• @dl11111 DONNA ... lovely vase, but I don't know who made it.

    @10bbg10 HELEN ... so sorry that you have had such sadness visit you and your friends. (((((HUGS)))))

  • @dl11111 Hi Donna. In my opinion you have an American made, antique "Brides "Bowl or basket that probably was sold originally with a metal holder or basket. These were made in many colors, plain and decorated by numerous glassmakers as they were a very popular wedding present. It is very hard to identify the maker of your very pretty but undecorated example as there are very few features that are representative of one particular maker. I once spent a lot of research time trying to id one like yours in another color. If you should find out I would love to know for future reference. Nancyjean

  • @dl11111 DONNA & @donscns DON ... Donna, I see I read your post incorrectly and that the fourth line did work well. Don, please just ignore my suggestion on re-wording the instructions.

    @jmart8248 IRENE M and @carma CARL ... Always appreciate anyone's offer to help, but I agree that if anything were to be done it should be through our @webmaster CURT who knows the inner workings and what is best for this website.

  • @dl11111 DONNA ... So sorry I can't help with an ID but what a beautiful bowl! What size is it? Wonder why the 4th line in tinypics is showing the IMG before and after. For me, the 4th line is simply the URL with no additional html. Wondering if it is looking different for each of us. Maybe we should change the instructions to read "Go to the line that says Direct Links for Layouts".

  • @ginnyrose CAROL ... so sorry, but I don't have a clue. Love that deep deep blue with silver though.

    @jswells bwcows JAN ... Glad you found the Chatroom. You need to link here to the inside of the bowl as I only see the outside of the bowl link.

    @fran2 FRAN ... interesting bowl and a new one for me to see. I don't mean it's new...just mean I've not seen it before. Hopefully someone will come along soon and clue us both in. 🙂

    @dl11111 DONNA ... good to see you! You have a great holiday weekend.