklo LOL I am very clever in cyber world, not such a good cake maker/decorator in real life though LOL
    Katie @fyrqueen I am glad that Mike is doing fabulously

  • @carma Carl, what a lovely time -- glad it worked out. Chilly in NJ too. Electrician is coming tomorrow morning to hopefully figure out why the two electric baseboard heaters on the third floor (our bedroom and bathroom) aren't working.

    @George Good morning, George! Has it warmed up any in Seattle? Watched the second half of last Sunday's disappointing Seahawks game and saw everyone bundled up in parkas. They said there was a wintry mix at the start of the game. I was at my daughter's on Sunday (in Virginia). She has a townhouse condominium which means there's an upper unit and lower unit. She's in the upper -- the downstairs unit is either owned or rented by the Redskins and one of their players lives there during football season. Apparently the team took the redeye home from Seattle Sunday night as I was awoken at about 5 am by the sound of this guy's large truck and his music. Definitely adding insult to injury -- he not only beat "my" team but now he woke me up too.

  • @george Snow in Settle? And it's in the 70s in NJ. The weather is crazy!!

    @fyrqueen Katie, I'm so glad that Mike is home!

    @carma Carl, glad things are improving!!!

    @wattleihavenext Julie, {{hugs}}

  • Good Morning, sunny and humid here. We did get a heavy downfall late yesterday afternoon but it only lasted a few minutes. More is suppose to be on it's way
    George @george yep it is and very emotionally draining. But we have to get on with life.
    Marson @panishklo Thanks, Tim Tams always help


  • @carma Carl, I hope it is minor. The other problem with the idiot lights is there are so many of them and you have to figure out what they are and what they might mean. First time the low tire pressure light came on, I had no idea what it was.

    @George George, it will be a beautiful day today -- because I'm flying home. Actually, yesterday was very nice. And both the Seahawks and the Sounders won. Yes, I'm from NJ and I did feel sorry for Eli, but I was rooting for the Seahawks, complete with my Seahawk socks and my "12" earrings.

  • @george George, I'm ready for some dry weather too, though it hasn't been as raining as they originally said it would be. It hasn't stopped me from walking around a lot. I can't believe all the construction going on in Seattle. Next to our little La Quinta hotel there's a 40-story residential building going up. Across the street there are two more Amazon buildings just starting. It's probable that our hotel will be gone in two to three years. Oh, and the antique store on Stewart, just up from Pike's Market is closing on December 31 as their rent has gotten too high.

  • The weather is indeed crazy. Chilly but sunny in NJ yesterday. Similar today.

    @george George, we'll be heading to Seattle tomorrow. I'm thinking of hiring myself out for areas with drought. It appears it will rain the entire time I'm in Seattle (heading home on Monday) and it will be much cooler than in NJ. Last week we were at the Jersey shore for a few days -- not only rain but gale force winds.

  • Good evening. It's been Grandma day, so I haven't been home all day. What started out as a beautiful Spring day turned into a horrible dusty windy day. We need rain.

    George @george glad you are getting the rain you needed. when you're finished with it, send it down here please

  • @carma Carl, that is sad news about your friend George, pancreatic cancer is really awful. Sending a prayer for him.

    @George If the West Coast weather doesn't change by next month, it may be my first trip ever to Seattle that I didn't need at least an umbrella, if not a rain coat.

    Down in Virginia with my DD this weekend. Spent yesterday visiting my favorite thrift stores. One had 25% off the whole store -- bought some Imperial purple slag pieces and two Fenton carnival pieces, among other things. Will post some photos later.

  • Good morning everyone Looks like we are having a run of perfect Spring type weather here. But we do need rain badly. All those windy days we had beginning of August has left everything so so very dry.
    More sad news another friend has passed away. A great musician/drummer.We all lost contact with him, because of his mental state.. Too much alcohol and drugs fried his brain. His behaviour became irrational and weird and then he stop recognising any of us. He's been walking around in a zombie like state for many many years. He did have professional help through all this, its not like we just abandoned him.He was setup in a good flat walking distance to the shopping centre. DH and I used to see him regularly but he never recognised who we were. Sad to see someone go that way.
    George @george I have to agree with you there, appliance shopping is not fun.

    Sharon @sfinds hope everything's OK and no damage will be done

  • Good Morning everyone Its 4C here and suppose to reach a high of 23C today. Sun is shining and fingers crossed the wind does not pick up again later in the day.It has been spoiling what would have been some beautiful days.
    Jim @dorbitz It's his first time to USA, Actually it is his first time out of Australia. I I think they flew straight to SF but I am not 100% sure.BTW glad your leg is continuing to improve
    George @george glad you got some rain.

  • Jim @dorbitz Last I heard my nephew was heading to San Fransisco.
    George @george you weather soinds like ours. Its either flood or drought
    Stephanie @jmart8248 I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your Mum. My deepest and sincerest condolensces to you and your family

  • Good Morning. We are still experiencing chilly starts to the day .August is traditionally our windy month and it is keeping true to it's word. Hopefully today will be different. It's been ruining what would be lovely days.
    Jim @dorbitz glad you're on the mend
    George @george here is a coffee just for you 😀

  • Jim @dorbitz OMG!! sounds like a pretty rough area. My nephew has not mentioned anything. But I suspect the tour guides would do their bests to keep that kind of info away from the tourists.

    George @george Good night. I'll post a more appealing coffee for you in the morning LOL

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