• I must tell all of you that since I've been watching the diet - restricted sugar, carbs, dairy - I live vicariously through the Glasschat pictures! I'm never disappointed in the cakes and sweets shown here! And then I have cucumber and hummus - maybe a navel orange. Minus 15# and counting.

    Deep sigh!

  • @shellyrae37
    I fully understand the $ challenge! It's so heinous that insurance will pay only if you do what they want you to do. Dana Farber, the cancer factory of the universe, now approves this testing and follows the results to the letter IF AND ONLY IF the patient is willing and able to pay for the tests!!! If they use it, and I'm sure other biggies use it as well, isn't that proof positive that it's an acceptable and helpful approach to cancer care? I hate Big Pharma and the entire medical business of this country.

    As for fund-raising, go to gofundme.com and set something up for her. It gives very simple directions and you set it up to shut off when there's "enough". Important that these things don't go forever unless there are forever expenses. If you need help, get a kid to help you! They're brilliant at this cyber stuff!

    And the best care and cures come free - from prayer and meditation! Gather your friends to have a prayer session, including a guided meditation. Surround her with angels - figurines, pictures, etc. Let her know she's not in it alone -- she has all of you and angels, too!

    Best of luck to her.

  • @shellyrae37
    Oh, my heart goes out to your friend! It's a heinous thing, cancer, and it's all around all of us. The testing I suggested at RGCC is very, very expensive (it's in euros but I think about $1700 for naturals, $2300 for naturals and chemos.) If she could afford it, she'd know what treatment(s) would help. I had to absolutely max out my credit to get it done but now I know and I'm not wasting my $, time and/or my life.
    I hope they do not opt for "whole brain radiation" which would probably get it, but would have any one of several bad side effects. As for the vision.... how much must we give to this god-awful disease? I HATE IT!
    My lovely friend in Panama, a british woman, is fighting colon cancer that is probably 25 yrs old! Too large to operate so chemo for now 'til it shrinks, then surgery, then more chemo/rads. My heart goes out to her and everyone in the battle.
    No matter what treatments are offered a patient and what of those are chosen, it must be in the hands of the patient. No one can make the choice for you. I wish her wisdom and peace with whatever she's facing. (your friend and mine!)

  • @shellyrae37
    Yes, wormwood (artmesia, artemisinin, artecin) can be greatly helpful in some cancers. But not all cancers will respond nor in all people. There is a very helpful testing facility called RGCC which will take your blood sample and test it against 47 natural substances and dozens of chemotherapies and tell you just what your cancer cells react to. Or you can test for just chemo or just natural.
    Then there is finding the right combo. Mine came up with a dozen naturals that were effective but taking all of that at max dose could overload the liver/kidneys, etc. and put you off balance. Of the 10 or so mine came up with, only 5 were chosen as optimum in combination for me.
    All cancer patients wanting to try natural therapies should have an expert on their team. e.g., I tried mistletoe which was shown to have 0% effectiveness on my cancer, although many women have had great assistance from it. IV Vitamin C was my most effective, by the way.
    Good luck to all in the battle - no matter what path you choose! I send my warmest thoughts and gentlest hugs!

  • Brunch yesterday on the harbor in Harwichport. Lovely. Rick had a nice Pop's Day. Ate al fresco, great food, great view, did my Sunday Xword puzzle while Himself read the news. I don't do news on Sundays. Then we were lazy all day. He wanted to go fishing on the tide but the wind came up and screwed that plan.

    Hope all the pops were lazy and spoiled!

  • @songbreeze
    That cake gave me a toothache!!!!!

  • Greetings!
    I've been lurking but had nothing intelligent to say. Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. I'm waiting for my first great-grandson's arrival..... about 6 more weeks. Our gift was a stroller/car seat combo that I can't wait to push down to the beach with the wee one wrapped in one of his million new outfits/blankets. The shower was Sunday and it was remarkably overrun with clothing. I wonder how they can ever use it all! I suggested they save half for the next one and they both just glared at me! We always think we'll NEVER go through this again then time passes and we miss that baby stuff and think maybe another one would be fun. For now, I'll be thrilled to have this little bairn. They're both so incredibly mature for their age (24). They'll make wonderful parents.
    Weather's been great on Cape Cod but I fear the heat and humidity are just around the corner. I hate humidity but hate a/c's even more so we survive on fans and opening blinds to the shady side all day long.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Mike looks like someone we'd have loved to have a beer with! RIP

  • Reen and Katie......

    So glad you're feeling better. Lovely way to start the Summer!


    Hair looks great and so do the cheeks! My friend's hair came back lighter colored, curlier and thicker than previously. We all loved it but she wanted her original hair. Aaaahhhh.... it's hard to please us! She was happy to donate her pile of turbans, scarves wigs, though.

    To all!
    It's meteorological summer as of today (winter for you, Julie!) and it couldn't be more beautiful on Cape Cod. 70's, light breeze, bright sun. Loving it!


  • Katie @fyrqueen
    I hope you get answers soon, but you may not. My diagnosis was based on treating for this and that to see what worked and then naming the condition! So I apparently have Bartonella and the basic Lyme disease which is Burghdorferi or some such nonsense. It's all nasty and I feel sorry that you're so uncomfortable. Yes, the abx cause as much trouble as it cures and you may need more rounds of the doxy. If you react really badly as I did (day 26 of a 60 day protocol I was deathly ill!) you can try the herbal route. But it's not covered by insurance. Google two things: Byron White Formulas and Great Cape Apothecary (products are Lyme I, Lyme II and Lyme III from this second one.) As I say, not covered so a great commitment --- let's hope the meds work and don't roach your immune system, adrenals, etc. Take probiotics a few hours away from the antibiotics so they don't counteract each other. Be good to you. Juice some veggies. Lots of tea. Lots of sleep.
    Gentle hugs!

  • Shelly
    Yes, I still do have Lyme and may possibly always have it. Well-controlled most of the time but do have flares and Herxheimer reactions. That last is like a healing crisis when there's a large die-off. Not fun. Tick-borne disease is from spirochetes - little snaky looking germs that can change shape, revert inside of cell when danger is present (medication) and lie dormant until it's safe to re-emerge. That's why you hear of people on 'long term antibiotics' or in my case, on herbs for life. So although I get around most of the time, I never know when hips or knees or something will just rage at me. But I'm so much better off than many fellow patients so I try to just adapt. I rarely have neuro or cardiac symptoms anymore. TG!

    It's beautiful on Cape Cod today --- about 10 degrees cooler than Boston which we'll be grateful for over the holiday weekend as it's predicted to get into the 80's & humid. Hubby blew his knee out again and is hobbled. So I'm hiring a carpenter to do the completion of the cabinets & install exhaust fan --- to prepare for the dude to come tile the walls and then someone needs to paint ceiling and yada yada yada. So many picky things like put knobs on cabinets, does it ever end? I almost hope the house doesn't sell right away so I get to enjoy it!

    DH can't have arthroscopic again on that knee so the deal is to wait until knee replacement is warranted. Doc shot it up with cortisone and he's down from the stiff brace to an elastic sleeve but needs to not bend the thing much for a good while. Meanwhile, he's got severe tendonitis in his wrist so that's braced! Anti-inflammatory for knee will help that, too. Poor guy!

    I'm off to Mexico again a week from Sun. Monday at the clinic and back home on the red eye. I still go to Doc who treated my cancer if only once or twice a year. It's a fast trip ----- 37 hour turnaround including 12 hrs in air. ugh. Add to that the drive to and from airport of 2 hrs each way. I dread going thru TSA check now with all the delays. I hate taking my shoes off and walking thru filth of the last million people to walk the same path. All because one moron made a failed attempt at blowing up a plane with his shoe. And I don't breathe well from the time I enter the airport until I leave the destination airport. 10 hours of staleness!! Wouldn't it be awful to work in an airport all day long every day?

    It's about 2 weeks til shower for the coming great-grandson! The carriage/car seat combo we bought is sitting in the living room in its box and I'm DYING TO OPEN IT! DH says no - leave it - but I'm thinking we'll open it anyway outside of shower to roll it in to parents so why can't I open it now? DH is afraid I'll dress up the cat and put him in there and go for a walk. HAH! Actually, my favorite task as a young mom was pushing the carriage daily as far as the wee one's nap would allow.

    Breakfast time. spinach and jack cheese omelet. Fresh pineapple. And more coffee!

  • katie_delano @fyrqueen
    YES! The clinic I go to for holistic things is where I meet tons of Lyme victims. One of them has a newly discovered strain which sounds pretty awful. She gets infusions of Vitamin C and some other stuff for her adrenals and the Lyme. She was in bed or a wheelchair for a year before coming to this clinic and getting the right diagnosis. Much better now but get this: her husband, daughter, mother and best friend are all newly diagnosed with Lyme! All in the last year. There are way more victims than are reported because most docs are not Lyme Literate and treat folks for all the wrong things.
    I'm afraid to walk to the beach! Lots of tall grass for the stinkers to hang out in just waiting for me to go by so they can lunge!!!! We do routine checks every time we come back in the house.
    My dog got erlichea (or something like that) from a tick bit 3 years ago and almost died. Thank God my vet is brilliant and well versed in tick-borne disease.
    Be well!

  • OH, MY!

    Does anyone know what became of Chris, lovely lady who posted here a lot? I know she had health issues such as mine and have been thinking of her a while, but afraid to ask. I was MIA on the board for so long I'm afraid I missed some things.


  • AH.... Just did the obvious and clicked on Julie's pic... found her actual ID. So ignore the last question. I'm just a little brain-dead! Comes with age.

  • Someone please tell me....... how do I address a message to an individual? I used the @ sign and what I thought was right ID's but only Reen's shows up highlighted so I guess the others aren't right. TSK!

  • @katie_delano
    I should have mentioned.... since you're taking doxy you should also be taking probiotics, and particularly a yeast probiotic. The only one that I can name is saccharomyces boulardii ( or sacro-boulardi, pronounce sac-ro-boy-ar-dee). This will prevent the doxy from roaching your digestive system. It just needs to be taken several hours apart from the med so they're not fighting each other. I don't know why docs don't routinely prescribe probiotics when giving antibiotics to their patients. It's just so dumb when the side effects are totally avoidable! Meanwhile, lasagne was adventurous. I'd stick with veggies and light soups for a bit.
    I do hope this nasty med is worth it for you and beats the snot out of the tick-borne nasties! I've had Lyme 6 years and it's managed okay - still have flares. I think you're so early in the diagnosis with your treatment you'll avoid being a "lifer" like me! Good luck. And Happy Birthday! And ditto on the lesson on aging: as I've said - too soon old, too late smart!

    You do satisfy my sweet tooth, if only vicariously, with your fantastic pix. Thanks!

    How goes it? Thinking of you! Feel better.


  • @Shelly
    Indeed, even it were ugly I would love having all the working elements of a kitchen. But it is shaping up! This was a project I'd have loved 20 yrs ago..... even 10 years ago. Our kitchen was truly tired. But, now that we're selling we do the long awaited reno for the next owner. Oh, well. Hope we sell quickly as we have abused the credit card like newlyweds. I must report, though, that buying cabinets online, installing ourselves, shopping around for cheap granite, cheap tile, cheap tile guy, without sacrificing quality was worth the effort. We finished all for 6K ---- lowest estimate from contractor was 28K. YIKES!

    Still Spring here. I'm off to shop for a nice spring jacket (actually a big old cotton shirt) for my trip to meet BFF tomorrow. We're meeting at a casino with all our pennies. I'm more looking forward to lunch there! And she has more stories about the insane sister from her recent visit. I have darn few pennies to feed the slots so a short visit.

    Does anyone have recommendation on noise blocking headphones? I tried to watch a movie on Kindle thing on a plane some months ago but couldn't hear it over the engines.


  • Oh, what a pleasure to make an omelette and throw the shells in the sink, run the disposal, load the dishwasher and run it, and have the coffeemaker on the counter! What we take for granted every day. Looks good so far but still no wall tile. Electricican tomorrow will install stove exhaust fan. I've cooked on that stove for 20 years with no exhaust fan but apparently buyers would believe it a terrible transgression to go without!!!

    Weather is truly and finally Spring! Love it. DH and I went for haircuts today with no jackets! This weekend: ES & TS spree!

    @carma48 --- keep that white stuff up there!


  • Countertop & sink go in today. DS, the plumber, follows to hook up sink/disposal/dishwasher. By this afternoon I'll have a kitchen back (sans wall tile, but that won't get in my way!!!!) There are boxes and bags of crap all over the house that need to go into the new cabinets. It will be a labor of love to set up. And I promise to dispose of half of it at the local thrift!!!

    OH HAPPY DAY!!!!


    PS: There will still be whining as I touch up wall paint, patch ceiling, wait for tile guy. But you can ignore me as it's just not as life-sucking as this last bit has been!

  • @katie_delano

    10 days not enough... seek out a lyme literate doc. The spirochete of Lyme infections have a 30 day repro cycle, which is why they do 60 days. (wipes out next generation larva). Wishing you well with this.

    There are people who've been on long term doxy for Lyme for years. I don't like that idea but they are that sick. Once the adrenals are roached, it's hard to fight it all. That happens after a very long time of not being treated while doc says it's this that or the other. I have a friend who went 14 years being told she had everything from depression to multiple sclerosis. She was in a wheelchair when she came to my holistic doc about 5 years ago. MUCH better now but what could have saved her would have been a proper early diagnosis. She's lost her marriage and many years of active living.

    My son-in-law did the 60 days of doxy and is now on herbal treatment. BUT, like myself he has flares and herx reactions on occasion. He's young and strong but this knocks him on his butt.

    Again, you're at the front end of this. GOOD!

  • @katie_delano

    I have Lyme... be glad you're getting on this immediately! 60 days of doxycycline may well wipe out whatever it is! I ignored all my symptoms for 6 months so I'm a "Life Lymer" no doubt. I failed on doxy so turned to herbal treatment and have kept it under control but I don't think it'll ever be gone. I'm thrilled that you are at the very onset of this!

    EVERYONE: Tick-borne disease is flourishing. Check yourself every time you come in the door from the yard, field. If you see a reactive bug bite (I thought mine a spider bite!) don't ignore it. If your doc is not Lyme Literate, insist on a test. Symptoms of various Lyme infections: joint pain, fatigue, brain fog, rapid heartbeat, and even burning itch in hands/feet. Be well. Lyme is nasty! Don't let them tell you it's fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression..... insist on being tested. Immediate treatment can wipe it out.

    On a better note, Cape Cod is having the second amazing Spring day in a row! I'm off for a walk while DS installs dishwasher.


  • SUCH good news about Gail.... warm hugs for upcoming med. procedure. Reen, too!

    My dishwasher will be installed tomorrow! No more hanging over the tub to wash dishes! Won't have sink and countertop until Monday. Wah. But the dishwasher will be a godsend.

    Today was SPRINGLIKE! Finally. No jacket - bright sun, balmy breeze.


  • @oklahomasong_Gail
    Is everything okay? Dang those tornadoes are God-awful! Be well! In all ways!

    My daughter used relaxation tapes before surgery (especially designed for that purpose) and asked the surgeon and anesth. if they'd mind if it were played in the OR. They were both aware of the creator of the CD and wholeheartedly agreed to play it during surg. They put the CD player in a septic paper bag. She had hip replacement and was up much faster than most patients of same age, required less anesthesia and came out of it quicker, and had overall less pain killers while in hospital. The mind is powerful. Let it make this easier. I'll be thinking of you Thursday!


  • Anyone know if Gail is ok? Today's tornado looks like a beasst!!

  • Morning, All!

    Today is Day One of my umpteenth attempt at weight loss. No carbs except occasional rice and GF bread. Ugh. The good news: I have a wonderful neighbor whose son is an importer of fine chocolate, so I always have nice dark chocolate - at least 70% cocoa. A little every evening will do it. When it's fine chocolate you don't need much And Thank God for fruit! Otherwise, all that fish and veggies would get tedious! And, of course, there are birthday cakes and morning sweets on this site I can virtually enjoy!

    Mother's Day was lovely - flowers, farm fresh organic eggs from DD's farm, Soapstone white elephant (white for good luck; elephant because I'm a nut for elephants!), terrific lunch and the grandson's lacrosse team slayed the opponents 12-1. They all appreciated their new umbrellas when the skies opened up toward the end. I was feeling sad, though, because BFF wasn't seeing her only child. Although she pretended, I know it bothered her. How many millions go disappointed that day?

    The sun is struggling to show its face - just a glimpse now and then. It's about 9 days since we had all out sunshine!!!! My joints are screaming for a warm, dry day. But then, I think of our friends in Alberta and I'm content with the gray and the rain.

    Carl (@carma48)
    Looks like a fabulous shop! I think running a glass shop/thrift, etc. must be a great way to spend your days!

    You mean there's a Mothers Day Cleaner? ALl these years I didn't know. Never showed up here! TSK!


  • @Carma48, @gabla
    True, true, true! The doctors have all fallen in line, though. After having my 3rd child the doctor handed me a fistful of scrips as I left with my 12 hr old child. I asked what each was for and gave 4 back to him. He said "you might have pain, though!" I said, "worse than the 13 hrs of labor which I did with no drugs?" I then asked if his wife would be coming by to handle this 7# baby as I'd be in no condition to handle her if I took the PERCOSET he prescribed! He laughed nervously. I never saw him again. And I did fine at home with lots of naps and some help with housework.

    DH had knee surgery and got a scrip for 90 oxycodone. We asked him to rewrite for 21 --- a weeks worth if you're not abusing it. He said just 'save the rest'. At the pharmacy we asked to have just 1/4 of the scrip filled and were told that would take physician approval. We ultimately took the scrip and put the unused pills - about 70 of them - in the police collection box. What a waste. Insurance paid for an excess that we didn't need or want. Many seniors are flushing them down the toilet which puts them in the groundwater and explains partly why such an increase in hormonal disease. Others are targeted by druggies for break-in. And even some are becoming dependent on unnecessary opioids.

    TV has convinced people that no matter what hurts there is a pill to fix it. Whenever I complain of arthritis, allergies, headache.... the inevitable answer is 'what are you taking for it?". If I reply that I'm going to drink a big bottle of water and lie down for my headache, I get very odd reactions.

    The tail end of the TV ad for poisonous pills is a high speed recitation of possible side effects up to and including death. Then it's right back to the idyllic scene with the happy patient enjoying the sun on the lake, pain-free and full of vitality.

    If you question a doc about side effects you're told the odds are miniscule. If you ask what you can do other than meds there is a look of such consternation on doc's face. Huh? What can YOU do?

    It's all so sad.

  • Morning!

    Please, let's all pray that tomorrow brings rain as promised to Alberta --- heavy and lasting. Whatever all our weather patterns may be, nothing is as bad as this!!!

    I'm dazzled with the news that woke me up: it's only 9 days to an 8:00 p.m. sunset! So where is Spring? Would be nice if we could send New England's rain toward the northwest! My grass is now 2' tall and begging for a mow!!!! Must have dry weather for at least a day or can't do it. Maybe we should borrow some goats?

    So tomorrow is Mother's Day and for 2 DD's and 1 Granddaughter-in-law I headed out to get potted flowers...... but, in light of the fact that it's going to rain through GS's lacrosse game, I changed it up ---- got each of them a stylin' umbrella! And of course, while in TJ Maxx, had to tool through the baby dept. Got a pile of crap for the impending Great Grandson! Can't wait to get my mitts on this new baby. DH can't wait, either, since we've already hit the charge card for a fancy car seat/stroller combo for the shower in June. He'd like to know if there's a maximum outlay expected from old and poor great-grandparents. I said yes, that occurs when the card no longer works. Deep sigh from DH. He loves the grands but thinks a box of Pampers is enough of a gesture. AS IF!!!

    Half done kitchen is getting under my skin. And bathtub being used as sink for pot washing is odious. The day the sink/dw are connected I will have a cocktail. First in several months but this will be quite the occasion for it. No matter how ugly my old kitchen was, it served me well and I miss that unconscious assumption that there is a counter on which to put things down and and a sink/disposal into which I can throw egg shells. Using paper and plastic has double the trash and I feel guilty to be dumping so much.

    Other news: My lovely Cape Cod has the worst heroin problem of any region in the state. Well all opioids, I guess. This makes me terribly sad. 35 years ago a psychiatrist friend of mine said that drugs are worse and more prolific every year and will be the downfall of the society. That 95% of crime will be associated with drugs within a generation. That most of the problem will not originate from drug lords and pushers but from doctors. He was so damned right. Very sad. I see no real relief in the future.

    Have a lovely weekend, even if it involves rain!!!

  • Morning, Glassies!
    No rain but still overcast. I'll walk with cell phone in pocket just in case Mother Nature lets 'er rip. So looking forward to a nice SPRING day! Eventually.
    Unfortunately, our Mother's Day gathering includes GS's Lacrosse game, for which we expect showers. Ugh. This to be followed by lunch at DJ's, the home of the world's best chicken wings. Indeed, this is not on my diet but I'll splurge. I'd love to have them all here but there is no counter/sink and would be impossible.
    I'm obsessed with the fate of Alberta folks......... imagine being told to get out now - to take nothing, just go! During the threat of hurricane we usually have a 'go bag' but hells bells...... a wildfire could happen any time. God bless them.
    I watched a report on Oklahoma and their increased risk of earthquake -- getting worse than California! Due to fracking or some such thing. Always something of great magnitude to worry about!!
    If you're having lovely weather where you are, get out and enjoy it completely!

  • @shellyrae37
    You're right about Prilosec.... I only take it 2 wks at a time and the last time I had to take it was 18 months ago. As we know, the best treatment is lifestyle changes. (yawn!) I found that I was snacking just before bed which is lethal.... now I force myself to sit up for an hour after the last morsel!

    Til you meet up with Mom again, may she rest in peace and may you see her smile in your heart at least once a day.

    Why on God's green earth is it too cold for a walk on May the freaking first!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!


  • @reen
    Good luck with surg!!!

  • @fyrqueen
    When I get it together and am ready to list, I'll put a few pix on this site. It's such a process! As for where to go next --- we'll look at them all. Low maintenance and nearness to the ocean will be top of the list.

    YUK! Enough of that white stuff! Glad you can't see it from your door!!

    We have a weed that went quite prolific 20 years ago on Cape Cod, along the Connecticut coast, etc. It wasn't usually found here. It's called japanese knotweed and it came on about the same time that Lyme Disease overtook us here. It happens that Japanese knotweed is the number one go-to herb in natural treatment of Lyme Disease!!! Mother Nature knows her stuff! I always feel bad now when I pull weeds. Could be yanking the cure for something!

    And to all the others I wish a wonderful second half to Spring. (Fall, Julie!) I love this time of year. Haven't been feeling well enough to enjoy it. Had a period of gastric distress --- ate ice cream several times and that's all it took. Too much bread, too! So now I'm on the GERDS protocol, sleeping with pillows, small meals, no acid, no bread, no dairy, taking digestive enzymes, prilosec for 2 wks, and the occasion Rolaid. I feel like a fool as this is definitely self-inflicted. Had one horrid night after a build-up of several days of uneasiness. Took the horrid night to smarten me up.

    Too soon old, too late smart.

  • Mawnin!

    Went to visit 3 of the Resident Owned Communities in the Plymouth MA area.... of course, the one I like is the most pricey. But we passed another that it was too late to visit so will go there as well. It's much closer to the ocean, has a lower monthly rate but requires a buy in to the corporation.

    The problem with one of the projects is the units being too close, like a campground. And the 2 people we met were both rather low on the food chain. Gives you a bad taste. The 2nd one was fabulous but the units were overly large with 2 car garages and huge lots. More than we need or want, really. The 3rd was padlocked so we didn't see much but we did see fifth wheels and such so more like a campground, too. There was a 1 mile bumpy road leading into it which put me off my feed immediately.

    This last one might be the thing. Perhaps we'll ride up there today. It's much closer to the Sagamore Bridge (the easternmost span over CC Canal.)

    Of course, this is all so premature as kitchen isn't even finished and it will be weeks b4 we're on the market. Ah, well.

    Chilly Spring day. Must walk!

  • Morning, All!
    I am happy to report that BFF is on second leg of journey to Beantown, having endured her 3 wks with DS with neither meeting an untimely demise. She texted her joy from the layover point in Chicago as she ran her own little marathon from the end of one terminal to the hub, and out to the end of another terminal. Whyever do they sell connecting flights like that? Anyway, with 53 minutes between flights, a long trip to flight #2 and a stop for a fruit salad, she found time to text the words to a hymn we were forced to sing in HS in 4 part harmony.... PRAISE THE LORD.
    The kitchen cabinets will be completed today, sans sink and countertop which will come Tuesday. They are quite pretty. I prepared for the sinkless portion of this reno with a trip to Kmart for paper plates, cups, tin foil pans for cooking. I don't know what we'll do for eggs & bacon in the a.m. Can't do that in a baking pan. 6 breakfasts out = too much $.
    We're expecting weather in the 60's here today. Nice long walk on the agenda.

  • @dorbits @Shelley
    Mass. also celebrates April 16 or thereabouts for what is called Patriots Day. It's actually in commemoration of the battles at Lexington and Concord, start of the revolution, but it's really celebrated so people can go to the Marathon. This is why Mark Wahlbergs new film about the Marathon bombings is called "Patriots Day". My kids think the day is supposed to honor our beloved football team. Isn't it wild that only Mass,, Maine & Wisconsin celebrates it?
    And in Boston only, they celebrate Evacuation Day which is actually St Patrick's Day. Again, this is to allow the good Irish folk (and those that wish they were Irish!) the ability to attend the parade. There are any number of pub style explanations of what Evacuation Day means but many in Southie (South Boston) say it's when St Pat drove the snakes out of Ireland. Whatevah!
    I'm still dazzled as to why we celebrate Labor Day, other than to have one last gasp of BBQ, watermelon, and strawberry shortcake with friends and fam. This year the entire government shut down for my birthday, coincidentally Presidents Day this year. Now there's a holiday.
    On another subject, I'm in search of the perfect trash can to go in the newly prettied kitchen. OY!!! Who spends $150 for a container for trash? They're so pricey and/or ugly and/or non-matching to my new scheme. Not enough cabinet space to hide it away. I actually got a stomach ache at 7 a.m. browzing Amazon for something wonderful. I think I've settled on one for $50 which isn't as big as we'd like. $50!!! I could buy a fabulous corner shelf for my teapots for $50!!! Husband has no pity for the cause. He'd be happy bringing in a metal barrel from the shed. But I know among the glassies there are some who feel my pain! So that's my bellyaching for today!


  • Ahoy, Glassmates!
    I've been wrapped up in the kitchen makeover so missed a few days. It's going ok and I can't wait til it's over. I'll be w/o a sink from tomorrow through next Tuesday. I dread that. But all worth it in the end. DH is afraid I'll love it so much I won't want to leave!
    As to moving, we've heard about a place that's off-Cape (oh, no.... the mainland!) in Carver MA. The home of Ocean Spray Cranberries. It's a Resident Owned Community of double-wides and Park Model units - year round, for the over 55 crowd. Quite lovely and we could buy in for cash and have no mortgage. A modest monthly HOV fee would cover maintenance, tax, insurance, etc. We'd be in great shape for paying all my exorbitant natural meds and treatments, and even for travel. It makes sense in that if I survive DH, I can afford it and if he survives me, there is no maintenance to speak of - nothing he couldn't afford to pay to have done for him. It's about 1/2 hour closer to the VA hospitals he visits, 1/2 hour closer to Boston and 1/2 hour closer to 2 of the kids. Same distance to the ferry for 3rd kid. It all makes sense, doesn't it?
    But I wonder about scaling down from 2400 sq ft, plus attic, plus cellar, plus full sized shed to 1000 sq ft, no cellar, no attic and a half a shed. I wonder about being so close to neighbors although in this setting there is a good amount of separation between units. I worry if someone nearby smokes. I worry about too much I think. Must be open to this.
    Still getting daily text-moans from BFF re her DS. Apparently Sister likes to whistle and does so in places like elevators, museums, etc. which makes my dear friend cringe. She is counting the hours until they bid a fond adieu to one another (33 as I write!) and has asked me to tie her to her kitchen pillar if ever she mentions an extended family visit in the future. I promised the tether will allow her access to the fridge and powder room and that's it.
    New England is so beautiful in Spring. The weather is so undependable but in between the chill and rain are some magnificent hours. I complain when it's damp or rainy but wish Carl some nice wet forests. He's so far north of us we're in different flight paths for storms. Surely iin Northern Maine the risk of fires being subdued outweighs a sunny picnic.

  • Faith & Begorrah! More complaints from BFF re sister: yesterday GPS told Sister to take the next right & she did so - immediately - right up the off-ramp from the highway! While BFF is screaming and Sister is saying WHAT? there are 2 cards headed down the ramp and still she doesn't see it. BFF screams for her to pull over. THEN she realized what she did. Also, Sister uses the directional at the same moment she is changing lanes. Never tip your hand too early, I guess. This is on the 6 lane highways at 80 mph. And when BFF shrieks it begins a bit of a war. There are 9 more days left to this 3 wk visit. I see it coming to no good. I did suggest BFF drive from now on. I also suggested she begin a novena to St. Somebody - whoever is in charge of sanity.

    It's almost yard sale/estate sale season here on Sunny but Cold Cape Cod. I'm chomping at the bit. Sick of reno and we're not halfway done.


  • Oh, my Glassy Friends......... I am having such fun getting texts from BFF who is off in Arizona visiting sister for 3 weeks. I fear one of them will be dead soon - it can't go on as it is. Sister is apparently an avid gambler and BFF is an occasional casino goer who's done in a couple of hours. Sister is not. Also, sister got a new car a year ago and hasn't quite finished the manual yet so there are occasional arguments in the foggy mountains as they travel, about why Sister can't find the hazard lights button or some other item of import. Or when she insists on "driving while squinting" rather than put on glasses. Apparently they had a yard sale that would have amused me no end but aggravated the beejaysus out of BFF. They've driven to San Diego and my fingers are crossed she won't throw Sister into the sea. OH, and Sister made her sit through a stupid time share presentation today so they could get free tickets to something or other. I am sure BFF would prefer to pay. I got a two word text during that fiasco: " KILL ME!" I thank my lucky stars I'm at home putting in the new cabinets.

    Speaking of which..... what a job! measure, level, measure, level, measure, level --- okay screw 'er in. OH, SH....! It's upside-down! We're doing this only to pretty up the joint to sell it. We need to scale down from 2400 sq ft to half that and we need one level living for DH. Trying to maximize the take on this place so we can have a tiny mortgage on our senility setting. So a bit more rehab. This is the end of it, though. We'll have someone put in countertop/backsplash and put it on the market.

    It will be hard to move. I love it here. I love my beach. I love my town. Now I'll love my kitchen. Hope we find the perfect place in same town near some beach or another.

    Happy Spring. Or Autumn, to you, Julie.

  • CARL @carma48
    Isn't New England a joy? An unpredictable wench who refuses to follow the rules. Or the calendar. in '76 it was snowing on Easter Sunday but the previous Christmas or the Christmas after we were on the beach in Hyannis - some of the family actually went in the water! No rhyme nor reason. I guess that's why we have to have a codicil on every invitation: In Case Of Inclement Weather..........

    It's quite cold on the Cape and it's snowing lightly. Again. Deep sigh!

  • Greetings
    All this talk of putting pets down, and the horse, too, has made me terribly melancholy. My heart goes out to all who have to send a loved fur-person off to Rainbow Bridge. My George, a gentleman catperson is 21 so the end is nigh. He's still spirited and will go outside and "hunt". But he's near blind and a bit senile. And our Corgi Girl, Foxy, is 13 and they don't live many years beyond that. I'm trying to be prepared but we are both madly attached to both. I still cry when I remember our dear old Calico Kitty, Miss Ivy, that we put down 7 years ago at 13 years. She was a self-taught service cat that took care of DH during the early years of his Apnea -- Extremely Obstructive type. Dear Ivy would lie on his chest and gently whack his cheek when he stopped breathing. If DH pushed her off, she'd wrap herself around his head and reach around to cheek-swat him! Once he'd had 3 surgeries for apnea and was on the right machine, Ivy continued her duties by whacking him when the machine was making the wrong noise (meaning the hose was crimped or the face mask twisted). She was the most unfriendly cat in the pound where we got her but she climbed on Rick's chest as he walked by her, from her favorite spot hiding on a shelf. She adopted him and I am forever grateful to that old girl. She knew he needed her and she became his health advocate! Our vet marveled at her for all the years we had her.

    So hugs to all the beloved pets out there and hugs to all who have to say goodbye.

  • SHELLY @shellyrae37

    My husband fell for that scam with the pop-up telling him he had a virus. The thing was, you couldn't get rid of the pop-up and were instructed to call a "microsoft technician" to remove it. He fell for it because I was sleeping (can't leave that man alone!) and gave them his card for $250 to remove it, and was then asked to pay $200 more for 'insurance' against this virus. At least he refused that. When he got off the phone I was just coming out to tell him to go to bed and he told me about his foolery. I immediately shut his system down completely and meanwhile my phone was lighting up with warnings from the bank asking if we really wanted to pay these fools. So we called the bank and said NO, it's a scam and they removed it,,, took 30 min. In the a.m. we had our geek SIL dial in to DH computer using TeamViewer and he removed all the detritus left behind by these stinkers. The deal is, if you don't pay the $200 'insurance' they leave little worms that will cause the same issue days later, at which point some people will pay the $250 again .... PLUS the $200 insurance!!! And it still may come up again and they'll tell you it's a different virus!!!

    By the way, anyone who took a course from Microsoft can call themselves a MS tech. And what they're doing isn't even illegal. It's just horribly deceptive and they prey on (usually) senior citizens who are - let's face it - afraid of technology. Our kids and grandkids grew up with a device in their hands and are more comfortable with electronics than with people, but we will die in awe of the whole damned mess. I remember the bliss of not having a phone, even, in the house 'til I was 16. We lived in the city and actually walked to friends' homes (back door for kids!) to 'call on' Susie or Jack. When we did have a phone there was an egg timer on the desk so you'd better do your business and hang up! We spent at least a few hours a week poring over an encyclopedia finding out the whys and wherefores. Life was not instant. Now in a New York Minute you can hang yourself with debt and aggravation.

    Poor DH got a ration from his frustrated wife and again from SIL. He won't do that again! SIL has a tech company on Martha's Vineyard and spends 2/3 of his time undoing messes like this. He'd much rather set up networks and do fun stuff but nay, nay. Too many scams out there.

    Be safe!

  • @Nancyjean --- plain old lemon oil works great on gunk!!

  • Carl @Carma48 -- yes we're going to get blasted with Old Man Winter again! And I had promised you gardening in shirtsleeves! Maybe next week! The Cape will probably get a lesser dose if the foolish thing stays on present course, but....... wait and see.

    Irene @jmart8248 --- can I have a piece of that cake? drooool! Happy b'day!

    Off for a walk. Hope the wind cooperates.


  • Greetings, Glassies!

    Fenton ---- my favorite color! Gorgeous!

    All I can say for New England is "Gray! Gray, gray, gray!" It stopped raining but we have the promise of more for part of each day going into next week. Deep sigh. I just walked toward the beach but didn't make it... on the last turn the wind whipped off the ocean and slapped me in the teeth. So home again, home again, jiggety jig. Speaking of jigs, I have no plan for having corned beef and cabbage tomorrow as it's too much trouble to make a big (and illegal) meal and then have to eat it for 3 days (triple the illegal part!). No restaurant around here is doing the gray and I dislike the red intensely. The gray is only available in Eastern Mass. for the most part and I do resent those local restaurants who opt for the red! So I'll drop a half a lime in my water and that'll be my bow to 'the green'. And I'll look at Fenton's green, green glass!

    Yesterday SIL had his 3rd brain surg in 10 years. This time no cancer! It was a 'fast growing cyst' and deep in the tissue near the optic nerve. His vision has been deteriorated each time and I think this one will mean total blindness. But not cancer. He has been cheating death for 10 years, as it started in the lung. His second surgery on the lung was because this one spot wouldn't shrink from the chemo or rads or whatever...... guess what? It wasn't cancer! The surgeon said he had NEVER seen malignant and benign tumors in the same lung. So we keep preparing for his demise and he keeps fooling us! There is a greater plan for him, I guess! His boys are thrilled to pieces. I guess it just doesn't pay to 'prepare for the worst'! It just robs your soul and may be for naught.

    Raccoon invaded my house before we lived here full time. Curtains, tablecloth, carpet...... torn to shreds and urine everywhere. Rick found the poor thing in the back room - or the corpse, anyway. He must have starved to death as he came in through the chimney and there was no way out. We'd been away for weeks. RIP, stupid 'coon!

    I think I'll do something tropical with shrimp tonight. I'll pretend I'm somewhere warm and cheery... put some beach music on.


  • FENTON... gorgeous glass - even the broken one!

    Today is DS birthday and tomorrow my DD - the oldest. 2 wks ago was the youngest DD. They are now 40,48 & 50. The oldest will be a grandmother in a few months (which I've already fretted about, being the great-grandmother!). Having these birthdays clumped together is an extended annual reminder of how old I am!!! So I'm now dedicating life to two things: dump this joint and get into a nice little one story abode, and travel to Ireland. Some folks have much longer bucket lists, but I think I've done a lot of fun things already. Just need to know that DH will have no stairs to contend with given his balance issues, and I need to see the "old sod"! The grandmother I'm named for is from County Clare. I've always wanted to roam the places my brother has sent me in pictures while traveling there extensively for business. And I have very good recommendations from my gay hairdresser as to castles for lodging and restaurants. What would we do without the dear boys? They have such good taste. I won't trust brother for that kind of thing as he has a Super 8 Gold Key for domestic travel and thinks Olive Garden is Italian food!

    I'm so happy to see my crocus peeking out here and there. Such a rich purple where all else is brown grass and bare branches. Yesterday my walk took me along the bay as usual.... it was flat calm - like a mirror. I can see to the outer harbor where my DB's ashes are cast and so I had a nice chat with him. I asked him for a sign that he's at peace and 10 minutes later I got a text message from his childhood sweetheart! I hadn't heard from her in several months and out of the blue..... I think DB whispered in her ear.

    CARL, I think the worst is behind us. Soon you'll be in shirtsleeves in the garden!

    Happy Day to All!

  • Evening, Folks!

    Well, let me say that the Wendy's pigout sat in my gut and caused aggravation long past the hour when I would otherwise have been asleep. I had 2 Rolaids, a quart of water and 2 cups of tea before things settled down. NO MORE!!!

    Yes, good china, good silver and even good crystal and glass are not commanding the prices they should. I find no dinnerware in any store that I would pay the asking price for but have a set of Royal Doulton that's 60 years old and magnificent. Wouldn't fetch $300 in a thrift for the whole set, but precious to me.

    It's going to be 70 degrees tomorrow. FIrst time in many moons... I'm excited. Maybe I can go for a walk without a jacket! Today was insane - started walk in the chilly wind with winter jacket, hat, gloves. At the beach, the hat and gloves came off. Halfway home the jacket was off. Lugging all of that the rest of the way home was no fun. There had to be a 15 degree difference in the course of my 4 mile walk in just under an hour.

    I'm ready for Springtime, daffodils and open windows!!!

  • Hi, Glassies!

    My BFF just tried to list her 'good china' on ebay and discovered her million dollar stuff is worth pennies on the dollar. She's flabbergasted as this crap was about $500/place setting when new. I commiserated, but really, I don't know anyone else who would spend $500 a place setting. Just think of the heartache when a dish hits the tile floor and smashes into tiny bits? Or you cause a chink in the gravy boat from banging it on the faucet? She used to be a lot wealthier. She finds it tough down here on earth.

    Meanwhile, Ebay is billing me for $3.99 and I haven't had a transaction with them in years!!! What's up with that? It's 'In Collections" for pete's sake! I'm too lazy to go through the brouhaha of tryinig to contact someone to figure it out.. I just got about $20+ in refunds for illicitly collected ebay fees. No clue what that was about, either!

    I'm eating fast food tonight. Spicy Chicken sandwich from Wendy's. Fries and a shake, too. Bad Janice! BAD, BAD, BAD!!!

  • @donscns ---- CONGRATS! I await my first GREAT grandchild in August. At 69, I'll be a GG!!! Time to get a porch rocker and a shawl. Enjoy the little darling. I hope mine's a girl! I have 5 grandsons.... no GD's. Fingers crossed!

    Carl --- Husband drooled over that big honkin' fish!!! Family dinner for a month!

    @gabla ---- Happy birthday! Eat something decadent!

    All you Glassies....... we actually had snow on the Cape yesterday a.m. and this a.m. Just passes through but annoying. They promise 70 degrees by Wed!!! As they say here in New England, if you don't like the weather --- wait a minute. The foolish sun is out now.

    Tonight is the Grand Finale of my all time favorite TV saga - Downton Abbey. I've seen it already, as I buy each season on Ebay - can't wait for the every Sunday night installment. No matter. I've seen each episode between 6 & 10 times. Probably watch them all a hundred more. It's my go-to sick day activity. Like my 2nd favorite, The Newsroom, this was extremely well written, well cast, well-acted and very authentic as to historical fact. What will my next all-time fave be? Not much comes out in a year worth viewing. Sadly, the audience has very low expectations of the entertainment industry and they don't disappoint. HOWEVER, we have all those batsh.... crazy debates, town halls, primaries, caucuses, speeches, soundbites, film clips, and general madness that is election year in the US of A! Now THAT'S entertainment! Some of it low drama, some black humor, some the height of the ridiculous and some just plain funny.

    Our leaky roof was repaired, the burst pipe in the attic repaired, and the ceiling all that water took down is repaired. I sit here with my fingers crossed looking around for the next calamity. Hope we get the joint sold in Spring before it implodes.

    Enjoy Sunday, All! Hope it's a lazy day for everyone.

  • Yes, Cape Cod Lady is the same as Sunwoman3663. Both me. After a long hiatus things had changed when I signed back in and could NOT remember the password. Had to create a new identity. Should have chosen one with a lot of money!!!!
    Sorry for the confusion!

  • OH GOOD GRIEF! It's snowing again. Hopefully not for long and not accumulating. Big warm up tomorrow with lots of blowing rain. Yuk! I have an appt in Plymouth which is about 35 min away. Not bad unless there's WEATHER!!!! I'd like to stay home and look at all my birthday flowers. The thing about winter birthdays is that absolutely everyone thinks you need flowers! And you do.

    We do a big gathering in early March to celebrate my birthday and that of my 3 kids. This year we'll add a new celebration: I'm to be a great grandmother (groan!) in early August. The parents will go to the ultrasound appt and receive a sealed envelope telling if it's a pink or a blue baby. Then they do a (get this) GENDER REVEAL at the gathering. Oh, my. Half the fun of being pregnant, and there wasn't much that was fun, was wondering if it were a girl or boy. I think I'd rather not know 'til the end.

    I'm still try to adjust to the thought of being a GG. But the thought that it might be a girl is exciting! I have 5 grandsons. No girls. It would be such fun to buy bonnets. And pink headbands. And little dresses and slippers. PINK things! Well, better not count on it. Whatever it is it will be adorable. And when it gets cranky it will go home!!!!

    How many days until Spring????????????????????

  • JULIE,

    Thanks for the cake and coffee! Nice way to start this odious birthday which starts with 6 and ends with 9!!! OMG... that means the next one will be officially OLD! I'm talking shawl and rocking chair old! No more being asked if I qualify for the senior discount. Yuk!

    It's still bitter cold but far less wind. DH won't even allow me a trip to the mailbox as breathing is impossible outside without a balaclava covering your face. I'm giving this cold some TLC for just 1 more day. Tomorrow I must resume my role in the human race.

    Funny thing about post office... sent a box to grandson late Friday -- he got it Saturday a.m. He's about 85 miles from here and mail goes thru the dreaded Providence RI 'sort facility'. No one more surprised than me. However, I sent paperwork to California DMV regarding my deceased brother's car TWICE and they still don't have it. Maybe that's not the USPS but the stinking DMV fools.

    It's lovely that they've declared my brithday a federal holiday! Even google header is birthday cakes! Sweet!

  • Hello, Folks!

    I got the cutest valentine via text today. It's a picture of a dog that looks exactly like my Corgi girl. It says:

    Roses are gray
    Violets are gray
    I'm a dog!

  • Donscns,
    I'm sure you already knew that the hackers use a virus to get into your contact list to send out crappy advertisements. Most people won't open an email from an unknown sender. You probably did nothing to cause it --- you're on someone's contact list who is not careful enough about 'stranger danger'!!!

  • Donscns
    At the suggestion (that is, COMMAND) of my son-in-law, the computer guru, we downloaded Panda antivirus years ago. We tthrew out McAfee, Norton, etc. and use Panda only. Not even the upgraded version - just the free one. We have had zero virus interference ever since. It updates on its own, thank God, as I remember nothing. Needless to say I haven't done a disc defrag in a year so some things run slow. My bad. But not a hint of a virus in about 5 years! SIL has a computer company and tells me that most of the virus remediation calls he goes out on are from businesses with McAfee or Norton.
    Just sayin'!

  • Good Morning!
    Let me start with warm hugs and deep sympathy for the losses borne by our fellow Glassies. There is never a good time to say goodbye. We must rely on the love around us to carry us through.
    Katie, I've had the "horribles" also since coming back from vacay in Jamaica. In fact, it started there so interrupted our trip with a lot of down time. DH cut foot on pool bottom so the two of us were a pair! Since I haven't had a cold in 10 years I didn't know how to behave. I had forgotten how it takes over mind, body and soul. I'm coming out of it now and am quite happy to spend today indoors with fuzzy slippers on since it's -6 degrees here. We had up to 50 mph winds which brought the real feel to about 40 below, but that was in the middle of the night when any sensible person was tucked in bed. It's going to be 50 degrees onTtuesday. CRAY-CRAY, as the kids would say. (crazy)
    So it's Valentine's Day! Whether you have a special someone to spend it with or are on your own, I hope it's a day of warmth and goodness. And a little chocolate.
    Eager to be free of the frigidity and the clogged sinuses so I can visit some thrifts. Needing a glass fix BAD!!!
    Carl, congrats on firing up 2 vehicles! We're waiting another hour or so until wind is finally down to try ours. We so wanted to avoid the outdoors that we didn't go out to the box for the paper! I downloaded my crossword online and decided there's no news I need to read today!
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  • Greetings, All!

    We have about 10" here on Cape Cod -- we're in West Yarmouth which is south facing. Incredibly high winds and for a while the world looked like a snowglobe on steroids. It's still going on but the wind is slightly less... probably 30-40 mph but it was crazy for a while. We are hunkered down and have a plow guy coming in the a.m. We still have power so I'm watching Nurse Jackie reruns. All is well. So happy our vakay wasn't beginning this weekend!

    Stupid roof has a leak AGAIN and it's only 8 years old. We've had 4 repairs in 6 years and this new roofer insists that his answer will definitely fix it. Warranteed. Guaranteed. Absolutely. Echo.........echo...........echo. We have to have faith, I guess. The fool that installed this roof was not licensed but I didn't know that. He asked me to take the permit out myself so he "wouldn't have to charge me an extra $200" if he took it out himself. I'm so gullible. Rick was sick at the time and of no help. Anyway, at this point I'll have paid for the roof twice again once I give this latest guy $1500 and add in all the other repairs. MORAL: LICENSE! WRITTEN GUARANTEE! REFERENCES!

    Tomorrow is roast chicken on the rotisserie in my new toaster oven. That's another thing that crapped out on us --- our toaster oven lost the top burner so wasn't so much a 'toaster' as a plain oven. Anyway, this might be fun. Lemon, tarragon and garlic. Probably make the brand new oven filthy and take an hour to clean.

    OH... and the refrigerator suddenly is too cold! It freezes my salad dressing which is olive oil, lemon juice and herbs. ????? I keep turning it down but wonder why the stupid thing is getting colder. Psychotic thing!

    All mishaps in my life come in three's so I'm hoping that's it for screw-ups in this house! Roof, toaster over, fridge. That's wnough.

    Snow should end in the a.m. We'll take the Sunday crossword and go out for breakfast! YAY! My favorite meal to go out for! Then football (AFC championship) at 3:30. GO PATS!

    Stay warm, stay dry!

  • JULIE - That picture is fan-freaking-tastic! I know it's Fenton's but it's a great pic.

    KATIE_DELANO - You were down the road from me! I live in West Yarmouth - about 15 min from Sandwich. Would have met you for a glass drool if I'd known!

    SHELLY - Darn, is my bathing suit supposed to fit? My solution: big old cover-up. And as far as behaving responsibly with $... I just can't this year. It's been 10 years since we've had a real vakay, and in that time I went through cancer and lyme disease and got hubby to the right Parkinson's combo of med and herbals. While we're able to, we're having this one vakay. 69th Birthday coming up next month. Time's a-wasting! Must have that last horseback ride on the beach!!

    Hope everyone is enduring the chilly-willies. We haven't had snow yet but had funky blueberry sized hail last week. It stuck to the ground for many hours. Looked like a polka-dot lawn in front of my house.

    Time now for the Pittsburgh Steelers against the Denver Broncos. Rooting for Pitts because if they win they play us here at home (Patriots) next week. Otherwise we have to schlep to the mile high stadium to play the Broncs. I just think if you don't live there in that air, it's harder to breathe much less play football.

    Have a cup of hot cocoa, everyone!

  • Hello All!

    I keep getting booted out of this site! This is third attempt to say hello!

    I've been quite moody for a couple of weeks due to stinky weather, heat on constantly drying out my sinuses, and total boredom. SO.... we're going to Jamaica for a week starting 2/2!!! Shouldn't we pay some bills with that tax return? YES, we should. But we're not. My only regret is discovering after making the reservations that the Super Bowl is 2/7/16 while we're in Jamaica. Hopefully the hotel management is smart enough to have this air somewhere on the grounds! No guarantee my Pats will be in the contest but one can hope!

    My only fun this month has been debates and watching lots of news on lots of stations so I can keep up with the pack of jamochas vying for the most powerful position in the world. I am amused. I usually have a 'Quote of the Day' to entertain the family and friends with and there have been doozies this cycle!

    So, Julie, for 8 sun-filled days, 7 glorious nights I will be almost as warm as you and floating in the sea. Different ocean - same water! Think I can lose 50# in 18 days? No? Oh, well......... I'll go fat!!!


  • WOW! Post office took 9 days to deliver my property tax payment ELECTRONICALLY! ????? Did get my xmas gifts here - took 6 days - and much needed vitamins (including Zinc & vitamin C or 'how we conquer the boogers!') arrived day after Xmas. That was an 8 day journey - usually overnight. The town collector was very forgiving as there were hundreds of mail-delayed arrivals. They went by postmarks.

    On another note, my DD is having a breast biopsy today and I'm extremely tense. Very brave on phone with her and admonished her for holding back what she was going thru so not to 'ruin the holiday'. Told her holidays are meaningless when your babies are troubled. I know 75% are benign but every woman in our fam has had a female type cancer. Good thoughts are rabidly invited. I can't calm my tummy down. Green tea and a long walk is in order, I think.

    I guess I spoke to soon about my optimisim for '16. Must wait a few days to see if there is cause to be so rosy!

  • Happy Holidays to Everyone! Sending warm hugs and wishes for peace and prosperity in the New Year! I feel so optimistic about 2016! Lots of good news in my family and DH & I are holding our own. We had a fantastic day with the kids Saturday - our family Xmas. It was the year of the deli food and 'make your own sundae' bash with lots of laughs in between. Lasertag was delayed to another day during school vakay due to travel timing for my kids. They're in 3 different directions.... not easy to co-ordinate anything!!! It was a wonderful day and I was BEAT when they left..

    Today is cookie baking day - healthy cookies that DH & I can actually eat guilt-free, then we're roasting a duck with orange sauce! Will have Eastham White Turnip and a crazy busy salad,too. We open our goodies tonight then we're going to a 'summer church' in Hyannnisport. It's called St Andrew's by the Sea and has no power whatsoever, so you dress warm and bring a flashlight to find your way in. Once they get started it's a beautiful candlelight service with a sweet choir. (flashlights off) I say dress warm but it's nearly 70 here so we won't have a winter parka on, for sure.

    Tomorrow we're meeting friends at the casino.... they do Xmas Eve with their fam so are free tomorrow as are we. They'll follow back here for dinner and the umpteenth viewing of "A Christmas Story". I've already watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and "National Lampoon's Xmas Vacation". Those are my must-see's every year!

    We have fingers crossed that the last package comes in the mail today... it's at our local P.O. as of yesterday. It's DH's gifts for me. Of course, he waited 'til the last bloody minute. If it doesn't get here I don't care. We'll still have a lovely time and it'll come eventually.

    Again, best to everyone!

  • Julie,

    I just did more online shopping for DH at Duluth Trading. They have the funniest commercials but the stuff is super. That leaves just a few picky-pickys left. And I'll have to hit the Christmas Tree Shop for bags, tissue. (I do NOT wrap! Bag it all!)

    Our holiday is next Saturday, the 19th so the kids can have Xmas Eve or the day for in-laws, their own kids, etc. We're keeping it simple with a big deli feed, then we're all off to see Star Wars & back to the house for make-your-own-sundaes. Sadly, I'll get only strawberries, pineapple chunks, and a wee bit of chocolate sauce. I wonder how the other theatre-goers will enjoy the film with 15 of us clumped together and probably not quiet at all. 3 of the kids are 12-14 so they're really looking forward to this film. I'm not.

    Please go to youtube and look for 'hippo fart'. It might just be my online Xmas card this year!


  • Hello, all you Glassies!

    Haven't popped in for a while... not feeling great. Not awful but just worn out. Whatever energy I've had has been sucked up by holiday chores. Not fun. I did some online stuff but there are things that need actual brick and mortar stores. I positively abhor malls, traffic and typical holiday tunes on Muzak. And people who steal the parking spot you waited for for 3 long minutes while Grandma maneuvered her way out of it. And people who cut me off in traffic. And store clerks, restaurant clerks who say "Zat it?" And over-decorated houses that look like Sears Trim-A-Tree Shop blew up on their front lawn.

    However, I love putting large bills in the Salvation Army bucket instead of eating out. I love the girls choir who flash mobbed their harmonized rendition of O HOLY NIGHT at the supermarket. I love homemade Christmas cards from the grandpuppies. I would love to meet the folks who tied mittens, hats, scarves, etc to the trees on Boston Common for those who need them. I love that everything is shut down on Christmas Day and wish the same were true of The first day of Hannukah in honor of my Jewish friends.

    Hope you all enjoy lots of the stuff you love about the holidays and not much of the poopy parts. When you think of it, those poopy parts are the least important.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Greetings!

    Hope everyone had a delicious and enjoyable weekend. And remember, holiday season is now underway ---- don't forget to turn your scale back 10 pounds!

    Time for the Patriots game and more pumpkin pie. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrp!


  • @jerseystar, @ Carma48
    Well I'm glad I already had dinner b4 reading Carl's description of that Italian food! I had fried burgers with A1 and provolone on the plate - no bun - and sauteed summer squash and a bit of leftover white turnip. Specifically Eastham white turnip which I think only grows on the Cape. Or they'd have you think that, anyway. The season is short... about a month... and I love it. So creamy compared to the rutabaga. ANYWAY, dinner was good but would have hit BLAND on the desirability scale if I'd read about THe Village first.
    I once got a gift certificate for Olive Garden and sent it to a friend of mine, a fellow Irishwoman and her hubby - also Irish. They wanted to know why we didn't go and I said "We don't like it but it's Italian enough for you two!" Thankfully, although I grew up in the typical meat & padaydas kind of household with canned veggies every night, I had a lovely friend named Theresa from a large Italian family. Her mother spoke no English but could say to me "Mange, Mange.... you too skinny!" On Sundays dinner lasted 8 hours at her house and the cast of characters was delightful. Like Sopranos. I liked pasta fagiole so much better than beef stew! The veggies were fresh and dripping in garlic and herbs. There were 10 courses and the desserts were works of art. OMG............ wish I were there now!
    My dessert tonight as last night and the night before is a Macintosh apple. ho hum.

  • @carma48
    Italian is so hard to find -- good stuff, that is --- when so many people are content with things like Olive Garden. They don't even have Italian bread, for goodness sake! I'm so picky about the sauce and like a more Northern Italian style.. Light red rather than purplish red. The latter would have a lot of tomato paste in it to thicken it which I despise. If the sauce is allowed to 'cook down' you don't need to thicken it. And I'm a fan of 'aglio olio' which is pasta with garlic and oil. But I will have a tiny bit of sauce on meatballs. But the meatballs have to be fantastic.
    My main inspiration for going to our favorite Italian joint (DiParma in West Yarmouth) is the tiramasu for dessert. Oooooooooooo-weeeeeeeeeeee!
    Now I'm hungry and I'm going food shopping. Big trouble!

  • @Shelley
    Butter sure is better than margarine which is plastic food! My holistic doc said never never eat margarine! Ghee is just clarified butter which you would make by melting some then cooling it. The fat solids would rise and you could skim them off, then reheat and pour through cheesecloth. You're left with amazing buttery flavor without the fat to clog your gut. Now having told you that, you can see why I'll gladly spend $6 for a tub of it already clarified! It lasts a very long time because you need so much less of it on your toast or veggie. We still buy butter for cooking certain things (that need the fat) but I use a lot of ghee. For the lobster dipping this will be incredibly easier as each person needs about a 1/4 cup to dip in. I'm with you, though.... I'll never eat anything that resembles a giant cockroach!!! I'm having grilled shrimp and/or some seared cod with herbs.

    The end of the Pats/Giants game was, as the kids would say CRAY-CRAY! (crazy, for you folks uninitiated in kidspeak) Looked like the Giants were playing Hot Potato on the already run out clock. We were on our feet shouting until the ball ran out of bounds. What a game. I hate the physicality of football but every game sucks me in bigtime. When it's close I get so into it my tummy hurts. Oy. So for the moment we're still undefeated. And our balls are fully inflated!!!

  • @carma
    We've eaten at Becky's.... wonderful. My DB and his married kids lived in and around Portland but Becky's is a must-go on the way to other parts of Maine. (the way life should be! ...as it says on the billboards!)

  • I correct myself... my Patriots are playing the Giants - not Jets. What was I thinking? We don't play the Jets 'til 12/27. Well, they're both NY - always our big rival in baseball and football. We are finally beating them by 1 little point but 8 min left! Go PATS!!!

    Katie, that wouldn't be enough for sure. I think we are 12-15. Hopefully they let me know for sure ahead of time. Lobbies are not cheap right now. (gulp!) But any extras can turn into lobster salad.

    TOUCHDOWN!!!!! Oh crap! Flag - we were holding.... 10 yd penalty. OMG, another penalty in our favor. First down. CRAP AGAIN! Intercepted! No TD. No ball. I'm going to have a heart attack!!!!!!!!!

  • @katie_delano
    Perfect! Hope I find some sweeties like that!

    I've decided to just heat up some ghee instead of going through that mess of clarifying butter. Some people just melt it but it's much easier on the gut if clarified. Ghee is clarified. Daughter-in-law on dessert duty. One daughter on appetizers. Other daughter rather useless in the kitchen so will be put to work serving lobsters. Grandkids on clean-up. Our fish market is steaming the lobsters and DH will pick them up. I'm responsible for stuffing my face and giving orders. Well, I do have to prep and cook veggies ahead of time but once my lard is in that chair I'm to be served and obeyed. aaaaah..........

  • @katie_delano

    So happy your family is well. Yes, it is devastating to think of all those families preparing funerals and the many more being treated for injury. Again we are in shock that these horrible people think they are doing something in the name of their religion! There is no religion on the planet that espouses such heinous crime. I think of Israel/Pakistan, England/Ireland and on and on..... supposedly in the name of God. How dare they! We don't know the answer but can only pray that response is right and just. BTW, my BFF is planning her trip there soon.... one more thing on her bucket list. I encourage her to keep making her plans. We drove (dared not fly) to NYC a few weeks after the debacle there just to show solidarity, spend some money, stiff upper lip kinda thing. She should go to Paris. SOLIDARITE`! (don't know how to make that accent get on top of the 'e'!)

    We saw "Suffragette" at the artsy theater. Very well done but DH can't understand much that is spoken with a Brit accent. Although it's his mother tongue it seems foreign to him. Deep sigh. Also, Meryl Streep has in essence a cameo role in this film! Weird. Anyway, it's an interesting look at the fight for women's vote in England which was ongoing as my grandmother was fighting for the same here.

    Pats today against the dreaded NY Jets! Could this be the one to break our winning streak? Wish i t was always 1 pm but this one starts at 4:25 which means I'll be screaming til about 8.

    I had 16 little glass drawn butter cups for lobster and 16 nutcrackers. I find 6 of the first and 4 of the other! I think borrowing monkeys have depleted my supply. Must replace by 11/28 Lobster Madness so it's off to the thrifts.

  • Mornin' All!

    Haven't checked in for a few days... felling punk and I think it's psychological... not facing the fact that winter must come, it must get dark at 4:30 and I must bring out the hats and mittens soon. So I sleep. And nap. And play computer games.

    I have made my nontraditional T-giving plans. We do it on Saturday so there's never a fight for our kids about "we went to your folks last year" etc. SO... it must be non-turkey and we usually have a theme... one year Italian (Thanks-a-giving), another year it's a fish fry (FishFeasting Day, one year Thai (of course, ThaiGiving). So this year it's to be Lobsters, drawn butter (buddah, actually, in these parts of the world) Herb roasted Potatoes spears and Garlic Parmesan Zucchini sticks. Lemon Sorbet and Ginger crisps for dessert. THe nominated names for this whack day are The Feast of The Sea Roaches, ShellCracking Day, and Butterfingersucking Day. I think I'll stick with calling it Saturday. And it's fun that I can set the table with paper platters, plastic tablecloth, etc. And a load of napkins. A lot of trash beats a lot of dishes/pans to clean any old day. I'll give thanks that the dump is open Sunday so DH can take all the remnants. Can you imagine what 16 lobster shells smell like the day after? I'll have every critter in the nation in my yard!!!

    I try to watch every debate on both sides but last night was tedious. I switched to reruns of Homefires on Masterpiece Theatre. Love that show (PBS)

    I think you're gorgeous! From what I understand, your hair may come in thicker and a different color. Be ready for a surprise! Congrats on ditching the scarves and turbans. Must be incredibly freeing. I recently gave away every darned pair of high heels in my closet and attic. There is no reason why a 68 yr old woman should be uncomfortable on purpose!!! Sandals are my go-to dress shoes now! Winter or Summer. And if I can avoid dress-up occasions, I do. Been there. Done that. Got the hammertoes and bunions!!! In fact, I'm going to theater Sat. night (will record that debate!) and I'm wearing tennis shoes, elastic waist pants and a big ole Patriots t-shirt. 10 years ago it would have been a dress, heels, and a flimsy dress jacket. That's history,

    @Julie, sorry about your gran. I guess it was time for her to rest. So soon, though.. another loss. Life is rough sometimes.

    Waiting for the stinking rain to stop so I can walk. Meanwhile, HAPPY VETERANS DAY to all who served including my DH, DB, DB, DS, and my late DB. Thank you for serving!


  • @Julie
    Glad the service went well. Big hugs to you and to Mom. It's a tough time. I can't take down the collage of pictures I had made of my DB. I walk by it all day - touching one picture or another and saying 'hi!''. I am so grateful he's at peace and so am I, really, but it doesn't stop my missing him.
    Wishing you peace in your heart!

  • @Julie, @ Shelley
    Speaking of tending the grandkids...... I've just talked with my old friend from Connecticut who is 63 and now raising grandkids #4 & 5! She did raise #1 who is now 23, and in between raised #2 & #3 part time, In the case of all 5 the mother was a druggie. It's so unfair! My friend is a sweet, loving, generous person who happened to raise a bipolar daughter and a very foolish son who married a druggie. All 5 grands are doing well thanks to my dear friend. But at a time of life when we should sleep late, go to yard sales and read a lot - maybe take a trip now and again - her life and income are consumed by kids. And she doesn't complain. There must be a special place in heaven for these 'second time around' parents. Maybe one with a spa and fabulous chocolate mousse! And for her DH - an overstocked fishing pond!!!

  • JULIE,
    So sorry to hear of your brother's passing. He's at peace now. It's one month and one week since my brother left us and I still talk to him every day -- a lot! I know he's in a better place but can't help missing him. We talked several times a week for an hour or two so it's a big chunk missing. My heart goes out to your Mom, too. We're just not supposed to bury our babies. It's so wrong.
    Be good to you,

  • Wow... a little chilly here on Cape Cod; Rick is just coming back from fishing (or really, feeding the fish as he's got not one to bring home!). Still, I'm glad not to be vacationing in Puerto Vallarta today. Bless those folks. This is going to be horrendous!

    Met up with BFF today at a casino! We lost our pennies but had a lot of laughs. I made her try a Kale Crush which is a smoothie (kale, pineapple, carrot, apple, etc) and she fussed like a 5 yr old. She drew the line at the veggie burger on wheat bun with avocado, etc. Ah well... old dog, new tricks.

    Fired up for the game Sunday (my beloved Patriots). I already marinated the chicken wings in lemon and garlic. Have some leftover lamb stew and will do Thai Pineapple chunks. It'll rain there in Foxboro but we'll be comfy on the couch. Thankfully, it's not at 8:30 pm like last week! We like 1:00 kickoff. Too old to stay up until midnight screaming at the TV!

    Such pretty glass to look at here lately. Keep it up! And the hanging gardens, JIML, are wonderful!

    A lazy weekend to All!!!

  • Carl(carma48),

    Oh, yuk! Definitely not ready for snow. I think Portland ME, too, had a chance of seeing flakes? Even Fitchburg MA (north central part of state) had a slight dusting.

    Sure sign on Cape Cod that Ol' Man Winter is on the horizon: Four Seas Ice Cream had their annual sell off in preparation for a long winter's nap!

    We haven't even raked leaves yet and somehow the snow shovel is back into the front hall closet.

    Deep sigh.

  • Okay, so he was lovely to offer to bring in laundry and it did save him a few steps, but the point is, we're so dependent on our connectivity that we are repulsed by the thought of expending a bit of energy. And neither of us has mobility issues to speak of. When we go into Home Depot I lose him immediately and have to ring him up after a while or I'd never escape the place! When I park the car at the mall I can never find it again without hitting the beeper on the key fob! I can't find places in Boston I've been to a hundred times without that MAPS thingy on the phone. I feel sucked into the electro-cyber-madness!!!

    The worst, very worst, modern age communication I ever got was after donating to a charity in memory of a deceased friend. The daughter-in-law took the chore of thank you notes and chose to do it via EMAIL!!!! I was appalled! I understand grief as it's fresh in my soul right now but I find this unacceptable and crude. I will handwrite every thank you by end of this weekend.

    OK, that's out of my system! The best part of cyberlife is not writing out checks for the bills. It's all done by computer and some of it is autopaid! Monthly bill paying takes 5 minutes. Still just as painful but faster than all those envelopes, checks, stamps, etc.

  • I had a day of miscommunication 2 days ago. Mercury was NOT in retrograde. Sun spots? Revenge of the Cybergods? My computer couldn't talk to the printer - even with the usb cord attached. My phone changed my contacts... e.g., Susy gets Mary's phone #, Mary gets Jack's phone #... etc. AND it got stuck on the call log page and wouldn't back up, shut down... nothing. The computer at some point said I had no internet connection while I was staring at the little indicator that said I had internet connection! I gave brief thought to throwing all things electronic into the sea but DH stopped me. I think he's in with them on this plot to drive me out of my ever-loving mind.

    I was 16 before there was a phone in my house. A pink princess phone that sat on its lovely maple telephone table from S&H green stamps. It was like a shrine. Couldn't use it w/o permission and then for 3 min. only. From this we have let the science take us over and rob us of precious melatonin and sanity. My grandson laughed like a fool when I told him to put the phone down and go call for his friend. It had to be explained how you went to the back door and asked for your friend in the pre-cell, pre-unlimited phone service days.

    Seriously, my husband called me a while ago from the back yard to ask if I wanted him to take the clothes off the line.


  • WOW! big thunderstorm here at about 10 a.m. Stopped now and just hearing distant thunder. It's amazing how sandy soil here sucks up those giant puddles fairly quickly. Now I even see patches of blue but know the storms will be back. So no big long walk to the beach today! Just prior to the downpour there were 100 birds in the yard franti cally feeding. They knew their breakfast would be cut short, I guess!

    Our 20 yr old cat keeps barfing all over the house. Eating/drinking ok and eliminating normally. He could be failing but still killing small birds, moles and jumping around like a kitten. We give him hairball stuff regularly - could be that.

    The wee bit of sun we had this a.m. came through a window to reflect on a lovely piece of elegant glass in the dining room. Surreal!! Nice treat before the onslaught.

  • @Fenton
    Yes, Kevin is a dear friend of ours from the years we spent all our winters in Panama. This was in the Playa Area about 100 'clicks' from PC. He's building up in Azuero Province now, where he'll retire. Hopefully to shoot more butterflies! But his son, Carl, will take over the construction company and like all dads, Kevin'll be sticking his nose in, I'm sure.
    Were you in in Albrook? We know lots of "zonies".

  • Don @donscns
    Google my friend Kevin Painter & butterflies. He's in Panama and has taken some AMAZING photos of butterflies - in fact has been published in several places. He got some that have never been photo'd before! I think you'd love the pix taken by this British bloke who builds houses in real life and hunts beautiful butterflies for fun.

  • Mawnin'!
    I see everyone is anticipating the oncoming stark, cold days. I look at the patio furniture on the deck and hope the grandkids show up soon to put it away. I pulled one small a/c out of a window and pulled a muscle! Too old for that stuff. Now I'm back to the chiropractor.
    Thanks to all for the good thoughts and warm hugs. It was a tough loss as we were only reunited 18 months ago after a 26 year hiatus. But like the wise man said --- if you get there 5 minutes before you die, at least you get there.
    Meanwhile, I ask for intensely good thoughts for my grandson (26 y.o.) who is struggling with alcohol & chemical dependency. He flirted with death twice in a month which breaks my heart. He's handsome, talented, smart, and athletic... and could have a great conversation with a pope or a pauper. There is no immunity for this vicious addiction disease.... anyone's kid but for the grace of God. He's waiting for placement in a long term rehab so fingers crossed, and all prayers welcomed!
    It's funny, I'm looking forward to the colder weather and the boredom that comes with it. I'm hoping for a drama-free winter even if we deal with nor'easters and frigid noses. I just want some peace. I want to meander through the thrift shops in the off season. I want to learn how to make plum pudding with lemon sauce.
    Many of you have had similar challenges this year.... wishing you a boring winter, too!

  • Good Morning to All!
    I've not posted in a few weeks as we were consumed with the final disposition of my dear brother's life. Finally , yesterday we had a memorial service and cast his remains into the outer harbor of Hyannis MA. It was quite lovely, although the 63' catamaran bounced a bit and turned 3 mourners green! The music, the beautiful blue skies, the lovely boat, the fabulous floral wreath (that flipped upside down as it was cast into the sea!) and the small group of loving mourners made for a very special tribute. Laughter as much as tears dominated the day. A seafood luncheon at a restaurant on the wharf gave the 20 of us a special bonding time in full view of the bay that cradles him now.
    My heart goes out to those that have, are currently or will soon deal with the loss of someone close. It's so hard to deal with your own emotions and simultaneously dismantle that person's life and do the odious paperwork required at such a stressful time. Grace under pressure becomes a mantra and a most difficult assignment.
    And for anyone fighting cancer, you know you have a special place in my heart. Healing angels comin' at ya!!
    I wish a happy, blessed day to each of you - and perhaps a delightful 'find' in the search for glass treasures!

  • Greetings to All, and a special shout out to Gail! Apparently you got wonderful news that I can't find on my scrolling journey but 3 cheers!!!!

    Sadly, I have to report that my dear brother, Freddy, left this earth yesterday morning. It never is easy but this one hit me in the face as we have plane tix for tomorrow to go back and see him. Bought them about 8 hrs before he passed. So we'll go anyway and arrange things and see if we can clear out his mobile home. I'm so sad but it has helped to start planning his service. We'll do the cremation there and bring him home for a scattering at sea and we've all chosen one song for the service. So far there are 5 pieces of music. We'll have a lovely seafood brunch after at a restaurant on the bay. And we'll tell outrageous stories of when we were little and he would entertain us. And he'll be at rest and hopefully so will we.

    I'll check in with the board as I go through the chore of dismantling a life in California.


  • Don!
    Yummy berry bowls, although putting berries in them could only spoil the look!!!! I adore that shade of green and have some Colorado pieces in the sunny window as we speak. I'm sure the sun ruins the color but these are not perfect specimens anyway. Your pattern is an even richer emerald.

    Wishing rain for all who need it, especially in California and other western states who are burning up unmercifully. Isn't it a cruel joke that when you need millions of gallons of extra water to put out fires, the fires happen when there's not enough water? Bless the residents, the firefighters and all those folks breathing in the fumes for miles around. When I left Livermore on the morning of the 13th, the rental car was covered in gray ash. It made me so sad.

    Beautiful day on Cape Cod and I got 9 hrs of sleep... first time in 2 wks I got more than 4 at a time. Feeling good. Bro is being moved to Hospice at Skilled Nursing Center. Wishing him peace and dreaming of being with him at the end. That may not work out exactly right and I'm prepared for that. I hope he is.

    Have a blessed day, Everyone!

  • Katie,
    I have discovered that Burts Bees (in every CVS, Walmart, etc) has a lemon insect repellent that works for everything that bites! The best part is that it's safe even for babies and you don't absolutely have to have a shower when you come back inside. Just a gentle lemon scent and it's in a non-aerosol spray. Cheap, too. Bugs love me and hate my husband (has to do with the sugar in your blood) so I was thrilled to find something that allows me out on a warm night without getting bitten alive as Rick always has that privilege.
    And along that vein, 2 yrs ago I was introduced to the best deterrent to those stinking tiny ants that invade my kitchen every year: just a spoon of sugar, a 1/4 spoon of boric acid powder and a half cup of water. shake it up in a small bottle and use just a saucer full at a time on the counter. Mine was actually in a fine bone china teabag holder this year! Just add a bit every day until you haven't seen one of the stinkers in a few days. I haven't had to put it out in about a month now. But if you saw my counter in early June you'd have called the Board of Health!
    Final hint: we need to stop the weeds growing up between the pavers in our walkway without killing the grass alongside. Suggested was to mix a tsp each of table salt, & dish soap in the garden sprayer and fill with cheap white vinegar. Spray when no wind just where you want it. Might have to do 2-3 times over a season. Will try this weekend. Up yours, Monsanto!!!!
    OK, that's it for natural remedies! Enjoy your day, Glassies!

  • Reen! I'm so sorry you're surrounded by this god-awful disease! It's such a devasting illness. Have added all your loved ones to my sadly long prayer list.
    Peace, Janice

  • Thanks for all the warm wishes. It does help!!
    Had our lovely dinner and ready to watch Wheel of Fortune!
    Diversion is the key!

  • Greetings to All and Happy New Year to our Jewish friends!
    I've been off to California for 10 days... long way from Cape Cod! Started off as a short trip to see stepson before he moves to Thailand - that was San Diego. On the way to the airport for return flt on day 3 I got a call that my older brother was in hospital near San Francisco. He'd been sick for weeks but this was a 911 call and it was determined he's end stage - lung cancer. I'm shattered even tho the writing was on the wall for years. So off to northern Cal for a week and had to finally come home. I hope we make it back there before he exits stage right. I'm next of kin (only kin that cares) so I'm overwhelmed by a lot of different thoughts. Please send Freddy warm thoughts of a peaceful passing.
    Meanwhile, visited a thrift as a diversion in Castro Valley CA and was wishing I had an extra suitcase. Gorgeous elegant and other antique glass. Even saw a lovely tiffany - my bro adores tiffany lamps!!! Champagne taste - beer purse!!!!
    Our weather is incredibly more appealing that what we bore in California. It was 107 in Livermore where we stayed. Good Grief! So 80 degrees and dry is lovely here today. Had a nice walk and contemplated clouds.
    I'm trying to make today special. Life's so precious. Must plan a wonderful dinner for DH and I. Maybe we'll dine al fresco.
    Enjoy your day, too, everyone!

  • Holy Moly! I may never get my sugar checked - or glucose or insulin--- whatever it is they're after! Yesterday I mistakenly took a med that I was supposed to skip for thyroid test so didn't go for blood draw after all that maple syrup and pancakes and sausage and coffee cake and coffee with sugar. So today I had eggs, toast, coffee cake, sausage and off to the lab I go to arrive in time to have a 2 hr blood draw. (that is, 2 hrs after I stopped stuffing my face) The idiot who checked me in didn't understand the request and talked to no less than 4 people on the phone, faxed the form to someone and somehow got me checked in. I marched through the hospital about 12 miles to the lab where I sat eternally while the blood sucker wench got on the phone with all the same questions and she talked to 3 different supposed experts. I was now 1 hr and 5 min late for my insulin test so stood up and said "I have no confidence in this lab. Goodbye" The lab wench had the nerve to call me at home and ask why I left. I told her that I had never run into such poorly trained, inept hospital employees in my life and that if I get hit by a car on the Cape, the helicopter is going to Boston --- NOT CAPE COD HOSPITAL.
    So if I'm diabetic I'll have to not be aware for another week. I must go to my regular lab which is 45 min away. Meanwhile, no more high carb breakfasts for at least a week! I have the taste of cotton candy in my mouth!
    And I could have gone to an ES instead but it's too late now. Would have been more productive!!! Grrrrrrr!

  • Good Morning to All!
    It's a bit muggy on Olde Cape Cod but not too hot. Don't know how Gail can stand 118 degrees, even in front of the A/C!!! Take care, Friend!
    I was privileged to have a high carb breakfast this a.m. in anticipation of a blood draw. Checking my sugar. What fun to slop all that real Vermont maple syrup on my french toast! It's been a while.
    Today is day one with another new stupidphone. They can call it what they want but to me they are stupidphones. I can't for the life of me find "speakerphone" nor can I find the apostrophe on the keyboards. My learning curve as to pictures, etc. will be a long one. Funny thing is, my DB who is 10 years older than me (so 180!) calls ME for advice on how to this 'n that on the phone. Blind leading the blind.
    Again we have real estate open house Sat & Sun so no ES's, no YS's. Sniff! I suppose it's good not to buy more treasures that will need moving should we ever sell. But I miss the hunt so much!
    Please cross fingers that my glucose hasn't jumped into Diabetes territory! That would be devastating on so many levels. And my own fault due to years of sugar addiction.
    Have a joyful day! Janice

  • DON @donscns, GORGEOUS as usual. You find the best goodies! Was it you that showed us a fabulous pitcher in this pattern?
    As for any bug bites, my all time favorite avoidance measure is from Burts Bees, those products you find in any CVS, Walgreens, etc. It's Lemon Insect Repellent - keeps everything away for hours. It's so natural it's safe for babies so I'm not killing the environment while keeping bite-free. And I don't have to shower it off when I come in... it's that lovely! A cheap little tin bottle with pump spray lasts a couple of seasons.
    Carl@carma48, my hands ache at the thought of more tiling. If I never see grout again in its soft state, I'll be a happy woman. Good luck with it. Show pix!!!
    I have finally taken my favorite piece of elegant glass, a bowl in unknown pattern, and put it out on the dining room table. I've partially set the table in 'staging' house for sale. Every time I pass the table I wonder why it's been ignored in the china cabinet. DH is forlorn at having to hulk over the coffee table to eat dinner, but the table looks so purdy!!!
    Lovely day, all. Carl's right - the weather today in New England is perfect!!! Hope yours is as well.

  • Katie - then you must have a practitioner to help. It can easily become hypoactive with the wrong or no treatment. Iodine and selenium are the go to treatments among natural practitioners, but the dosage must be right for you. (after your tests) I hope they'll test the complete picture including free T4, T3 and not just TSH. It gives the therapist a true picture of how your thyroid is working and if it's truly Grave's Disease.
    Wouldn't we love to know why everyone's thyroid craps out eventually? It has to be pollutants or all those g.d. hormones in our food or something. My NP said she sees 3 times as many thyroid patients as she did 20 years ago. Something is radiating our poor little glands into disorder!
    Good luck with it!
    WENDY: After a few weeks with a new phone I can answer it, get voicemail and make a call. This is not to say I don't cut people off or butt-dial them constantly. HOWEVER, the camera, texting, etc. takes me far longer. Usually until the thing is just about needing replacing from too many dips in the dishwater. (I think I do it on purpose!)

  • Katie, I've read on a couple of sites something I didn't want to hear --- that cruciferous veggies are bad for the thyroid! That would mean not eating cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower........ WAH! So I just eat those things only once a week. Not sure it's true but just to be sure. The shame is that these same veggies are so protective against cancer!!! WAH! WAH!
    If ever you hear any clarification on this, I'd sure love to chomp on raw cauliflower more often!

  • Katie - The best form of iodine that you can get online is called Iodoral. It is hard to find the larger dose pills (50 mg) but the 12.5 m.g. dose is usually available. I wouldn't take this or any iodine or kelp product unless you're having regular testing of your TSH and occasional testing of free t3, free t4. I currently take 3 of the 12.5 mg pills/day or 1 50 mg only 5 days/wk. That's what I need. Any natural practitioner will tell you that standard levels according to traditional doctors is wrong. For this reason you need a naturopath, doctor or nurse practitioner who is thyroid savvy. The 'doctor' I was seeing prescribed such garbage that I went from hyper to hypo in just 2 months! I now take Armour Thyroid (yes, pig thyroid hormone!) because it's actually more natural than the Synthroid and other crap made in a lab. And I do the Iodoral because all breast cancer patients have low thyroid because breast tissue steals all the iodine leaving nothing for the thyroid. It's not something to treat casually so find a good herbalist or naturopath. Good luck!
    BTW, whenever a reactor blows there is a shortage of iodine worldwide. I had a heck of a time getting it after Fukushima. So now I have a supply stowed in the freezer in case our reactor goes. It's old (Plymouth MA) and should be retired. When it blows, only 10% of Cape Codders will get off the peninsula in time.

  • Oh see... I have the wrong "@" for Katie!!!
    deep sigh.

  • Hey Katie! @katie_delano
    Glad you beat back the spirochetes! Mine is borellia with bartonella as the co-infection. Antibiotics failed me miserably -- tried two courses in different years and only made it 3 wks then got really sick. So I stick with herbal remedies which work really well if I don't get stressed. Rick uses herbs along with his med so his med dose is much lower than it might have been. Feel free to view the house on ISoldmyHouse.com, listing #210887. We never know, you may bump into someone looking to live on the Cape in an oversized Cape!
    And dear Gail @Songbreeze
    Do feel better! I'm sending my good buddy, the archangel Raphael, to shine healing green light your way. Drink lots of tea and watch reruns of Downton Abbey all day long!!!
    Hope I did those "@"s right. Not good at this. Just call me technostupid.
    Janice @CapeCodLady

  • Didn't do those @ thingies. Hope Shelley & Julie see my response!!!

  • Hi Shelley! So sorry to hear of your MIL passing. She's at peace. As for Windows anything... I absolutely hate change and wish they'd just stop it! Every time I roach a phone it takes me weeks to adapt to a new one and months to adjust to a new computer program. Poor DH got his phone stuck in CHINESE this week so off to the T-Mobile office for a fix. Too techie for us!
    Hi Julie! It's odd to remember that your seasons are opposite.... it's so beautiful here today! The Cape is not quite as hot and muggy as Boston, which is just 70 miles away. We're always 10 degees cooler in Summer and 10 degrees warmer in Winter than Boston. (switch those seasons so they make sense!) Still it's been hotter than usual and our past winter was outrageously cold & snowy for the entire Northeast and the Cape did not escape it. HOWEVER, being a lazy retiree who does nothing but work on the house getting ready to sell it, the weather doesn't much matter to me. I can't imagine 2 days in the wind. Good luck with it.
    I'm prepping for open house this weekend. I so love my house and it's looking wonderful now. Bitter tears when we finally sell. But one story living is the right thing for us old fogeys.
    Happy Glassing, everyone!

  • Fenton, I wasn't going to mention it but there are a lot of NY plates around here! To them the Cape is still quaint and they feel like it's okay to walk in the middle of the road, cut through people's yards, and stop traffic while they consult a map.
    When Rick and I travel we go out of our way to be good at it - to leave no footprint and to respect the people/place we're visiting. That's what these ignorant poops have taught me! So it's not been a total waste!!!!

  • Ahoy, Mates! Long time no post! I have a new email and couldn't retrieve my password and blah, blah, techno-blah! So I created a new persona (would that I could do that in real life!) but those of you who remember me know it was Sunwoman3663 before. Now I'm CapeCodLady or at least I think I am.
    Hope all the old friends are well. We've had a heck of a ride. I'm having a harder time with Lyme Disease than ever I had with Cancer. Hubby has Parkinson's now so his balance is iffy. But we manage to do a lot and have our big house on the market hoping to get moved into a little ranch style home with a walk-out basement (no stairs for Rick!). Then I'll have more time to play with glass.
    I just love poking around looking at the pictures and have missed it for too long! Don, that Millard set is phantasmagorical!! You always find the treasures!
    Carl, not sure where you live but I commiserate here on Cape Cod about the tourists! They wander by on their early morning walks TALKING LOUDLY while through my open window (hate a/c) I'm waking up to rants about this and that. They are terribly rude in traffic and use their horn instead of the brake. They leave trash, butts, used diapers and glass bottles on my beautiful beach. And, get this: two old birds stopped TO PICK FLOWERS from my garden! When I yelled to stop that I was told "it's just a few flowers!" I replied that they cost $5/bloom and I don't take checks! My otherwise sweet disposition is just rotten for 10 wks/year!
    So hello to everyone whether you remember me or not! Keep those pretties posting!